NYC subway commuters get creative rescuing AirPods dropped on tracks



  • Reply 21 of 34
    hentaiboyhentaiboy Posts: 1,252member
    M68000 said:
    lkrupp said:
    maestro64 said:
    lkrupp said:
    lkrupp said:
    Another huge failure for Apple. So where are the Samsung ads making fun of AirPod users?
    C'mon man.  Give the persecution complex a rest for at least one thread.   Sweet Jeebus.

    On topic:  If Munster has lost 10 pair and a charging case, the issue is Munster more so than the AirPod.  He needs to invest in those cheap straps.

    Oh, so you’re saying that Apple is not the target of unceasing, malicious persecution from battalions of tech and financial writers who twist, spin, and mold everything Apple into a negative just to get clicks? 
    No, what I'm asking is for you to give it rest... at least for a single thread.  I thought that was pretty clear.  You enter almost every thread with the same woe is me tale of someone attacking the precious.  You never contribute positively to any thread you enter.  No general knowledge, no interesting anecdote, no humorous aside, no perfectly timed "well actually" [pushes up glasses] - who doesn't like to correct their fellow man, no hmmm, I did not know that... nothing except the same tired refrain of OMG somebody somewhere at some point said something about Apple that wasn't 100% flattering.  

    Take this article for instance.  There's nothing in it disparaging Apple or the AirPods.  It's simple a collection of anecdotal tidbits about the tribulations of using AirPods in the crowded NYC subway system with a bonus splash of Gene Munster weirdness.  Nothing connected to this article even suggests a failure by Apple.  Yet you've found a way to make the claim. Why? And yes, I am saying Apple is not the target of unceasing malicious persecution.  That's nothing more that excessive hyperbole.  Are there articles written that are negative about Apple?  Yeah sure there are.  Criticize them until the cows come home. But grinding every thread with the somebody's picking on Apple meme... that's an lkrupp thing, not an Apple thing.  Even in comments where you're trying to compliment Apple you can't seem to stop yourself from taking a dig at some perceived slight from some imaginary foe.  By all means, you do you.  Just sayin', some new material every now and then would be really appreciated.
    Some people just go through life being negative and pessimistic. As studies have shown if you can not see thing positively and only negatively it will have adverse effect on their life. The rest of us will live our full life and the naysayers will have less than full life. 

    And a lot of those negative people live right here in AI and other tech blogs. They constantly trash anything and everything Apple while offering no legitimate reason for doing so. They are always disappointed in Apple’s product releases. Their usual reaction to any announcement is “meh”. They have been trashing Apple’s streaming service Apple TV+ and it hasn’t even made its debut yet. Same goes for every stinking year’s iPhone event. The minute the program ends on Sept 10 they will out in force denigrating whatever Apple has announced. In my opinion they are fair game for being called out, ridiculed and made fun of. And of course they throw out the “fanboy” moniker to anyone who challenges their negativity. And as you know, of course, it’s easy to block users you don’t want to deal with.
    I had a co worker years back who called my Apple laptop “Fisher Price” computer.  He also had the Zune music player from Microsoft.  I knew the software sucked for the Zune and thought Zune in general would not last. 
    Zune's have become 'retro-cool'. Have you  seen the prices on eBay?
  • Reply 22 of 34
    fieryph said:
    lkrupp said:
    Another huge failure for Apple. So where are the Samsung ads making fun of AirPod users?
    C'mon man.  Give the persecution complex a rest for at least one thread.   Sweet Jeebus.

    I’ve been reading AI everyday for over 10 years - articles and forums, and I have to say Lkrupp is easily my favourite poster and is one of the reasons I enjoy reading the forums, often with a smile on my face. There is no way he deserves the previous comments in this thread. Lkrupp’s comments are valid and you have to understand AI reports on every Apple related article that has gained traction around the tech and mainstream media world - these frequently include a slice of anti-apple bias. This article begins with transit service employees and the WSJ explaining AirPods are falling out in droves and then ends with an analyst predicting increased sales because of the fact… his {lighthearted} evidence…he’s lost 10 pairs and a charging case! Lkrupp has a right to point out that a report gaining traction is showing how ‘bad’ the design of AirPods is. Others might take it as AirPods are winning. I reckon Lkrupp is mentalising the average Joe and Jill reading on their news feed contemplating a wireless bud purchase.

    To each his own.  I'm sure lkrupp appreciates your admiration.  Needless to say, you and I don't share that opinion.  Which is okay.  Your characterizations of the article and Munster are odd.  Not really sure how you reached those conclusions, but it's reminiscent of lkrupps opinions so it tracks.  
  • Reply 23 of 34
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,385member
    "Munster bases the claim of lost devices being a key sales driver on his own fortunes with the accessories, having already gone through 10 pairs and admitting "I've already lost the charging case" for his latest purchase. "

    How in the living fuck does anyone with functioning braincells lose 10 PAIRS of Airpods?! 

