How Apple's dramatic rise in computing flipped an OS myth

in Current Mac Hardware edited November 2019
The history of personal computing is often told in terms of operating systems: the dramatic battle between IBM's DOS PC vs Apple's Macintosh; the emergence of fiefdoms of promising independents such as Amiga OS, NeXTSTEP and BeOS; and ultimately the crushing destruction of any PC OS competition under the homogenous, global and permanent rule of Microsoft's Windows platform. But these stories often resulted in inaccurate conclusions, because the OS platform wasn't the only important factor in picking winners and losers.

Apple cofounder Steve Jobs at the "Apple II Forever" event at Moscone Center in 1984. | Source: San Francisco Chronicle

Microsoft conquers the PC world, end of story

The dominance of Windows in PCs has long been celebrated by media pundits seeking to associate themselves with success by predicting the comfortable continuation of the status quo. But that confidence also blinded them to the reality that too much success tends to result in complacency.

While it was obvious-- at least in hindsight-- that the Macintosh's solid decade of essentially owning the graphic desktop from 1984-1994 ended because Apple was unable to outpace the much greater sales of its competitors all being armed by Windows, few seemed to grasp the possibility that a decade later, Microsoft could also begin falling behind as Apple began leveraging its own higher volume sales of mobile devices, starting with just iPod and then adding tens of millions of iPhone and iPad units.

Nearly everyone in the PC industry imagined that when history repeated, it would be Android that played the role of Windows as the single, homogenous OS that ruled a new class of even more personal computing devices. But while Android device shipments have indeed outnumbered Apple's sales, they haven't pushed Apple out of business or sidelined its ability to move into new markets. Understanding why is worth millions of dollars.

The unthreatening rise of Windows

Back at the end of 1995, most Windows PCs weren't even remotely capable of directly competing with Apple's most profitable Power Mac towers and PowerBook notebooks; in fact, many Apple fans dismissed Windows 95 as being "Mac '89," hopelessly unsophisticated, far behind, and completely unable to directly compare with Apple's mature product that was already pioneering desktop video editing at an era where PCs were struggling to playback audio consistently.

A popular bumper sticker dismissed Windows 95

Apple itself didn't seem to take Windows too seriously. It had comfortably owned graphical computing for a decade and was expecting to continue to branch out into application software with Claris, QuickTime, and HyperCard; futuristic new form factors such as Newton and eMate; and the emerging market for workstations and servers with its A/UX and partnerships with IBM. IBM had invented the DOS PC and even it didn't take Windows too seriously.

Windows 95 PCs did not take away Apple's core markets immediately. Instead, they began opening up vast new markets for casual PC users who wanted to play games and dial-up America Online and gain access to the emerging commercial Internet. Microsoft also pushed Windows into the enterprise. Windows PCs were arriving with gaming features and business software at prices that Apple wasn't prepared to match.

An established base drives Microsoft forward

It was only after establishing an installed base of Windows users that Microsoft would begin bleeding Apple's higher-end Mac sales to death. Microsoft brought its Office software-- which had originated and had only been popular on Macs-- to Windows, creating a familiar PC experience for Mac users. It subsequently introduced its own handheld devices, workstations, and branched out into servers, the very markets Apple imagined it could move into.

Apple's growth in Mac sales was held in place while Microsoft expanded Windows, Office, and Server into $10 billion legs of its operational stool, leveraging the support of the world's PC makers all licensing Windows. The rise of Windows had an even more destructive impact on other OS competitors, from PC giant IBM's OS/2 to the various UNIX variants that had been powering workstations, to smaller niche platforms like Amiga OS, which had solidly established itself in video editing.

The dramatic rise of Windows created a lasting impact on the minds of industry observers. From their writing, it's clear that they almost unanimously believe that the pivotal shift in computing history they watched happen in the mid-90s could never occur again. Microsoft would rule the world forever, certainly for much longer than Apple had managed to retain its control over graphical computing with the Mac back in the 80s.

