Zuckerberg thinks Apple is making aggressive moves now to control the metaverse

in General Discussion
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg sat down for an hour-long discussion and held court on Facebook's future, the new Meta Quest Pro -- and the moves Apple is making that have hurt his company.

The Meta Quest Pro, in simulated use
The Meta Quest Pro, in simulated use

An interview with Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg was held in the shadow of the release of the $1499 Meta Quest Pro, the company's first mixed reality headset intended for enterprise and professionals. The hour-long discussion ranged far, with the social media giant's CEO opining on a wide array of topics -- including Apple.

Meta has made it clear that the efforts it began when it acquired Oculus are only the beginning. The hardware is new, the software doesn't exist yet, and there are still some big decisions for consumers and companies to make as it regards the "metaverse" as a concept.

Mark Zuckerberg says Apple's privacy push is "not as altruistic as they claim" in an exclusive interview with The Verge's @alexeheath. Watch more: https://t.co/YbHkoek9PP pic.twitter.com/t2kzZedIoi

— The Verge (@verge)
"As we see this play out, is that in each generation of computing that I've seen so far -- PCs, mobile -- there's basically an open ecosystem and there's a closed ecosystem. So in PCs, it was Windows and Mac. In mobile, it was Android and iPhone," Zuckerberg philosophized. "In the closed ecosystem, very tightly integrated, relatively insular, a lot of the value basically just flows toward the closed ecosystem over time."

Zuckerberg says he's trying to build the entire ecosystem from the ground up. H stops short of discussing if it will be more open like Mac and Windows, or closed like iOS.

"I think that we're still early in the story, so I think that there are pieces of this that we've had to build just because there's no ecosystem yet," Zuckerberg said. "But our goal is to basically be able to spread that out over time."

And, he had thoughts about how Apple is handling its closed ecosystem. Alluding to Apple entering the marketplace with a product relatively soon, he's clear that he thinks that Apple is making moves to handicap Meta in the marketplace now, financially and otherwise.

"I think to some degree, it's really hard to know what documents or conversations they have that either connect or don't these different parts of the strategy," Zuckerberg posits. "It's certainly plausible that they see this competition in the future and want to hinder us."

When asked about the hit to finances that Zuckerberg attributed to Apple's anti-tracking moves, Zuckerberg responds with his view of what Apple is doing -- and why.

"I mean, I do think that one thing that's been pretty clear is that their motives in doing what they're doing aren't as altruistic as they claim them to be," Zuckerberg again suggests. "I'm sure they believe at some level in the things that they're doing and think that they're good for their customers, but it can't just be a coincidence that it also aligns very well with their strategy."

"It's hard for me to go too deep on this because, I mean, I don't work at Apple," he added. "I don't know them that well. And, at the end of the day, I can't really control what they do."

The interview by The Verge also briefly touches on the economics of the new headset at present, but Zuckerberg is less clear on actual use cases for the gear. Like Apple CEO Tim Cook has made clear, Zuckerberg also believes that the technology will be compelling at some point, but at present, delivering a "sense of presence" isn't there yet.

Apple reportedly demonstrated its head-worn wearable to its eight board members in May 2022, a report recently claimed. That alone is a sign that the device, which has cranked the rumor mill for years, has reached an advanced stage of development.

In addition to work on the actual device, Apple has reportedly ramped up development of the headset's operating system, which is said to be called "RealityOS."

The Apple VR headset is expected to be a premium device that's lighter and more comfortable to wear than competing visors. It's rumored to feature a pair of 4K OLED displays, 15 different camera modules, and powerful silicon more akin to Apple's M1 than its A series of chips.

Additionally, it's expected to have advanced functionality such as eye tracking and support for detecting hand gestures. The headset won't come cheap, with an expected price of around $3,000.

The device could be followed by a much smaller and more augmented reality-focused "Apple Glass" model, though rumors of that device have recently slowed. The $3,000 MR headset is said to be more focused on gaming and VR experiences.

"I think AR is a profound technology that will affect everything," Cook said in a recent interview. "Imagine suddenly being able to teach with AR and demonstrate things that way. Or medically, and so on. Like I said, we are really going to look back and think about how we once lived without AR."

