The road to Steve Jobs' resignation, and the rise of Tim Cook as his successor



  • Reply 21 of 47
    AAPL around the time of SJ's resignation: ~$55. 

    Now it's (approximately) four times that.
  • Reply 22 of 47
    Perhaps the biggest mistake in Steve's career was this succession process. Unfortunately, it seems, he didn't have time to do anything better.
  • Reply 23 of 47
    DAalseth said:
    davgreg said:
    When a Doctor tells you that you have Pancreatic Cancer you do not waste time in prayer- not mentioned here, but widely reported, fad diets or fasting. It is amazing that smart people can be so stupid and gullible regarding faith and regarding unproven “alternative” Medicine.

    I have worked in Medical Radiology for over 30 years and a significant part of that involved in the diagnosis, treatment, and tracking of Cancer. The specific kind of Pancreatic Cancer he suffered from was one that- if caught early enough - can be treated with the surgical procedure mentioned. It is not a simple procedure and has profound downstream consequences, but can give a patient a high probability of surviving Pancreatic Cancer. Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsberg was successfully treated for a similar form of Pancreatic Cancer and is still alive and kicking, primarily because she did not fritter away precious time with nonsense like prayer, fasting, fad diets and alternative medicine.

    Steve Jobs, for all his money and connections, could not get back that precious time he foolishly wasted. That should be an object lesson for everyone. I cannot give you medical advice, but would admonish all to not play around with any Cancer diagnosis. With Cancer, time is the one thing you cannot spare.

    I have seen so many people valiantly struggle with Cancer- some surviving and others not. My own Mother died in 2016 of Multiple Myeloma and watching her struggle with it was one of the hardest things I have ever had to witness. To think he had an early diagnosis and wasted it still makes me mad- most people do not get that gift.
    Yeh, that's true -- for pancreatic cancer.  With quick and proper medical treatment a small percentage do survive -- and the odds of that are improving.

    But, for the most common cancers:  Prostate, breast and colon, lifestyle medicine (which you call "fad diets") are the only way to prevent them.  And, once incurred should be implemented.   To put exclusive faith in a medical system that talks big but offers little is foolish.

    It is unfortunate that the medical system can't make money from those treatments.  So, they instead look on them as competitors and try to discredit them.  That competition has cost millions their lives....
    As you say you can reduce your risk of cancers with diet and lifestyle changes, but you cannot eliminate them, and you cannot cure them. 
    When I was diagnosed with colon cancer it shocked everyone. I had been a vegetarian for 20 years, never smoked, never drank, got a good amount of exercise, I was the poster child for how to avoid cancer. The only reason I'm here today is I did what the doctors ordered. 30 days after my diagnosis I went in for surgery. They took the tumour and 4 inches of colon and a bunch of lymph nodes. As we feared it had spread. A few weeks after surgery I started chemotherapy. That went on for seven months. It was hard, but I beat it. 

    I didn't beat my cancer with herbs or meditation or, my favourite suggestion, rubbing Cannabis Oil on my stomach. I beat it by following my Doctors orders to the letter. That's why I'm still here eight years later. 

    When I was going through Chemo, there were always a number of people in the room getting their treatments at the same time, and we'd talk. You know what we called people who rely on alternative medicine to cure their cancer?

    I had a small ampullary tumor (near pancreas) and underwent the Whipple procedure earlier this year. Seemed like a lot of complicated surgery for such a small tumor, but apparently, taking out a bunch of stuff in the vicinity and re-patching things back together is the standard procedure even for this condition. I must say that the Whipple really takes it out of you--I was pretty much out of commission for over two months, and have been out on disability leave this whole time. While I feel pretty good now, I'm amazed that Jobs could muster enough energy to continue to make contributions to Apple, considering his condition was much more serious than mine.

    Thankfully (in a way), my tumor's location caused an obstruction which made me feel ill enough to see a doctor and get blood tested. That resulted in early detection of tumor before any spread had occurred. I have just finished a four month chemo treatment and am now headed to a likely six-weeks of radiation treatments. Whatever the doctors order...

