Apple seeds macOS 12.2 to public with rebuilt Apple Music, minor updates



  • Reply 21 of 41
    Mike WuertheleMike Wuerthele Posts: 6,918administrator
    I truly wish this endless stream of stupid, inconsequential, pointless (i.e., not security-related), eye-candy updates will CEASE. STOP.

    Between the Mac, the phone, the iPad, AppleTV and the Watch, all I am doing is constantly updating. It's frikkin' laughable at this point, and I am -- as I have no doubt many others are -- tired of it.

    Apple is becoming worse than Microsoft ever was. 
    You know there's a pile of security updates in yesterday's release, right?

  • Reply 22 of 41
    fastasleep said: Get SwitchResX or the like.
    THANK YOU! I had never heard of this, and is well-worth the $16.
  • Reply 23 of 41
    kip said:
    I have a 27" iMac from 2020 that seems to have lost any trace of the ethernet network connection. It ran smoothly initially then was lost I believe when I upgraded to OS Monterrey. I've spent a lot of time with Apple support and the final solution was to bring it in for repair, which I haven't done yet. I'm hoping this update will fix it but am not holding my breath.  I'm fine using wifi but it is annoying. Anybody else having this issue?
    I've graded to 12.2 and my ethernet continues to work.

    Have you tried unplugging the ethernet cable from both ends and blowing them out with compressed air? If that doesn't work, replace the ethernet cable with a new one.

    Unless you're constantly plugging and unplugging, an ethernet port should last a really long time.
  • Reply 24 of 41
    An OS point release brings a full Music app GUI rewrite?  Surprising. Switching from Catalyst, which is iOS, to AppKit is no small matter.  That essentially makes the Music app 1.0 again.  Staying away till 1.1 at least.  I am glad I've stuck with Big Sur.
    Unless you want to experience identical functionality from an iPadOS app and a Mac app (and share a common code base), using Catalyst makes little sense.

    When's the last time you tried to RIP a CD using your iPad?
  • Reply 25 of 41
    darkvader said:
    schmrtzzz said:
    According to the feedback-page Apple has, Apple Music isn't an app, it's a service. So bugs (like the app denying acces to my Homepods Classic, as the case is now) can't be reported. So I have my sincere doubts when reading the new OS contains bug fixes for the Music app. 

    Right, Apple Music is a service.  Music is an app by Apple, so it gets called Apple Music.  That's not confusing at all.

    (Miss iTunes yet?)

    Speaking of iTunes, you can bring it back and see if that fixes your problem.
    Yes! I was a vocal opponent of splitting up iTunes in the first place.
  • Reply 26 of 41
    chasm said:
    schmrtzzz said:
    According to the feedback-page Apple has, Apple Music isn't an app, it's a service. So bugs (like the app denying acces to my Homepods Classic, as the case is now) can't be reported. So I have my sincere doubts when reading the new OS contains bug fixes for the Music app. 
    Apple Music doesn't control your HomePods (and never did), it's the Home app that controls them. Add them to the Home App and then they'll appear as a sound source in your menubar.
    True, but not completlely. The Music app has an Airplay button, and people tend to use that. And that doesn't work. It finds the Homepod, music starts playing and after a second or ten, the music abruptly stops. And that happens again and again. It took me some time to learn I better use the system-wide button. And true, that works. But it's an annoying bug in Music. And apps shouldn't have bugs. 
  • Reply 27 of 41

    Apple is becoming worse than Microsoft ever was. 
    [rolls eyes]
  • Reply 28 of 41
    maximara said:
    kip said:
    I have a 27" iMac from 2020 that seems to have lost any trace of the ethernet network connection. It ran smoothly initially then was lost I believe when I upgraded to OS Monterrey. I've spent a lot of time with Apple support and the final solution was to bring it in for repair, which I haven't done yet. I'm hoping this update will fix it but am not holding my breath.  I'm fine using wifi but it is annoying. Anybody else having this issue?
    Have you tried down grading via restore?
    And why? 2020 Apple computer is relatively new and usually supported for 5 years with new systems. If he downgrades then he goes to older systems with limted time support. This is not a solution, but temporary workaround for relatively new computer. is this how Apple "fixes" work now? 
  • Reply 29 of 41
    kip said:
    I have a 27" iMac from 2020 that seems to have lost any trace of the ethernet network connection. It ran smoothly initially then was lost I believe when I upgraded to OS Monterrey. I've spent a lot of time with Apple support and the final solution was to bring it in for repair, which I haven't done yet. I'm hoping this update will fix it but am not holding my breath.  I'm fine using wifi but it is annoying. Anybody else having this issue?
    Kip, I have recently troubleshoot older Intel Mac Pro with the same issue. Internal Ethernet (it has two) would not work, Apple Thunderbolt Ethernet adapter would not work. USB Gigabit Ethernet would not work (they all worked with OS like Linux only installed on old MacBook Air with no problems). This occasionally works fine on macOS for some time. From my own troubleshooting it is that Apple engineering sucks at testing for heat dissipation  and proper management (hence they went ARM for low power). Being electronics design engineer by original profession with university degree and few industrial designs under my belt I can say one or two things on semiconductor power dissipation and reliability when something gets abused (mandatory class at electronics design department of tech university in Eastern Europe in my times).

