Apple shuts down Epic Games developer account



  • Reply 21 of 107
    d_2 said:
    My wife sells wholesale goods to retailers. With Epic’s logic, she should take her products, walk in to her favorite large retailer (WalMart), setup a table or two, and start selling direct.

    Sure, that would work great.


    Such a great analogy! Thank you.
  • Reply 22 of 107
    I wonder what Epic is thinking...
    I get they are frustrated with the 30% “Apple Tax” but their actions make no sense.

    so can I ask do you also call google play store a “google tax” since they charge the same 30% as Apple?

  • Reply 23 of 107
    entropys said:
    So when is Apple coming out with the game engine to rule them all?
    Probably right after they've got 1.2 million game devs, 2500 companies and a 450 million (current gen, not including smartphones) unit-sold install base using it.
  • Reply 24 of 107
    Quench,  so you believe that Apple owns a piece of all revenues from anything on their devices?

    wasnt that way with Macs and ought not be a walled garden with a 30% Apple tax.   iPads and phones ought not be so locked down,  it is anti consumer 

    quench said:
    So Epic agreed to the contract because they know Apple has an enormous base of customers. Then epic got greedy and thought they could be dishonorable and cheat the company (Apple) that helped them become a worldwide sensation.
    epic you suck for your dishonesty, lying to customers when you blamed Apple for the situation that you forced onto itself, stealing from the company that made you extremely wealthy. 
    I don’t care what quality games you produce, I will not support a greedy, lying, stealing company ever again.
    I'm done with you epic!

    If Apple was the only game in town...the only devices...the only apps and only app might have a point.

    BUT, if you want an unlocked tech experience, with what I am told are equal or better devices...use Android. Google produces a fine app store over a fine system software...and it is on so many devices from more companies than I can count.

    Saying Apple is 'anti-consumer' is disingenuous at best. Comparing the current battle to the one with macintosh is also tech naive, ignoring the actual history and markets--which do not equal the current situation.

    Apple deserves whatever fees it sets...and people are willing to pay. There will always be you I assume...who want everything free. But nothing is free...nothing. When you use a google product, where much is touted as 'free' they make their money off selling all your information to advertisers. You must know this by now. YOU are the product. Apple uses a different business model...and while not perfect, nothing is and I prefer their stance on my information than anything google does.

    It amuses me when people want less lock down without considering the actual known consequences of that.
  • Reply 25 of 107
    GG1GG1 Posts: 483member
    entropys said:
    So when is Apple coming out with the game engine to rule them all?
    We can wish. But I can't think of a better way to announce ASi Macs than with a high-quality game based on a new Apple game engine.

  • Reply 26 of 107
    JapheyJaphey Posts: 1,772member
    sbwolves said:
    Quench,  so you believe that Apple owns a piece of all revenues from anything on their devices?

    wasnt that way with Macs and ought not be a walled garden with a 30% Apple tax.   iPads and phones ought not be so locked down,  it is anti consumer 

    quench said:
    So Epic agreed to the contract because they know Apple has an enormous base of customers. Then epic got greedy and thought they could be dishonorable and cheat the company (Apple) that helped them become a worldwide sensation.
    epic you suck for your dishonesty, lying to customers when you blamed Apple for the situation that you forced onto itself, stealing from the company that made you extremely wealthy. 
    I don’t care what quality games you produce, I will not support a greedy, lying, stealing company ever again.
    I'm done with you epic!

    If Apple was the only game in town...the only devices...the only apps and only app might have a point.

    BUT, if you want an unlocked tech experience, with what I am told are equal or better devices...use Android. Google produces a fine app store over a fine system software...and it is on so many devices from more companies than I can count.

    Saying Apple is 'anti-consumer' is disingenuous at best. Comparing the current battle to the one with macintosh is also tech naive, ignoring the actual history and markets--which do not equal the current situation.

    Apple deserves whatever fees it sets...and people are willing to pay. There will always be you I assume...who want everything free. But nothing is free...nothing. When you use a google product, where much is touted as 'free' they make their money off selling all your information to advertisers. You must know this by now. YOU are the product. Apple uses a different business model...and while not perfect, nothing is and I prefer their stance on my information than anything google does.

