Apple denied Parler re-entry to the App Store despite guideline revision



  • Reply 41 of 103
    n2macs said:
    I’m a long time Apple user and stockholder. I think they are taking censorship and cancel culture too far. Apple is successful because of their great products and services. Not their social/political opinions.
    I'm a longtime Apple user and stockholder as well.

    And I Love the way Apple speaks up for fairness and justice for everyone, and that as powerful as they are, they use that power to bring attention to the many injustices & shortcomings of our fellow man. They are not perfect BUT they continue forward with a more just purpose.

    I encourage and support Apple to Speak Up More and More loudly,
    against hateful, racist, discriminatory content.

    Go Apple !!
    Go Tim Cook !!
  • Reply 42 of 103
    Perhaps it's worth remembering that the right to say what you want does not include the right to force other people to propagate what you say.

    Not taking a position here, but in terms of logic, you lost me...
    Allow me to clear it up for you:

    The Right To Free Speech means the government can’t arrest you for what you say.

    It Doesn’t mean that Anyone else Or any Company, has to listen to your BS, or provide You a platform while you share it.

    IF you’re yelled at, boycotted, have your show cancelled, or get banned from An Internet community, your Free Speech rights are Not being violated.

    It’s just that the people listening or hosting think you’re an A-hole, 

    And they are simply showing you Out the door.

  • Reply 43 of 103
    Articles on Parler are a great way to see all the closet racists come out to post while pretending they’re about free speech or some other bullshit.
  • Reply 44 of 103
    tommikeletommikele Posts: 599member
    Tons of righteous indignation and pontificating. The lecturing from some posters is laughable. To those posters going with the cancel culture routine one can only surmise you endorse providing a platform for racism, hate and white supremacy. The use of Twitter and Facebook to support your claim is revolting as is your failure to make the distinction between a platform expressly dedicated to allowing this content versus one where it’s leaks through a moderation system. Disheartening to see such a lack of conviction from so many.

  • Reply 45 of 103
    adhausadhaus Posts: 8member
    crowley said:
    Good, but heaven knows why it was allowed in the first place. Absolute cesspool. 
    And yet no more so than any other social media platform.
  • Reply 46 of 103
    tommikeletommikele Posts: 599member
    n2macs said:
    I’m a long time Apple user and stockholder. I think they are taking censorship and cancel culture too far. Apple is successful because of their great products and services. Not their social/political opinions.
    Sad to read you defend racism and white supremacy. 

  • Reply 47 of 103
    adhausadhaus Posts: 8member

    I do not condone hate speech in any shape or form....even more so i do not condone Hypocrisy and Tyrannical behavior! 
    How about if someone just defines it. All too often people mis-associate hateful speech for hate-speech. Hateful speech is mean-spirited communication. Hatespeech is a made up term used to silence speech someone doesn't like.
  • Reply 48 of 103
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    adhaus said:
    crowley said:
    Good, but heaven knows why it was allowed in the first place. Absolute cesspool. 
    And yet no more so than any other social media platform.
    Most social media stinks, but Parler definitely stinks more than most.
  • Reply 49 of 103
    adhausadhaus Posts: 8member
    tommikele said:
    n2macs said:
    I’m a long time Apple user and stockholder. I think they are taking censorship and cancel culture too far. Apple is successful because of their great products and services. Not their social/political opinions.
    Sad to read you defend racism and white supremacy. 
    That was stated as if Parlor supposedly has the market cornered on that... and that racism can only be perpetuated by one ethic group. Parler disagrees with hateful speech. The only difference is just that they are not hypocritical in the enforcement of their rules. Facebook Twitter allows hateful speech and "hate speech" as long as it is targeted at the left's rivals. The problem is not that one is racist and the other is not... it's just that one side is hypocritical and inconsistent and the other isn't.
    edited March 2021 elijahg
  • Reply 50 of 103
    bluefire1bluefire1 Posts: 1,304member
    Instead of leading, Apple is following by bowing to cancel culture. 
    Bad decision.
  • Reply 51 of 103
    The heat is out at my place. I’m getting nice and toasty from this thread. 🔥
  • Reply 52 of 103
    elijahgelijahg Posts: 2,784member
    The heat is out at my place. I’m getting nice and toasty from this thread. 🔥
    Someone will notice and delete it soon.
  • Reply 53 of 103
    badmonkbadmonk Posts: 1,318member
    Apple’s platform, Apple’s right to police it as they see fit.  Saying FB and Twitter are worse is not a defense.  Cancel it all! is what this shareholder says.