    So here is the deal: macOS in Monterey runs crazy daemon to index files on SSD and what not. This was change from previous systems. You can go and configure indexing on macOS and exclude for example system parts or anything that is not in your user disk space. You can also reduce number of your files by moving them from SSD to your backup. This will make that indexing daemon will be running less frequently or shorter time and stop abusing CPU and SSD that emits heat. The heat causes electronics fail. CPU usually slows down to self-preserve and lower heat. This is not the case to other parts in your computer and some may be stuck in state that the only solution is to restart.

    Another workaround is to buy big multifan laptop cooling pad from Amazon. I even experimented with cooling ceramic cylinder case on MacPro with cheap personal fan powered by large battery in highest speed. That proved to work keeping Apple computer away from heat region when electronics gets into non-recoverable state. Just make sure there is large volume flow of cool air into vents of your computer. With iMac that may be harder to achieve comparing to MacPro, but you can figure this out. Some people may want to simply modify back of the case and route some airflow there.
    edited January 2022
  • Reply 30 of 41
    jabohn said:
    An OS point release brings a full Music app GUI rewrite?  Surprising. Switching from Catalyst, which is iOS, to AppKit is no small matter.  That essentially makes the Music app 1.0 again.  Staying away till 1.1 at least.  I am glad I've stuck with Big Sur.
    Music was never a Catalyst app and the article doesn't say it was. It's now using AppKit instead of "web views".

    See the original article.
    "With macOS Catalina, Apple will be releasing new version of the Music, Podcast, and TV app using Catalyst."
  • Reply 31 of 41
    Hoping and praying if I do this update it *magically* fixes FCPX not launching for me on 12.1. Updated to 12.1 recently (the first time in a few years I’ve updated my macOS, I admit) and the first thing I noticed was wrong was Final Cut no longer opened. And I was devastated. It won’t open if I try my most recent project, and won’t open if I try to just open the app with no project. Totally wrecked my productivity there for a while until I switched to Resolve and then reluctantly started using Premiere again. I’ve been using FCPX for nearly a decade with no major issues before I updated to 12.1.

    Since the update notes don’t mention Final Cut at all, I’m not getting my hopes up. Really disappointed in Apple right now. My machine isn’t super old by any means, it’s a 15” mid-2015 MBP, but that shouldn’t matter since it is still on the list of supported devices for macOS 12.1 and FCPX. Probably going to wait and keep checking the Final Cut forums and see if anything changes, because there are lots of other people having a similar issue as me. 
  • Reply 32 of 41
    Went to the Apple website and Final Cut Pro requires macOs 11.5.1 - 4GB of ram with 8GB recommended for 4K work - Metal-capable graphics card - 1GB VRAM for 4K work - 3.8GB of free disk space. The referenced page shows the MacBook Pro 2012 or later will work for the graphics card needing Metal capability

    Double check most current version of FCP on apple website. Suggest downloading the demo in case your copy has been corrupted by some event.

    edited January 2022
  • Reply 33 of 41
    I truly wish this endless stream of stupid, inconsequential, pointless (i.e., not security-related), eye-candy updates will CEASE. STOP.

    Between the Mac, the phone, the iPad, AppleTV and the Watch, all I am doing is constantly updating. It's frikkin' laughable at this point, and I am -- as I have no doubt many others are -- tired of it.

    Apple is becoming worse than Microsoft ever was. 
    What the hell are you talking about? The bulk of this update were security fixes, and a lot of them at that:

    The Apple Music app becoming native versus web views is a welcome improvement for FUNCTIONALITY not eye candy, as it looks essentially the same except it's more responsive.

    "All I'm doing is constantly updating" is ridiculous hyperbole. It takes almost zero effort, and I for one am excited when updates are released. Go cry more.
  • Reply 34 of 41
    fastasleep said: Get SwitchResX or the like.
    THANK YOU! I had never heard of this, and is well-worth the $16.
    Sure thing, didn't realize it was that expensive — there are other cheaper if not free options on the App Store. But, if you've already purchased... :)
  • Reply 35 of 41
    Hoping and praying if I do this update it *magically* fixes FCPX not launching for me on 12.1. Updated to 12.1 recently (the first time in a few years I’ve updated my macOS, I admit) and the first thing I noticed was wrong was Final Cut no longer opened. And I was devastated. It won’t open if I try my most recent project, and won’t open if I try to just open the app with no project. Totally wrecked my productivity there for a while until I switched to Resolve and then reluctantly started using Premiere again. I’ve been using FCPX for nearly a decade with no major issues before I updated to 12.1.

