Apple made secret 5-year $275B deal with Chinese government



  • Reply 21 of 127
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    sdw2001 said:
    On one hand, I don't blame Apple for threading the needle with the CCP in order to get access to a market with 5 times the population of U.S.   But on the other, that's a lot of money and resources that are building Communist China instead of the United States.  China is a major competitor, biggest trade partner, and #1 threat to the U.S. all at the same time.  Their government's goal is to be the world superpower by 2050.  This was a long-term plan started in the 1970's.  We dismissed them for decades, thought we "free" trade could liberalize the CCP, and their military was subpar compared to ours.  All that has changed in the last 20 years.  While we still have a superior military, they have the capability to win a battle (for example, Taiwan) before we can respond with full force.  They also have sophisticated enough equipment (planes, missiles, anti-satellite etc.) to give us real problems.  

    Is there any actual evidence that China is a threat to the U.S. or that they intend to become the world's leading super (military) power -- or is it just more propaganda left over from the Trump era?

    We know how that operates:  repeat the lies enough times and they becomes the new alternative facts.
  • Reply 22 of 127
    darkvaderdarkvader Posts: 1,146member
    This is consistent.
    China encourages and supports capitalistic ventures -- as long as they benefit China and its people -- and especially if they do not threaten the stability and growth of the country.

    It's a win-win strategy.
    in this case:
    Apple wins, China wins, and the Chinese people win -- and we win because we get great iPhones at prices we can afford.

    Actually, the whole world loses.  China is a fascist country, complete with concentration camps. Don't let them fool you, China is no more communist than Nazi Germany was socialist.  Crony capitalism like this is very typical of fascist governments, particularly when it helps their ethnic cleansing goals and land grabs.

    It's a lose-lose strategy.
    In this case:
    Apple loses (because long term the fascist government will capture everything Apple took there).  The Chinese people lose (because things like this help prop up the fascist government and build the surveillance state) -- and we lose because jobs for free people have instead been sent to a fascist country and we get iPhones that are still expensive while losing manufacturing capability.
  • Reply 23 of 127
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    tedz98 said:
    Meanwhile outspoken tennis star Peng Shuai is still imprisoned. Slave run factories crank out goods. Reeducation camps are filled up with dissidents. China threatens Taiwan with routine incursions into Taiwanese air space. Reefs are destroyed in the South China Sea to build military bases. The Uyghur Muslims are imprisoned in camps. Hypersonic weapons to attack the US are developed. Espionage in the US stealing and replicating advanced technology continues. Internet filtering and content control, digital spying on citizens and foreign companies is a daily norm. Apple’s investments in China is all about money. They are so proud of their environmentalism because it doesn’t cost them that much money to be green. It’s easy to be green and it doesn’t require any political capital to be green. But it takes balls to take a stand against political and governing malfeasance. Tim Cook is a hypocrite. Embracing the easy political causes of environmentalism, LBGTQ support, education and others. But when it comes to standing up against a totalitarian regime he shows no strength. Look at NBA star Enes Kanter Freedom for the example of a man willing to sacrifice his own financial well being to protest The Chinese government and their way of crushing the freedoms of their people.

    But it sells well, gets lots of clicks, and gets things stirred up.
  • Reply 24 of 127
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    Go figure. Apple. That's why CCP leaves Apple alone vs. other U.S. companies. To do business in Asia, all you have to do is bribe to get your place secured.

    So where's the bribe?  This was a smart business deal that both sides benefited from.
    it is a 'legal bribe'. It is. And it's true, to win in China you need connections and deals like these. It's not 'honest' competition.

    Funny, the U.S. is bribing and extorting companies to locate here.  That's not 'honest' competition either.
    edited December 2021 12StrangersFileMakerFellerradarthekatargonautDetnator
  • Reply 25 of 127
    darkvader said:
    This is consistent.
    China encourages and supports capitalistic ventures -- as long as they benefit China and its people -- and especially if they do not threaten the stability and growth of the country.

    It's a win-win strategy.
    in this case:
    Apple wins, China wins, and the Chinese people win -- and we win because we get great iPhones at prices we can afford.

    Actually, the whole world loses.  China is a fascist country, complete with concentration camps. Don't let them fool you, China is no more communist than Nazi Germany was socialist.  Crony capitalism like this is very typical of fascist governments, particularly when it helps their ethnic cleansing goals and land grabs.

    It's a lose-lose strategy.
    In this case:
    Apple loses (because long term the fascist government will capture everything Apple took there).  The Chinese people lose (because things like this help prop up the fascist government and build the surveillance state) -- and we lose because jobs for free people have instead been sent to a fascist country and we get iPhones that are still expensive while losing manufacturing capability.
    Do you really care the well being of Chinese people? LOL
  • Reply 26 of 127
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    georgie01 said:
    Or Apple could have looked at the bigger picture rather than their own growth. Helping the Chinese Communist Party is not in the world’s interest.