    The thing with cancer is that even with all the progress in treatment being made, it often gets down to a "you never know" situation from person to person. My sister had endometrial cancer around five years ago, but while she had surgery to remove it, decided to forgo chemo and radiation follow up in favor of better diet (generally sensible) and mega-vitamin consumption (evidence out there says not so sensible). She got sucked into the whole alternative medicine thing and is now an anti-vaxxer too (ugh). She actually seems to be in good health now. Conceivably, had she done none of the above, she would be feeling the same, but of course she credits her current condition to her "lifestyle" choices. So is it lifestyle? I say genetics (which is in effect Luck of the Draw) is way more likely. I fear for her future years, but there is nothing more I can say about it. 

    I am not at all a proponent of these alternative approaches to cancer, but it makes me wonder if it made a difference one way or the other on how long Steve Jobs would have lived had he not tried his alternative approach. Perhaps if/when CRISPR can reliably address our genetic predispositions we'll be able to take luck out of the equation. You never know.
  • Reply 24 of 47
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 12,924member
    DAalseth said:
    davgreg said:
    When a Doctor tells you that you have Pancreatic Cancer you do not waste time in prayer- not mentioned here, but widely reported, fad diets or fasting. It is amazing that smart people can be so stupid and gullible regarding faith and regarding unproven “alternative” Medicine.

    I have worked in Medical Radiology for over 30 years and a significant part of that involved in the diagnosis, treatment, and tracking of Cancer. The specific kind of Pancreatic Cancer he suffered from was one that- if caught early enough - can be treated with the surgical procedure mentioned. It is not a simple procedure and has profound downstream consequences, but can give a patient a high probability of surviving Pancreatic Cancer. Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsberg was successfully treated for a similar form of Pancreatic Cancer and is still alive and kicking, primarily because she did not fritter away precious time with nonsense like prayer, fasting, fad diets and alternative medicine.

    Steve Jobs, for all his money and connections, could not get back that precious time he foolishly wasted. That should be an object lesson for everyone. I cannot give you medical advice, but would admonish all to not play around with any Cancer diagnosis. With Cancer, time is the one thing you cannot spare.

    I have seen so many people valiantly struggle with Cancer- some surviving and others not. My own Mother died in 2016 of Multiple Myeloma and watching her struggle with it was one of the hardest things I have ever had to witness. To think he had an early diagnosis and wasted it still makes me mad- most people do not get that gift.
    Yeh, that's true -- for pancreatic cancer.  With quick and proper medical treatment a small percentage do survive -- and the odds of that are improving.

    But, for the most common cancers:  Prostate, breast and colon, lifestyle medicine (which you call "fad diets") are the only way to prevent them.  And, once incurred should be implemented.   To put exclusive faith in a medical system that talks big but offers little is foolish.

    It is unfortunate that the medical system can't make money from those treatments.  So, they instead look on them as competitors and try to discredit them.  That competition has cost millions their lives....
    As you say you can reduce your risk of cancers with diet and lifestyle changes, but you cannot eliminate them, and you cannot cure them. 
    When I was diagnosed with colon cancer it shocked everyone. I had been a vegetarian for 20 years, never smoked, never drank, got a good amount of exercise, I was the poster child for how to avoid cancer. The only reason I'm here today is I did what the doctors ordered. 30 days after my diagnosis I went in for surgery. They took the tumour and 4 inches of colon and a bunch of lymph nodes. As we feared it had spread. A few weeks after surgery I started chemotherapy. That went on for seven months. It was hard, but I beat it. 

    I didn't beat my cancer with herbs or meditation or, my favourite suggestion, rubbing Cannabis Oil on my stomach. I beat it by following my Doctors orders to the letter. That's why I'm still here eight years later. 

