Apple COVID-19 screening tool introduces anonymous data sharing

in General Discussion
Apple has updated its COVID-19 screening app with an option to anonymously share information with the company plus health authorities to improve the app and gather data about coronavirus.

Credit: Apple
Credit: Apple

The COVID-19 screening tool, which shouldn't be confused with the Apple-Google Exposure Notification API, was released in March as an educational hub for coronavirus information.

As noted by TechCrunch, the new update allows users to anonymously share data with state public health agencies and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), along with Apple.

That includes a user's age, symptoms and other data that Apple says will be used to improve the COVID-19 screening app and to help health officials better understand the virus.

Apple makes it clear that this data is shared in a way that won't personally identify users. It'll also be aggregated as an additional privacy mechanism.

The COVID-19 screening tool is meant to help users stay informed by answering questions about recent exposure and symptoms and reading guidelines from the CDC. It's been updated with new features and information several times since March. Past updates added self-care tips and updated COVID-19 symptoms.

Apple developed the tool, which is also available as a website, in collaboration with the CDC and the White House Coronavirus Task Force.


  • Reply 1 of 35
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    This screening tool may take on additional importance as the WHO recently announced that prevailing evidence is pointing to the likelihood that asymptomatic people are a minimal source of infection:  That almost all infections are spread by those who are symptomatic.

    That's based on studies from countries who do extensive testing and contract tracing.  And, is based on the fact that they are not seeing much "secondary spread" from non-symptomatic people.  They also pointed out that people can be asymptomatic either by being infected but, for some reason, not showing signs of it -- or, by being only lightly infected.

    But, while they are saying the evidence is pointing this way, it has not been definitively proven and needs more study.
    But, if true, it means identifying symptomatic people earlier and getting them out of circulation quickly could go a long way to significantly reducing the spread of infection.
  • Reply 2 of 35
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    The virus is officially a joke now, as far as I am concerned.

    I'm done with wearing masks, unless they are required when I enter certain stores. I just carry one in my pocket and I'll put it quickly on if I need to enter certain stores. I remove it as soon as I leave. The mask is just for show.

    It's a joke that the same companies that are preaching social distancing are also supporting mass gatherings and protests. They can't have it both ways and they have shown that they are full of crap, and that includes Apple.

    No app wlll ever be downloaded on any of my devices. Even if the virus were to return for a second wave in the fall or whatever, then I will not be listening to any of the so-called "experts" or the clueless and hypocritical authorities anymore. Their jig is up.
  • Reply 3 of 35
    igorskyigorsky Posts: 773member
    This screening tool may take on additional importance as the WHO recently announced that prevailing evidence is pointing to the likelihood that asymptomatic people are a minimal source of infection:  That almost all infections are spread by those who are symptomatic.

    That's based on studies from countries who do extensive testing and contract tracing.  And, is based on the fact that they are not seeing much "secondary spread" from non-symptomatic people.  They also pointed out that people can be asymptomatic either by being infected but, for some reason, not showing signs of it -- or, by being only lightly infected.

    But, while they are saying the evidence is pointing this way, it has not been definitively proven and needs more study.
    But, if true, it means identifying symptomatic people earlier and getting them out of circulation quickly could go a long way to significantly reducing the spread of infection.
    Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the WHO have already walked this statement back.
    edited June 2020
  • Reply 4 of 35
    igorskyigorsky Posts: 773member
    apple ][ said:
    The virus is officially a joke now, as far as I am concerned.

    I'm done with wearing masks, unless they are required when I enter certain stores. I just carry one in my pocket and I'll put it quickly on if I need to enter certain stores. I remove it as soon as I leave. The mask is just for show.

    It's a joke that the same companies that are preaching social distancing are also supporting mass gatherings and protests. They can't have it both ways and they have shown that they are full of crap, and that includes Apple.

    No app wlll ever be downloaded on any of my devices. Even if the virus were to return for a second wave in the fall or whatever, then I will not be listening to any of the so-called "experts" or the clueless and hypocritical authorities anymore. Their jig is up.
    That's awesome.  Hope you don't live anywhere near me or my family and friends.
  • Reply 5 of 35
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    igorsky said:
    That's awesome.  Hope you don't live anywhere near me or my family and friends.
    My concern is only for numero uno from now on. 