    It amuses me when people want less lock down without considering the actual known consequences of that.
    Exactly. If Apple was so anti-consumer, they wouldn’t sell very many products, would they? Instead, people flock to them in droves and they set record profits quarter after quarter. 
  • Reply 27 of 107
    mjtomlinmjtomlin Posts: 2,686member
    Quench,  so you believe that Apple owns a piece of all revenues from anything on their devices?

    wasnt that way with Macs and ought not be a walled garden with a 30% Apple tax.   iPads and phones ought not be so locked down,  it is anti consumer 

    quench said:
    So Epic agreed to the contract because they know Apple has an enormous base of customers. Then epic got greedy and thought they could be dishonorable and cheat the company (Apple) that helped them become a worldwide sensation.
    epic you suck for your dishonesty, lying to customers when you blamed Apple for the situation that you forced onto itself, stealing from the company that made you extremely wealthy. 
    I don’t care what quality games you produce, I will not support a greedy, lying, stealing company ever again.
    I'm done with you epic!

    iOS is not macOS. There have always been and continue to be closed platforms. No one complained about the iPod being a closed platform... It’s an alternative business model and is perfectly legal - it is not anti-consumer. Consumers have a choice to buy another device that uses a different more open platform.
    pscooter63[Deleted User]mwhiteequality72521Beatsaderuttern2itivguylolliverwatto_cobra
  • Reply 28 of 107
    Epic is like a giant crowbar that will pry chunks out of Apple's wall. Hurray for Epic!
  • Reply 29 of 107
    quench said:
    the company (Apple) that helped them become a worldwide sensation.

    I'm sorry but many of the opinions here are seriously misinformed.  
    For this to get 10 likes also tells me that some of the readership is also misguided. 
  • Reply 30 of 107
    mdriftmeyermdriftmeyer Posts: 7,503member
    I wonder what Epic is thinking...
    I get they are frustrated with the 30% “Apple Tax” but their actions make no sense.

    I'm thinking that for them, they can only win.   They can't lose:
    Their game is to break down the walls of the walled garden.  
    -- If they succeed then they win
    -- if they don't succeed then they go back to obeying the rules -- and have lost very little (but gained a bunch of free publicity!)

    It's only a matter of time before Apple releases a mature Gaming Engine/Environment to leverage the hoard of new Metal based APIs that will be optimized for Afterburner and the DSP/FPGA assets being built into their forthcoming motherboards for Macbook/Macbook Pro/Mac Mini, MacBook Air, never mind the iMac and a future iMac Pro and the eventual Mac Pro line.

    If people think Apple can't or won't developing a universal gaming engine for iOS/AppleTV/WatchOS/macOS then think again. The Afterburner project headed in Florida is run by one of the smartest ex-NeXT fellow alumni who co-wrote WindowServer, Quartz/Quartz Extreme and Metal.
    edited August 2020 [Deleted User]Beatsn2itivguydysamoriaunsui_greptmaykurai_kagewatto_cobra
  • Reply 31 of 107
    mjtomlin said:
    No one complained about the iPod being a closed platform... 
    That's revisionism at its best. Fairplay anyone? Even the RIAA purposely misinterpreted Jobs' "open letter" to the industry to mean he was proposing to license it.  
  • Reply 32 of 107
    I wonder what Epic is thinking...
    I get they are frustrated with the 30% “Apple Tax” but their actions make no sense.
    The way I understand it, Epic's endgame is to demolish the walls of the garden, so they can launch their own App Store. It's not really about the 30%.
  • Reply 33 of 107
    TSSTSS Posts: 3member
    Pretty clear that it was all premeditated on Epic's part, Tim Sweeney in particular. Epic baited Apple and the plan has backfired badly.. big time. "Principle" was his reason which I find very disingenuous. It was all about Epic wanting to earn *a lot more money*. I've lost all respect towards Epic / Tim Sweeney.
  • Reply 34 of 107
    Once again, 10 year olds across the country are crying and - finding new games to play. Epic blew it.
  • Reply 35 of 107
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    Suck it, Epic. 
  • Reply 36 of 107
    davidwdavidw Posts: 2,096member
    Epic is like a giant crowbar that will pry chunks out of Apple's wall. Hurray for Epic!
    Epic is like a giant crowbar about to take a swing at Apple wall, that happens to be an electrified fence. 