    When I was going through Chemo, there were always a number of people in the room getting their treatments at the same time, and we'd talk. You know what we called people who rely on alternative medicine to cure their cancer?

    Indeed, well said. I cannot believe we have people here who discredit science and promote woo BS, while they are using their...computers. An instrument of science, the thing they pretend “offers little”.

    My uncle is super active, cycles cross country, eats whole foods, no junk food, etc, and he got prostate cancer. It happens. Woo diets are not a guarantee to prevent and certainly not to treat cancer. 

    You break your arm, you see a real doctor for real treatment. Same thing for cancer. Glad you made it. 
  • Reply 25 of 47
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 12,924member

    Perhaps the biggest mistake in Steve's career was this succession process. Unfortunately, it seems, he didn't have time to do anything better.
    Complete rubbish, of course. Apple has never been healthier by any metric. I wouldn’t trade any of my new, current products for those of yesteryear. 
  • Reply 26 of 47
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 12,924member
    davgreg said:
    When a Doctor tells you that you have Pancreatic Cancer you do not waste time in prayer- not mentioned here, but widely reported, fad diets or fasting. It is amazing that smart people can be so stupid and gullible regarding faith and regarding unproven “alternative” Medicine.

    I have worked in Medical Radiology for over 30 years and a significant part of that involved in the diagnosis, treatment, and tracking of Cancer. The specific kind of Pancreatic Cancer he suffered from was one that- if caught early enough - can be treated with the surgical procedure mentioned. It is not a simple procedure and has profound downstream consequences, but can give a patient a high probability of surviving Pancreatic Cancer. Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsberg was successfully treated for a similar form of Pancreatic Cancer and is still alive and kicking, primarily because she did not fritter away precious time with nonsense like prayer, fasting, fad diets and alternative medicine.

    Steve Jobs, for all his money and connections, could not get back that precious time he foolishly wasted. That should be an object lesson for everyone. I cannot give you medical advice, but would admonish all to not play around with any Cancer diagnosis. With Cancer, time is the one thing you cannot spare.

    I have seen so many people valiantly struggle with Cancer- some surviving and others not. My own Mother died in 2016 of Multiple Myeloma and watching her struggle with it was one of the hardest things I have ever had to witness. To think he had an early diagnosis and wasted it still makes me mad- most people do not get that gift.
    Yeh, that's true -- for pancreatic cancer.  With quick and proper medical treatment a small percentage do survive -- and the odds of that are improving.

    But, for the most common cancers:  Prostate, breast and colon, lifestyle medicine (which you call "fad diets") are the only way to prevent them.  And, once incurred should be implemented.   To put exclusive faith in a medical system that talks big but offers little is foolish.

    It is unfortunate that the medical system can't make money from those treatments.  So, they instead look on them as competitors and try to discredit them.  That competition has cost millions their lives....
    Actually you’re completely wrong, For many, many people, cancers are genetic. If DNA markers are present some women opt to have elective mastectomy.

    Please, do not give medical advice. You are not qualified.
  • Reply 27 of 47
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    davgreg said:
    When a Doctor tells you that you have Pancreatic Cancer you do not waste time in prayer- not mentioned here, but widely reported, fad diets or fasting. It is amazing that smart people can be so stupid and gullible regarding faith and regarding unproven “alternative” Medicine.

    I have worked in Medical Radiology for over 30 years and a significant part of that involved in the diagnosis, treatment, and tracking of Cancer. The specific kind of Pancreatic Cancer he suffered from was one that- if caught early enough - can be treated with the surgical procedure mentioned. It is not a simple procedure and has profound downstream consequences, but can give a patient a high probability of surviving Pancreatic Cancer. Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsberg was successfully treated for a similar form of Pancreatic Cancer and is still alive and kicking, primarily because she did not fritter away precious time with nonsense like prayer, fasting, fad diets and alternative medicine.

    Steve Jobs, for all his money and connections, could not get back that precious time he foolishly wasted. That should be an object lesson for everyone. I cannot give you medical advice, but would admonish all to not play around with any Cancer diagnosis. With Cancer, time is the one thing you cannot spare.

