Apple's new iCloud+ tiers are too much for consumers, too little for professionals

in General Discussion

Users will finally be able to get more iCloud+ storage space, but the cost is too high for anyone but professionals like filmmakers -- who have better options.

Apple is adding new iCloud+ storage options, but at a cost
Apple is adding new iCloud+ storage options, but at a cost

Perhaps Apple only wedged in its new iCloud+ tiers on the 80th minute of its iPhone 15 launch because there was nowhere else it could fit. Plus, there was not a lot to say about it either, yet the position in the event says one thing, and the positioning of its price says another.

The announcement came on the heels of the iPhone 15 Pro description, which included multiple references to how filmmakers shoot and manage large files. That was specifically to do with how fast the new USB-C data transfer is -- at least, on the Pro models -- and how video makes can record to external drives.

So it was a perfectly fine segue from users needing space to Apple providing more of it. Except what followed seemed to bounce the needs of consumers and professionals, without ultimately helping either.

Filmmakers won't backup footage to iCloud

Space can be an issue for everyone but it is certainly always so with pro users and most particularly filmmakers. This is an extreme example, but film editor Eddie Hamilton edited "Mission: Impossible: Dead Reckoning Part One" chiefly on a MacBook Pro with the footage stored on a portable 160TB drive.

Apple's 12TB iCloud+ tier is not going to cut it for someone working on a film shot over a couple of years.

Also, no filmmaker is going to trust their footage to iCloud+ or at least never solely to iCloud+. Apple's iCloud is for syncing between devices -- and it's not actually possible to back up a Mac to it at all.

You can sync files, passwords, and even desktop contents on a Mac. And you can know that your photos and videos are now on all of your devices. Plus if you delete something, you do have 30 days in which to recover it via's data recovery section.

But if anything goes wrong with that footage, if it is in some way corrupted, then every copy on every device is the same. Mess up your local file and Apple will diligently copy that same mess to each copy of it.

Filmmakers can't even share footage efficiently on iCloud

If it can't be used as a backup, then the new iCloud+ tiers ought to be at least usable for sharing footage. The tiers ought to mean there's the capacity to send footage from a film set to wherever it's needed -- for editing, for viewing, for the people paying the budget to see what they're getting.

Video footage is forever being shunted around between people and it is always the case that the faster and more easily you can do that, the better.

If it works as Apple claims, then the iPhone 15 Pro's ability to record direct to an external hard drive is huge. That will be an enormous success, and enough so that it might even mean people buying iPhones with less storage capacity than before.

But for moving clips around, for sending the dailies over to someone off-site, and sometimes hundreds or thousands of miles away, for viewing, that's usually done fastest online.

And unfortunately, no matter what Apple says, it is never done fast online with iCloud. For all its strengths, and regardless of how fast an internet connection feeds it, iCloud is slow.

Consumers have little reason to care whether it takes a few minutes to sync some photographs between the devices. But when it's hours of footage and it takes hours to share it, having more space is no use.

Besides, filmmakers already have at least one better option with the service.

Adobe bought in 2021 for $1.275 billion. It's an online service for filmmakers in studio or on location to rapidly show their footage to editors or backers far away.

Adobe's service is part of Creative Cloud alongside the Premiere video editor
Adobe's service is part of Creative Cloud alongside the Premiere video editor

More than just one service for transporting footage, was quickly incorporated into Adobe's Creative Cloud subscription service. And then Adobe added the ability to view footage on Apple TV.

It's telling that such a service exists, it's showing that there is a real need for it. But what's most revealing about Adobe's offering, though, is that it offers less space than Apple's new tiers.

If they need to, film studios can negotiate rates for more space, and more users using that space, but's published tiers top out at 3TB.

That's 3TB, which can be used by up to 16 users, and it costs $25 per month. Per user. That maxes out at $400 per month.

Apple's nearest equivalents after the new iCloud+tiers are added is a 2TB one for $9.99 per month, or the new 6TB for $30 per month.

Plus if a movie maker wants to kill time between setups by playing some Apple Arcade games, they can do that and get the same 2TB iCloud+ space through the Apple One Premier bundle for $32.95 per month.

