Dropbox won't be fully functional when macOS 12.3 arrives

in macOS edited January 2022
Dropbox is warning users about known issues accessing online-only files from third-party applications after updating to macOS 12.3.

In an email to customers on Tuesday, Dropbox is warning that online-only files won't be able to be read by third-party apps by double-clicking on them. The same email also addresses how to work around the problem.

Those wishing to access their files via a third-party program will need to employ a workaround that involves downloading the files to their Mac with the same double-click to open in Finder, but there will be a pause as the file downloads. Users must move all online-only files to local storage if they need to access them in third-party programs until Dropbox fixes the issue.

In short, files labeled with a small cloud icon will need to be downloaded before accessing the contents of the file, instead of opening the file directly on the file share without a full download.

Alternatively, users can make an online-only file available to third-party applications.
  1. Open the Dropbox folder in Finder

  2. Right click the file you want to make available to third-party programs

  3. Click Make available offline, which will download the file to the Dropbox folder
This will also download the file to the Dropbox folder on your Mac. Once the file is successfully downloaded, you should see the cloud icon change to a green checkmark.

Dropbox clarifies that it will begin rolling out a beta version with a fix sometime in March.

Apple's macOS 12.2 is imminent, and Dropbox will work fine when it arrives. Betas of macOS 12.3 haven't been released to the public yet, but it's clear that Dropbox has inside information on the contents and limitations of it.

Should you want to access the beta release when it becomes available, you can opt into Dropbox betas by following the steps on Dropbox's website.

Read on AppleInsider


  • Reply 1 of 14
    Wow! These guys just continue to plumb new depths in customer support!

    I’ve been a loyal Dropbox customer for years until now. I let my subscription lapse and migrated across to my mostly unused iCloud Drive. 

    The fact that they can’t get their core product fixed quickly (“…rolling out a beta sometime in March”) over a month wait … for a beta!! 

    Is this an early April Fools ?? 
  • Reply 2 of 14
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,121member
    Like Adobe, I'm really disappointed with Dropbox.  I've been a loyal Dropbox customer since... forever, and considering how much money they rake in, it's inexcusable that they are fumbling like they are.  Did their engineers quit?  Do they have less-than-stellar engineers working on this?  What gives?

    It's the same with Adobe.  Lightroom for ages has been dismal in terms of performance for Intel-based Macs.  The M1 appears to be better, but I think it has more to do with Apple doing all the CPU work faster than Adobe actually doing anything.
  • Reply 3 of 14
     Sorry to see Dropbox lacking this basic support.  Dropbox storage has always been so much better than Microsoft’s still terrible OneDrive which I am now forced to use with my work.  

      Not sure why these companies struggle with such basic functionality.  

  • Reply 4 of 14
    I think Dropbox runs like a gym membership - catering for those that sign up just so they can say they are a member of a gym - and not really use it. These users in this case, would not be heavy lead users, not using all their space etc. etc.

    I will no longer use the Dropbox client on my Mac because it randomly deleted many of my files due to sync bugs - luckily I noticed this and was able to resurrect in time. 

    The only time I have ever had issues with Dropbox is when I have had needs that push me into difficult user territory, eg. Using most of my space and needing more than 3TB,  expecting parity of functionality via cross platform support eg. MacOS and Linux.

    If iCloud + started focussing on their data storage service offering to meet and exceed DropBox - I’d drop Dropbox in a heartbeat. 
  • Reply 5 of 14
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,121member
    jjfabbsy said:
    I think Dropbox runs like a gym membership - catering for those that sign up just so they can say they are a member of a gym - and not really use it. These users in this case, would not be heavy lead users, not using all their space etc. etc.

    I will no longer use the Dropbox client on my Mac because it randomly deleted many of my files due to sync bugs - luckily I noticed this and was able to resurrect in time. 

    The only time I have ever had issues with Dropbox is when I have had needs that push me into difficult user territory, eg. Using most of my space and needing more than 3TB,  expecting parity of functionality via cross platform support eg. MacOS and Linux.

    If iCloud + started focussing on their data storage service offering to meet and exceed DropBox - I’d drop Dropbox in a heartbeat. 
    So the "only" time you had "issues" is when you needed more than 3TB, yet you say Dropbox mysteriously deleted many of your files?  Which is it?

    Not sure your use-case.  I've been a heavy paid-subscriber of dropbox for over 10 years, and have never once had an issue of it mysteriously deleting files.  I support quite a few clients that use Dropbox as well and same can be said for them.  It's still the best cloud storage shop imho compared to the competition.  It's just that the performance of their clients and supporting them has been dismal over the past year or two.
  • Reply 6 of 14
    What's the big deal?  12.3?  12.2 hasn't even been released yet.  By the time 12.3 is released, Dropbox should have this under control.
  • Reply 7 of 14
    IreneWIreneW Posts: 306member
    One has to wonder what changes Apple plans to make to their APIs in 12.3, and why? Security issues? What other applications will break?
  • Reply 8 of 14
     Sorry to see Dropbox lacking this basic support.  Dropbox storage has always been so much better than Microsoft’s still terrible OneDrive which I am now forced to use with my work.  

      Not sure why these companies struggle with such basic functionality.  

    It's probably a simple commercial decision, Mac users are probably not a significant percentage of their users, and of those, probably an even smaller amount is on 12.x, especially if they work for a commercial company.
  • Reply 9 of 14
    I used to be super loyal to Dropbox for ages.. But had a lot of problems in terms of losing data and not functioning properly with my Mac.  A year ago I moved to pCloud and loving it. It works great and I haven't experienced any issues so far. No need way for dropbox to function properly with macOS.. Just check out pCloud.
  • Reply 10 of 14
    chasmchasm Posts: 3,499member
    I don’t use Dropbox because:

    a. They try to hijack your photos (and likely monetize them)
    b. Their free tier is ludicrously stingy and their paid tiers have problems like the one described above
    c. I don’t trust them with my data (especially compared with iCloud)
    d. They have a war criminal on their BOD
  • Reply 11 of 14
    Oh well, don't let the door hit you on the way out!
  • Reply 12 of 14
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,037member
    I'd love to delete Dropbox, but they still support something iCloud Drive does not -- sharing a link w/ a non-Apple ID. Just a random supplier or someone I need to share a folder with for them to review the photos in it.

    So far you can't do that, iCloud Drive only works to share w/ another iCloud user, and it adds it as a virtual-folder in their iCloud. It would be 100% if iCloud let anonymous recipients view the contents via a URL in-browser.
  • Reply 13 of 14
    darkvaderdarkvader Posts: 1,146member
    Oh good.  That's going to end up being a nightmare for a few of my clients.

    Gotta remember to disable automatic updates for them, otherwise I'll end up reformatting machines to take them back to 12.2.

    As much as I hate Microsloth, at least they've got an easy way to revert most updates that break stuff.
  • Reply 14 of 14
    I am writing on this forum to let you all know that Dropbox, with their latest release (163.4.5456), has just dropped support for storing files on an external drive. All files must be  in ~/Library/CloudStorage. That's an issue with some of my clients who have TBs of files and want to keep an offline copy of their files and don't have enough space on their internal drive.

    I don't know of a solution as of yet. Any advice (besides leaving Dropbox for another service)?
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