The revolution would not be televised

But that didn't turn out to be true. Apple somehow regained market power and began selling new volumes of Macs, assisted by the support of new sales of mobile devices. That dramatic shift, which resulted in Apple completely turning the tables on Microsoft, began in less than a decade after Windows 95.

In the early 2000s, Apple's iPod made an appearance that many discounted as irrelevant. Just as Windows 95 couldn't immediately compete in Apple's core markets, iPod similarly wasn't competing with Microsoft's bread and butter Windows PCs; instead, it was opening up a new market for very personal mobile devices, with media features and prices Microsoft and its licensees were unprepared to match.

By 2004 iPod had trampled Microsoft's Windows Media Player and PlaysForSure "Portable Media Player" platforms. Three years later iPhone similarly crushed global Windows Mobile handsets almost immediately out of the gate. Three years after that, the iPad not only crushed the emergence of Windows Tablet PCs and netbooks but also destroyed any future growth of PC sales.

PC sale growth ended as iPad appeared | Source:

Since iPad appeared in 2010, Windows PCs sales volumes have been held in place while Apple has managed to increase both its iPad and Mac sales, even at premium prices compared to most other PC vendors. And at the same time, the iPhone turned into such a vast business that it made the iPad and Mac look relatively small.

PC makers saw the impact of iPad

The narrative that Microsoft's one licensed OS would prevent alternative competition and dominate the industry forever was simply wrong. This idea was so cherished by pundits that some of them even today don't seem to grasp what has occurred. But Apple's successful competitive moves in mobile devices destroyed the faith of Microsoft's licensees in real-time-- essentially within the same year that Apple launched iPad.

Just months after appearing on stage with Microsoft to launch Slate PC, HP abandoned its new Windows Tablet PC model to pursue its webOS tablet with the purchase of Palm. That same year, Microsoft's leading "OMPC" Tablet PC partner Samsung dropped its Windows-based Q1 to adopt an Android tablet strategy. Dell, along with virtually every other PC maker, also began shipping Android tablets to defend against iPad.

Samsung was among the Windows Tablet PC licensees that dropped Microsoft to copy iPad

Yet rather than accurately appreciating what Apple was accomplishing, media pundits described the rise of iPad as a sort of temporary aberration. If Windows was losing any ground at all, this could only possibly occur at the hands of another broadly-licensed OS platform. It couldn't possibly be Apple killing Windows; it must be Google's Android.

Nearly everyone in the tech media imagined the future of iOS and Android playing out like the history of Mac vs. PC: Apple was going to sidelined by all the world's electronics makers jointly working with Google to deliver a more open mobile platform, could innovate more rapidly, and could beat Apple's prices.

The market reality obscured by Strategy Analytics, IDC & Gartner

Yet Android was unable to deliver the same sort of crushing defeat to iPad as Windows 95 had to the Macintosh. This reality was obscured by fake data invented by media research groups, such as Strategy Analytics' false portrayal of Android tablets immediately gobbling up 20% of the iPad's market just in the last three months of 2010.

IDC later insisted that iPad was being vastly outnumbered by huge volumes of Android tablets it assumed were being built and sold, simply by counting the production of components that could be used to build such tablets. Those imagined Android tablets curiously never showed up in web statistics.

Gartner and other groups also desperately tried to hide any direct comparison of iPad and PC sales by calling iPad a "media tablet" that wasn't in the same market as "real computers" running Windows, despite the fact that iPad was clearly replacing not only home PC sales, but also finding new roles in the corporate enterprise, in retail sales, in cockpits, and in entirely new roles for mobile workers.

iPad Pro doesn't look like a PC but it steals away potential PC sales

The appearance of a new Disruptive technology-- one that could compete with the established status quo not by feature parity but by offering a simpler, cheaper and more effective replacement that better served the needs of buyers-- should be the most valuable insight that market research groups can identify and prove with their data.

Yet rather than calling attention to the threat posed by iPad, its relevance was instead quite purposely hidden by market research groups, making it very clear that their public data was free for a reason: it wasn't shared to provide free facts. It was carefully crafted and framed to support the initiatives of the companies who were paying it to support them.

