The TextBlade keyboard is superb, but you'll have to be patient



  • Reply 441 of 1615
    weirdosmurfweirdosmurf Posts: 101member
    Maybe those people who post things and then complain that someone responds to what they wrote are the ones who need to control themselves. The idea that they say they have the right to say whatever they want, but then object when some uses the same right to respond is very strange. They can complain, but they’ll just look foolish. 
    Really...? Seriously...? 

    “Maybe [other] people”... should do “things” and therefore “maybe they” should do the opposite; you’ve just made a seriously spurious argument...

    It’s a vague, non-specific “nothing” of a complaint cloaked in an attempt to appear erudite - and it is quite transparent. 

    I completely acknowledge that my initial appeal to reason has completely fallen on deaf ears (as well as acknowledging that I too have slipped in to going outside my own “circle of control” by appealing to someone else to control themselves). Appealing to reason is futile when the subject is blind to reason (yes, that classifies as a bit of a dig, but it’s unfortunately as clear as the nose on your face to everyone else reading this thread; wish it weren’t so, but we sadly can’t all get what we want...).

    Rather than rail against perceived slights or pivoting away from points you find uncomfortable (possibly because they have merit and they don’t support your narrative...), you may be willing to address some of the issues and questions which have been put about a) the TextBlade b) Waytools and c) the poor manner Waytools have conducted themselves to many of their paying customers and forum members...

    Your attempts to pivot and obfuscate around these points are conspicuous (they’re significant in a thread about the prospective product and the company attempting to produce it); you fail to address salient points and try to draw people’s attention away from those uncomfortable points with strawmen, faux outrage and distraction; “back on point please...” (as I’m sure your debate prep coaches used to say... maybe people also heard the same thing from ballet instructors... :D )

    Smurf ;)
  • Reply 442 of 1615
    I think this will change the way people work, and I have been waiting for 4 years. I would have loved to have been a TREG user. Each time I take out my bluetooth keyboard, it just reminds me that I don't have the textblade yet. I can only hope it comes out in the fall... of 2019.
  • Reply 443 of 1615
     I can only hope it comes out in the fall... of 2019.
    There is literally %0 chance of that happening. The only way to obtain a keyboard is via TREG, and those are given out at a ratio of roughly 15 keyboards for every 1000 purchased.

    That ratio, by the way, equates to about $6,666.66 paid to Waytools for every one Textblade delivered to a customer.

    Millions of dollars collected from 10,000+ customers? 4+ years. No product shipped. No keys for kids. Who has the money? Mark Knighton has the money.

  • Reply 444 of 1615
    dabigkahunadabigkahuna Posts: 465member

    cloaked in an attempt to appear erudite - and it is quite transparent. 
    Good description, but only if your post. 
  • Reply 445 of 1615
    dabigkahunadabigkahuna Posts: 465member
     I can only hope it comes out in the fall... of 2019.
    There is literally %0 chance of that happening. The only way to obtain a keyboard is via TREG, and those are given out at a ratio of roughly 15 keyboards for every 1000 purchased. 
    Amazing calculation considering you:

    1. Don’t know how many are in Treg and

    2. Don’t know how many were purchased. 

    It it would be like an algebra problem:

    x = y/z

    if you don’t know any of the variables, you can’t calculate the answer. Ah, but there is always the “assumption variable”. The only one you need. 
  • Reply 446 of 1615
    weirdosmurfweirdosmurf Posts: 101member

    cloaked in an attempt to appear erudite - and it is quite transparent. 
    Good description, but only if your post. 
    Zinger point of zero substance whatsoever which continues to dodge the points... avoidance continues to demonstrate your propensity to dodge, pivot, attack when faced with an uncomfortable truth...

    (...and as per your previous point, you make as many or more assumptions than anyone else so, back to that old chestnut (hypocrisy not becoming you...), perhaps you’d want to put that arrow back in its quiver eh...?  :*

    (Edit for errant apostrophe - gotta be careful not to upset grammar Nazis... :D )
    edited May 2019
  • Reply 447 of 1615
    dabigkahunadabigkahuna Posts: 465member
    (...and as per your previous point, you make as many or more assumptions than anyone else
    You are always free to point out examples so we can see how they hold up.

    You know, like I did with TBD's claim about what number have text blades have been sold compared to the number of treggers. He said it was one Tregger for every 1000 orders. You he doesn't actually know any of that information, thus cannot perform a calculation.

  • Reply 448 of 1615
    arkorottarkorott Posts: 100member
    Guys, this is not about attacking or defending. 