Plus there is no seat-license kind of limitation on iCloud+. Any number of users can have iCloud+ accounts -- Apple is hardly going to stop them -- and there can be a shared folder between them.

Films may have large budgets but no film company pays a cent more than it has to for anything, so a cheaper option will always be considered. But the real cost in film making is time and iCloud+ loses here, it loses by a long way.

For storage like this, iCloud is a Finder-level system where you manage files. In comparison, is integrated into Adobe Creative Cloud -- and so is the very popular video editor, Adobe Premiere.

To break that convenience of integration, iCloud+ has to be better and easier than its rivals. Plus it has to be available equally to everyone on a production who needs it.

Back in 2021, AppleInsider said it was finally possible to use iCloud folder sharing as a true alternative to Dropbox -- but only for some users. It works the best if everyone is on Apple devices.

Apple's Greg Joswiak, announcing the new iCloud+ tiers
Apple's Greg Joswiak, announcing the new iCloud+ tiers

PC users can see and use your shared files, but they have to do it via logging in to and they're just not going to do it.

Apple doesn't know who to aim this at or price it for

Apple pressed hard on how professionals need space, and here it is providing some, but it also awkwardly stepped between talking about pro and consumer users.

"Starting next week, iCloud+ is adding two new plans, 6 and 12 terabytes," said Greg Joswiak, Senior Vice President of Worldwide Marketing, "for even more room to keep your photos and videos safe."

That is every word he said about the update, and without the price, it sounds great.

With the price, it does not sound like a consumer service. If $30 and $60 per month sound a lot, try thinking of it as $360 or $720 per year. That $720 is a new iPhone, or about 12TB of physical SSD storage, annually.

It feels as if, after years of not providing enough options for iCloud+ storage, Apple is just having a go to see what happens. Its target market isn't clear, and it's pricing strategy is just to multiple what it already offers.

Only, Apple sells iCloud+ storage space directly and as part of the consumer-facing Apple One bundle. It's going to be interesting to see whether Apple complicates the top Apple One Premier bundle to include options for the new tiers.

Apple is usually surgically precise in who it's aiming a product or service at, and it's also often proven right in the long run. That could happen now, Apple has presumably planned the new tiers carefully.

But it doesn't seem like it. And if you're someone who sat up at the announcement because you're forever hitting the limits of your iCloud+ storage, you're probably also someone who sank back down again because of the price

Read on AppleInsider



  • Reply 1 of 19
    Over the years Apple has never really got cloud storage. 
  • Reply 2 of 19
    There's also the internet connections to contend with. Who's going to upload 6TB of data over a home internet connection? Maybe Apple needs to get into the business of "Ship your data to us. Here's a portable drive and a return mailing box."?

  • Reply 3 of 19
    Hedware said:
    Over the years Apple has never really got cloud storage. 

    That's not true. They've just taken a different approach. They haven't been selling "file storage" as a standalone product like Dropbox, Box, OneDrive, Google Drive, etc. It's always been about extending the Apple experience. And that's because consumers already have plenty of options, so why compete in that same sandbox? iCloud storage is about integration with applications, such as Bookmarks, Mail, Contacts, Photos, Messages, etc. That's where the magic is, not with an internet-based file system.

    edited September 2023 thtdewmeAlex_VwilliamlondondanoxStrangeDaysbaconstangwatto_cobra
  • Reply 4 of 19
    thttht Posts: 5,605member
    It’s for consumers who want to keep their photos and videos available to them on all their iCloud client devices. 

    I have something something 65k photos and videos going back 20 years. Also have a iCloud family sharing. Currently using 1+ TB of my 2 TB plan. 

    As the file sizes get bigger, the faster you fill up your storage. So, the next 5 years of photos and videos could be 1 TB itself versus the prior 20 years. That kicks me to the 6 TB tier. 

    The default MP size for a photo is 24MP on the 15, and we have Live Photos and 4K video. It’s going to fill up fast. 

