Zuckerberg thinks Apple is making aggressive moves now to control the metaverse



  • Reply 21 of 49
    michelb76 said:
    The only reason we're not hearing about Apple trying to squash stuff is because it happens behind closed doors. Zuck is just talking about it publicly.
    Apple is only looking to empower their ecosystem and provide the best experience possible for their users, they’re not sitting in a room discussing how they’re going to squash FB. They don’t care about FB. The reason Zuckerberg is worried is because Apple’s roadmap is cutting through his FB and Metaverse roadmaps. The fact that Apple can now control their own silicon and produce unspeakable computing prowess, with low power, in such a small package, and be specifically designed to serve their ecosystem which includes their VR ambitions is why competition is freaking out, from Epic to FB to Google, MS and others 
    williamlondonmattinozBart Ybadmonkwatto_cobra
  • Reply 22 of 49
    blastdoorblastdoor Posts: 3,526member
    hexclock said:
    Don’t really want anything to do with anything Zuckerberg builds, Metaverse or otherwise. He reminds me of a younger Bill Gates in certain ways. Instead of just building tools to allow people to remake society, they like to take an active role in the remaking. Just my opinion of course; yours may vary. 
    Interesting article nonetheless. 
    I’m not a fan of Gates, but Zuck is qualitatively worse. Jobs critique of gates is that he has bad taste. I agree. But at least Microsoft makes products for people — they don’t make people into products (with advertisers and propagandists being the customer).

    Windows won’t destroy human civilization but Zuck’s Metaverse might
    DAalsethrobin hubermattinozBart Ywatto_cobra
  • Reply 23 of 49
    “It will be a dying husk used only by old people before too long.  I hope.”

    I’m an old person and I completely dumped FB 3 months ago…maybe longer. I have no regret, and no fixation. I allowed FB to make me a crappy nasty politico. Done. I rarely use Twitter, but am trying to warm up to Instagram. FB and Z-burg can suck virtual eggs.

    bloggerblogPeaceLoveAndKindnessBart Ywatto_cobra
  • Reply 24 of 49
    Please Apple don´t go into this VR nonsense, keep making insanely great products for humanity instead. Let Meta and Zuckerberg loose money on it meanwhile so that they goes bankrupt in the end. A great win for humanity!
    Bart Ywatto_cobra
  • Reply 25 of 49
    blastdoorblastdoor Posts: 3,526member
    opinion said:
    Please Apple don´t go into this VR nonsense, keep making insanely great products for humanity instead. Let Meta and Zuckerberg loose money on it meanwhile so that they goes bankrupt in the end. A great win for humanity!
    I don’t have enough experience with VR to know whether it’s nonsense. I suspect it has value, but don’t know enough to be sure.

    I know enough about Meta/Facebook/Zuck to be confident that their implementation of VR will be malignant.

    also — I believe if there is value in VR, Apple can find it. 
    edited October 2022 Bart Ywatto_cobra
  • Reply 26 of 49
    DAalsethDAalseth Posts: 2,967member
    So Z is worried that Apple is trying to control something that does not exist, is not defined, and in reality only exists in Z’s imagination. 

    That is the very definition of paranoid delusions. 
    mike1Bart Ywatto_cobra
  • Reply 27 of 49
    blastdoor said:
    opinion said:
    Please Apple don´t go into this VR nonsense, keep making insanely great products for humanity instead. Let Meta and Zuckerberg loose money on it meanwhile so that they goes bankrupt in the end. A great win for humanity!
    I don’t have enough experience with VR to know whether it’s nonsense. I suspect it has value, but don’t know enough to be sure.

    I know enough about Meta/Facebook/Zuck to be confident that their implementation of VR will be malignant.

    also — I believe if there is value in VR, Apple can find it. 
    I just have a hard time seeing the value for humanity in VR. I guess we are in a backlash already as it is with all this malignant technology that is not used to enrich peoples lives, just to enrich corporations.
  • Reply 28 of 49
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,043member
    lukei said:
    Ofer said:
    Ok. Zuckerberg has never created anything! Before FB there was MySpace and another internet darling (at the time) called TheGlobe.com. Both of these companies actually created something, BUT, they were way ahead of their time. Facebook’s success was about timing NOT about innovation! Period! To put a label of an innovator on ZBerg is ridiculous! He IS NOT THAT SMART! He is essentially a Project Manager. Seriously!
    Agreed! Same can be said for most tech billionaires (such as Musk and Bezos). They’re successful because of luck and their willingness to ruthlessly take advantage of other people.