Read on AppleInsider


  • Reply 1 of 49
    hexclockhexclock Posts: 1,280member
    Don’t really want anything to do with anything Zuckerberg builds, Metaverse or otherwise. He reminds me of a younger Bill Gates in certain ways. Instead of just building tools to allow people to remake society, they like to take an active role in the remaking. Just my opinion of course; yours may vary. 
    Interesting article nonetheless. 
    edited October 2022 rob53JaiOh81OferrezwitsbloggerbloglarryaaderutterStrangeDayskurai_kagewatto_cobra
  • Reply 2 of 49
    Poor Mark, still smarting from Apple's privacy stance, now just making up shit and spouting nonsense.

    One thing is certain, no one will ever accuse Facebook/Meta of being altruistic, so it's a strange criticism to make, sort of like saying, "they're much more like we are."
  • Reply 3 of 49
    I was pleasantly surprised to see most of the replies to the Verge tweet were from ppl that clearly understand that Facebook is evil 
    bloggerblogStrangeDaysBart Ywatto_cobrajony0
  • Reply 4 of 49
    Poor little rich boy. 
  • Reply 5 of 49
    And what is Mark trying to do?
  • Reply 6 of 49
    Ok. Zuckerberg has never created anything! Before FB there was MySpace and another internet darling (at the time) called TheGlobe.com. Both of these companies actually created something, BUT, they were way ahead of their time. Facebook’s success was about timing NOT about innovation! Period! To put a label of an innovator on ZBerg is ridiculous! He IS NOT THAT SMART! He is essentially a Project Manager. Seriously!
  • Reply 7 of 49
    I can’t stop myself. Imposter Syndrome! Legit! ZBerg is an Imposter. He should NOT be a CEO. He should be an engineer.
  • Reply 8 of 49
    Fred257Fred257 Posts: 246member
    Metas new headpiece is already a flop and Apple will create a perfect headset and yes, they will dominate the space, very true!!
    baconstangwhocaresshdhdbdBart Yjony0
  • Reply 9 of 49
    OferOfer Posts: 260unconfirmed, member
    Ok. Zuckerberg has never created anything! Before FB there was MySpace and another internet darling (at the time) called TheGlobe.com. Both of these companies actually created something, BUT, they were way ahead of their time. Facebook’s success was about timing NOT about innovation! Period! To put a label of an innovator on ZBerg is ridiculous! He IS NOT THAT SMART! He is essentially a Project Manager. Seriously!
    Agreed! Same can be said for most tech billionaires (such as Musk and Bezos). They’re successful because of luck and their willingness to ruthlessly take advantage of other people.
  • Reply 10 of 49
    baconstangbaconstang Posts: 1,121member
    I can’t stop myself. Imposter Syndrome! Legit! ZBerg is an Imposter. He should NOT be a CEO. He should be an engineer.
    More like a cosmetic test subject.
  • Reply 11 of 49
    For ZBerg to compare/contrast anything to Apple, is simply unbelievable. META/FB doesn’t make anything with the exception of this headset. I know not a single person that owns one of these headsets. I live in Silicon Valley, not a single person.
    StrangeDaysBart Y
  • Reply 12 of 49
    One more thing!. ZBerg built a platform that put Trump in office, a platform that has created social anarchy, a platform that let a hostile nation (Russia) to control US politics, a platform that has literally killed hundreds of thousands of people with misinformation (COVID), a platform that has defaced democracy. Sleep well on your billion threadcount sheets while millions suffer.
    OferdewmeDAalsethStrangeDayskurai_kagemattinozBart Ybadmonkqwerty52jony0
  • Reply 13 of 49
    williamhwilliamh Posts: 1,036member
    One more thing!. ZBerg built a platform that put Trump in office, a platform that has created social anarchy, a platform that let a hostile nation (Russia) to control US politics, a platform that has literally killed hundreds of thousands of people with misinformation (COVID), a platform that has defaced democracy. Sleep well on your billion threadcount sheets while millions suffer.
    Facebook is going the way of AOL.  It will be a dying husk used only by old people before too long.  I hope.  
  • Reply 14 of 49
    22july201322july2013 Posts: 3,623member
    Zuck stated his worries when he said, "At the end of the day, I can't really control what they [i.e., Apple] do."

