Apple's $111.4B Q1 shatters quarterly record with massive growth across all categories



  • Reply 21 of 75
    lkrupp said:
    Can’t wait for the usual suspects to explain to us how this is actually bad news for the company.

    Meanwhile, Goldman Sachs analyst Rod Hall is recommending a sell on AAPL with a target price of $80, stating that after the pandemic it’s all over for Apple and iPhone sales will plummet.

    This was back in September. Hall has since revised his price down even further to $75. Apple is doomed!

    I think Apple needs to find a new partner for the Apple Card.
    I realize you're being tongue-in-cheek, but analysts have little directly to do GS's (or any other major financial services company's) core businesses these days. A lot of that type of stuff has been cleaned up by regulation.

    He seems like he's not a very good analyst, that's all.
    edited January 2021 melgrosswatto_cobra
  • Reply 22 of 75
    Tim just aped the administration’s nonsensical “build back better” line. Major eyeroll. 

    Since Tim is so committed to giving away Apple’s money maybe he should go work in government.
    Build Back Better makes more sense than Be Best. 😆

    They literally cannot spend their cash fast enough. Who gives a fuck if they give a tiny percentage of it away? Tim probably loses a million just using a leaf blower to clear piles or cash to get to his car in the morning. 
  • Reply 23 of 75

    lkrupp said:
    Apple, proudly failing and racing toward bankruptcy since April 1, 1976!
    Love the profitability, hate the current Apple regime’s preaching.
    We get it. You hate equality. You don’t have to keep reminding us all. 
    ronndave marshDAalsethmontrosemacstmaymuthuk_vanalingamradarthekatmelgrosswatto_cobra
  • Reply 24 of 75

    neruda said:
    Stonks to the moon incoming.
    Apple stock at $144/share is undervalued.  It Apple stock had the same PE as Tesla its stock would be north of $350/share. 
    Lol even Musk says Tesla is massively overvalued right now. 
  • Reply 25 of 75
    wizard69 said:
    I'm not surprised at all with respect to the M1 Macs driving sales in that category.    It has been at least a half decade since I can honestly say that a Mac laptop is worth buying..    Not only is it worth the money paid (relative to other vendors) it literally blows the competition out of the water.  I'm already looking forward the MBA replacement expected some time this year.   As a highly mobile computing device it blows the rest of the industry away and frankly is now a better solution than iPad.

    Well better solution for me as the keyboard is a requirement as is Mac OS and access to the system.

    I'm also surprised by the iPad revenue growth.  I mean, I expected it to grow this quarter but nowhere near 41% YoY.

    "As a highly mobile computing device it blows the rest of the industry away and frankly is now a better solution than iPad." => Agreed.
    edited January 2021 radarthekatBeatswatto_cobra
  • Reply 26 of 75
    Lots of that came from iPhone upgrades although switchers went up yoy it wasn’t as much as upgrades 
  • Reply 27 of 75
    Apple stock down $4.00 in after hours, so a little profit taking, as usual after Apple earnings announcements.
  • Reply 28 of 75
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    Will be interesting to see if they increase the dividend at the next call.   It's risen by about 6% the past couple of years, but growth and stock price is outstripping it.  
  • Reply 29 of 75
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,106member
    Wow, that is just an insane amount of money for one quarter.  Keep the fire going TC!
  • Reply 30 of 75

    neruda said:
    Stonks to the moon incoming.
    Apple stock at $144/share is undervalued.  It Apple stock had the same PE as Tesla its stock would be north of $350/share. 
    Lol even Musk says Tesla is massively overvalued right now. 
    Bad math, neruda. AAPL has a P/E after today of about 38. TSLA has a P/E of 1,642. At that P/E, Apple would have a price of (1,642/38x~140=) ~$6,049/share....

