Apple uses Messages colors to bully Android users, says Google



  • Reply 21 of 90
    genovelle said:
    Google kept YouTube PIP exclusive to Android to bully iPhone users into switching to Android! 

    Kill them, burn then to ground! I want all the users and none of the work.
    How about turn by turn in mobile maps which Apple helped them develop but turned competitor and withheld it until 3 months after apple surprised them by moving to their own maps. 
    Do you mean how Google refused to implement map features that android users have into maps for iOS? How about how Google got busted for illegally harvesting user information inside Safari after agreeing not to do that in their agreement with Apple?

    Yeah Google is a victim. 
  • Reply 22 of 90
    rob53rob53 Posts: 3,289member
    Standards? Every time people talk about standards they’re talking about reducing creativity. Some standards are good because they let everyone play the game but someone always abuses standards to get more money and limit others from developing anything people really like. 
  • Reply 23 of 90
    Is iMessage app available on Android phones? 
  • Reply 24 of 90

    If you’re all being honest, you know that this is true. That, even tough it wasn’t the initial intention for Apple, the green bubble is a known fact that it is being ridiculed. For one, I use an iPhone to be able to communicate with my family and kids. I use Apple out of necessity. So, all I’m saying is that it is a difficult thing to analyze. For one it gives Apple a strategic advantage in the US. But, would adopting RCS would be that damaging for Apple? iMessage could still have platform advantages. My 2 cents. 

    edited January 2022 williamlondon
  • Reply 25 of 90
    having features that are far superior to those of your competition is a documented strategy.  F you google. 
  • Reply 26 of 90
    baconstangbaconstang Posts: 1,144member
    Funny, I don't feel bullied.  Then again I'm not a Google VP...
  • Reply 27 of 90
    rob53rob53 Posts: 3,289member

    If you’re all being honest, you know that this is true. That, even tough it wasn’t the initial intention for Apple, the green bubble is a known fact that it is being ridiculed. For one, I use an iPhone to be able to communicate with my family and kids. I use Apple out of necessity. So, all I’m saying is that it is a difficult thing to analyze. For one it gives Apple a strategic advantage in the US. But, would adopting RCS would be that damaging for Apple? iMessage could still have platform advantages. My 2 cents. 

    Disagree. There’s nothing wrong with a green message bubble. I don’t know of anyone who thinks the green color is worse than blue. Apple support uses a gray bubble so you know where it’s coming from. If Apple used red for SMS messages I could see people getting upset. As for RCS, why should Apple or it’s customers have to comply with something that wasn’t written for Apple devices. iMessage/Messages is for Apple devices and I really don’t care what android users use. SMS is a pain and out of date.
  • Reply 28 of 90
    While it's true that nobody wants to be the green bubble...   There are a couple of points to make (some mentioned in the article).

    1. People seem to forget about the "Blackberry lock-in" with their messaging service prior to iMessage.  
    "BlackBerry has become teenagers' smartphone of choice"
    In the end, any such "teen lock-in" is subject to be broken by making a better product.

    2. Google has tried their own proprietary service.  It wasn't better and nobody used it.

    3. Google is only pushing RCS because their own proprietary attempt failed.  Now they are trying to be the "good guys".

    4. As the article mentions, RCS isn't universally supported by carriers at this point.  When it is, I hope Apple does upgrade the default green bubble capabilities to the RCS standard.  Until them, standard SMS/MMS serves the basic purpose it's intended for.  The lowest common denominator will never be the better product or service.

    5.  Android users don't really care much about being the green bubble.  They don't see the green bubble.  Only their iPhone friends see the green bubble.  Do they miss out on some animations and other niceties?  Sure.  Do they know what they're missing?  Probably not in most cases.  Maybe they get some pressure from their iPhone friends, but that's hardly a big deal. 

  • Reply 29 of 90
    genovelle said:
    Google kept YouTube PIP exclusive to Android to bully iPhone users into switching to Android! 

    Kill them, burn then to ground! I want all the users and none of the work.
    How about turn by turn in mobile maps which Apple helped them develop but turned competitor and withheld it until 3 months after apple surprised them by moving to their own maps. 
    If I remember correctly, Google had their own mapping application and service for Android. Apple had their own "Maps" application but it leveraged Google's data / service.  This app had a listing of driving instructions, but didn't have turn-by-turn real time capability.  It used tile based graphics and not the vector based graphics that Apple wanted.  Google was willing to provide that service to Apple ONLY IF Apple would throw privacy out the window and turn over user data to Google.  Apple took the high ground and refused to do that and created their own service.  Sure, in 2012, early Apple Maps was behind Google.  Of course, it's a 1.0 product.  Now, 10 years later, and I very much prefer Apple Maps over Google Maps.  It didn't happen over night and Apple still has work to do and to roll out the latest mapping to other cities and countries, but we can see where this is going and how Apple is taking the lead... all while protecting our privacy.  Thanks Apple!
  • Reply 30 of 90
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    My sister in law and niece have green bubbles. Ruins the family chat but we’ve never bullied them. 
  • Reply 31 of 90
    XedXed Posts: 2,822member
    Apple building a decent messaging app that is secure is much less bullying than how Google bullies vendors into licensing the decent features for Android.
  • Reply 32 of 90
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,595member
    Someone should remind Google that the reason Apple went on a limb and created Apple Maps is because Google refused to license turn-by-turn directions. Android had it on their crappy plastic devices when Apple’s premium devices didn’t 
    I don't know that's true. I think that's just the reason put forth to the userbase, who would have been very nervous about Google Maps being replaced. So what Apple did is frame Google as the one forcing Apple to choose to. In truth Apple had been developing Apple Maps in secret since 2009 when they purchased Placebase, along with two more mapping/location companies shortly thereafter. When that 2012 "evil Google won't give us TBT" story started making the rounds the decision to proceed with maps had already been made.

