Zuckerberg thinks Apple is making aggressive moves now to control the metaverse



  • Reply 41 of 49
    opinion said:
    Please Apple don´t go into this VR nonsense, keep making insanely great products for humanity instead. Let Meta and
    Zuckerberg loose money on it meanwhile so that they goes bankrupt in the end. A great win for humanity!
    VR isn't nonsense.  It is certainly niche, and something like the society portrayed in Ready Player One is about as dystopic as it gets, but there are loads of valuable use cases outside of gaming and entertainment that make it useful.  Imagine not having to travel to the other side of the country for an operation when the doctor can VR in to your local hospital to operate.
    Completely agree, it’s niche… just like GoPro’es and DJI Drones! When they came out, everyone had to have one but quickly people found out their videos of their bike rides or their drone footage, well was boring and sucks. Yet, both of these technologies rushed in the usage of these tech to tons of specialized uses; GoPro or that style of camera is now pretty standard on all Police, Drones replaces tons of helicopters required inspections jobs on high wire electrical line and around oil rigs. 

    But FB isn’t a niche company and here is where the problem is, MarkZ is so disconnected from society and reality, he really feels at his core, Society is going the way of Ready Player One and we will want to get away from our real lives!!! That VR is going to be the next “drug” for the next generation because the real world is going to be so mean and hateful!!?!

    Maybe he’s right maybe he’s not, if he is right it’s not going to be in my lifetime, especially at that price but what do I know, I’m not a billionaire, I’m just an average consumer. 

    edited October 2022 Bart Ywatto_cobra
  • Reply 42 of 49
    michelb76 said:
    The only reason we're not hearing about Apple trying to squash stuff is because it happens behind closed doors. Zuck is just talking about it publicly.
    Apple is only looking to empower their ecosystem and provide the best experience possible for their users, they’re not sitting in a room discussing how they’re going to squash FB. They don’t care about FB. The reason Zuckerberg is worried is because Apple’s roadmap is cutting through his FB and Metaverse roadmaps. The fact that Apple can now control their own silicon and produce unspeakable computing prowess, with low power, in such a small package, and be specifically designed to serve their ecosystem which includes their VR ambitions is why competition is freaking out, from Epic to FB to Google, MS and others 
    If you read through the marketing it's becoming very clear that apple is going to shove way more ads down my throat in every possible way. They did this by excluding other parties. If they cared about the user, they would not show ads, they really don't need to. But the last dollar has to be extracted from us I guess. I pay a premium for a premium product and still get ads. They tried the same with podcasts but lost.
  • Reply 43 of 49
    amar99amar99 Posts: 181member
    Waaa... they stopped me from distributing private data for profit without asking people, waaaa....!!!
    Btw, can I please have more?
  • Reply 44 of 49
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,918member
    Zuckerberg: I think the business model will be disruptive, in that it's typically people build hardware and they try to make a profit off of it, where if you're Apple, you build hardware and you charge as much as you can for it. I do think that having someone come into the space and basically say, "We're going to build the best hardware in the space and we're going to basically sell it at a break-even point and in some cases, maybe even slightly at a loss in order to basically help grow the ecosystem with the business model of basically having the revenue come through software and services", that business strategy I think is aligned with the mission of basically connecting people and having people there because if you want to build a social experience, you have to have the people there.
    Sounds like he's already planning an antitrust violation, leveraging FB's dominance in one market and a little predatory pricing into dominance in another.

    edited October 2022 watto_cobra
  • Reply 45 of 49
    mattinozmattinoz Posts: 2,382member
    Zuckerberg: I think the business model will be disruptive, in that it's typically people build hardware and they try to make a profit off of it, where if you're Apple, you build hardware and you charge as much as you can for it. I do think that having someone come into the space and basically say, "We're going to build the best hardware in the space and we're going to basically sell it at a break-even point and in some cases, maybe even slightly at a loss in order to basically help grow the ecosystem with the business model of basically having the revenue come through software and services", that business strategy I think is aligned with the mission of basically connecting people and having people there because if you want to build a social experience, you have to have the people there.
    Sounds like he's already planning an antitrust violation, leveraging FB's dominance in one market and a little predatory pricing into dominance in another.

    Doesn't sound disruptive at all - it Is framing model except he is planning to charge the cows for the grass and still take the milk. 

    Would Facebook even have a dominance in online advertising and data harvesting their true market to be considered for anti-trust?
    edited October 2022 watto_cobra
  • Reply 46 of 49
    One more thing!. ZBerg built a platform that put Trump in office, a platform that has created social anarchy, a platform that let a hostile nation (Russia) to control US politics, a platform that has literally killed hundreds of thousands of people with misinformation (COVID), a platform that has defaced democracy. Sleep well on your billion threadcount sheets while millions suffer.
    I agree with many of your comments on this page, but I have to strongly disagree with the one above. First up, Russia did not CONTROL US politics via FB. They placed a few ads with minimal influence, so what? The US tried to install a new leader in Venezuela so they could steal their resources. Did you question that? The whole Russiagate debacle was debunked by various investigations years ago and proved to be a media-perpetuated hoax to whitewash DNC corruption. Second, where’s the evidence FB’s platform killed hundreds of thousands due to Covid misinformation? Evidence does exist on the VAERS site that hundreds of thousands were seriously injured due to government and media advice, and tens of thousands killed. Are you castigating them over this? Third, it’s highly questionable whether the US is a functioning democracy, so can something that doesn’t exist be defaced? FB is a dodgy company no question, but look a little wider for the causes of your country’s problems. 
  • Reply 47 of 49
    netroxnetrox Posts: 1,462member
    Don't you think it's strange for Zuckerberg to talk about Apple's VR when in fact, we have NO VR products from Apple. 

    VR/AR products are inevitable but the privacy policies are even more important than ever. 

  • Reply 48 of 49
    Super interesting hearing Zuck's thoughts about the "open/closed" systems through the years, and how "value" (aka. money/customers) flows to the closed systems.  It's easy to crap on Apple for having a closed system, but when Apple offers enough value/quality products, then any cons of being in a walled garden don't matter.   Zuck has convinced himself that the walled garden strategy is what made Apple successful, and not their good products.

    It's quite clear that Zuck wants to make *his* VR headset the market leader before Apple or anyone else, so he can make a closed system in *his* metaverse.  Look at how much they are gouging developers who make content for their metaverse app Horizon Worlds.   It's way way worse than Apple's 30% App Store fee.   
  • Reply 49 of 49
    opinion said:
    blastdoor said:
    opinion said:
    Please Apple don´t go into this VR nonsense, keep making insanely great products for humanity instead. Let Meta and Zuckerberg loose money on it meanwhile so that they goes bankrupt in the end. A great win for humanity!
    I don’t have enough experience with VR to know whether it’s nonsense. I suspect it has value, but don’t know enough to be sure.

    I know enough about Meta/Facebook/Zuck to be confident that their implementation of VR will be malignant.

    also — I believe if there is value in VR, Apple can find it. 
    I just have a hard time seeing the value for humanity in VR. I guess we are in a backlash already as it is with all this malignant technology that is not used to enrich peoples lives, just to enrich corporations.
    Games is all I can think of. Flight and driving sims in particular. 
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