    I have seen so many people valiantly struggle with Cancer- some surviving and others not. My own Mother died in 2016 of Multiple Myeloma and watching her struggle with it was one of the hardest things I have ever had to witness. To think he had an early diagnosis and wasted it still makes me mad- most people do not get that gift.
    Yeh, that's true -- for pancreatic cancer.  With quick and proper medical treatment a small percentage do survive -- and the odds of that are improving.

    But, for the most common cancers:  Prostate, breast and colon, lifestyle medicine (which you call "fad diets") are the only way to prevent them.  And, once incurred should be implemented.   To put exclusive faith in a medical system that talks big but offers little is foolish.

    It is unfortunate that the medical system can't make money from those treatments.  So, they instead look on them as competitors and try to discredit them.  That competition has cost millions their lives....
    Actually you’re completely wrong, For many, many people, cancers are genetic. If DNA markers are present some women opt to have elective mastectomy.

    Please, do not give medical advice. You are not qualified.
    Actually you’re completely wrong, For many, many people, cancers are not genetic.

    Please, do not give medical advice. You are not qualified
  • Reply 28 of 47
    davgreg said:
    When a Doctor tells you that you have Pancreatic Cancer you do not waste time in prayer- not mentioned here, but widely reported, fad diets or fasting. It is amazing that smart people can be so stupid and gullible regarding faith and regarding unproven “alternative” Medicine.

    I have worked in Medical Radiology for over 30 years and a significant part of that involved in the diagnosis, treatment, and tracking of Cancer. The specific kind of Pancreatic Cancer he suffered from was one that- if caught early enough - can be treated with the surgical procedure mentioned. It is not a simple procedure and has profound downstream consequences, but can give a patient a high probability of surviving Pancreatic Cancer. Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsberg was successfully treated for a similar form of Pancreatic Cancer and is still alive and kicking, primarily because she did not fritter away precious time with nonsense like prayer, fasting, fad diets and alternative medicine.

    Steve Jobs, for all his money and connections, could not get back that precious time he foolishly wasted. That should be an object lesson for everyone. I cannot give you medical advice, but would admonish all to not play around with any Cancer diagnosis. With Cancer, time is the one thing you cannot spare.

    I have seen so many people valiantly struggle with Cancer- some surviving and others not. My own Mother died in 2016 of Multiple Myeloma and watching her struggle with it was one of the hardest things I have ever had to witness. To think he had an early diagnosis and wasted it still makes me mad- most people do not get that gift.
    Yeh, that's true -- for pancreatic cancer.  With quick and proper medical treatment a small percentage do survive -- and the odds of that are improving.

    But, for the most common cancers:  Prostate, breast and colon, lifestyle medicine (which you call "fad diets") are the only way to prevent them.  And, once incurred should be implemented.   To put exclusive faith in a medical system that talks big but offers little is foolish.

    It is unfortunate that the medical system can't make money from those treatments.  So, they instead look on them as competitors and try to discredit them.  That competition has cost millions their lives....
    Actually you’re completely wrong, For many, many people, cancers are genetic. If DNA markers are present some women opt to have elective mastectomy.

    Please, do not give medical advice. You are not qualified.
    Actually you’re completely wrong, For many, many people, cancers are not genetic.

    Please, do not give medical advice. You are not qualified
    Comprehension issues, much?
  • Reply 29 of 47
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    DAalseth said:
    davgreg said:
    When a Doctor tells you that you have Pancreatic Cancer you do not waste time in prayer- not mentioned here, but widely reported, fad diets or fasting. It is amazing that smart people can be so stupid and gullible regarding faith and regarding unproven “alternative” Medicine.