    Exactly. He can't control Apple. He wants to control Apple. Specifically, he wants to force Apple (or get the government to force Apple) to make iOS open and free for other developers to use without any OS restrictions. But half the world doesn't understand that Apple is not required to make iOS an open platform like many other of the world's platforms are.

    Zuck would never say that Apple has the right to manufacture products that it wants to. Zuck objects to Apple's freedoms. To Zuck, Apple is just a component manufacturer, and he (i.e., Meta) 
    should be the only interface that users have the ability to interface with.
    rezwitsbloggerblogdewmeBart Yjony0
  • Reply 15 of 49
    "I'm sure they believe at some level in the things that they're doing and think that they're good for their customers, but it can't just be a coincidence that it also aligns very well with their strategy."

    Why would any company NOT do something that was good for their customers and also aligned with their strategy? That just seems like good business. Is he seriously defending the approach of doing things that are bad for customers but align well with their strategy? (Although I guess he would need to try to defend that approach, wouldn’t he…)
    bloggerblogStrangeDaysBart Y
  • Reply 16 of 49
    lukeilukei Posts: 381member
    Ofer said:
    Ok. Zuckerberg has never created anything! Before FB there was MySpace and another internet darling (at the time) called TheGlobe.com. Both of these companies actually created something, BUT, they were way ahead of their time. Facebook’s success was about timing NOT about innovation! Period! To put a label of an innovator on ZBerg is ridiculous! He IS NOT THAT SMART! He is essentially a Project Manager. Seriously!
    Agreed! Same can be said for most tech billionaires (such as Musk and Bezos). They’re successful because of luck and their willingness to ruthlessly take advantage of other people.

    Jeff Bezos built Amazon on the fundamental principle of being customer centric. This is not ‘luck’, this is the core reason for their success. 
    bloggerblogbeowulfschmidtBart Y
  • Reply 17 of 49
    Zuckerberg is like a hybrid of the worst attributes of Willian Randolph Hearst and Donald Trump. 

    Sorry, Zucky, Apple is just not that into you and is doing their thing because they will.
    Bart Y
  • Reply 18 of 49
    lukei said:
    Ofer said:
    Ok. Zuckerberg has never created anything! Before FB there was MySpace and another internet darling (at the time) called TheGlobe.com. Both of these companies actually created something, BUT, they were way ahead of their time. Facebook’s success was about timing NOT about innovation! Period! To put a label of an innovator on ZBerg is ridiculous! He IS NOT THAT SMART! He is essentially a Project Manager. Seriously!
    Agreed! Same can be said for most tech billionaires (such as Musk and Bezos). They’re successful because of luck and their willingness to ruthlessly take advantage of other people.

    Jeff Bezos built Amazon on the fundamental principle of being customer centric. This is not ‘luck’, this is the core reason for their success. 
    Agreed, Besos was very intentional and calculated. He gathered his stats and created a business plan before doing anything. 
  • Reply 19 of 49
    The only reason we're not hearing about Apple trying to squash stuff is because it happens behind closed doors. Zuck is just talking about it publicly.
  • Reply 20 of 49
    genovellegenovelle Posts: 1,481member
    michelb76 said:
    The only reason we're not hearing about Apple trying to squash stuff is because it happens behind closed doors. Zuck is just talking about it publicly.
    Apple is starting to understand they have to take control of any new market if they are going to succeed in it.  While their philosophy has been others don’t have to fail for them to succeed, their competitors tend to plot together to lock apple users out. 

    For instance, while chrome has become the new Internet Explorer, with web developers and companies aligning themselves to only support chrome and depreciate other web browsers. It means either you relinquish your security and privacy protections or loose access.  

    This was the situation that forced Apple to create Safari, iWork, and Maps in-house. When they trusted partners to handle the software in key areas, those partners decided to become competitors instead and then handicapped the products Apple helped them develop and grow on Apple’s devices. 
    dewmeStrangeDaysBart Ybadmonk
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