    Why harass DBK ? This back and forth does not touch base on anything relevant towards GR or the TB
    Even if he is a "paid employee who trolls" (which I do not think he is), who cares ?
    Or if he is just passionate about it and have a lot of time on his hands, who cares ?
    Or whatever other reason, who cares ?

    At least he is the ONLY voice with access to a TB left here that has more info and is willing to communicate. Everybody else left...

    It is kind of lame that WT bailed out without responding a lot of the questions being asked.
    These latest exchanges with DBK feel like shooting the messenger to me.

    If they are still reading this thread: Please WT address the questions being asked at you. Thanks
  • Reply 449 of 1615
    dabigkahunadabigkahuna Posts: 465member
    arkorott said:

    Or if he is just passionate about it and have a lot of time on his hands, who cares ?

    At least he is the ONLY voice with access to a TB left here that has more info and is willing to communicate. Everybody else left...

    If they are still reading this thread: Please WT address the questions being asked at you. Thanks
    1. For the record, I do have plenty of time! I've been retired for a long time (though I also do some part time work to keep busy and be an active part of the community). And since I work a lot on my computer too, it is easy to find gaps in my other activities to post about the TextBlade. And since I was lucky enough to get selected in the first Treg group, I feel I owe it to others to post about my experiences. I wish more would, but most probably have less free time.

    2. Much appreciated as I'd much rather talk about the TextBlade. Don't even mind talking about complaints when they are presented reasonably. Though when you get right down to it, is there really anything that hasn't been covered on that front many times? That really leaves us with two options: Hoping to get answers from WayTools (which can definitely be a problem) and, the alternative, to get info about using the TextBlade from Treg members, which I'm always happy to help with.

    3. I'm not really concerned about whether WayTools posts here or not. Few companies post outside their own sites very much, but I really do wish they would post more on their own site! We have obviously never agreed on communication matters considering how often I've pushed them about updates!

    Anyway, if you have any questions about the TextBlade or if you have a special typing situation you wonder about with the TextBlade, I'll be glad to help out as best I can.

  • Reply 450 of 1615
     I can only hope it comes out in the fall... of 2019.
    There is literally %0 chance of that happening. The only way to obtain a keyboard is via TREG, and those are given out at a ratio of roughly 15 keyboards for every 1000 purchased. 
    Amazing calculation considering you:

    1. Don’t know how many are in Treg and
    2. Don’t know how many were purchased. 

    It it would be like an algebra problem:
    x = y/z

    if you don’t know any of the variables, you can’t calculate the answer. Ah, but there is always the “assumption variable”. The only one you need. 
    I know you publish a list of known TREG participants. Last time I checked, it indicated 131, so I generously rounded it up to 150.

    I know WayTools claims at least $1M in sales, which equates to 10,000 customers at $100 per sale. A reasonable assertion. A generous assertion, as the average order is probably a bit more than $100 with accessories, and many people (myself included) paid for more than one keyboard, and extra accessories.

    Thus my 'algebra problem' is based on a quite reasonable estimation of what is known and claimed - by YOU and Waytools. Dont you feel stupid now?

    If you want to claim that Waytools sold even more Textblades, or that each customer spent more (I know I certainly did), then the math only gets uglier in illustrating the degree of Waytools ponzi scheme.

    For example:

    10,000 customers @ $125 average order, then, (10000*125)/150 treg keyboards = $8,333.33 in Waytools pocket for every one Textblade delivered to a customer.
    10,000 customers @ $150 average order, assuming 300 treg keyboards (very generous!) = $5,000 in Waytools pocket for every one Textblade delivered to a customer.
    15,000 customers @ $200 average order, assuming 131 treg keyboards = $22,900.76 (WOW!) in Waytools pocket for every one Textblade delivered to a customer.

    Maybe you want to claim that Waytools had far fewer orders, or that there are many more TREG keyboards delivered, so their fraud does not seem so severe? Pick any reasonable set of numbers you like. Either way, it illustrates the same point. Waytools has taken in a lot of money per keyboard delivered.

    Were you disturbed to consider it this from this perspective Kahuna? It does not sound good, does it? It clearly highlights the fraud and ponzi scheme aspects of this debacle that I have been referring to, does it not?

    Millions of dollars collected from 10,000+ customers? 4+ years. No product shipped. No keys for kids. Who has the money? Mark Knighton has the money.

    edited May 2019
  • Reply 451 of 1615
    dabigkahunadabigkahuna Posts: 465member
    I know you publish a list of known TREG participants. Last time I checked, it indicated 131, so I generously rounded it up to 150.
    Oh, I'm well aware of how many are on my list, though it is possible there are a lot who never posted about it. Certainly we've had triggers show up weeks or months after getting their TB. So it wouldn't be a surprise if some never spoke up.