    How this digital storage becomes “permanent” like a physical photograph is a difficult thing. 
    Graeme000StrangeDayskdupuis77red oakwatto_cobraOnPartyBusiness
  • Reply 5 of 19
    Conspiracy theorists here: Live Photo is a scam to use up iCloud storage. I, and many friends and family, see no use of this option - and we detest it can’t be forced off…only temporarily disabled. But it always somehow turns itself back on. Texts take longer to send because of it, and it chews up data. I hate it. Please Apple, just give us a OFF.

  • Reply 6 of 19
    AniMill said:
    Conspiracy theorists here: Live Photo is a scam to use up iCloud storage. I, and many friends and family, see no use of this option - and we detest it can’t be forced off…only temporarily disabled. But it always somehow turns itself back on. Texts take longer to send because of it, and it chews up data. I hate it. Please Apple, just give us a OFF.

    Settings>Camera>Preserve Settings>Live Photo ("Preserve the Live Photo setting, rather than automatically reset to Live Photo turned on.")

    Toggle this to "on" 

    Open the camera app. Be sure you've set Live Photo to "off."

    You're welcome.
  • Reply 7 of 19
    The best alternative I've found to iCloud+ (still use it), Dropbox, and is a QNAP NAS.  With its Qsync function, I get the best of all worlds: 1) sync across MacOS, Windows, Linux, iOS, and Android. 2)Versioning. 3) Multiple users and directories. 4) Full control over data.  The caveats are maintaining backups (scheduled), security (WireGuard VPN router), and uptime (UPS, redundancy).

    If we're talking about managing creative works and collaborating, a well configured NAS beats any 3rd party cloud service if you have a fast network bandwidth. This approached is easier with the new iPhone 15 Pro external drive functionality....plug that drive into NAS and it can auto-import new footage to your preferred directory.  

  • Reply 8 of 19
    So for this article to make any sense you have to narrowly define the word professional as an editor working on a big budget Hollywood production and avoid describing consumer needs altogether.  It is hard to believe this is anything other than the author being willfully obtuse for the sake of complaining. 
  • Reply 9 of 19
    AniMill said:
    Conspiracy theorists here: Live Photo is a scam to use up iCloud storage. I, and many friends and family, see no use of this option - and we detest it can’t be forced off…only temporarily disabled. But it always somehow turns itself back on. Texts take longer to send because of it, and it chews up data. I hate it. Please Apple, just give us a OFF.

    You can absolutely & readily turn off Live Photo. Just go into your Settings > Camera and ensure you have it set to remember. 

    Not a mustache-twirling conspiracy.
  • Reply 10 of 19

    PC users can see and use your shared files, but they have to do it via logging in to and they're just not going to do it.

    Oh yes they can. iCloud for Windows
  • Reply 11 of 19
    I pay Wasabi and Backblaze B2 around $5.99/terabyte, so iCloud is cheaper. But, as the article states, functionally it just isn't the same as I can set-up policy rules and keys to content. Apple needs to open up iCloud and provide an API or provide an S3 compatible service which would enable it to integrate with all manner of services.
  • Reply 12 of 19
    It’s important to remember that Apple doesn’t always want to own every market that they’re they got rolled when Amazon cried antitrust over the Apple Book Store and if you notice Apple Books now gets the bare minimum in order to keep it number 2 in the market because they know if they ever fairly compete with Amazon again, Amazon will bribe people at the DOJ again. 

    Likewise with cloud storage, in a lot of cases Apple is essentially outsourcing their backend to Google or Amazon or somebody else, so they have no reason to want to steal customers from them.

    ICloud storage is primarily used for phone and iPad backups, as well as for iCloud Photo Library. It may also be used for things like storing large amounts of files in iCloud Drive.

    Typically you’re only going to see somebody using more the. 2TB if they’re sharing with family or shoot in RAW and use the photos app and iCloud Photos for managing their library. 

    Previously if you wanted more than 2 TB you needed to pay 30 extra for Apple One Premier. So compared to that, this is a great option. 