    I followed the idiotic guidelines for a few months, but I have now cancelled those guidelines and they are no longer in effect for me.
    edited June 2020 cgWerks
  • Reply 6 of 35
    igorskyigorsky Posts: 773member
    apple ][ said:
    igorsky said:
    That's awesome.  Hope you don't live anywhere near me or my family and friends.
    My concern is only for numero uno from now on. 

    I followed the idiotic guidelines for a few months, but I have now cancelled those guidelines and they are no longer in effect for me.
    Well hopefully it's only numero uno that gets infected and not people who actually took this seriuosly.
  • Reply 7 of 35
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    igorsky said:
    Well hopefully it's only numero uno that gets infected and not people who actually took this seriuosly.
    Numero uno is a pretty healthy person and they don't have much to worry about.

    What others decide to do is their concern and their problem.
  • Reply 8 of 35
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,043member
    This screening tool may take on additional importance as the WHO recently announced that prevailing evidence is pointing to the likelihood that asymptomatic people are a minimal source of infection:  That almost all infections are spread by those who are symptomatic.

    That's based on studies from countries who do extensive testing and contract tracing.  And, is based on the fact that they are not seeing much "secondary spread" from non-symptomatic people.  They also pointed out that people can be asymptomatic either by being infected but, for some reason, not showing signs of it -- or, by being only lightly infected.

    But, while they are saying the evidence is pointing this way, it has not been definitively proven and needs more study.
    But, if true, it means identifying symptomatic people earlier and getting them out of circulation quickly could go a long way to significantly reducing the spread of infection.
    What the report clarified is that they mean COMPLETELY asymptomatic carriers (those who never ended up getting a fever or getting sick at all) are minimal...not merely being PRE-symptomatic, which remains a danger due to viral shedding. 14-day pre-symptomatics are still a problem. 
  • Reply 9 of 35
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,043member

    apple ][ said:
    The virus is officially a joke now, as far as I am concerned.

    I'm done with wearing masks, unless they are required when I enter certain stores. I just carry one in my pocket and I'll put it quickly on if I need to enter certain stores. I remove it as soon as I leave. The mask is just for show.

    It's a joke that the same companies that are preaching social distancing are also supporting mass gatherings and protests. They can't have it both ways and they have shown that they are full of crap, and that includes Apple.

    No app wlll ever be downloaded on any of my devices. Even if the virus were to return for a second wave in the fall or whatever, then I will not be listening to any of the so-called "experts" or the clueless and hypocritical authorities anymore. Their jig is up.
    It’s not a joke, you’re just completely ignorant. Again. Simply look at the data... Almost twice as many Americans have been killed by covid as in the Vietnam war. Globally we have a 5.5% mortality rate (400k dead from 7.2 million cases). What part is difficult for you to understand? Oh yeah, the science part. 

    My brother and his wife, early fifties, no major issues, were hospitalized and nearly died. You’re just pretending it’s not a big deal because it hasn’t happened to you. The very definition of ignorance.
    edited June 2020 montrosemacsjony0
  • Reply 10 of 35
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,043member

    apple ][ said:
    igorsky said:
    That's awesome.  Hope you don't live anywhere near me or my family and friends.
    My concern is only for numero uno from now on. 

    I followed the idiotic guidelines for a few months, but I have now cancelled those guidelines and they are no longer in effect for me.
    The only idiots are the ones who flunked science and rage out on their keyboards instead. 

  • Reply 11 of 35
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    The only idiots are the ones who flunked science and rage out on their keyboards instead. 

    I've seen those charts before, some of which cite unreliable and discredited sources, such as the WHO.  Instead of preaching to somebody like me who is very informed and on top of things, you should instead preach to the many thousands of morons who are out and about "protesting" these days. It'll be hilarious if some of them end up catching the virus.

  • Reply 12 of 35
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    igorsky said:
    This screening tool may take on additional importance as the WHO recently announced that prevailing evidence is pointing to the likelihood that asymptomatic people are a minimal source of infection:  That almost all infections are spread by those who are symptomatic.