    Despite anything Google was going to do, even give in on TBT, Apple had already made a choice to replace them. It was a done deal three years earlier.  
  • Reply 33 of 90
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,898moderator
    Tim Cook should channel Elon Musk by sending Hiroshi Lockheimer a complimentary iPhone. 

    (It must really bother Google VPs to be dictated to by Google to carry Androids.  Probably feels like being bullied.)
    edited January 2022 Beatswatto_cobra
  • Reply 34 of 90
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,595member
    Tim Cook should channel Elon Musk by sending Hiroshi Lockheimer a complimentary iPhone. 

    (It must really bother Google VPs to be dictated to by Google to carry Androids.  Probably feels like being bullied.)
     FWIW Google does not want iMessage on Android. What this is about is replacing SMS with the far more secure and private RCS. IMO i's an odd stance for Apple to cling to an old insecure messaging protocol like SMS when iMessage is unavailable.for an iPhone owner. Seems to me it's sacrificing Apple user security for the sake of competition, unless you can think of some other reason Apple steadfastly insists on leaky SMS rather than E2EE Google RCS. Getting both platforms to adopt it would put the nail in the coffin for carrier-monitoring SMS. 

    BTW, where have you read that Google employees can't use iPhones at work? Everything I read says it's up to the Googler what to use. 
    edited January 2022
  • Reply 35 of 90
    iMessage is integrated into Apple ecosystem. This is the main reason you see different colors.
    edited January 2022 watto_cobra
  • Reply 36 of 90
    digitoldigitol Posts: 276member
    Oh please!  The VP of Google is saying this!!?  Talk about grasping for straws!! Anyhow, Apple has done much worse things than this, like making devices hard/impossible to repair, crippleware, Genius Bar charging for unnecessary repairs, making devices with minimal limited ports and storage to push accessory sales and service sales of iCloud. I could go on and on.  That said, some of those thing I’ve listed are being worked on/corrected, and still overall Apple is still better than the competition. In other words  Apple’s new slogan should be “We suck less”.  :) 
  • Reply 37 of 90
    mjtomlinmjtomlin Posts: 2,687member
    The BIGGEST difference (and arguably the most important), between the blue and green bubbles… is that it shows which messages are end to end encrypted and which are not. All blue bubbles are encrypted. Green are not.
  • Reply 38 of 90
    BeatsBeats Posts: 3,073member
    Was Giggle bullying when they created a dozen failed messaging standards?

    How about when Giggle stoke Apple’s secret invention to create their own knockoffs and undercut Apple?

    gatorguy said:
    Someone should remind Google that the reason Apple went on a limb and created Apple Maps is because Google refused to license turn-by-turn directions. Android had it on their crappy plastic devices when Apple’s premium devices didn’t 
    I don't know that's true. I think that's just the reason put forth to the userbase, who would have been very nervous about Google Maps being replaced. So what Apple did is frame Google as the one forcing Apple to choose to. In truth Apple had been developing Apple Maps in secret since 2009 when they purchased Placebase, along with two more mapping/location companies shortly thereafter. When that 2012 "evil Google won't give us TBT" story started making the rounds the decision to proceed with maps had already been made.

    Despite anything Google was going to do, even give in on TBT, Apple had already made a choice to replace them. It was a done deal three years earlier.  

    I think most of Apple’s software to replace Goog started when Goog decided to release knockoff Apple products to the market. All gloves were off at that point.
  • Reply 39 of 90
    Things must be hard if Google are resorting to extreme mental gymnastics to convince Apple to port iMessage to Android.
    Here's an idea for Google - they have a bunch of exclusive stuff too, why not offer some of that in return? Perhaps they could show some good-will for once instead of trying to use social media PR to change the agenda of another company.

    Perhaps Apple's unwillingness to share the love is because Google have utilised every one of their platforms to batter at iOS? There is no limit to Google's pettiness, even going so far as holding back turn-by-turn navigation in the old Maps app for no other reason than the lolz. Perhaps in this spirit Google could share positional/location data of all businesses on Google Maps - that would be fairer for small business and mom-n-pop stores too.

    Edit: Just on the topic of Youtube - everyone should check out the Vinegar extension for Safari. It returns PIP mode to Youtube, cuts out the ads and lets you continue listening after leaving the tab or sleeping the phone. (Plus it's one app for both iOS and Mac.)
    edited January 2022 Beatscornchipwatto_cobra
  • Reply 40 of 90
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    I don’t have much time for the bullying claims, but I sure do wish Apple would do what he says and implement RCS so that I can purge WhatsApp from my life.
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