    Apple may some day come up with cloud integration for Final Cut Pro and Logic, but I kind of doubt it coming any time soon. Those use cases still benefit from local storage. I wouldn’t be surprise though if this is a precursor to enabling full blown iCloud Backup for for Macs. 
  • Reply 13 of 19
    Good grief. 🙄

    There are myriad uses for iCloud storage that doesn’t involve video. 

    Not everyone is either a “consumer” or an editor working on a full length feature film. Ever consider there are a wide variety of users with different needs?
  • Reply 14 of 19
    AniMill said:
    Conspiracy theorists here: Live Photo is a scam to use up iCloud storage. I, and many friends and family, see no use of this option - and we detest it can’t be forced off…only temporarily disabled. But it always somehow turns itself back on. Texts take longer to send because of it, and it chews up data. I hate it. Please Apple, just give us a OFF.

    You can absolutely & readily turn off Live Photo. Just go into your Settings > Camera and ensure you have it set to remember. 

    Not a mustache-twirling conspiracy.
    I know people who accidentally will take a burst of a picture and keep all of them, that takes up space also and with the increased technical capability of these new lenses in iPhone 14 and 15, the quality that these pictures have will also demand more storage.
  • Reply 15 of 19
    Mike WuertheleMike Wuerthele Posts: 6,917administrator
    So for this article to make any sense you have to narrowly define the word professional as an editor working on a big budget Hollywood production and avoid describing consumer needs altogether.  It is hard to believe this is anything other than the author being willfully obtuse for the sake of complaining. 
    Talk to Apple about it. They're the ones who said it was for professional video editors.
  • Reply 16 of 19
    So for this article to make any sense you have to narrowly define the word professional as an editor working on a big budget Hollywood production and avoid describing consumer needs altogether.  It is hard to believe this is anything other than the author being willfully obtuse for the sake of complaining. 
    Talk to Apple about it. They're the ones who said it was for professional video editors.
    That is categorically false. Here is what Apple said when introducing the new storage options:

    “And staring next week iCloud+ is adding two new plans, 6 and 12 terabytes, for even more room to keep your photos and videos safe. iCloud+ also has great features that allow you to easily share your photos, automatically back up your iPhone and so much more. And of course with Family Sharing everyone in your household can get all the benefits of iCloud+”

    Note that video editors, professional or otherwise, were not mentioned whatsoever. That Apple was pitching this to professional video editors is something that AppleInsider completely made up. Also worth nothing that this article claims to have quoted the entirety of what Joz said about iCloud+ while leaving out two thirds of what was said. That is completely dishonest. 

    Looking at the full quote, not the AppleInsider interpretive dance of what was said, it becomes immediately clear who this is targeted at. It’s right there in the last sentence, people using the family plan. I personally use it to cover myself and two other people. That is three iPhones, two iPads and three Macs that use iCloud storage. We are pushing the two terabyte limit. Given that the family plan covers up to five people I’d imagine there are plenty of people out there that could use the extra space. It’s really not that complicated. 

    It is really strange that AI opted to decided to make up this whole story about professional video editors being the target and even stranger that y’all decided to be completely dishonest about what Apple said in the announcement. All in all AI keeps reminding me why Steve Jobs once said that he didn’t want the U.S to become a nation of bloggers. There is a lot to be said for actual journalism. 

  • Reply 17 of 19
    There's also the internet connections to contend with. Who's going to upload 6TB of data over a home internet connection? Maybe Apple needs to get into the business of "Ship your data to us. Here's a portable drive and a return mailing box."?

    My home internet connection is currently 500/150 megabit.  I'll be switching to a gigabit symmetrical connection next year as soon as the fiber gets to my neighborhood.

    Gigabit fiber is $65/month here.  6TB isn't that big a deal any more.
  • Reply 18 of 19
    I hope they add an iCloud+ tier to take advantage of this, or just upgrade the existing tier. I shoot a lot with a Canon R5, photos and video, and 2TB has become a struggle even after trying to offload extra data. I was also forced to get a Google Drive subscription for project sharing, so there’s definitely room for some small tweaks that would make a big difference. I’m still waiting for them to merge my MobileMe account though, so I won’t hold my breath. 
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