    That's based on studies from countries who do extensive testing and contract tracing.  And, is based on the fact that they are not seeing much "secondary spread" from non-symptomatic people.  They also pointed out that people can be asymptomatic either by being infected but, for some reason, not showing signs of it -- or, by being only lightly infected.

    But, while they are saying the evidence is pointing this way, it has not been definitively proven and needs more study.
    But, if true, it means identifying symptomatic people earlier and getting them out of circulation quickly could go a long way to significantly reducing the spread of infection.
    Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the WHO have already walked this statement back.

    Actually they didn't.   They acknowledged that some assumptions were made based on modelling.   But the current statement that asymptomatic people are rarely infectious is based on hard data from detailed, documented contact tracing -- and "secondary infections from asymptomatic people were rare".  And, while it needs verification and further illucidation, it still is best available evidence.
  • Reply 13 of 35
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    This screening tool may take on additional importance as the WHO recently announced that prevailing evidence is pointing to the likelihood that asymptomatic people are a minimal source of infection:  That almost all infections are spread by those who are symptomatic.

    That's based on studies from countries who do extensive testing and contract tracing.  And, is based on the fact that they are not seeing much "secondary spread" from non-symptomatic people.  They also pointed out that people can be asymptomatic either by being infected but, for some reason, not showing signs of it -- or, by being only lightly infected.

    But, while they are saying the evidence is pointing this way, it has not been definitively proven and needs more study.
    But, if true, it means identifying symptomatic people earlier and getting them out of circulation quickly could go a long way to significantly reducing the spread of infection.
    What the report clarified is that they mean COMPLETELY asymptomatic carriers (those who never ended up getting a fever or getting sick at all) are minimal...not merely being PRE-symptomatic, which remains a danger due to viral shedding. 14-day pre-symptomatics are still a problem. 
    Perhaps -- but in the reports that I saw they acknowledged that it was difficult to determine completely asymptomatic from presymptomatic from lightly infected --  and suggested that more data was needed.

    It's been an ongoing problem where those who know what they're talking about acknowledge grey and ambiguous areas but that is then twisted by those who want clear, unambiguous, black and white answers.   While conversely, those who don't know what they're talking about spew grey, meaningless garbage that they take as clear, black and white and definitive.  

    But an important thing that they clarified is that those with early symptoms may be the most contagious.   That's important and calls for testing that is cheap and readily available.

    edited June 2020 TommyCardellocgWerksjony0
  • Reply 14 of 35
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    apple ][ said:
    The only idiots are the ones who flunked science and rage out on their keyboards instead. 

    I've seen those charts before, some of which cite unreliable and discredited sources, such as the WHO.  Instead of preaching to somebody like me who is very informed and on top of things, you should instead preach to the many thousands of morons who are out and about "protesting" these days. It'll be hilarious if some of them end up catching the virus.

    The WHO was smeared, not discredited.   Its what the Liar in Chief does when he's in trouble.  But, there's a minority who will believe anything and everything he says.
  • Reply 15 of 35
    I wouldn't trust VOX as a reliable source. Check misc. sources and then make a conclusion.

    I agree, that it's ignorant to claim that COVID is a myth but come on, it's also ignorant to tell that "we're all gonna die" if we don't stay at home while relying on such biased sources like Vox.

    Some facts:

    1. Don't forget about millions of asymptomatic cases. 25% - 80% of COVID positive cases are asymptomatic.
    It tells us, that there's way more than 7M cases, thus bringing down the death rate significantly.    
    It's easy to track deaths, because, you know, you've got a dead body.  But it's waaaay harder to accurately track cases, especially while there are so many asymptomatic.

    2. The death rate is different among age groups. If you're over the age of about 30 your chance to die of COVID starts getting higher. If under 25, higher chance to die from flu.

    3. 35%-75% deaths occurred in nursing homes (% varies in different states, according to different sources. Even highly biased NYT admits that third deaths occurred in NY nursing homes)

    Let's be meaningful about the data we consume.  COVID is no joke, but also not a "threat to our civilization". 
    "Filter" information you consume from the media.