    But we do NOT know who any of the other treggers are, which are also the majority. We only  know when Treg started, that those outside the forums were numbered in the hundreds, so that's at least 2 hundred we don't have names for and possibly far more. Nor do we know if they added more of them, just as they added more from the forums.

  • Reply 452 of 1615
    weirdosmurfweirdosmurf Posts: 101member

    3. I'm not really concerned about whether WayTools posts here or not...

    ...Anyway, if you have any questions about the TextBlade or if you have a special typing situation you wonder about with the TextBlade, I'll be glad to help out as best I can.

    I AM concerned about whether they post here or whether they cut and run, and as a paying customer, I don’t think it at all unreasonable to expect them to do their own talking rather than allowing an unpaid beta-tester to carry their water for them.

    Thanks very much for your offer of piecing together assumptions and guesses, but in order to avoid relying on guesses and assumptions, I think it far better if we hear from the source - the actual company’s (that means Waytools... not unpaid beta-testers) representatives...
  • Reply 453 of 1615
    dabigkahunadabigkahuna Posts: 465member
    I AM concerned about whether they post here

    Thanks very much for your offer of piecing together assumptions and guesses
    1. Like I said, companies rarely post on sites other than their own. They probably should have not posted here at all. Yet I ALSO said they should post more on their own forum.

    2. Except what I said was:

    Anyway, if you have any questions about the TextBlade or if you have a special typing situation you wonder about with the TextBlade, I'll be glad to help out as best I can. <

  • Reply 454 of 1615
    But we do NOT know who any of the other treggers are, which are also the majority. 
    You do not know who any of the other treggers are (your words), but you know these unknown treggers are 'the majority'.

    How does your little shill brain make that illogical leap?
    We only  know when Treg started, that those outside the forums were numbered in the hundreds, so that's at least 2 hundred we don't have names for and possibly far more. 
    Proof? Absolutely none of course. Lets see you cite one statement or post from Waytools in that time period indicating that there were 200 TREG testers prior to the first ones announced on the forums. My numbers were based on known statements. 131 (Kahuna), $1M+ sales (Waytools), $100 price (Waytools), 10,000 customers (basic algebra). These are all reasonable numbers based on facts. Whereas, you are just making up lies. And then you whine and snivel about how other people just 'make stuff up'. You are ridiculous Kahuna.

    Even if your random lies and wild speculation happened to be accurate guesses, it still makes my prior point all the same:

    15,000 customers @ $150 average order, assuming 331 treg keyboards (that's your 131 + 'at least 2 hundred') = $6797.58 in Waytools pocket for every one Textblade delivered to a customer.

    That doesn't seem like a very good deal, does it? Nope. Sounds more like a dirty fraudster scamming people in a Ponzi scheme.

    Millions of dollars collected from 10,000+ customers? 4+ years. No product shipped. No keys for kids. Who has the money? Mark Knighton has the money.

    edited May 2019
  • Reply 455 of 1615
    dabigkahunadabigkahuna Posts: 465member
    TextBladeDenied said:

    You do not know who any of the other treggers are (your words), but you know these unknown treggers are 'the majority'. 

    How does your little shill brain make that illogical leap?

    Lets see you cite one statement or post from Waytools in that time period indicating that there were 200 TREG testers prior to the first ones announced on the forums.
    1. Because when Treg started, we were told there were "hundreds". The first known Treg group from the forums was only about 20. Maybe a bit less.

    2. No leap. That's the figures we were given.

    3. They didn't say 200 prior to the first ones on the forum. they said "hundreds". Might have been 200, 300, etc. Nor did they say "prior".

    In 2016 they said,

    >"The user input from having hundreds of units in the field is incredibly powerful"

    We didn't have nearly that many from the forums. Never have, but especially not so early.

    We also have comments in early 2016 from various posters - including from critics - asking for clarification about the "hundreds" - so that shows it was used by WayTools or they wouldn't be asking about it! For example:

    >Can you please elaborate more on the TREG statistics so we can understand the interpretation of hundreds of TREG user slots

    >they said hundreds.

    And as 200 is technically 100's, but would be the absolute minimum. I have always felt when someone says 100's that they mean well more than 200

    If you truly need "hundreds" of testers, that's a cause for an alarm. Why would you need "hundreds" to track down just a handful of bugs that are gating shipment?

    they referred to "hundreds" of testers

    How many, roughly, TREG testers are their now? Something more precise than the old "hundreds" we knew from the first round.