My email inbox is absolutely overwhelmed by unsolicited offers to provide free statements from a company CEO or market research group sharing insight and carefully crafted data supposedly proving an important trend. I don't even write up their ideas, so imagine how much free "content" is streamed to the "journalists" who do rely on outside whispers to guide what they write.

When everyone writes up the same headline about a particular bit of data, you can be assured it was the result of some marketing group forwarding it out. You can be reasonably assured that if somebody is spending their time to disseminate facts for free, it's most likely a contradiction of reality.

None of these research groups were spending their time announcing to the public that Apple was going to march past Windows and Android to become the most valuable, powerful and important company in electronics. That means they either didn't know that was happening or didn't want anyone else to know it.

Death of the single, broadly licensed OS platform

Google's Android licensees have certainly outnumbered the sales of Apple's iPhone-- particularly if you count all of the Android Open Source Project devices and Android forks that are used to deliver Android-like platforms, without Google's control. But unlike the rise of Windows in the mid-90s, the sheer number of Android devices being sold globally have not had the same effect on Apple's sales or its ability to enter new markets.

Sales of iOS devices weren't held in check by Androids. Instead, Apple's sales kept growing rapidly and profitably in parallel with Android handsets and tablets. Unit sales of iPhones only began to plateau after the global market for all smartphones grew saturated. Unit sales of iPad hit a high in 2014 and then fell back to a lower volume level, but that occurred only as everyone else's tablets crashed entirely and never recovered.

Rather than iOS being locked in a dramatic war with Android in a zero-sum game, the results of both platforms seem to be almost unrelated, as if they are playing entirely different games. That's because they largely are.

There is not one game

Apple has flourished in a premium niche, selling iPhones that are priced between $400 and $1500, at an average selling price currently north of $750. Android phones are largely priced below $400, with an average selling price of around $250. Rather than killing the iPhone, Google's strategy of driving waves of cheap phones has only shipwrecked the market for premium Androids.

Apple has been extremely successful in launching new tiers ultra-premium iPhones at comparatively high prices and selling them in mass-market volumes. The real victim of Android licensees' high volumes of shipments at low prices is the premium offerings of those same companies.

How many people will buy a $1500 Samsung Galaxy S10 when a Galaxy A works effectively the same at $300? Samsung itself has clearly articulated to its investors that there simply isn't much remaining opportunity at the high-end, causing it to realign its priorities to instead focus on ~$300 middle-tier products like the Galaxy A, which are cheaper to develop and build and can find high volumes of buyers.

Samsung's premium Galaxy S and Note phone sales were once expected to outpace Apple's premium sales. But premium Galaxy sales peaked in 2014 and never recovered. Instead, Apple effectively stole away a large chunk of Samsung's premium "phablet" market by offering its own larger iPhones.

Winning the wrong game is losing

Even Google itself has been completely stymied in its efforts to ship any significant volumes of its Pixel phones, a device it has worked hard to position as the nicest Android phone with the best and smartest new services Google invents. But Pixel is really competing against $300 Androids for attention, not similarly priced iPhones. Market data has consistently established that there is very little movement between iOS and Android by users.

Google's inability to sell a premium Pixel and Samsung's inability to sell a critical mass of premium-tier Galaxy S phones have also been mirrored across the Android world by startups seeking to launch a new premium Android, from the security-hardened Blackphone to the Essential project by Android's founder Andy Rubin, who took the millions Google paid him off to leave the company and ended up with a flop, killed by his cheap volume strategy.

In tablets, the "Android is winning" story is even worse. Google itself has backed out of tablets entirely. All of the PC tablet makers who replaced Windows with Android failed to see any difference in their results. Samsung achieved some success in phones but hasn't really made any money from tablets.

Pixel C looked like an iPad but wasn't really competing with one

In wearables and TVs, Android is not only failing to establish itself but is facing direct revolt from its licensees. Those partners are not seeking to find another new broadly-licensed platform to rescue them from Android. They're building their own platforms.