    Peace ✌️

    EDIT: typo.
    edited June 2020 cgWerks
  • Reply 16 of 35
    cgWerkscgWerks Posts: 2,952member
    So, now that it is over, what will this be used for?
    apple ][ said:
    The virus is officially a joke now, as far as I am concerned.
    Yeah, I'm not sure I'd say it was a joke, but the extreme over-reaction certainly was. The crazy thing, is that we didn't wear masks at work through the worst of it all, and now that it is over, we have to wear masks.

    igorsky said:
    Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the WHO have already walked this statement back.
    Who can trust WHO?

    StrangeDays said:
    It’s not a joke, you’re just completely ignorant. Again. Simply look at the data... Almost twice as many Americans have been killed by covid as in the Vietnam war. Globally we have a 5.5% mortality rate (400k dead from 7.2 million cases). What part is difficult for you to understand? Oh yeah, the science part. 

    My brother and his wife, early fifties, no major issues, were hospitalized and nearly died. You’re just pretending it’s not a big deal because it hasn’t happened to you. The very definition of ignorance. 
    It isn't a joke for the people impacted, certainly. The problem is more the scale of that impact, vs the reaction (and scale of the implications).

    GeorgeBMac said:
    It's been an ongoing problem where those who know what they're talking about acknowledge grey and ambiguous areas but that is then twisted by those who want clear, unambiguous, black and white answers.   While conversely, those who don't know what they're talking about spew grey, meaningless garbage that they take as clear, black and white and definitive.   
    Yep, and that would be mostly the media, and certain scientists with agendas. The data, aside from a lot of uncertainty, is out there and reasonably good. It just doesn't tell the story the alarmists are telling.

    TommyCardello said:
    3. 35%-75% deaths occurred in nursing homes (% varies in different states, according to different sources. Even highly biased NYT admits that third deaths occurred in NY nursing homes)
    And, that's including the fact that the horrific early models caused a lot of leaders to do THE EXACT OPPOSITE of protecting the most vulnerable. If it weren't for the Science™, MSM-hyper-inflation and scare-mongering, and de-platforming of reasonable minds, the death toll would likely be considerably lower. (And, that's not counting the massive death-toll to come.)
    edited June 2020 TommyCardello
  • Reply 17 of 35
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    cgWerks said:
    So, now that it is over, what will this be used for?
    apple ][ said:
    The virus is officially a joke now, as far as I am concerned.
    Yeah, I'm not sure I'd say it was a joke, but the extreme over-reaction certainly was. The crazy thing, is that we didn't wear masks at work through the worst of it all, and now that it is over, we have to wear masks.

    igorsky said:
    Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the WHO have already walked this statement back.
    Who can trust WHO?

    "The crazy thing, is that we didn't wear masks at work through the worst of it all, and now that it is over, we have to wear masks."
    It's not over.  The only thing that's over is the threat of overwhelming the healthcare system has, at least for the moment, passed.  And, thanks to the measures taken, we made it this far.   But the virus itself is just as alive and well as ever.  Actually, its MORE alive than ever because instead of a handful of infectious people we have thousands.

    And, the change in advice on masks was mostly driven by availability.    Early on they were afraid if everybody rushed out and bought masks the healthcare system would be stripped of them.   But,  once they realized desperate Americans would make their own, it was full speed ahead!

    Don't mistake advice directed at PUBLIC health for advice directed at YOUR health.   Public health scientists don't give a damn if you die.  They only care if thousands die.  That's their job -- and they should have made that clear.   But they didn't.

    "Who can trust WHO?"
    Pretty much everybody.  They are the best, most qualified scientists available -- and they have absolutely NO reason to lie of mislead.   Quite the opposite actually.   They are working with a new, never before seen pathogen with limited data that keeps emerging, so advice tends to change, but that does NOT mean they lie.   Instead it means that they are data driven.  Nobody can ask for more.

    But, the American Right Wing, in an effort to protect their leader, launched a smear campaign against them in order to have a scapegoat to blame for his negligence, corruption and incompetence.   The American Right WIng and its propaganda machine has every reason to lie.   The WHO has none.  They have nothing to gain by lying or misleading and everything to lose.

