The Samsung Galaxy Fold doesn't look like it's coming back any time soon



  • Reply 61 of 71
    AppleExposedAppleExposed Posts: 1,805unconfirmed, member
    bulk001 said:
    darkpaw said:
    bulk001 said:

    Try Face ID when you are shooting on a tripod. Doesn’t work. 
    Haha - Bionic CPU. What does that even mean?
    Incremental update. I asked 5 people in my office if a bionic cpu played any role in their purchase decision. It did not. 2 had just purchased phones and they were not Apple. One based on cost and one based on better sound in the phone he got. 
    Incremental update. 
    Incremental update. 
    Incremental update based on an app that’s they refused into the App Store. 
    Incremental update. 
    Etc etc etc. Almost all of your examples are slight updates on a maturing OS and not a revolutionary change.
    One area Apple is being revolutionary and where I don’t want to sell them short is on privacy but this is not a hardware design revolution. 

    - Try Touch ID when your fingers are wet. Try typing in a password when you're drunk, etc. Problems with individual use cases do not dispute the fact that Face ID is the fastest and most secure facial recognition on any mobile phone anywhere.
    - Bionic CPU:
    - You asked some people you work with if the Bionic CPU helped in their purchase decision? Okay. What does that prove? That some people said no? Others say yes. Who's right? It's just a marketing term for the features of the chip; features which are new and useful, and thus, innovative.

    You cannot expect Apple to re-invent the phone every year. That's not possible, and it's also something NO OTHER COMPANY IS DOING EITHER! Why must you have higher standards for Apple than other companies?
    I was originally pointing out that I find it refreshing that Samsung took a risk and tried something different. 

    Creating half-assed interpretations of Apple patents is a "risk and tried something different"?


    Reminds me of when Samsung did something "different" when they copied the edge display patent and created a half-assed confusing edge iPhone knockoff then BAM Apple released the most successful phone model in history and the most successful Watch in human history.

    Reminds me of when Samsung did something "risky" and copied Apple Watch patents to scream "First!" and then released a half-assed flop then BAM Apple releases the most successful Watch in history.

    Reminds me of when.... see what I'm getting at? Your knockoff Apple company is too scared to try something different.
  • Reply 62 of 71
    AppleExposedAppleExposed Posts: 1,805unconfirmed, member
    avon b7 said:

    Both the Huawei P9 Plus and the Honor 8 had portrait mode before the iPhone. The P9 was released in Spring 2016 and used two Leica cameras to achieve the effect. I have an iPad and bought my daughter an iPhone so no, I'm definitely not a paid Huawei plant/spy/shill. :blush: 

    And still use the iPhone design...

    What was that about moving the goalposts? ;-)

    Funny this guy expects Apple to revolutionize every industry, every year or they aren't innovating. Yet companies can make knockoff Apple products and slap useless features (wave to answer, misinterpretations of Apple patents, 4k screens, etc) and they are "innovative". iKnockoff Knights hols Apple to different standards.

    The facts don't change, CEOs of knockoff Apple products and people PAID to use knockoff Apple products STILL tweet from and own Apple products.
  • Reply 63 of 71
    AppleExposedAppleExposed Posts: 1,805unconfirmed, member

    habi000 said:
    This is what Samsung devices look like when they don't have Apple to copy.

    It's amusing to think back how the iPhone was described as merely a collection of obvious design choices. Yet neither Samsung or similar had anything like it prior, and that the seemingly obvious collection of technologies wasn't achieved prior.
    And Cornings gorillaglass was one of the reasons this was a hit. I have a bunch of old PDA/"smartphones" that had a plastic screen and I remember the first time I understood that this had a glass screen. Oh boy was I pleased! Never ever would I buy a 1800$ plastic screen smartphone... Oh the scratches after a few months...
    And Apple got absolutely SLAMMED for it.

    Apple being the only company with courage to change the future always gets shi**ed on, then when the entire industry rips off their idea, it's no longer funny.
  • Reply 64 of 71
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,959member
    avon b7 said:

    I have no idea why you focus on Samsung. Huawei has done more with its 3D depth sensing than Apple, for example.

    Apple literally did NOTHING with it from one year to the next. 
    Literally nothing? My iPad Pro can unlock in any orientation. That's an advancement from my iPhone X.

    While others innovated in key areas, Apple has done next to nothing and even took the second camera off the entry level iPhone.
    Ignoring the "next to nothing" bull, the entry level iPhone has always had a single camera. 
    We are talking iPhones not iPads.

    Entry level of the refresh: iPhone X series

    The iPhone X is a new series. It was released in late 2017 with dual cameras. It was updated (late 2018) to form the entirety of the refresh for that,a subsequent, years. The entry level model has a single camera. A step back. The other two don't. They removed a camera from just one X series phone (XR). This change was commented on in all the reviews and mostly seen as a step back for the series. The single camera is rumoured to disappear from the 2019 refresh which will leave it at dual or tri cameras. That will make the XR the only single camera X series phone.