    I am sick of all this nonsense.  Thanks Apple for not letting them back on.
    edited March 2021 delreyjones
  • Reply 54 of 103
    elijahgelijahg Posts: 2,784member
    badmonk said:
    Apple’s platform, Apple’s right to police it as they see fit.
    Only the antitrust investigations prove it's not quite as simple as that.
  • Reply 55 of 103
    badmonkbadmonk Posts: 1,318member
    elijahg said:
    badmonk said:
    Apple’s platform, Apple’s right to police it as they see fit.
    Only the antitrust investigations prove it's not quite as simple as that.
    No it’s got nothing to do with that.  It is that simple.  Antitrust has nothing to do with it.  The users of Parlor attempted to subvert my democracy and the civil society that Apple needs to operate as a profitable company.  No bar is too high for Parlor.  They need to police their users to keep them from promoting hate speech.  FB and Twitter need to do the same.

    The constitutional concept of free speech relates to the government infringing on speech  and not a private company. The last I checked the Republicans voted against net neutrality and making the internet a public commons.  They need to lay in the bed they made. It is Apple’s App Store.  They can do what they want.

    Don’t obscure the issue.
  • Reply 56 of 103
    elijahgelijahg Posts: 2,784member
    badmonk said:
    elijahg said:
    badmonk said:
    Apple’s platform, Apple’s right to police it as they see fit.
    Only the antitrust investigations prove it's not quite as simple as that.
    No it’s got nothing to do with that.  It is that simple.  Antitrust has nothing to do with it.  The users of Parlor attempted to subvert my democracy and the civil society that Apple needs to operate as a profitable company.  No bar is too high for Parlor.  They need to police their users to keep them from promoting hate speech.  FB and Twitter need to do the same.

    The constitutional concept of free speech relates to the government infringing on speech  and not a private company. The last I checked the Republicans voted against net neutrality and making the internet a public commons.  They need to lay in the bed they made. It is Apple’s App Store.  They can do what they want.

    Don’t obscure the issue.
    My comment was in the context of your comment, which was "Apple’s platform, Apple’s right to police it as they see fit." That is, apparently, not true. 

    Either way, the users of Facebook, Twitter and the Internet used those services, amongst others, to attempt to subvert your democracy. Should they all be shut down as well?
    edited March 2021
  • Reply 57 of 103
    elijahgelijahg Posts: 2,784member
    adhaus said:
    tommikele said:
    n2macs said:
    I’m a long time Apple user and stockholder. I think they are taking censorship and cancel culture too far. Apple is successful because of their great products and services. Not their social/political opinions.
    Sad to read you defend racism and white supremacy. 
    That was stated as if Parlor supposedly has the market cornered on that... and that racism can only be perpetuated by one ethic group. Parler disagrees with hateful speech. The only difference is just that they are not hypocritical in the enforcement of their rules. Facebook Twitter allows hateful speech and "hate speech" as long as it is targeted at the left's rivals. The problem is not that one is racist and the other is not... it's just that one side is hypocritical and inconsistent and the other isn't.


    Now let’s see if this gets censored and if you agree with it.
    See what I did there? That is entirely uncalled for and is the kind of thing that derails a discussion and gets it deleted. Don't be a tool.
    edited March 2021 zeus423
  • Reply 58 of 103
    hodarhodar Posts: 358member
    In the history of mankind, when has censorship and banning free speech ever been done by the “Good Guys”

    Why are they so terrified by an alternative point of view, that they refuse to debate, but demand to silence?  It’s almost as if they know they cannot defend their viewpoint any other way, than violence and suppression 
  • Reply 59 of 103
    zeus423zeus423 Posts: 251member
    Whatever happened to free speech? You know, the kind where we used to say, "I might not agree with what you say, but you have a right to say it." Now if someone disagrees with you, they either try to cancel you or label you. People cannot have a debate anymore without someone claiming to be offended. I think it started when it became easier to block someone than have to listen to a different point of view.

    Open your ears and open your mind. People are just too sensitive anymore. 
  • Reply 60 of 103
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    tommikele said:
    Tons of righteous indignation and pontificating. The lecturing from some posters is laughable. To those posters going with the cancel culture routine one can only surmise you endorse providing a platform for racism, hate and white supremacy. The use of Twitter and Facebook to support your claim is revolting as is your failure to make the distinction between a platform expressly dedicated to allowing this content versus one where it’s leaks through a moderation system. Disheartening to see such a lack of conviction from so many.

    Spot on. And this use of the term “cancel culture” … whining because companies don’t want to repeat your racist bullshit. 

     There are plenty of channels for these people to get their fill of hate-filled nonsense. Apple is well within its rights to decide it won’t be one of them.
    edited March 2021 GeorgeBMacericthehalfbeedelreyjonesDogpersonfastasleep
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