    As an AAPL investor, may I say, neruda, from your lips to the Maker's ear....
    edited January 2021 SpamSandwichradarthekatwatto_cobra
  • Reply 31 of 75
    tzeshantzeshan Posts: 2,351member
    What is guidance for this quarter and the year?
  • Reply 32 of 75
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    neruda said:
    Stonks to the moon incoming.
    Apple stock at $144/share is undervalued.  It Apple stock had the same PE as Tesla its stock would be north of $350/share. 
    That doesn't mean AAPL is undervalued, though any credible analysis would conclude TSLA is overvalued.  Why not compare AAPL to GME right now while you're at it?
  • Reply 33 of 75
    crowley said:
    neruda said:
    Stonks to the moon incoming.
    Apple stock at $144/share is undervalued.  It Apple stock had the same PE as Tesla its stock would be north of $350/share. 
    That doesn't mean AAPL is undervalued, though any credible analysis would conclude TSLA is overvalued.  Why not compare AAPL to GME right now while you're at it?
    He's off on the math by a factor of 17....
    edited January 2021
  • Reply 34 of 75

    tzeshan said:
    What is guidance for this quarter and the year?
    As for several quarters now, Apple has not given any guidance. Too many unknowns. Personally, I wouldn't mind if they never gave guidance again.
    edited January 2021 radarthekatapplejakesBeatswatto_cobraMisterKit
  • Reply 35 of 75
    crowley said:
    neruda said:
    Stonks to the moon incoming.
    Apple stock at $144/share is undervalued.  It Apple stock had the same PE as Tesla its stock would be north of $350/share. 
    That doesn't mean AAPL is undervalued, though any credible analysis would conclude TSLA is overvalued.  Why not compare AAPL to GME right now while you're at it?
    One way to think about P/E is that, to match its present price, the same yearly EPS would need to be earned for that many years. In Tesla's case, with a P/E of 1,642, It would take 1,642 years to for its earnings to match its present stock price. Amazon would take 94 years. And Apple would take about 38 years.

    Of course, the reason the P/E is higher for Tesla is that folks are considering that earnings will explode in the future. If they went up 160x as much as now, the P/E would be a about 10, assuming the same share count and price per share. With Apple, if EPS goes up by 4x, the P/E would drop below 10.

    Which do you think is more likely; Apple's EPS going up 4x or Tesla's going up 160x? And how long until each achieves it? I'm guessing Apple will be there in about 10 years, but if it creates an additional paradigm shift along the lines of the iPhone, it could happen in 4. With Tesla, they'd have to double each preceding year's ESP for about 8 years running. That's a pretty hard row to hoe, especially considering the expansion in production capacity that would require.
  • Reply 36 of 75
    chadbagchadbag Posts: 2,010member


    Buy on the hype, sell on the news...   Down multiple $ after hours now.    It will be temporary most likely.  As long as it doesn't go below $126 before Feb 12 :) as I have a PUT credit spread...  (Not a big one, just a small one in an IRA that I can't put more money into with any benefit and where there is not enough to do much).

  • Reply 37 of 75
    zeus423zeus423 Posts: 251member

    lkrupp said:
    Apple, proudly failing and racing toward bankruptcy since April 1, 1976!
    Love the profitability, hate the current Apple regime’s preaching.
    We get it. You hate equality. You don’t have to keep reminding us all. 
    Equality. What a nice word for some people working hard and others getting a cut for not working as hard. Is it equality or socialism?
  • Reply 38 of 75
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    zeus423 said:

    lkrupp said:
    Apple, proudly failing and racing toward bankruptcy since April 1, 1976!
    Love the profitability, hate the current Apple regime’s preaching.
    We get it. You hate equality. You don’t have to keep reminding us all. 
    Equality. What a nice word for some people working hard and others getting a cut for not working as hard. Is it equality or socialism?
    He said the bad word!  Now the death panels will get us all!

    Give over.
  • Reply 39 of 75
    cg27cg27 Posts: 214member
    Rayz2016 said:
    Nice problem to have …

    Why not keep as much net cash as possible?  Keep the powder dry for acquisitions, rainy days, dividend increases, or whatever.  Getting net cash to zero sounds dangerous should the economy really go south.  Maybe they’re just saying they’d like to get to zero but know that will never happen, because they won’t let it.
  • Reply 40 of 75
    cg27 said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    Nice problem to have …

    Why not keep as much net cash as possible?  Keep the powder dry for acquisitions, rainy days, dividend increases, or whatever.  Getting net cash to zero sounds dangerous should the economy really go south.  Maybe they’re just saying they’d like to get to zero but know that will never happen, because they won’t let it.
    I think it’s a position Wall Street likes because it would mean Apple was no longer in control. I think it’s a really dumb pursuit to attempt to hold no cash. If they really want to, they should be using their cash to buy Bitcoin.
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