    I have worked in Medical Radiology for over 30 years and a significant part of that involved in the diagnosis, treatment, and tracking of Cancer. The specific kind of Pancreatic Cancer he suffered from was one that- if caught early enough - can be treated with the surgical procedure mentioned. It is not a simple procedure and has profound downstream consequences, but can give a patient a high probability of surviving Pancreatic Cancer. Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsberg was successfully treated for a similar form of Pancreatic Cancer and is still alive and kicking, primarily because she did not fritter away precious time with nonsense like prayer, fasting, fad diets and alternative medicine.

    Steve Jobs, for all his money and connections, could not get back that precious time he foolishly wasted. That should be an object lesson for everyone. I cannot give you medical advice, but would admonish all to not play around with any Cancer diagnosis. With Cancer, time is the one thing you cannot spare.

    I have seen so many people valiantly struggle with Cancer- some surviving and others not. My own Mother died in 2016 of Multiple Myeloma and watching her struggle with it was one of the hardest things I have ever had to witness. To think he had an early diagnosis and wasted it still makes me mad- most people do not get that gift.
    Yeh, that's true -- for pancreatic cancer.  With quick and proper medical treatment a small percentage do survive -- and the odds of that are improving.

    But, for the most common cancers:  Prostate, breast and colon, lifestyle medicine (which you call "fad diets") are the only way to prevent them.  And, once incurred should be implemented.   To put exclusive faith in a medical system that talks big but offers little is foolish.

    It is unfortunate that the medical system can't make money from those treatments.  So, they instead look on them as competitors and try to discredit them.  That competition has cost millions their lives....
    As you say you can reduce your risk of cancers with diet and lifestyle changes, but you cannot eliminate them, and you cannot cure them. 
    When I was diagnosed with colon cancer it shocked everyone. I had been a vegetarian for 20 years, never smoked, never drank, got a good amount of exercise, I was the poster child for how to avoid cancer. The only reason I'm here today is I did what the doctors ordered. 30 days after my diagnosis I went in for surgery. They took the tumour and 4 inches of colon and a bunch of lymph nodes. As we feared it had spread. A few weeks after surgery I started chemotherapy. That went on for seven months. It was hard, but I beat it. 

    I didn't beat my cancer with herbs or meditation or, my favourite suggestion, rubbing Cannabis Oil on my stomach. I beat it by following my Doctors orders to the letter. That's why I'm still here eight years later. 

    When I was going through Chemo, there were always a number of people in the room getting their treatments at the same time, and we'd talk. You know what we called people who rely on alternative medicine to cure their cancer?

    Glad that you made it!
    But, be aware that a "vegetarian diet" may or may not be healthy -- it can be healthy or it can consist of baked goods, chips, cookies, alcohol, processed foods, milk, cheese and eggs - along with a ton of so called "healthy" oil leading to obesity -- which is a known carcinogen.

    For cancer, as I mentioned, there is no magic bullet -- whether it is lifestyle or the medical system.   All one can do is improve their odds.  But, since cancer typically takes decades to develop and the primary defense against it is your own body's immune system (the medical system is just now starting to catch up to that with their newly invented "immunotherapies"), lifestyle seems to be the primary defense -- as is true for pretty much every so called "age related" chronic disease.
  • Reply 30 of 47
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    davgreg said:
    When a Doctor tells you that you have Pancreatic Cancer you do not waste time in prayer- not mentioned here, but widely reported, fad diets or fasting. It is amazing that smart people can be so stupid and gullible regarding faith and regarding unproven “alternative” Medicine.

    I have worked in Medical Radiology for over 30 years and a significant part of that involved in the diagnosis, treatment, and tracking of Cancer. The specific kind of Pancreatic Cancer he suffered from was one that- if caught early enough - can be treated with the surgical procedure mentioned. It is not a simple procedure and has profound downstream consequences, but can give a patient a high probability of surviving Pancreatic Cancer. Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsberg was successfully treated for a similar form of Pancreatic Cancer and is still alive and kicking, primarily because she did not fritter away precious time with nonsense like prayer, fasting, fad diets and alternative medicine.