    It always amazes me how complacent people in the US have become. We’ve had such tremendous success that we believe it’ll just keep being this good, and that we’ll always know who the bad people are because they have orange skin. That we can ignore the founders’ vision and ideals because we know so much better than they did even though we’ve had relatively zero hardships (in terms of tyrants and oppressive governments).

    At least more people are waking up to the reality of the threat from China (not the Chinese people necessarily, but the CCP).

    How is it not in the world's interest?
    China is building roads, bridges, railroads and ports throughout the world  while we start wars and conflicts.
    They just completed a high speed railroad into landlocked Laos so they can move their goods -- but that is just one example.

    What has the U.S. done for the past two decades (or is it five?) except thump its chest and start wars it could never win?  The latest is Ukraine:  after enticing that country to switch allegiances we now want to move NATO weapons and troops in there --- creating a modern day Cuban missile crisis with Russia.  We'll see (possibly today) who backs down this time.

    By the way, the fact you have not had to deal with " zero hardships (in terms of tyrants and oppressive governments)." suggests that you're probably white.  Texas just got sued for trying to negate the votes of non-white people for the next decade or so.  China is not the one threatening our democracy.

    edited December 2021 radarthekatdanoxargonautstourquemicrobe
  • Reply 27 of 127
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    It's hard to feel anything but bad about this. That's the problem with multi national companies being a thing these days. There is no loyalty nor sense of community for these companies. Apple, much like other huge International corporations prioritize its current and future wellbeing without any thought given to where they came from. Apple will continue to play all sides in order to get favor with whom ever it needs to increase its revenue and influence. I don't know what the answer is to all of this but at the end of the day I think companies like Apple, Microsoft, Google, and others have too much power. I don't like the idea of not sharing the wealth but at the same time as an American company I'd like to see apple spend some of its resources to balance that equation with (for example) some effort on improving its manufacturing footprint in the US. China won't be cheep forever. 

    And the ultimate winners of that free market competition is us -- who get great products at affordable prices.
  • Reply 28 of 127
    georgie01 said:
    Or Apple could have looked at the bigger picture rather than their own growth. Helping the Chinese Communist Party is not in the world’s interest.

    It always amazes me how complacent people in the US have become. We’ve had such tremendous success that we believe it’ll just keep being this good, and that we’ll always know who the bad people are because they have orange skin. That we can ignore the founders’ vision and ideals because we know so much better than they did even though we’ve had relatively zero hardships (in terms of tyrants and oppressive governments).

    At least more people are waking up to the reality of the threat from China (not the Chinese people necessarily, but the CCP).

    How is it not in the world's interest?
    China is building roads, bridges, railroads and ports throughout the world  while we start wars and conflicts.
    They just completed a high speed railroad into landlocked Laos so they can move their goods -- but that is just one example.

    What has the U.S. done for the past two decades (or is it five?) except thump its chest and start wars it could never win?  The latest is Ukraine:  after enticing that country to switch allegiances we now want to move NATO weapons and troops in there --- creating a modern day Cuban missile crisis with Russia.  We'll see (possibly today) who backs down this time.

    By the way, the fact you have not had to deal with " zero hardships (in terms of tyrants and oppressive governments)." suggests that you're probably white.  Texas just got sued for trying to negate the votes of non-white people for the next decade or so.  China is not the one threatening our democracy.

    I can answer it for him. These China haters are freedom fighters. They want complete total unrestricted freedom. lol
  • Reply 29 of 127
    cornchipcornchip Posts: 1,954member
    sdw2001 said:
    On one hand, I don't blame Apple for threading the needle with the CCP in order to get access to a market with 5 times the population of U.S.   But on the other, that's a lot of money and resources that are building Communist China instead of the United States.  China is a major competitor, biggest trade partner, and #1 threat to the U.S. all at the same time.  Their government's goal is to be the world superpower by 2050.  This was a long-term plan started in the 1970's.  We dismissed them for decades, thought we "free" trade could liberalize the CCP, and their military was subpar compared to ours.  All that has changed in the last 20 years.  While we still have a superior military, they have the capability to win a battle (for example, Taiwan) before we can respond with full force.  They also have sophisticated enough equipment (planes, missiles, anti-satellite etc.) to give us real problems.  

    Is there any actual evidence that China is a threat to the U.S. or that they intend to become the world's leading super (military) power -- or is it just more propaganda left over from the Trump era?

    We know how that operates:  repeat the lies enough times and they becomes the new alternative facts.