    How many treg testers (approximately) are there now? We only know the original batch was "hundreds", which could mean anything from 200 or more.

    That doesn't even count the times we were given similar statements about "hundreds" in phone calls after first units were sent out. For example, in one call he said a "few hundred". That could still be 200, but also considerably more.
  • Reply 456 of 1615
    arkorott said:
    Guys, this is not about attacking or defending. 
    Yes it is. It is about attacking a scam artist (Mark Knighton) who is running a scam on people and collecting thousands of dollars for every keyboard delivered through 'TREG'.
    arkorott said:
    Why harass DBK ? This back and forth does not touch base on anything relevant towards GR or the TB
    Most would probably argue that Kahuna is the one doing all the harassing. 
    arkorott said:
    At least he is the ONLY voice with access to a TB left here that has more info and is willing to communicate. 
    That + a wallet full of cash will buy you a coffee at Starbucks. He has nothing useful to offer. There is nothing new he can say about how his 'treg' keyboard works. He exists only to respond with nonsense to anyone expressing a critical opinion. He is a shill.
    arkorott said:
    It is kind of lame that WT bailed out without responding a lot of the questions being asked.
    Ya think? Par for the course with Mark Knighton. Why dont you go to their forum and click on the 'Latest' button up at the top. Then scroll down the page until you get back to 2015 (it actually only takes about a minute as there really is not that much content on their forum). Then start reading. Take care to read the many, many, many posts from Waytools claiming shipping was pending tomorrow/next week/a few weeks from 'now' (back in 2015/2016/2017/2018). After you have absorbed all of those blatant lies, come back here and tell us how you feel.
    arkorott said:
    These latest exchanges with DBK feel like shooting the messenger to me.
    He is not a 'messenger'. He is a gaslighting propagandist. His purpose is to deflect criticism and obfuscate every issue while they attempt to squeeze every last dollar possible out of people who are unaware of what has been happening for the past 4+ years. Whatever shots are taken at Kahuna are well earned and well deserved.
    arkorott said:
    If they are still reading this thread: Please WT address the questions being asked at you. Thanks
    Mark Knighton is reading every one of these posts. After his initial temper tantrum 20 some odd pages ago, he eventually realized, as he has several times in the past when somebody sets him off with valid criticism, that flapping his big mouth in public does not further his Ponzi scheme goals.

    He is not going to answer your questions. He wants your money. He does not care about his company or reputation. Look at this mess! 4 years of this. You think NOW he has a change of heart? Either be a sucker like Captain Obvious and pay up, or wise up and realize that you are dealing with the type of person whose only goal is to take your money and make you feel guilty about it.

    Millions of dollars collected from 10,000+ customers? 4+ years. No product shipped. No keys for kids. Who has the money? Mark Knighton has the money.

  • Reply 457 of 1615
    1. we were told there were "hundreds".  3.  they said "hundreds". Might have been 200, 300, etc. >"The user input from having hundreds   clarification about the "hundreds"   >they said hundreds.  200 is technically 100's  when someone says 100's   more than 200  If you truly need "hundreds"  Why would you need "hundreds"     they referred to "hundreds" of testers   more precise than the old "hundreds"  original batch was "hundreds"   anything from 200 or more.  statements about "hundreds" in phone calls    in one call he said a "few hundred". That could still be 200
    You repeated the word 'hundreds' until your fingers fell off, but you did not post one link to a statement by Waytools asserting that there were hundreds of TREG testers before the first 'invitees' started indicating on the forum that they had received a test unit.

    In fact, very much to the contrary of your totally fabricated BS, on 2/19/2016, they posted:
    'we will invite a small group of our customers to participate in our Test Release Group, and let them share their comments and suggestions with us.'

    There were no testers yet, they were in the process of inviting a small group. The first test units arrived in the hands of forum members shortly after that blog post, and those people posted about receiving their test unit.

    You are a liar Kahuna. Full stop.

    Millions of dollars collected from 10,000+ customers? 4+ years. No product shipped. No keys for kids. Who has the money? Mark Knighton has the money.
    edited May 2019
  • Reply 458 of 1615

    We also have comments in early 2016 from various posters - including from critics - asking for clarification about the "hundreds" - so that shows it was used by WayTools or they wouldn't be asking about it! For example:

    >Can you please elaborate more on the TREG statistics so we can understand the interpretation of hundreds of TREG user slots
    I'll just use one example you cited to demonstrate how misleading you just were:

    You quoted that sentence above 'elaborate we can understand the interpretation of hundreds...' as if it were proof of hundreds of testers. Here is the actual context from the above link:
    We're contacting the first TREG users this week to arrange shipments.
    It has been asked by others, but I'll ask again here. How many TREG users have been included? We know of only 7 from the forum. Can you please elaborate more on the TREG statistics so we can understand the interpretation of hundreds of TREG user slots versus the 7 we know about?