In a remarkable twist, LG acquired the remains of webOS from HP to use the platform for its future Smart TVs after its Google TV partnership flopped as badly as HP's Slate PC had three years prior. Samsung has similarly pursued its Tizen OS to develop wearables and TVs after Google's Android Wear bombed. Outside of Sony, the most successful Smart TV vendors are all pursuing proprietary OS platforms in the model of Apple, rather than looking for another consortium to join.

Pretty clearly, the media narrative that broadly licensed software platforms were the primary driver of economies of scale-- grounded on the success of Windows PCs between 1995 and 2005-- turned out to be incorrect in media players, phones, tablets, TVs and wearables. Instead, another factor played a huge role in charting out the future of personal computing and "smart" devices, and this will continue. The next segment will take a look at what this was.


  • Reply 1 of 65
    I could tell who the author of this atricle was just by reading the title.
    Maybe I need to spend less time in the "computer world".
    bigtdsmuthuk_vanalingamdysamorian2itivguydavgregavon b7
  • Reply 2 of 65
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    I could tell who the author of this atricle was just by reading the title.
    Maybe I need to spend less time in the "computer world".
    So when you see an article that places Apple in a positive light, explaining why Apple is still around and still greatly influencing the digital marketplace you immediately assume it’s more fake news from the author? Only articles critical of Apple or predictive of gloom and doom for the company are valid and newsworthy? Editorials like this are simply fanboy fantasies?
    edited November 2019 tjwolftmaykudupscooter63chiaStrangeDayslolliverwatto_cobraricmacjony0
  • Reply 3 of 65
    spice-boyspice-boy Posts: 1,450member
    Nothing like a good refresher course in PC history like one from DED.
  • Reply 4 of 65
    You can be reasonably assured that if somebody is spending their time to disseminate facts for free, it's most likely a contradiction of reality.”

    Absolutely the best line in the article.

    Thanks for setting the record straight.
  • Reply 5 of 65
    tundraboytundraboy Posts: 1,908member
    Windows has proven long ago that the main dimension for product differentiation in computing devices is the OS not hardware.  Meaning a mass market for 'high end' Windows machines can never be sustained as long as dirt-cheap good-enough Windows machines are available. Even people who can afford it will pick the low cost machines because the pace of technological change is so fast, who would want to spend a lot of money on a machine that will be outdated in 3 years?

    The seminal case is Northgate Computers who started selling DOS-Windows machines using high end components and materials in 1987 and was filing for Chapter 11 by 1994. Steve Jobs knew this so the one of the first things he did when he regained control of Apple was to kill Apple's licensing program.  The idea that the clones would sell to the low end Mac market while Apple reserved the high end of the market for itself was just sheer stupidity.  High end Macs will not sell as long as dirt-cheap clones are available.

    Fast forward to Google and Android.  When it first came out, I predicted that the same dynamic will apply and there will be no sustainable market for high-end Android phones.  I also predicted that Android will be the phone OS of choice in the third world.  2 out of 2.  Not that I was going out on a limb with those predictions.

    The amazing thing is that Google thought that Android phones would not repeat the pattern shown by Windows computers.  So much for hiring Ivy League economics professors to advise them.

    edited November 2019 n2itivguyhydrogenigrouchocornchippscooter63chialolliverradarthekatwatto_cobrarazorpit
  • Reply 6 of 65
    lkrupp said:
    I could tell who the author of this atricle was just by reading the title.
    Maybe I need to spend less time in the "computer world".
    So when you see an article that places Apple in a positive light, explaining why Apple is still around and still greatly influencing the digital marketplace you immediately assume it’s more fake news from the author? Only articles critical of Apple or predictive of gloom and doom for the company are valid and newsworthy? Editorials like this are simply fanboy fantasies?
    I didn’t get that interpretation of what OP said at all. To me, I felt the same way in that I spend so much time reading computer articles and so used to writing styles, I can name the writer without getting to their byline. 
  • Reply 7 of 65
    tundraboy said:
    Windows has proven long ago that the main dimension for product differentiation in computing devices is the OS not hardware.  Meaning a mass market for 'high end' Windows machines can never be sustained as long as dirt-cheap good-enough Windows machines are available. Even people who can afford it will pick the low cost machines because the pace of technological change is so fast, who would want to spend a lot of money on a machine that will be outdated in 3 years?