    Since the update notes don’t mention Final Cut at all, I’m not getting my hopes up. Really disappointed in Apple right now. My machine isn’t super old by any means, it’s a 15” mid-2015 MBP, but that shouldn’t matter since it is still on the list of supported devices for macOS 12.1 and FCPX. Probably going to wait and keep checking the Final Cut forums and see if anything changes, because there are lots of other people having a similar issue as me. 
    This isn't a widespread issue, so it's unlikely to be directly tied to Monterey updates. I'm in several FCP groups and haven't heard this mentioned at all, so there's not a 12.1 issue that needs fixing in 12.2. More likely, something like preferences or something else got corrupted and you need to possibly reset prefs or uinstall/reinstall/etc FCP and its support files. I'd suggest uninstalling it via Launchpad, then removing all support files with CleanMyMacX or the like, and reinstall from the App Store. 
  • Reply 36 of 41
    I truly wish this endless stream of stupid, inconsequential, pointless (i.e., not security-related), eye-candy updates will CEASE. STOP.

    Between the Mac, the phone, the iPad, AppleTV and the Watch, all I am doing is constantly updating. It's frikkin' laughable at this point, and I am -- as I have no doubt many others are -- tired of it.

    Apple is becoming worse than Microsoft ever was. 
    You know there's a pile of security updates in yesterday's release, right?

    Yet, your article calls it "The macOS 12.2 update is ... a more muted update that brings incremental changes to the Mac." (Bolding mine)

    If it's what you say it is, you think "pile of security updates" should have been featured in the lead story? I am genuinely curious...
  • Reply 37 of 41
    See above @Fastasleep.
    edited January 2022 williamlondon
  • Reply 38 of 41
    Sadly, macOS 12.2 obliterated a previously-used screen resolution. My LG 5K display has been running at 3840 x 1620 for over a year now. It's the perfect balance of readability and fitting what I need on screen. As soon as my computer rebooted from the 12.2 update, I could see that the login icon/box were too large. When I go into the preferences, 3840 x 1620 is no longer an option. It jumps straight from 3360 x 1417 (too zoomed-in/large)... up to 5120 x 2160 (WAY too high/small). And before anyone asks: YES, I know to hold Option while clicking the "Scaled" radio button to see the full list of resolutions, and YES, I checked the "Show all resolutions" checkbox. 3840 x 1620 no longer appears. I have screenshots of the same panel from prior to the update (totally unrelated), but glad I had it so I could prove I'm not crazy. ;) 

    I have tried the litany or permutations of rebooting, rebooting with monitor off, then powering on, plugging/unplugging the Thunderbolt cable, and endless combinations of all that while changing the resolutions. It has not reappeared.

    Has anyone else had resolution issues with this update...?
    I have the same problem. SwitchResX also lost the resolution. 
    Any clue on how to bring it back?
  • Reply 39 of 41
    Sadly, macOS 12.2 obliterated a previously-used screen resolution. My LG 5K display has been running at 3840 x 1620 for over a year now. It's the perfect balance of readability and fitting what I need on screen. As soon as my computer rebooted from the 12.2 update, I could see that the login icon/box were too large. When I go into the preferences, 3840 x 1620 is no longer an option. It jumps straight from 3360 x 1417 (too zoomed-in/large)... up to 5120 x 2160 (WAY too high/small). And before anyone asks: YES, I know to hold Option while clicking the "Scaled" radio button to see the full list of resolutions, and YES, I checked the "Show all resolutions" checkbox. 3840 x 1620 no longer appears. I have screenshots of the same panel from prior to the update (totally unrelated), but glad I had it so I could prove I'm not crazy. ;) 

    I have tried the litany or permutations of rebooting, rebooting with monitor off, then powering on, plugging/unplugging the Thunderbolt cable, and endless combinations of all that while changing the resolutions. It has not reappeared.

    Has anyone else had resolution issues with this update...?
    I have the same issue with the 12.2 update running LG 5k 34" on Mac Pro (2019) AMD Radeon Pro 580X 8 GB, connected via USB-C. The 3840x1620 options is gone after OS 12.2 update. I installed EasyRes which exposed that option. However EasyRes has two sub-menus of resolution choices—one is called Retina 2X and the other Standard 1X. The 3840x1620 option is only available in the Standard 1X menu and, when choosing any options from that 1x menu, fonts and images show aliasing, a decrease in quality. To my knowledge, my LG 5K is not a Retina display(?) so I'm not sure what is happening here. Is it math, and the scale factor needing to result in an even number of pixels relative to actual screen resolution? Any ideas? 
  • Reply 40 of 41
    Another utility to try: BetterDummy.
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