    Not including dual cameras on all X series phones in 2018 was a big mistake IMO.

  • Reply 65 of 71
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,959member
    avon b7 said:

    Both the Huawei P9 Plus and the Honor 8 had portrait mode before the iPhone. The P9 was released in Spring 2016 and used two Leica cameras to achieve the effect. I have an iPad and bought my daughter an iPhone so no, I'm definitely not a paid Huawei plant/spy/shill. :blush: 

    And still use the iPhone design...

    What was that about moving the goalposts? ;-)

    Funny this guy expects Apple to revolutionize every industry, every year or they aren't innovating. Yet companies can make knockoff Apple products and slap useless features (wave to answer, misinterpretations of Apple patents, 4k screens, etc) and they are "innovative". iKnockoff Knights hols Apple to different standards.

    The facts don't change, CEOs of knockoff Apple products and people PAID to use knockoff Apple products STILL tweet from and own Apple products.
    Do you know how many patents Apple licences from Huawei?
  • Reply 66 of 71
    darkpawdarkpaw Posts: 212member
    avon b7 said:
    darkpaw said:

    Where is Samsung's innovation with facial recognition? Apple has innovated there. Samsung hasn't...
    I have no idea why you focus on Samsung. Huawei has done more with its 3D depth sensing than Apple, for example.
    Precisely my point. That's why I mentioned Samsung. Samsung has not innovated while Huawei has.

    The point here is that some Android makers are innovating and some aren't, and if that's the case, why must Apple innovate more and faster than Android makers?

    And, suggesting that Apple did "literally NOTHING" is just incorrect.
  • Reply 67 of 71
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,959member
    darkpaw said:
    avon b7 said:
    darkpaw said:

    Where is Samsung's innovation with facial recognition? Apple has innovated there. Samsung hasn't...
    I have no idea why you focus on Samsung. Huawei has done more with its 3D depth sensing than Apple, for example.
    Precisely my point. That's why I mentioned Samsung. Samsung has not innovated while Huawei has.

    The point here is that some Android makers are innovating and some aren't, and if that's the case, why must Apple innovate more and faster than Android makers?

    And, suggesting that Apple did "literally NOTHING" is just incorrect.
    'Iterative' isn't the same as 'nothing' and no one has suggested that. Even the OP mentioned a couple of things. 

    From my side, my point is that Apple wasn't innovating at the same rate as the competition. That is bad because it means they fall behind the competition, but for me, what is even worse, is that this lack of innovation is probably planned. The last refresh fell in line with an 'S' cycle type (iterative) upgrade - with price increases.

    They wanted to bring technology upgrades out at a slower rate.

    I'm glad that seems to have backfired on them as, if that wasn't enough, they tried to push prices up, too.

    The same criticism was applicable to Samsung but the S10 has changed that. Now they have a very nice upgrade out. 

    It's high time for Apple to follow suit. Believe me, we will all breathe a sigh of relief when that cruddy 5W charger finally gets the boot.
    Iphones are garb
  • Reply 68 of 71
    sphericspheric Posts: 2,665member
    Lmao iPhones Are Garb lmao i wish there were a minimum age and license requirement for the interwebs lmao lmao
  • Reply 69 of 71
    fastasleepfastasleep Posts: 6,450member
    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:

    I have no idea why you focus on Samsung. Huawei has done more with its 3D depth sensing than Apple, for example.

    Apple literally did NOTHING with it from one year to the next. 
    Literally nothing? My iPad Pro can unlock in any orientation. That's an advancement from my iPhone X.

    While others innovated in key areas, Apple has done next to nothing and even took the second camera off the entry level iPhone.
    Ignoring the "next to nothing" bull, the entry level iPhone has always had a single camera. 
    We are talking iPhones not iPads.

    Entry level of the refresh: iPhone X series

    The iPhone X is a new series. It was released in late 2017 with dual cameras. It was updated (late 2018) to form the entirety of the refresh for that,a subsequent, years. The entry level model has a single camera. A step back. The other two don't. They removed a camera from just one X series phone (XR). This change was commented on in all the reviews and mostly seen as a step back for the series. The single camera is rumoured to disappear from the 2019 refresh which will leave it at dual or tri cameras. That will make the XR the only single camera X series phone.

    Not including dual cameras on all X series phones in 2018 was a big mistake IMO.
    They didn't remove shit, the XR was *designed* with one camera. Your opinion doesn't matter, the XR has been the best selling iPhone since it was released.

    Edit: from the article I just read on AI: 
    "The iPhone XR was easily the most popular smartphone in North America during the March quarter, with shipments of about 4.5 million, according to Canalys research estimates."

    LOL "big mistake IMO"
    edited May 2019 Soliwatto_cobra
  • Reply 70 of 71
    fastasleepfastasleep Posts: 6,450member

    I hope they do well.  Nothing sparks innovation like competition and someone looking to take your lunch.
    In Samsung‘s case: Nothing sparks their innovation like when they have Apple to copy. 
    The ipad pro bended lmao
    Mine didn't.
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