    The seminal case is Northgate Computers who started selling DOS-Windows machines using high end components and materials in 1987 and was filing for Chapter 11 by 1994. Steve Jobs knew this so the one of the first things he did when he regained control of Apple was to kill Apple's licensing program.  The idea that the clones would sell to the low end Mac market while Apple reserved the high end of the market for itself was just sheer stupidity.  High end Macs will not sell as long as dirt-cheap clones are available.

    Fast forward to Google and Android.  When it first came out, I predicted that the same dynamic will apply and there will be no sustainable market for high-end Android phones.  I also predicted that Android will be the phone OS of choice in the third world.  2 out of 2.  Not that I was going out on a limb with those predictions.

    The amazing thing is that Google thought that Android phones would not repeat the pattern shown by Windows computers.  So much for hiring Ivy League economics professors to advise them.

  • Reply 8 of 65
    DED doesn't suffer fools gladly, which is fine by me. Most of what he writes about the history of personal computing technology rings true to me, as I was around for most of it. (I bought my first Mac in 1984, my first iPod in 2002, my first iPhone in 2007, my first iPad in 2010, and my first Apple Watch in 2018.) People who complain about his attitude, while ignoring the factual basis for it, are, in my opinion, not worth reading or listening to. In the late 80's, I fought like a hyena to be allowed by the outfit I worked for to be allowed to use a Mac. Even after I proved that it played nice with the established SMB network, it was no go. So, yes, I remember well the supposed superiorities of Windows 95 and Windows NT being trumpeted at the time, almost all of which were irrelevant to the long-suffering users of both. Interestingly, I recently returned to my old workplace for a visit after being retired for fifteen years, and discovered that the entire place now runs exclusively on a Mac and iDevice network. In fact, the head of tech support introduced me to the fresh young faces in his department as "the first Mac user and evangelist in the company," as though I were some sort of Biblical prophet. This is pretty much how I see DED -- as an uncompromising teller of inconvenient truths. It'd be nice if there were more like him around.
  • Reply 9 of 65
    dysamoriadysamoria Posts: 3,430member
    Nothing to argue against in there, aside from the length and the compulsion to do free marketing for the company who’s products are the core news topic of this site.

    One thing that is absent from the article is the statement of fact about dominant-positioned companies becoming complacent ALSO includes Apple. Apple was complacent and slow to advance Classic Mac OS, which handed the win to Microsoft (it wasn’t just their anticompetitive business practices).

    Once again, Apple is behaving the same way: several products are priced continuously higher without an actual value proposition to match, some products that were staples of consumer satisfaction are gutted or dropped (iWork was gutted, Aperture and AirPort discontinued, and I’d offer the argument that iPhone’s usability was gutted at iOS 7’s GUI reskin, but the majority of Apple fanatics would rather support anti-intellectualism and slam GUI design specialists as “arrogant know it alls” than accept that there’s actual science to GUI design).

    Some products are having their market potential reduced to a tiny fraction of their original scope by being priced into the realm of impossible access for most of the customers who used to buy them (Mac Pro). The iPhone isn’t far behind. Aiming for luxury sales is self destructive when luxury is far more fad driven than value driven. 