    You see what a liar the Kahuna character is? And this is just one example. The context is that there were 7 TREG testers when that was written. Not hundreds.

    Lets do the math on that:
    10,000 customer orders @ $150 per order / 7 TREG testers = $214,285.71 pocketed by Waytools for every unfinished 'test' keyboard actually shipped to a customer.

    Maybe Waytools sold 500 keyboards to 50 enterprise customers each @ $100 per unit, plus 9500 other orders @ an average of $120 per order. That's $3,640,000, divided by 7 treg keyboards = $520,000.00 in Waytools bank account per 'test' keyboard actually shipped to a customer (as of Feb 2016).  At the current 131 treg keyboards, that's $27,786.26 in the Waytools mattress for every one test unit shipped to a customer. Pretty good margins.

    A criminal could live off that cash for while, could they not?

    Millions of dollars collected from 10,000+ customers? 4+ years. No product shipped. No keys for kids. Who has the money? Mark Knighton has the money.

    edited May 2019
  • Reply 459 of 1615
    dabigkahunadabigkahuna Posts: 465member
    we will invite a small group of our customers to participate in our Test Release Group, and let them share their comments and suggestions with us.
    That's right - when you have many thousands of customers and only bringing in "hundreds", that is a small group. You might have a case if they ONLY said "small group" - but only a weak case since it doesn't rule out "hundreds". The terminology is quite relative. But since we can tell from the posts of forum members that they did refer to "hundreds" as well, you have nothing.
    There were no testers yet, they were in the process of inviting a small group.
    Again, we have the term being referenced both before and after Treg began. And Treg members, such as myself, who asked Mark on phone calls about the number - and since our phone calls all came just AFTER we got our units, that covers that. It was always "hundreds" or "a few hundred".
    Here is the actual context from the above link:
    No conflict exists. Because we were told those from the forum would be only some of those who would be in Treg. Most would be from outside. At the time, 7 people had announced they were chosen so those are the ones we would know about. Eventually, by the time shipping actually happened, it was 20 or close to it, as I already pointed out. Of course we don't have the names of those not from the forum but they make up the various references to "hundreds" that were selected.
  • Reply 460 of 1615
    Beneath your assertions are the following:

    'Hundreds' of TREG testers already existed at a time when Waytools was publicly posting that they were just beginning to contact customers to test.


    'Hundreds' of TREG testers, presumably some portion of which were tech-enthusiasts and generally good natured geeks like everyone else who originally ordered from Waytools and posted on their forums, never once posted on the Waytools forums about their experience with the keyboard. Practically every TREG tester who ever wrote a review reported having a generally positive experience, but by your rational, none of the 'hundreds' were motivated to post their own enthusiastic point of view. 

    That is just absurdly improbable and unbelievable to anyone arguing in good faith.

    Your only 'proof' of the word 'hundreds' is your fake assertion that you heard it said, or that someone on a forum referred to it. There is no post by Waytools claiming to have hundreds of testers at that time. There is no link from you. Just your BS assertions. What would Rolanbek say here? Stinky? Shame, shame? Indeed. You once again demonstrate yourself to be a shameless liar.

    I am not sure why you are trying to try to pump up the number of TREG testers now, beside the fact that you argue everything inanely and without purpose.

    Let us suppose there are 500 TREG testers and re-use my prior example:
    Maybe Waytools sold 500 keyboards to 50 enterprise customers each @ $100 per unit, plus 9500 other orders @ an average of $120 per order.

    That's $3,640,000. Divide that by 500 Kahuna alleged TREG keyboards = $7,280.00 in Waytools bank account per 'test' keyboard actually shipped to a customer.

    Do you think that makes Waytools look better? By the way, if they had 500 testers since 2016, and it took them 3+ years to reach this point, with all of that feedback pouring in all those years, the question has to be asked:  How stupid and incompetent are these people? Can it be measured? I think not. It would take an army of Q-Bots to quantify the stupidity. 

    It does not matter how many TREG testers you try to fabricate and force us to believe exist. (131)  The ratio of money illegally retained by Waytools and customers unfilled relative to the number of unfinished 'test' keyboards shipped is still absurd.

    Millions of dollars collected from 10,000+ customers? 4+ years. No product shipped. No keys for kids. Who has the money? Mark Knighton has the money.

    edited May 2019
This discussion has been closed.