Steve Wozniak 'can't tell the difference' between iPhone 12 and iPhone 13



  • Reply 21 of 64
    DAalsethDAalseth Posts: 2,872member
    darkvader said:
    What is wrong with you people?

    This is Woz, the guy who created Apple.  The Steve who REALLY created apple, not the attention whore Steve who liked taking credit for what Woz did.

    And he's absolutely right.  The iPhone 13 is effectively no different than the 12, which is no different than the 11.  Phones are a mature technology, and pretending that a new model every year is somehow going to be an amazing upgrade is idiotic at this point.

    "But battery life is better!" - Guess what?  That's not innovation, Apple could have done that all along, all it takes is making the phone thicker so a bigger battery fits inside.  We could have iPhones that work for a week without charging if Apple really gave up on the idiotic thin fetish.
    Exactly right, not just about iPhones, but ALL of Apple's products. I've got an iPhone 11 and have no reason to upgrade. Likely be looking at it sometime around the iPhone 16 when I do. My 2016 21.5" Intel iMac is still running fine and I see no reason to upgrade. My 10.5" iPad Pro will be around five years old before I update it, that is IF iPadOS makes use of the power of the new M series chips. In the mean time I'm still making art and writing and it works fine. I used to look at upgrading everything yearly. Then I was down to one device every year. Any more though, they are so powerful, and so well made, and so MATURE, that I end up having years where I don't feel a need to upgrade anything. 

    The technologies are mature and year to year changes are just incremental. Woz is just stating the obvious, and his statement is true of everyone's phones, not just Apple's
  • Reply 22 of 64
    Fred257 said:
    hucom2000 said:
    WHO CARES what this guy thinks? Why does the media (including AI) give him all of this attention? What has he accomplished since that gives him credibility? Seriously…

    you sure don’t know what you’re talking about ߘ⦬t;/div>

    Enlighten me. Always happy to learn something new.
    edited November 2021
  • Reply 23 of 64
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,561member
    I'm a fan of the Woz. His vital role in helping transform Apple from its most primitive state to where it is today cannot be overlooked. His opinions about the Apple of today are as worthy of consideration as the other millions of opinions that are floating around out there. I don't see his statements about the iPhone 13 as being disrespectful or unlike those of lots of ordinary people out there who would probably say the same thing if presented with both products, iPhone 12 and iPhone 13, side-by-side. I'm of the opinion that the iPhone 13 would have been called an iPhone 12s if the versioning scheme in effect a couple of years ago were still being followed.

    None of this has any impact on customer's satisfaction with the iPhone 13 as a product. It's a great product in its own right.

    However, I do take one exception, or maybe more like a critical observation, with what the Woz said:

    "I worry about largeness and size," he continued, "but I don't study it"

    So ... does this mean he has no mirrors installed in his house?

  • Reply 24 of 64
    XedXed Posts: 2,715member
    darkvader said:
    What is wrong with you people?

    This is Woz, the guy who created Apple.  The Steve who REALLY created apple, not the attention whore Steve who liked taking credit for what Woz did.

    And he's absolutely right.  The iPhone 13 is effectively no different than the 12, which is no different than the 11.  Phones are a mature technology, and pretending that a new model every year is somehow going to be an amazing upgrade is idiotic at this point.

    "But battery life is better!" - Guess what?  That's not innovation, Apple could have done that all along, all it takes is making the phone thicker so a bigger battery fits inside.  We could have iPhones that work for a week without charging if Apple really gave up on the idiotic thin fetish.
    Which would make it diminishable and effectively different than the iPhone 12. While I don't like trolls, I kinda miss the era when trolls actually had superficial points to make.
  • Reply 25 of 64
    Wozniak only worked like 10% in total Apple's existence and that makes him some sort of expert?
    He is old, give him a break or brakes that is. Go Steve….
  • Reply 26 of 64
    jimh2jimh2 Posts: 644member
    He has turned into a shadow of himself driven by the media who publish his thoughts and ramblings. Everyone peaks at some point in life and his was more than 30 years ago and probably closer to 40. After peak insights become no different from regular Joe’s. The exception is the media who hang on the every word of former industry leaders and Hollywood has-beens. 
  • Reply 27 of 64
    mike1mike1 Posts: 3,336member
    What was he expecting?! Is he too dense to see the pattern?

    Apple has never dramatically changed the ID after one year... ever!
  • Reply 28 of 64
    He's not far off.  Zero design change.  Identical physical specs.  Everyday use?  Not much delta.  Min ssd 128.  800 vs 625 nits.  Cinematic video.  Same core count.  Batt maxed 19 vs 17 h. Worth another $100?  Eh, maybe.  But hey, Apple has to be on a 1-year refresh with phones for many other reasons, few of them are strictly technical.  

  • Reply 29 of 64
    hucom2000 said:
    WHO CARES what this guy thinks? Why does the media (including AI) give him all of this attention? What has he accomplished since that gives him credibility? Seriously…
    He has to try to stay in he news so he can continue to charge his $120,000+ speaking fees for an hour or so presentation. 
  • Reply 30 of 64
    sdw2001 said:
    darkvader said:
    What is wrong with you people?

    This is Woz, the guy who created Apple.  The Steve who REALLY created apple, not the attention whore Steve who liked taking credit for what Woz did.

    And he's absolutely right.  The iPhone 13 is effectively no different than the 12, which is no different than the 11.  Phones are a mature technology, and pretending that a new model every year is somehow going to be an amazing upgrade is idiotic at this point.