    Oh, he's an analyst, that explains it. 

    You'd think after losing the 2nd pair, he'd figure it out. Either he's a blatant liar, or an absolute imbecile. Probably both. 
  • Reply 24 of 34
    fieryph said:
    lkrupp said:
    Another huge failure for Apple. So where are the Samsung ads making fun of AirPod users?
    C'mon man.  Give the persecution complex a rest for at least one thread.   Sweet Jeebus.

    I’ve been reading AI everyday for over 10 years - articles and forums, and I have to say Lkrupp is easily my favourite poster and is one of the reasons I enjoy reading the forums, often with a smile on my face. There is no way he deserves the previous comments in this thread. Lkrupp’s comments are valid and you have to understand AI reports on every Apple related article that has gained traction around the tech and mainstream media world - these frequently include a slice of anti-apple bias. This article begins with transit service employees and the WSJ explaining AirPods are falling out in droves and then ends with an analyst predicting increased sales because of the fact… his {lighthearted} evidence…he’s lost 10 pairs and a charging case! Lkrupp has a right to point out that a report gaining traction is showing how ‘bad’ the design of AirPods is. Others might take it as AirPods are winning. I reckon Lkrupp is mentalising the average Joe and Jill reading on their news feed contemplating a wireless bud purchase.

    To each his own.  I'm sure lkrupp appreciates your admiration.  Needless to say, you and I don't share that opinion.  Which is okay.  Your characterizations of the article and Munster are odd.  Not really sure how you reached those conclusions, but it's reminiscent of lkrupps opinions so it tracks.  

    Yeah sure it’s Gene… and we both know what the article is about, but my point is - sometimes these kind of reports gain momentum and end up on one of those commercial news segments around the place and end up influencing general opinion and maybe lKrupp held that in mind while referencing last weeks Consumer Reports article. For me, this is an example of Apple getting free PR and I enjoyed the ingenuity of the magnetic stick. Reminds me of this:

  • Reply 25 of 34
    lkrupp said:
    lkrupp said:
    Another huge failure for Apple. So where are the Samsung ads making fun of AirPod users?
    C'mon man.  Give the persecution complex a rest for at least one thread.   Sweet Jeebus.

    On topic:  If Munster has lost 10 pair and a charging case, the issue is Munster more so than the AirPod.  He needs to invest in those cheap straps.

    Oh, so you’re saying that Apple is not the target of unceasing, malicious persecution from battalions of tech and financial writers who twist, spin, and mold everything Apple into a negative just to get clicks? 
    No, what I'm asking is for you to give it rest... at least for a single thread.  I thought that was pretty clear.  You enter almost every thread with the same woe is me tale of someone attacking the precious.  You never contribute positively to any thread you enter.  No general knowledge, no interesting anecdote, no humorous aside, no perfectly timed "well actually" [pushes up glasses] - who doesn't like to correct their fellow man, no hmmm, I did not know that... nothing except the same tired refrain of OMG somebody somewhere at some point said something about Apple that wasn't 100% flattering.  

    Take this article for instance.  There's nothing in it disparaging Apple or the AirPods.  It's simple a collection of anecdotal tidbits about the tribulations of using AirPods in the crowded NYC subway system with a bonus splash of Gene Munster weirdness.  Nothing connected to this article even suggests a failure by Apple.  Yet you've found a way to make the claim. Why? And yes, I am saying Apple is not the target of unceasing malicious persecution.  That's nothing more that excessive hyperbole.  Are there articles written that are negative about Apple?  Yeah sure there are.  Criticize them until the cows come home. But grinding every thread with the somebody's picking on Apple meme... that's an lkrupp thing, not an Apple thing.  Even in comments where you're trying to compliment Apple you can't seem to stop yourself from taking a dig at some perceived slight from some imaginary foe.  By all means, you do you.  Just sayin', some new material every now and then would be really appreciated.
    THANK YOU so much for clearly and concisely writing what I think every time I see that user post a comment. It is painfully exhausting reading that person’s constant negativity on EVERY thread that they post in. It really goes a long way towards making the comments section on this site quite an unfriendly and toxic environment.
  • Reply 26 of 34
    Mike WuertheleMike Wuerthele Posts: 6,893administrator
    arlor said:
    lkrupp said:
    lkrupp said:
    Another huge failure for Apple. So where are the Samsung ads making fun of AirPod users?
    C'mon man.  Give the persecution complex a rest for at least one thread.   Sweet Jeebus.

    On topic:  If Munster has lost 10 pair and a charging case, the issue is Munster more so than the AirPod.  He needs to invest in those cheap straps.