    Worst of all is the complacency with iOS releases, where pushing out questionable-value new bullet-point features is prioritized over fixing existing bugs (while introducing new ones). I’ve listed the bugs here on countless occasions, most of which were introduced by iOS 7 and still not fixed as of iOS 12 (I’m still waiting on 13, but I have zero trust in it “being the one”). iOS developers are continuing to be pushed around by iOS API changes at excessive speed, causing 3rd-party apps to be abandoned because it apparently costs them too much to maintain existing apps.

    iOS isn’t quite as flaky as Droid variants that I still witness here and there, but it’s also not as accessible or consistent (or reliable) as it used to be. iCloud-relying cross-platform services don’t work half the time (Reminder statuses are never synched any more between my devices, and Universal Clipboard has not worked for me beyond the first few months of the feature being extant).

    Compared to when iPhone won its dominance via being the superior product, it has lost considerable ground in these areas, and Apple seem utterly unaware or to not care at all (as to be expected under an MBA-type leadership, focusing on Wall Street, rather than excellence). iPhones aren’t superior any more; they’re simply the less irritating choice compared to the competition.

    Mac OS isn’t exactly doing brilliantly either. Each release causes regressions in daily functionality (I see this with Finder and Quicklook all the time, as well as basic performance decreases). The last time it was properly optimized was Snow Leopard, which was really just a positive side-effect of optimizing the core OS to run on the then-new (and extremely constrained hardware) iPhone. That needs to be done again, on all of Apple’s now fragmented platforms.

    The biggest threat to any dominant company is its own success.
  • Reply 10 of 65
    The great insight of Apple was that the Hardware and Software development should never be separated. Interface documents for independent hardware or software developers have never to be written.  Interface documents are like the bible, everyone who reads it can get to heaven in a different way.  Consequently, IT departments with multitudes of software and hardware vendors, had a nightmare when hooking them together. Thousands of drivers were needed and vast IT empires were created. Of course everyone made money. But the users were screwed.  Apple made the Microsoft playbook mistake with Homekit as they thought the hardware vendors could read the interface document and get the same results.  Let's hope that HealthKit returns to the great insight that hardware and software development should not be separated.
  • Reply 11 of 65
    AppleZuluAppleZulu Posts: 2,140member
    The article seems to miss a couple of critical points, which are fundamental to Apple's business model, and the iPhone and iOS served as the critical inflection point.

    In the old days of the PC wars, Microsoft stayed on top because of its dominance of market share. Whatever PC you got, you probably wanted Windows on it for compatibility issues. Mac stalwarts kept their niche, but for both paradigms, there were two important revenue streams. Hardware and software. Microsoft largely stuck with the software revenue stream, and by virtue of its market dominance, it did well, charging both for OEM installations on other companies' devices and then for OS upgrades as well. Except for a brief period during Steve Jobs' exile when MacOS was licensed to others, Apple benefited from both revenue streams; selling Macs with the OS installed, and then charging for the OS upgrades.

    Then the iPhone came out and delivered two unheard-of innovations. First, OS upgrades were free for the life of the device. Then after a while, the App Store was created, and suddenly Apple also benefitted by offering QC for compatibility, stability and security, and taking a cut from sales of all installed apps. Many apps were free, which was new, and the rest were incredibly cheap, with (lots of) revenue coming in on volume rather than mark-ups.

    Soon after, Apple truly broke the paradigm, and made OSX upgrades free as well. Apple could just focus on revenue from hardware sales and from their cut of App Store sales (to a lesser extent on Macs). This set Microsoft on its heels. Suddenly charging for OS upgrades seemed excessive from the customer's perspective. Microsoft still made money from OEM installations, but those were undoubtedly priced with volume discounts for many manufacturers. Apple's free upgrades increased the current OS installed base as well as customer loyalty. Not so much for Microsoft. They're still struggling to find that balance, with a big answer being the shift of Office largely to the subscription model.

    In the case of Android, Google also faces the challenge of generating revenue from an OS that is significantly installed on third-party hardware. In their case, they buried their "Don't be evil" mantra and focused on generating revenue from the collection and sale of user data. That makes them a lot of money, but doesn't generate as much customer loyalty and the diverse hardware and distribution process for OS upgrades means that their current-version installed base lags way behind Apple. 