    At one time, the U.S. had world class public health agencies.   But 20 years of limited government, privatization and budget cuts whittled those formerly gold standard agencies down to mere incompetent shells of their former selves.   Now, the WHO with its limited resources and no enforcement powers is the best we have.   We need to strengthen both -- before the next pandemic strikes.   (No, Corona Virus was not the first and it won't be the last -- and that's not even counting the likelihood of the antibiotic resistant bacteria our factory farms are breeding.
  • Reply 18 of 35
    cgWerkscgWerks Posts: 2,952member
    GeorgeBMac said:
    It's not over.  The only thing that's over is the threat of overwhelming the healthcare system has, at least for the moment, passed.
    We're down to zero cases here.
    Even in the US, hospitalizations and deaths are consistently dropping, have been for weeks.

    GeorgeBMac said:
    Don't mistake advice directed at PUBLIC health for advice directed at YOUR health.   Public health scientists don't give a damn if you die.  They only care if thousands die.  That's their job -- and they should have made that clear.   But they didn't.
    Yep, I get that. And, they don't care much about other impacts either, even if they cause more deaths. That's why their job should be to inform policy makers, who are getting similar information on other factors, and combining it all. They shouldn't be running the show.

    GeorgeBMac said:
    They are the best, most qualified scientists available -- and they have absolutely NO reason to lie of mislead.
    Didn't they buy into the bad HCQ studies? Was that because it aligned with good science, or because it fit the political agenda? And, why didn't they tell us what was going on in China?

    GeorgeBMac said:
    At one time, the U.S. had world class public health agencies.   But 20 years of limited government, privatization and budget cuts whittled those formerly gold standard agencies down to mere incompetent shells of their former selves.
    I somewhat agree here. BTW, the testimony in this episode on the whole mask issue is sad, but informative, and infuriating:
    This guy tried to warn them over several administrations that this would happen.
  • Reply 19 of 35
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    cgWerks said:
    GeorgeBMac said:
    It's not over.  The only thing that's over is the threat of overwhelming the healthcare system has, at least for the moment, passed.
    We're down to zero cases here.
    Even in the US, hospitalizations and deaths are consistently dropping, have been for weeks.

    GeorgeBMac said:
    Don't mistake advice directed at PUBLIC health for advice directed at YOUR health.   Public health scientists don't give a damn if you die.  They only care if thousands die.  That's their job -- and they should have made that clear.   But they didn't.
    Yep, I get that. And, they don't care much about other impacts either, even if they cause more deaths. That's why their job should be to inform policy makers, who are getting similar information on other factors, and combining it all. They shouldn't be running the show.

    GeorgeBMac said:
    They are the best, most qualified scientists available -- and they have absolutely NO reason to lie of mislead.
    Didn't they buy into the bad HCQ studies? Was that because it aligned with good science, or because it fit the political agenda? And, why didn't they tell us what was going on in China?

    GeorgeBMac said:
    At one time, the U.S. had world class public health agencies.   But 20 years of limited government, privatization and budget cuts whittled those formerly gold standard agencies down to mere incompetent shells of their former selves.
    I somewhat agree here. BTW, the testimony in this episode on the whole mask issue is sad, but informative, and infuriating:
    This guy tried to warn them over several administrations that this would happen.

    Not only is it not gone*, but in many states the infection rate is climbing.   People forget that this whole thing was kicked off by a handful of infected people.  And, now we have tens of thousands of them. 

    The only thing that is over (hopefully) is the threat of our healthcare systems being overrun.
    As for the question of getting advice from expert, unbiased public health scientists versus politicians....   Why would anybody even ask that question?
    While it is true, as I pointed out, that public health officials tend to be concerned about public health rather than personal health, at least they are providing (hopefully) unbiased, evidence based advice.  (Admittedly, even that failed here in the U.S. as politicians threatened and intimidated scientists from already badly weakened agencies running without sufficient data or resources.)