    Oh, so you’re saying that Apple is not the target of unceasing, malicious persecution from battalions of tech and financial writers who twist, spin, and mold everything Apple into a negative just to get clicks? 
    No, what I'm asking is for you to give it rest... at least for a single thread.  I thought that was pretty clear.  You enter almost every thread with the same woe is me tale of someone attacking the precious.  You never contribute positively to any thread you enter.  No general knowledge, no interesting anecdote, no humorous aside, no perfectly timed "well actually" [pushes up glasses] - who doesn't like to correct their fellow man, no hmmm, I did not know that... nothing except the same tired refrain of OMG somebody somewhere at some point said something about Apple that wasn't 100% flattering.  

    Take this article for instance.  There's nothing in it disparaging Apple or the AirPods.  It's simple a collection of anecdotal tidbits about the tribulations of using AirPods in the crowded NYC subway system with a bonus splash of Gene Munster weirdness.  Nothing connected to this article even suggests a failure by Apple.  Yet you've found a way to make the claim. Why? And yes, I am saying Apple is not the target of unceasing malicious persecution.  That's nothing more that excessive hyperbole.  Are there articles written that are negative about Apple?  Yeah sure there are.  Criticize them until the cows come home. But grinding every thread with the somebody's picking on Apple meme... that's an lkrupp thing, not an Apple thing.  Even in comments where you're trying to compliment Apple you can't seem to stop yourself from taking a dig at some perceived slight from some imaginary foe.  By all means, you do you.  Just sayin', some new material every now and then would be really appreciated.
    I just want to endorse CloudTalkin's note to lkrupp here, too. This used to be a problem with Tallest Skil, who would just never let anything go in the same way. 

    Honestly, most threads here are *NOT* trolled nowadays, or maybe the mods are deleting the troll posts so fast I don't see them. But almost every thread here that discusses even the mildest potential problem with Apple still gets two or three pre-defenses of Apple, before anybody even says anything negative. 

    Think of it like the fast food market. Whether you like McDonald's or not, they're the market leader. They *NEVER* talk about the competition. Burger King, by contrast, constantly talks about how great their products are...compared to McDonald's! It just makes it look like they have some kind of inferiority complex. 

    Apple's leadership is confident that they have the best products, and that they don't need to rise to every insult from fans of other companies' goods. You, lkrupp, and others who rise to the imagined bait on every thread, ought to exhibit the same confidence. It's a better look. 
    We get a lot of trolls. They get deleted pretty quick.
  • Reply 27 of 34
    flydogflydog Posts: 1,129member
    mr lizard said:
    10 pairs and a case? Is he a child? And people trust him for investment advice...
    Because losing electronics is indicative of one’s knowledge of the financial markets? 

  • Reply 28 of 34
    flydogflydog Posts: 1,129member
    fieryph said:
    lkrupp said:
    Another huge failure for Apple. So where are the Samsung ads making fun of AirPod users?
    C'mon man.  Give the persecution complex a rest for at least one thread.   Sweet Jeebus.

    I’ve been reading AI everyday for over 10 years - articles and forums, and I have to say Lkrupp is easily my favourite poster and is one of the reasons I enjoy reading the forums, often with a smile on my face. There is no way he deserves the previous comments in this thread. Lkrupp’s comments are valid and you have to understand AI reports on every Apple related article that has gained traction around the tech and mainstream media world - these frequently include a slice of anti-apple bias. This article begins with transit service employees and the WSJ explaining AirPods are falling out in droves and then ends with an analyst predicting increased sales because of the fact… his {lighthearted} evidence…he’s lost 10 pairs and a charging case! Lkrupp has a right to point out that a report gaining traction is showing how ‘bad’ the design of AirPods is. Others might take it as AirPods are winning. I reckon Lkrupp is mentalising the average Joe and Jill reading on their news feed contemplating a wireless bud purchase.

    Too long
  • Reply 29 of 34
    My first post, but longtime reader of AI. I bought the AirPods and I really like them. My only issue was the charging case, while very pretty, is also quite slippery. Rubberized case solved that issue for me. The other issue was if your AirPod are not in use you should put it back in the case and not your pocket. The one time I didn't, I lost the right pod, since I was using only one for a phone call. Looked everywhere for it, couldn't find it. Ended up buying a replacement from Apple, which, I might add, made the entire buying experience quite painless. Got my replacement, paired them to my gear and I was good to go. Two days later, I found my "lost" AirPod in the grass just outside my apartment. Still can't figure out how I missed it.