    Apple's business model offers a lot more stability and predictability, allowing longer timelines for planning future hardware and software development. Others can perhaps be more nimble about quickly jumping on some cutting-edge innovations, but the upside of being first is countered by the downside of ineffective or even disastrous implementations, or even simply wasting resources on things that are left by the wayside. It's still pretty remarkable that no other major tech companies have sought to replicate Apple's model. It's a steep climb to get in from zero, but the benefits are there. Seems like even Google or Microsoft could create a boutique version of their OS, written specifically for in-house hardware that dumps all the bloat required of their regular OS to run on endless variations of third-party hardware. They could keep developing it in parallel to the "regular" versions, until such time that the success of the in-house versions make it possible to cut the third-party folks loose.

  • Reply 12 of 65
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,122member
    dysamoria said:
    Nothing to argue against in there, aside from the length and the compulsion to do free marketing for the company who’s products are the core news topic of this site.

    One thing that is absent from the article is the statement of fact about dominant-positioned companies becoming complacent ALSO includes Apple. Apple was complacent and slow to advance Classic Mac OS, which handed the win to Microsoft (it wasn’t just their anticompetitive business practices).

    Once again, Apple is behaving the same way: several products are priced continuously higher without an actual value proposition to match, some products that were staples of consumer satisfaction are gutted or dropped (iWork was gutted, Aperture and AirPort discontinued, and I’d offer the argument that iPhone’s usability was gutted at iOS 7’s GUI reskin, but the majority of Apple fanatics would rather support anti-intellectualism and slam GUI design specialists as “arrogant know it alls” than accept that there’s actual science to GUI design).

    Some products are having their market potential reduced to a tiny fraction of their original scope by being priced into the realm of impossible access for most of the customers who used to buy them (Mac Pro). The iPhone isn’t far behind. Aiming for luxury sales is self destructive when luxury is far more fad driven than value driven. 

    Worst of all is the complacency with iOS releases, where pushing out questionable-value new bullet-point features is prioritized over fixing existing bugs (while introducing new ones). I’ve listed the bugs here on countless occasions, most of which were introduced by iOS 7 and still not fixed as of iOS 12 (I’m still waiting on 13, but I have zero trust in it “being the one”). iOS developers are continuing to be pushed around by iOS API changes at excessive speed, causing 3rd-party apps to be abandoned because it apparently costs them too much to maintain existing apps.

    iOS isn’t quite as flaky as Droid variants that I still witness here and there, but it’s also not as accessible or consistent (or reliable) as it used to be. iCloud-relying cross-platform services don’t work half the time (Reminder statuses are never synched any more between my devices, and Universal Clipboard has not worked for me beyond the first few months of the feature being extant).

    Compared to when iPhone won its dominance via being the superior product, it has lost considerable ground in these areas, and Apple seem utterly unaware or to not care at all (as to be expected under an MBA-type leadership, focusing on Wall Street, rather than excellence). iPhones aren’t superior any more; they’re simply the less irritating choice compared to the competition.

    Mac OS isn’t exactly doing brilliantly either. Each release causes regressions in daily functionality (I see this with Finder and Quicklook all the time, as well as basic performance decreases). The last time it was properly optimized was Snow Leopard, which was really just a positive side-effect of optimizing the core OS to run on the then-new (and extremely constrained hardware) iPhone. That needs to be done again, on all of Apple’s now fragmented platforms.

    The biggest threat to any dominant company is its own success.
    It’s your opinion.  I myself don’t see that happening to the extent your describing.  Yes, I’ve seen Apple trip up some iOS/MacOS issues over the years but for the most part have been pretty good given the complexity of what they’re doing.

  • Reply 13 of 65
    davendaven Posts: 721member
    In the late 1990s I was quite involved with maintaining the computers in my office. At home I was looking at alternatives such as IBM’s OS2 (was that the name?) and OpenStep which was the successor of NextStep when NeXT gave up on hardware. I even had OpenStep running on my home computer. I was impressed. 