    "But battery life is better!" - Guess what?  That's not innovation, Apple could have done that all along, all it takes is making the phone thicker so a bigger battery fits inside.  We could have iPhones that work for a week without charging if Apple really gave up on the idiotic thin fetish.
    Pretty obvious that Apple's fanboys are ultra devout. I'd say even more than the Trump cult following. Any HINT of a non-glowing review of ANYTHING related to Apple and they jump into action like some sort of band of brothers.

    As you said, phones are mature technologies and nothing substantial has changed with them in years. On a related note, I'd be curious what he thinks of the M1Pro/Max based MacBooks. Now there's a substantial performance jump that's worth noting and not seen in a mobile device going from year to year in a VERY long time (if ever).
    The “Trump cult” is nearly 75 million people.  And as an Apple fan, I’m happy to criticize the company when it screws up.  On this topic, Woz has been living on his reputation for 40 years.  
    You're lumping in everyone that voted for Trump as a member of his cult following. They're not one in the same.

    As for Woz, the company has nothing to do with the situation. People are bashing Woz simply for saying the iPhone 12 and 13 are very similar (and they are). THAT is the heart of a cultist. Even infer mediocrity of a company/person and they'll come bashing in.
  • Reply 31 of 64
    opinionopinion Posts: 105member
    darkvader said:
    "We could have iPhones that work for a week without charging"
    Well at least longer battery life than today. I would not mind a bit thicker phone, but what I do mind is the large ones.
    edited November 2021
  • Reply 32 of 64
    Woz is right.  Having said that, if you have an iPhone Xs you'll notice a difference when upgrading.  In my opinion, skipping every two to three generations is appropriate for 80% of users.  Each new generation has incremental hardware upgrades with prior generations getting the same software upgrades.  You need two or three incremental hardware upgrades to see a large difference.  I went from an iPhone 7 to an iPhone SE 2nd generation.  That means an A10 to an A13 with a 1 GB more RAM.  It has the camera in the SE from the iPhone 8 so I got a camera upgrade too.  Same display though admittedly.  Even so, I could barely tell I changed phones.  I was disappointed, but it was still a good device so I kept it.  Apple really is a victim of their high quality products.  People do not need to upgrade often because their existing products are good products.
    edited November 2021 williamlondondewme
  • Reply 33 of 64
    He also cant tell the difference between his resume and his relevance in 2021. Next.
  • Reply 34 of 64
    in the old days, we would say the same thing to Woz.  I can't tell the difference between Apple II and Apple IIe. lol
  • Reply 35 of 64
    darkvader said:
    What is wrong with you people?

    This is Woz, the guy who created Apple.  The Steve who REALLY created apple, not the attention whore Steve who liked taking credit for what Woz did.

    And he's absolutely right.  The iPhone 13 is effectively no different than the 12, which is no different than the 11.  Phones are a mature technology, and pretending that a new model every year is somehow going to be an amazing upgrade is idiotic at this point.

    "But battery life is better!" - Guess what?  That's not innovation, Apple could have done that all along, all it takes is making the phone thicker so a bigger battery fits inside.  We could have iPhones that work for a week without charging if Apple really gave up on the idiotic thin fetish.
    Woz was indeed a brilliant engineer back in the ‘80s.  Sadly, since then, he’s been little more than an irrelevant quote whore for the media.  The media knows this and they continue to take advantage of him when they’re looking for a quick controversial quote from someone who is quite irrelevant today.
  • Reply 36 of 64
    Why didn't Steve Jobs just acknowledge the Apple ][ in that shareholders presentation 40 years ago this ugliness could've been avoided
  • Reply 37 of 64
    He's pretty much a clown these days, but he has a point. The 13s were a weak "S" update. First iPhone I've skipped in years.
  • Reply 38 of 64
    65026502 Posts: 380member
    hucom2000 said:
    WHO CARES what this guy thinks? Why does the media (including AI) give him all of this attention? What has he accomplished since that gives him credibility? Seriously…
    Yeah. Same with Jonas Salk. What did he do after inventing the Polio vaccine? Nothing. He's a fucking loser, just like Wozniak.🤦‍♂️
  • Reply 39 of 64
    hexclockhexclock Posts: 1,291member
    He probably can’t tell the difference between butter and ‘I Can’t Believe it’s not Butter’ either. 
  • Reply 40 of 64
    darkpaw said:
    I can tell the difference. The battery life in my iPhone 13 Pro Max is MUCH better than that in my 12 Pro Max. The screen with ProMotion is excellent. The photos I take are better, especially night time shots.

    There may not be many differences, but what can you expect for a new device every year? Should it be a different shape? Have 100 camera lenses? Have under-screen Face ID and Touch ID? Should it sense when you're feeling sad and play uplifting music? It's iterative; there aren't massive leaps each year.
    Precisely, just did shots of night sky out with grandkids on Halloween and wow I could see tons of stars, never before.  And yea the battery life is awesome and the promised 1 TB ram feature in 12 finally appeared a big deal to me so I can store my improved photos.  And for me I live in a weak cell area for all carriers. Typically 1 bar so i rely on Wifi often from my house even when outside, but last years 5G Qualcomm modem actually moved me to 2 bars average 5G with the almost too distant tower. Surmising this years Qualcomm was better from what I read I was correct, I now can (outside) get from 2-3 bars some even though more on 2 still. So for me the modem is incrementally improving next each year I wonder when Qualcomm’s best one shows on the 14 what it will do for my situation.  And the macro mode on camera (for me ) is important in some kinds of photos I do with my fossil collection (yeah kind of specialized I know LOL). I agree those photos are so much better, night time has improved over the 12 ProMax and that new promotion is phenomenal. So I have no idea what the hell Wozniak does but he sure does not live in my world (or the real world???) in terms of what the 13 ProMax does for me LOL
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