    Moral of the story - when not in use, keep them in the charger.
  • Reply 30 of 34
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,020member
    Just from personal experience, I am likely going with the Beats Pro solution soon.  I have had two pairs of AirPods.  They fall out from time to time, and I do seem to end up misplacing the entire case at times.  The first mishap was dropping the left one in paint.  I was renovating a house and obviously sweating.  I panicked and rinsed the bud quickly, then let it dry.  Miraculously, it was fine.  I ended up giving that pair to my daughter, who had hers stolen at school.   For my second pair, I ended up putting them through the washing machine in the pocket of some pants.  They were in the case.  Again, they survived with no problem.  

    I love my AirPods, but they do have some issues.  I find the left pod sometimes doesn't charge in the case.  I'm assuming this is a dirt or debris issue.   They don't fit my ears as well as most people, and really don't do a good job with ambient noise (I often use them mowing the lawn, using tools, etc.).  Definitely seems like the Beats solution will be better for my needs.  
  • Reply 31 of 34
    linkmanlinkman Posts: 1,038member
    Considering that Gene Munster is a VC investor I would bet that he can afford to lose 10 sets of AirPods each week and he wouldn't even notice it on his credit card statement. But still, how can one be that careless?
  • Reply 32 of 34
    lkrupp said:
    lkrupp said:
    Another huge failure for Apple. So where are the Samsung ads making fun of AirPod users?
    C'mon man.  Give the persecution complex a rest for at least one thread.   Sweet Jeebus.

    On topic:  If Munster has lost 10 pair and a charging case, the issue is Munster more so than the AirPod.  He needs to invest in those cheap straps.

    Oh, so you’re saying that Apple is not the target of unceasing, malicious persecution from battalions of tech and financial writers who twist, spin, and mold everything Apple into a negative just to get clicks? 
    No, what I'm asking is for you to give it rest... at least for a single thread.  I thought that was pretty clear.  You enter almost every thread with the same woe is me tale of someone attacking the precious.  You never contribute positively to any thread you enter.  No general knowledge, no interesting anecdote, no humorous aside, no perfectly timed "well actually" [pushes up glasses] - who doesn't like to correct their fellow man, no hmmm, I did not know that... nothing except the same tired refrain of OMG somebody somewhere at some point said something about Apple that wasn't 100% flattering.  

    Take this article for instance.  There's nothing in it disparaging Apple or the AirPods.  It's simple a collection of anecdotal tidbits about the tribulations of using AirPods in the crowded NYC subway system with a bonus splash of Gene Munster weirdness.  Nothing connected to this article even suggests a failure by Apple.  Yet you've found a way to make the claim. Why? And yes, I am saying Apple is not the target of unceasing malicious persecution.  That's nothing more that excessive hyperbole.  Are there articles written that are negative about Apple?  Yeah sure there are.  Criticize them until the cows come home. But grinding every thread with the somebody's picking on Apple meme... that's an lkrupp thing, not an Apple thing.  Even in comments where you're trying to compliment Apple you can't seem to stop yourself from taking a dig at some perceived slight from some imaginary foe.  By all means, you do you.  Just sayin', some new material every now and then would be really appreciated.
    Clap Clap Clap.

    Let me join the ranks of those here who are applauding your comment.  It's exactly what I feel like saying when I read so many of lkrupp's comments, but I've been too lazy to bother to write about it.

    It's more than just the issues, it's the tone.  But hey, I get accused of being overly-opinionated as well.
    edited September 2019 AppleExposed
  • Reply 33 of 34
    fieryph said:
    lkrupp said:
    Another huge failure for Apple. So where are the Samsung ads making fun of AirPod users?
    C'mon man.  Give the persecution complex a rest for at least one thread.   Sweet Jeebus.

    I’ve been reading AI everyday for over 10 years - articles and forums, and I have to say Lkrupp is easily my favourite poster and is one of the reasons I enjoy reading the forums, often with a smile on my face. There is no way he deserves the previous comments in this thread. Lkrupp’s comments are valid and you have to understand AI reports on every Apple related article that has gained traction around the tech and mainstream media world - these frequently include a slice of anti-apple bias. This article begins with transit service employees and the WSJ explaining AirPods are falling out in droves and then ends with an analyst predicting increased sales because of the fact… his {lighthearted} evidence…he’s lost 10 pairs and a charging case! Lkrupp has a right to point out that a report gaining traction is showing how ‘bad’ the design of AirPods is. Others might take it as AirPods are winning. I reckon Lkrupp is mentalising the average Joe and Jill reading on their news feed contemplating a wireless bud purchase.


    Hi Lkrupp's mom.  How's it going?
  • Reply 34 of 34
    badmonkbadmonk Posts: 1,318member
    hentaiboy said:
    On topic:  If Munster has lost 10 pair and a charging case, the issue is Munster more so than the AirPod.  He needs to invest in those cheap straps.
    Image result for airpod tether

    Or...he could just buy a pair of wired headphones...
    No need to buy. Apple’s wired EarPods provide the same sound quality.
    actually they sound like shit compared to AirPods
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