    Steve Jobs, for all his money and connections, could not get back that precious time he foolishly wasted. That should be an object lesson for everyone. I cannot give you medical advice, but would admonish all to not play around with any Cancer diagnosis. With Cancer, time is the one thing you cannot spare.

    I have seen so many people valiantly struggle with Cancer- some surviving and others not. My own Mother died in 2016 of Multiple Myeloma and watching her struggle with it was one of the hardest things I have ever had to witness. To think he had an early diagnosis and wasted it still makes me mad- most people do not get that gift.
    Yeh, that's true -- for pancreatic cancer.  With quick and proper medical treatment a small percentage do survive -- and the odds of that are improving.

    But, for the most common cancers:  Prostate, breast and colon, lifestyle medicine (which you call "fad diets") are the only way to prevent them.  And, once incurred should be implemented.   To put exclusive faith in a medical system that talks big but offers little is foolish.

    It is unfortunate that the medical system can't make money from those treatments.  So, they instead look on them as competitors and try to discredit them.  That competition has cost millions their lives....
    Actually you’re completely wrong, For many, many people, cancers are genetic. If DNA markers are present some women opt to have elective mastectomy.

    Please, do not give medical advice. You are not qualified.
    Actually you’re completely wrong, For many, many people, cancers are not genetic.

    Please, do not give medical advice. You are not qualified
    Comprehension issues, much?
  • Reply 31 of 47
    Mike WuertheleMike Wuerthele Posts: 6,875administrator
    Dial it back, please.
  • Reply 32 of 47
    Tim Cook is a great CEO but he did not replace Steve Jobs even a little bit. Gone is the vision, the risk taking and the bold new products that captured the entire world's attention and defined new technology markets. If Jobs was still around we would all be buzzing about Apple's new household robots.
  • Reply 33 of 47
    DAalseth said:
    Jobs was first diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in the fall of 2003. In an extreme example of Jobs' stubborn nature, he first fought his disease with alternative medicine, as well as a special diet.
    And if he hadn't done that, he might be here still. Get yourself checked for cancer. If the find it do EXACTLY what your doctor says. Radiation, Surgery, Chemo, Immunotherapy, whatever. \Don't let the scam artists on the web fool you. Fighting cancer is the hardest thing you'll ever have to do. But there is a way to beat it. And that is NOT with diet, meditation, acupuncture or any of that other BS.
    Actually, it's your own body that is the primary defense against cancer.  Not the doctors.   That's why the doctor's are using immuno-therapies more and more.   But, in the case of Pancreatic cancer, the prognosis is bad either way.
    If you have cancer, it kinda proves that your body has failed at that primary task and swift proven outside intervention is necessary. 

    Jobs degraded, shortened, complicated and ultimately ended his life by being arrogant enough to think he was a better doctor than the top medicine he could afford. 
  • Reply 34 of 47
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    DAalseth said:
    Jobs was first diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in the fall of 2003. In an extreme example of Jobs' stubborn nature, he first fought his disease with alternative medicine, as well as a special diet.
    And if he hadn't done that, he might be here still. Get yourself checked for cancer. If the find it do EXACTLY what your doctor says. Radiation, Surgery, Chemo, Immunotherapy, whatever. \Don't let the scam artists on the web fool you. Fighting cancer is the hardest thing you'll ever have to do. But there is a way to beat it. And that is NOT with diet, meditation, acupuncture or any of that other BS.
    Actually, it's your own body that is the primary defense against cancer.  Not the doctors.   That's why the doctor's are using immuno-therapies more and more.   But, in the case of Pancreatic cancer, the prognosis is bad either way.
    If you have cancer, it kinda proves that your body has failed at that primary task and swift proven outside intervention is necessary. 