    Jeff Bezos built Amazon on the fundamental principle of being customer centric. This is not ‘luck’, this is the core reason for their success. 
    You’re forgetting the luck of having parents rich enough to give you a quarter-million to start with. Bir5 lotto luck is definitely a factor. 
  • Reply 29 of 49
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,043member
    genovelle said:
    michelb76 said:
    The only reason we're not hearing about Apple trying to squash stuff is because it happens behind closed doors. Zuck is just talking about it publicly.
    For instance, while chrome has become the new Internet Explorer, with web developers and companies aligning themselves to only support chrome and depreciate other web browsers. It means either you relinquish your security and privacy protections or loose access. 
    Agreed on Chrome. As a surviving web dev from the browser war days, it is mind blowing to me that a new generation of devs are happy to code for one browser brand.
  • Reply 30 of 49
    tundraboytundraboy Posts: 1,908member
    "I'm sure they believe at some level in the things that they're doing and think that they're good for their customers, but it can't just be a coincidence that it also aligns very well with their strategy."

    It completely went over the head of the morally rudderless one, and this is a point that Tim Cook spoke off publicly, that Apple chooses not to be in a business that is predicated  on making immoral choices in order to succeed.  If FB respected people's privacy, it would not survive at all.  It isn't a coincidence that Apple's strategy is good for their customers, in fact Apple's strategy **naturally** aligns with their customers' interests.

    Then again, Meta/FB's strategy also aligns with their customers' interests.  But their customers are the advertisers not their users.  Come to think of it, we should call them 'used ones' rather than 'users'.  And it's pretty obvious there is only one 'user' in this business model.  
    robin huberBart Ywatto_cobra
  • Reply 31 of 49
    opinion said:
    Please Apple don´t go into this VR nonsense, keep making insanely great products for humanity instead. Let Meta and Zuckerberg loose money on it meanwhile so that they goes bankrupt in the end. A great win for humanity!
    VR isn't nonsense.  It is certainly niche, and something like the society portrayed in Ready Player One is about as dystopic as it gets, but there are loads of valuable use cases outside of gaming and entertainment that make it useful.  Imagine not having to travel to the other side of the country for an operation when the doctor can VR in to your local hospital to operate.
  • Reply 32 of 49
    genovelle said:
    michelb76 said:
    The only reason we're not hearing about Apple trying to squash stuff is because it happens behind closed doors. Zuck is just talking about it publicly.
    For instance, while chrome has become the new Internet Explorer, with web developers and companies aligning themselves to only support chrome and depreciate other web browsers. It means either you relinquish your security and privacy protections or loose access.  

    This was the situation that forced Apple to create Safari, iWork, and Maps in-house. 
    Just to clarify, Safari preceded Chrome. Actually Google poached the creator of Safari who was identified by Google as ‘the world’s best browser engineer’
    baconstangBart Ywatto_cobra
  • Reply 33 of 49
    auxioauxio Posts: 2,754member
    "As we see this play out, is that in each generation of computing that I've seen so far -- PCs, mobile -- there's basically an open ecosystem and there's a closed ecosystem. So in PCs, it was Windows and Mac ..." Zuckerberg philosophized.
    Wait what?? Windows was most definitely not an open ecosystem. I stopped reading there because I knew the rest was going to be similar nonsense.
  • Reply 34 of 49
    williamh said:
    One more thing!. ZBerg built a platform that put Trump in office, a platform that has created social anarchy, a platform that let a hostile nation (Russia) to control US politics, a platform that has literally killed hundreds of thousands of people with misinformation (COVID), a platform that has defaced democracy. Sleep well on your billion threadcount sheets while millions suffer.
    Facebook is going the way of AOL.  It will be a dying husk used only by old people before too long.  I hope.  
    Why Old People, only?? Mind you that we have been operating systems since the 70s and 80’s and are more used and adapted to technology than those who are following trends. So, at 73 please tell me what I must know that you already know. Do we start with quantum computing? Or perhaps with “puk-puk”

    Jayyzzzuuzzzzz, what absurd and disingenuous you are. Please pray to save the dichotomy of my thoughts.

    Bart Ywatto_cobra
  • Reply 35 of 49
    One thing is certain, no one will ever accuse Facebook/Meta of being altruistic, so it's a strange criticism to make, sort of like saying, "they're much more like we are."
    I think that people of certain mindsets have an exceptionally hard time believing that other people don't think and behave like they do.  Everyone experiences this to a degree, but particular mindsets are more susceptible and nothing will sway their opinion.  They tend to be pretty ruthless because of a believe that a competition is occurring at the highest level.  They misinterpret all actions as brinksmenship moves, which forces them to escalate or feel like they are being left behind.
    mattinozBart Ywatto_cobra
  • Reply 36 of 49
    puiz666puiz666 Posts: 22unconfirmed, member
    Nice try, but Apple won’t be trying to control “the Metaverse” because there’s no “Metaverse,” and there isn’t going to be one, at least not one that Zuckerberg or his embarrassing “Meta” fiasco will have anything to do with. 

    Apple will likely spearhead AR glasses, while Facebook’s desperate Hail Mary bet-the-farm strategy of trying to be anything than Facebook will go down in history as one of the great tech failures of all time. 