    For the WHO, no public health agency facing a new, never before pathogen is going to get it perfect.  And, the WHO has no inherent power of enforcement.   It has to rely on individual governments to even enter their country.   The fact that the virus became politicized in the U.S. with resulting smear campaigns directed at both the WHO and China only discredits the authenticity of the smear campaign.   The truth is:  both the WHO and China did far more, far more effectively than the U.S. did -- which is why the smear campaign was initiated:   to cover up the negligence, corruption and incompetence of U.S. officials.

    * Added:
    "Not only is it not gone*.....
    Even China, where the virus was brought under control weeks ago -- with only handfuls of new, mostly imported cases, knows it is not over and, instead of trying to hold employers harmless for the deaths of its workers is working to protect the health of those workers and students (and all of its citizens).   Instead of leading people to believe it is over, they are ramping UP testing:
    "Last month, Wuhan tested around 6 million people over 10 days"
    "Unlike many countries, tests are widely available in China"
    "Chinese organizations bought 257 PCR laboratories in the last 30 days,... compared with an average of 21 per month in the previous 12 months. Those figures represent a fraction of the total"
    "China has said it can produce 5 million test kits a day, and provincial governments have imposed strict price controls on manufacturers. ... By comparison, the U.S. CDC reported over 20 million tests conducted as of June 5"

    Outbreak quashed, China launches test lab spending spree

    So, we see two opposing approaches to this pandemic:
    U.S.:   Denial.   Opening up for business without protecting the means of production, the people who conduct that business.
    China:   Control (even eliminate) the virus andprotect its workers, students and general population -- and then let businesses conduct their business in a safe environment.

    Perhaps that's why iPhones are made in China.  They tend to do the right things rather than stupid things.

    edited June 2020
  • Reply 20 of 35
    cgWerkscgWerks Posts: 2,952member
    GeorgeBMac said:
    Not only is it not gone*, but in many states the infection rate is climbing.   People forget that this whole thing was kicked off by a handful of infected people.  And, now we have tens of thousands of them.  

    The only thing that is over (hopefully) is the threat of our healthcare systems being overrun.
    Very slight up-tick in a few states, that might not even be distinguishable from the variance we've been seeing anyway. We'll have to wait a few days to know.
    The healthcare system was never really in any kind of threat to begin with, aside from maybe a couple spots in a couple major cities. Most of the healthcare system in the USA is in danger from the opposite problem.

    GeorgeBMac said:
    ... at least they are providing (hopefully) unbiased, evidence based advice.  (Admittedly, even that failed here in the U.S. as politicians threatened and intimidated scientists from already badly weakened agencies running without sufficient data or resources.)
    The worst of the problems seem to have come from the UK, not the USA. If the world hadn't overreacted to that idiot's models (with a long track record of them), we'd probably have halved the deaths.

    Look, I'm happy for good scientists, but not when it all becomes political and/or greedy. That was clearly the case with Covid.

    GeorgeBMac said:
    ... The truth is:  both the WHO and China did far more, far more effectively than the U.S. did -- which is why the smear campaign was initiated:   to cover up the negligence, corruption and incompetence of U.S. officials. ...
    Like encouraging people to hug Chinese people and hold parades in Chinatown? The whole thing was a political shit-show. I'm not sure if Canada ever did actually shut-down flight from China, and Trump doing so was labeled as racism, while the Democrats tried to virtue-signal. 

    I'm sure there are some great people working with/at WHO, but the leadership is a joke. I'm not sure they will be taken seriously again until they fix that.

    GeorgeBMac said:
    So, we see two opposing approaches to this pandemic:
    U.S.:   Denial.   Opening up for business without protecting the means of production, the people who conduct that business.
    China:   Control (even eliminate) the virus andprotect its workers, students and general population -- and then let businesses conduct their business in a safe environment.
    Then there's British Columbia where I live (you know, where Vancouver is located w/ about 1/5 the population of NYC) where we're down to 12 new cases and no deaths for several days... less closed down (and later) than a lot of places in the USA.

    The big difference? I'm certainly no expert, but if I had to guess, I'd say we did a better job of protecting the vulnerable. We quickly put into place protections on elderly homes, etc. (which I think are generally pretty good to start), instead of housing our Covid-patients there. And, the government put some programs in place to allow people who needed to to stay home (they could have been a LOT better, but it was a fairly good response).
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