    In 2000 I quit my job and and took my 401k with me giving me a wider range of investment options. Most of my money sat idle for a year or so while I took care of my Mom but I allocated things when I could after that. I put some in Apple stock because Apple by that time owned NeXT and I knew what was coming. My timing was good not for that but because I bought before the introduction of the iPod. Over time NeXTStep/OpenStep became the operating system for all of Apple’s devices because it is so versatile. 

    Sometimes you can be right for the wrong reason but I’m ok with that. 
  • Reply 14 of 65
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    Yet even with Apple including Safari webbrowser to their iOS and macOS platforms, allegedly installed on more than 1.5 billion devices, its marketshare is a paltry 5.1%. Google's Chrome is on 72.4%, and people actually need to go online, download and install it. Somethings up, and it's not Apple's marketshare.

  • Reply 15 of 65
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member

    “You can be reasonably assured that if somebody is spending their time to disseminate facts for free, it's most likely a contradiction of reality.”

    Absolutely the best line in the article.

    Thanks for setting the record straight.
    Could also mean DED isn't getting paid.

  • Reply 16 of 65
    bluefire1bluefire1 Posts: 1,309member
    I purchased the original 1984 Mac, which was my first computer. In the mid 90’s, I bought a PC with Windows 95. After that, I only purchased Macs. 
  • Reply 17 of 65
    tundraboy said:
    Windows has proven long ago that the main dimension for product differentiation in computing devices is the OS not hardware.  Meaning a mass market for 'high end' Windows machines can never be sustained as long as dirt-cheap good-enough Windows machines are available. Even people who can afford it will pick the low cost machines because the pace of technological change is so fast, who would want to spend a lot of money on a machine that will be outdated in 3 years?

    The seminal case is Northgate Computers who started selling DOS-Windows machines using high end components and materials in 1987 and was filing for Chapter 11 by 1994. Steve Jobs knew this so the one of the first things he did when he regained control of Apple was to kill Apple's licensing program.  The idea that the clones would sell to the low end Mac market while Apple reserved the high end of the market for itself was just sheer stupidity.  High end Macs will not sell as long as dirt-cheap clones are available.

    Fast forward to Google and Android.  When it first came out, I predicted that the same dynamic will apply and there will be no sustainable market for high-end Android phones.  I also predicted that Android will be the phone OS of choice in the third world.  2 out of 2.  Not that I was going out on a limb with those predictions.

    The amazing thing is that Google thought that Android phones would not repeat the pattern shown by Windows computers.  So much for hiring Ivy League economics professors to advise them.

    Actually Apple has found a workaround against your (perfectly sound) reasoning, by selling simultaneous generations of iPhones, some of them at very competitive price. But the trick is of course that it is not "high end" versus "low end", but "recent" versus "not so recent (but which used to be an high end, not so long ago, though !)" ......
    edited November 2019 cornchipStrangeDayslolliverradarthekatwatto_cobradysamoria
  • Reply 18 of 65
    lkrupp said:
    I could tell who the author of this atricle was just by reading the title.
    So when you see an article that places Apple in a positive light, explaining why Apple is still around and still greatly influencing the digital marketplace you immediately assume it’s more fake news from the author? 
    No, it means that Daniel has a very recognizable style. I have been enjoying his writing for 10+ years.
  • Reply 19 of 65
    knowitallknowitall Posts: 1,648member
    lkrupp said:
    I could tell who the author of this atricle was just by reading the title.
    Maybe I need to spend less time in the "computer world".
    So when you see an article that places Apple in a positive light, explaining why Apple is still around and still greatly influencing the digital marketplace you immediately assume it’s more fake news from the author? Only articles critical of Apple or predictive of gloom and doom for the company are valid and newsworthy? Editorials like this are simply fanboy fantasies?
    It was just a factual statement I think.
  • Reply 20 of 65
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    I could tell who the author of this atricle was just by reading the title.
    Maybe I need to spend less time in the "computer world".
    Nope, you have a highly developed BS detector.   
    avon b7dysamoria
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