    VR has no mass appeal, and Facebook isn’t any good at VR anyway. I’m pretty sure that in ten years, Meta won’t exist, and Facebook will be a stagnant social media platform owned by someone like Verizon or Microsoft. 
    edited October 2022 baconstangBart Ywatto_cobra
  • Reply 37 of 49
    mattinozmattinoz Posts: 2,446member
    puiz666 said:
    Nice try, but Apple won’t be trying to control “the Metaverse” because there’s no “Metaverse,” and there isn’t going to be one, at least not one that Zuckerberg or his embarrassing “Meta” fiasco will have anything to do with. 

    Apple will likely spearhead AR glasses, while Facebook’s desperate Hail Mary bet-the-farm strategy of trying to be anything than Facebook will go down in history as one of the great tech failures of all time. 

    VR has no mass appeal, and Facebook isn’t any good at VR anyway. I’m pretty sure that in ten years, Meta won’t exist, and Facebook will be a stagnant social media platform owned by someone like Verizon or Microsoft. 
    Apple will make money by trying to make it easy for others to offer as much content as possible in a lower friction way to customers. They won't care if you only use it an hour a day indeed will probably health reminders built in to take a break from their product. 

    They keep making money over time by improving what can be made and making getting to that content easier so people get the point they feel they want to upgrade instead of being forced to by a system that wants to control them and force them to deal with its short comings*.

    Meta don't care about my experience as other have said. Seems rather telling they would pitch it as a battle from control. Everyone of their current systems is about herding a compliant market in for milking. 

    *not suggesting Apple system don't have short coming because they clearer do but often surprised even delighted to find a shortcoming I worked out how to brut force gets streamlined as version progress. Many other companies products I'm still brut-forcing a rough-edge exactly the same way I was 5, 6 versions ago. 
  • Reply 38 of 49
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,670member
    I have no sympathy for Zuckerberg. The only thing Apple did was to make sure that Facebook, and every other personal data vacuum service that runs on Apple devices, asked Apple’s customers whether they wanted to allow the Facebook vacuums to be turned on. Apple wanted its customers to have a choice. Facebook didn’t want Apple’s customers to have a choice so Facebook could sneak around behind their user’s backs.

    If Facebook is losing money since Apple’s customers were given a choice, it has nothing to do with Apple. It’s Apple’s customers who are rejecting Facebook's vacuuming operations, not Apple. If Facebook wants those customers back and to submit to its data vacuuming they need to appeal to those Facebook users who chose to say “No,” not to Apple. 

    As far as VR and Metaverse is concerned, I wish Facebook all the best. If they can be successful while being honest and transparent with their customers, we should give them the benefit of doubt. But if we find them sneaking around behind our back and rummaging through our personal data without our permission, I hope the fail in the most miserable and humiliating way.
    Bart Ywatto_cobra
  • Reply 39 of 49
    auxio said:
    "As we see this play out, is that in each generation of computing that I've seen so far -- PCs, mobile -- there's basically an open ecosystem and there's a closed ecosystem. So in PCs, it was Windows and Mac ..." Zuckerberg philosophized.
    Wait what?? Windows was most definitely not an open ecosystem. I stopped reading there because I knew the rest was going to be similar nonsense.
    Windows was considered an Open Eco-System to the fact that you could go and get your software from anywhere; you bought the disk from a friend, the local computer story, mail order, specialty magazines, etc etc. you could get your software from anyway, bbs, copy a friends, etc. there was no “App Store” that forced you to buy through. Ie. Apple App Store, that’s considered a “Closed” eco system which Apple takes “some” responsibility for what is in the store and for that Apple take a cut of the money that goes through it. Apple recently in the past year or so, remove some 300,000+ apps that they deemed either useless copycats or Bs and it was good for the users, that’s an advantage.  To some degree Apple also scans the apps for malware and viruses, that an advantage.  The people pay for that as a commission to Apple. Along with Apple hosting the Apps, and some other services for the dev, that’s part of that commission… there advantages to it BUT there are disadvantages to it also! You can’t take your apps from Apple to Android or Linux, not that you could on Mac to Windows but if the creator made it in Windows and your a registered user (Apple doesn’t provide user level details to the Dev!) you could cross grade from Mac to Window or vis-à-vis. The commission is blind to the users but the Dev see it and hence the Epic/Apple court drama.
    edited October 2022
  • Reply 40 of 49
    AniMill said:
    “It will be a dying husk used only by old people before too long.  I hope.”

    I’m an old person and I completely dumped FB 3 months ago…maybe longer. I have no regret, and no fixation. I allowed FB to make me a crappy nasty politico. Done. I rarely use Twitter, but am trying to warm up to Instagram. FB and Z-burg can suck virtual eggs.

    FYI… Meta (FB) owns Instagram, WhatsApp, Messenger and several other small companies.  If you want to get away from Meta, use the following;

    1. Twitter (US based and owned!)
    2. Snap Chat (US based and owned!)
    3. TikTok (China based and owned!!!)
    4. Pinterest (US based and owned!)
    5. YouTube (Google owned, US based and owned)
    6. TruthSocial (US based and owned!)
    7. Reddit (US based and owned!)
    8. Etc. 

    there and many more but this gives you some legroom to work with. 

    edited October 2022
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