    They literally have a public plan to do so. It’s not as if they’re trying to hide their motives!
  • Reply 30 of 127
    cornchip said:
    sdw2001 said:
    On one hand, I don't blame Apple for threading the needle with the CCP in order to get access to a market with 5 times the population of U.S.   But on the other, that's a lot of money and resources that are building Communist China instead of the United States.  China is a major competitor, biggest trade partner, and #1 threat to the U.S. all at the same time.  Their government's goal is to be the world superpower by 2050.  This was a long-term plan started in the 1970's.  We dismissed them for decades, thought we "free" trade could liberalize the CCP, and their military was subpar compared to ours.  All that has changed in the last 20 years.  While we still have a superior military, they have the capability to win a battle (for example, Taiwan) before we can respond with full force.  They also have sophisticated enough equipment (planes, missiles, anti-satellite etc.) to give us real problems.  

    Is there any actual evidence that China is a threat to the U.S. or that they intend to become the world's leading super (military) power -- or is it just more propaganda left over from the Trump era?

    We know how that operates:  repeat the lies enough times and they becomes the new alternative facts.

    They literally have a public plan to do so. It’s not as if they’re trying to hide their motives!
    Of course, anything that infringes on US interest is literally a threat. lol Language is a powerful weapon. lol
  • Reply 31 of 127
    DAalsethDAalseth Posts: 2,954member
    And Ford had an agreement with Nazi Germany before the war. I don’t expect companies to do anything other than hunt for profit. Business ethics is an oxymoron. So am I surprised? No. Am I disappointed? No. 
  • Reply 32 of 127
    DAalseth said:
    And Ford had an agreement with Nazi Germany before the war. I don’t expect companies to do anything other than hunt for profit. Business ethics is an oxymoron. So am I surprised? No. Am I disappointed? No. 
    Major difference between Nazi Germany and CCP China is they are vastly different cultures. lol
  • Reply 33 of 127
    flydogflydog Posts: 1,135member
    I don’t see what’s newsworthy here. Companies pledge to invest in local economies all the time in exchange for accommodations.   
  • Reply 34 of 127
    flydogflydog Posts: 1,135member
    sdw2001 said:
    On one hand, I don't blame Apple for threading the needle with the CCP in order to get access to a market with 5 times the population of U.S.   But on the other, that's a lot of money and resources that are building Communist China instead of the United States.  China is a major competitor, biggest trade partner, and #1 threat to the U.S. all at the same time.  Their government's goal is to be the world superpower by 2050.  This was a long-term plan started in the 1970's.  We dismissed them for decades, thought we "free" trade could liberalize the CCP, and their military was subpar compared to ours.  All that has changed in the last 20 years.  While we still have a superior military, they have the capability to win a battle (for example, Taiwan) before we can respond with full force.  They also have sophisticated enough equipment (planes, missiles, anti-satellite etc.) to give us real problems.  

    Is there any actual evidence that China is a threat to the U.S. or that they intend to become the world's leading super (military) power -- or is it just more propaganda left over from the Trump era?

    We know how that operates:  repeat the lies enough times and they becomes the new alternative facts.
    That China routinely crosses into Taiwan’s ADIZ with nuclear numbers, builds military installations on manmade islands in international waters, and reneged on its promise to allow self rule in Hong Kong is not enough?
  • Reply 35 of 127
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    I wonder what happens if the deal is allowed to expire.
  • Reply 36 of 127
    These were almost entirely investments to build retail stores/R&D/mfrg/assembly, invest in renewable energy to meet emissions goals, train workers, etc. Not sure if it totaled $275B, but even if it did, so what? The only question is, were these positive-NPV investments? BY the market's reckoning, they were, and in spades.

    Why is this such a big deal -- How else do companies create value?! This is the most *ridiculously* overwrought story I've read in a while. The 
    Information does not inspire a lot of confidence as understanding Business 101.
  • Reply 37 of 127
    It's hard to feel anything but bad about this.  
    I feel for you. Your life must be hell.
    edited December 2021 waveparticleradarthekat
  • Reply 38 of 127
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,654member
    Interesting data point, but what does it really mean? According to the US Bureau of Economic Analysis US businesses have cumulatively invested around $6.1 trillion in foreign investments while cumulative foreign direct investment in the US has been around $4.6 trillion. Is $275 billion over 5 years out of the ordinary, or fully proportional to Apple's outsized financial performance to the US and world economy over that same period of time?

    There's a lot of investment flowing both ways in spite of regime changes, onerous trade restrictions, and saber rattling on all sides that threaten to disrupt the world peace and the global economy. I view the creation of multilateral economic is a positive and stabilizing influence. I also see these relationships as very tenuous given the ingrained human desire for their own tribe's total world domination. 
  • Reply 39 of 127
    They are funding China's aggression to the USA.  Whoever approved this should be tried for treason.  Also #freepengshuai
    edited December 2021 elijahgharrywinter
  • Reply 40 of 127
    They are funding China's aggression to the USA.  Whoever approved this should be tried for treason.  Also #freepengshuai
    Who is egressing whom? US is an innocent victim? lol
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