    Jobs degraded, shortened, complicated and ultimately ended his life by being arrogant enough to think he was a better doctor than the top medicine he could afford. 
    The analogy is an infection:   Your immune system is the primary defense.  But yeh, sometimes it needs the help of an antibiotic.  But without a working immune system, the infection will eventually get you no matter how many antibiotics they pump into you.   Your body and its own defenses remain the primary defense.
  • Reply 35 of 47
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    Tim Cook is a great CEO but he did not replace Steve Jobs even a little bit. Gone is the vision, the risk taking and the bold new products that captured the entire world's attention and defined new technology markets. If Jobs was still around we would all be buzzing about Apple's new household robots.
    When the American congress tapped Thomas Jefferson to replace Benjamin Franklin as their diplomat in Paris he was asked how he could presume to replace such a great man.  So,  he answered:

    "No one can replace him.  Sir, I am merely his successor".

    I suspect Tim would agree.   But, like Jefferson, Tim in his own right has been a darned good successor.  
  • Reply 36 of 47
    aknabiaknabi Posts: 211member

    Perhaps the biggest mistake in Steve's career was this succession process. Unfortunately, it seems, he didn't have time to do anything better.
    Complete rubbish, of course. Apple has never been healthier by any metric. I wouldn’t trade any of my new, current products for those of yesteryear. 
    IMO you're correct in general, but I think in terms of the "vision" and potential product pipeline metric Apple has lost a lot with the passing of Jobs... of course we never know what's going on inside, but every indicator and sniff test would suggest that aspect has been greatly diminished... having a brutal dictator who knew where the puck is heading (if not deciding it's direction) was part of what made Job's Apple unique.
  • Reply 37 of 47
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    aknabi said:

    Perhaps the biggest mistake in Steve's career was this succession process. Unfortunately, it seems, he didn't have time to do anything better.
    Complete rubbish, of course. Apple has never been healthier by any metric. I wouldn’t trade any of my new, current products for those of yesteryear. 
    IMO you're correct in general, but I think in terms of the "vision" and potential product pipeline metric Apple has lost a lot with the passing of Jobs... of course we never know what's going on inside, but every indicator and sniff test would suggest that aspect has been greatly diminished... having a brutal dictator who knew where the puck is heading (if not deciding it's direction) was part of what made Job's Apple unique.
    I think Tim would agree with you (except for the part about the "brutal dictator").
    But, at the same time, Steve worked hard before his death to establish a culture of loyalty and innovation within the ranks of the company that have survived his death and seem to be thriving - that was a big part of the reason behind Apple Park.  I think Tim's primary job is to keep that culture alive and flourishing.
  • Reply 38 of 47
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,840member
    Perhaps the biggest mistake in Steve's career was this succession process. Unfortunately, it seems, he didn't have time to do anything better.
    I think its quite the opposite. Apple is in better hands today than with Steve IMO. You most likely wanted Steve Jobs 2.0 and that's exactly what would have killed Apple. Apple can't sit there and think what would Steve do and survive the rest of the companies life. Tim went in his own direction with Apple, yet still kept to a lot of the values Steve put in place and look where Apple is today. 
  • Reply 39 of 47
    chadbagchadbag Posts: 2,005member
    I'm just glad that Jony I. didn't try and force his way to CEO. 
  • Reply 40 of 47
    chadbagchadbag Posts: 2,005member
    macxpress said:
    Perhaps the biggest mistake in Steve's career was this succession process. Unfortunately, it seems, he didn't have time to do anything better.
    I think its quite the opposite. Apple is in better hands today than with Steve IMO. You most likely wanted Steve Jobs 2.0 and that's exactly what would have killed Apple. Apple can't sit there and think what would Steve do and survive the rest of the companies life. Tim went in his own direction with Apple, yet still kept to a lot of the values Steve put in place and look where Apple is today. 
    As long as Apple avoids the bean counter MBA mentality and the "shareholder value" rat hole they WI do well.  Hold to Steve's belief (my paraphrase) that "don't dwell on making profits. Dwell on solving the customer's problems and delighting the customer, and profits will come."  If Apple can not forget this they'll continue to be successful. 
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