    And two other idiots, MS and FaceBook, offered to hold on for support. They are all going to be shock, when it doesn't turn out as they all hope it would. 
  • Reply 37 of 107
    quench said:
    So Epic agreed to the contract because they know Apple has an enormous base of customers. Then epic got greedy and thought they could be dishonorable and cheat the company (Apple) that helped them become a worldwide sensation.
    epic you suck for your dishonesty, lying to customers when you blamed Apple for the situation that you forced onto itself, stealing from the company that made you extremely wealthy. 
    I don’t care what quality games you produce, I will not support a greedy, lying, stealing company ever again.
    I'm done with you epic!
    And you don’t think Apple is greedy? Charging 500% of the retail price for storage in your new iMac, or soldering the SSD in your motherboard because then you’ll buy a new iMac sooner when it dies? And still 30% in 2020 on app purchases, while the vast majority of developers are drowning and disappearing in the offerings of millions of apps? 

    This is not 2009 when your app actually was discoverable on the App Store. 30% for essentially hosting your game and not getting any service out of Apple for anything else (except MAYBE getting your game on their release stream - discoverable for what, like, 3 days maybe?), and then having to PAY for advertisements on the App Store on top the 30%... That is killing developers. 
    Do you know how much devs are SPENDING and risking before that game launches? Do you have any idea about the economics of it all? I guess you don’t. 
    Well, I do, I have released over 40 games on the App Store - both licensed IP’s and games for marketing purposes, some successful and some not, and I can tell you the App Store today is a shit show because of the sheer amount of content. 
    Top tier earners keep earning because they BUY their users with their earnings. Hundreds thousands per day. You have no chance of turning the tides in your favor. It’s a mess.

    Epic is one of the exceptions - they are incredibly successful - but they are fighting the PRINCIPLE here and that’s not just for themselves. They don’t need Apple’s iOS revenue. They want CHANGE. Their philosophy in revenue sharing with developers for their own tools is much more developer friendly. They are much more values driven here. Apple is in fact the greedy one here. It’s not a coincidence they reaches a 2 trillion market cap here!

    There’s several examples of Apple being greedy.
    Stop defending Apple like it’s some exception to the rule and that it’s some kind of amazing company that is out there to help developers rich. They don’t care about that. They care about their own valuation.    
  • Reply 38 of 107
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    iMacabre said:
    I wonder what Epic is thinking...
    I get they are frustrated with the 30% “Apple Tax” but their actions make no sense.
    The way I understand it, Epic's endgame is to demolish the walls of the garden, so they can launch their own App Store. It's not really about the 30%.
    And the day after than happens, I'm sure Epic will announce that third-party developers will be allowed to open their own app stores on the Epic platform so they can sell their own add-ons, skins and tokens without giving a cut to Epic.
  • Reply 39 of 107
    qwerty52qwerty52 Posts: 367member
    Beats said:
    The update further proves Epic are liars:

    "Update: Epic CEO Tim Sweeney responded to Apple's decision in a tweet Friday, saying, "Apple's statement isn't forthright. They chose to terminate Epic's account; they didn't *have* to. That's not so. Epic submitted three Fortnite builds: two bug-fix updates, and the Season 4 update with this note." The note informs Apple of a submitted Fortnite build that includes current Season 4 content, but also continues to offer Epic's direct payment system in violation of App Store guidelines."
    Absolutely! It is also not Epic’s first lie, and I am afraid it will be not the last.
  • Reply 40 of 107
    NaiyasNaiyas Posts: 107member
    entropys said:
    So when is Apple coming out with the game engine to rule them all?
    Apple could buy Epic out and own the Unreal Engine with pocket change. Apple spent almost double Epic’s entire value on their share buyback program alone last year.

    But that would probably add fuel to the monopoly fire that is currently burning, so it won’t happen.
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