2024: Apple's 40 year old Macintosh survives another year

in macOS

As 2024 springs into reality, it's a fresh opportunity to look at what Apple can do to to stay alive and remain relevant as its core Mac platform reaches the ripe old age of 40.

The OG Mac

If Apple's Macintosh were a person, it would likely be suffering a receding hairline, a stiff neck for no apparent reason, and a troublesome inability to lose weight. It would be finding itself virtually invisible to young people and, at the same time, struggling to remain relevant in the workplace as fresher faced workers run circles around its productivity and demonstrate a leaner, more ambitious drive to remake the world.

Of course, Apple isn't really a person. It's a legal entity that's now made up of over 160,000 people worldwide.

And while its fun to personify the company and even the Macintosh, the reality is that unlike a physical human, the corporation and its core products are actually dynamic ecosystems of activity that can evolve and change and refresh in ways that our far more frail bio-chemical bodies can't.

The Mac's troubled teens

This last year I turned the ripe old age of -- gasp -- 50! I was barely ten when the Macintosh arrived and changed how we think about personal computing. The original Mac was powered by the 68000, which at the time was an advanced chip developed by Motorola that could for the first time deliver the late 60's pipe dream of graphical computing driven by a mouse, allowing ordinary people to leverage the the power of personal computing with an intuitive Human User Interface that depicted the arcane world of digital files as a virtual desktop with windows and folders of document icons.

The Apple of the late '80s increasingly became a premium priced, marketing-driven company that struggled to compete with generic PC makers that could leverage vast economies of scale. Apple struggled to differentiate itself from these other white boxes. As the Macintosh turned 10, it found itself pitted against Microsoft, its closet software partner. Windows 95 appeared to appropriate virtually all of the core value Apple had created.

Across the '90s, Apple struggled to find its footing as its Macintosh pursued uncertain markets in hypertext and multimedia. It also struggled to launched its new Newton MessagePad, a handheld computer that was intended to be even easier to use, styled as a "personal digital assistant."

Before the Newton could develop into a useful tool it was undercut by much cheaper alternatives including the Palm Pilot. It didn't help that Newton wasn't really finished and shared little in common with the Mac as a platform in hardware or software.

Newton MessagePad

Apple also tried to introduce digital cameras in partnership with Kodak, and it attempted to find ways to monetize the then-exciting potential of CD-ROM mass storage and the emerging importance of internet connectivity. Apple's pratfalls across that decade relegated it to niche markets and earned it the humiliating badge of being a "beleaguered" dinosaur has-been.

On top of its struggles to identify its next big thing in hardware, Apple was also plagued with core deficiencies in its aging Macintosh system software as well as its software development tools that made a series of backtracking strategic errors.

New Jobs for an old Mac

As luck would have it, the company was saved from oblivion in the late '90s by shaking things up under new management ushered in by Steve Jobs. As the new century started, Jobs' Apple reintroduced the Mac as a more affordable computer oriented towards consumers and prosumers who wanted a simple way to browse the web, do basic desktop work, and organize their digital music and photos.

It was Jobs' Apple that hammered out a new era of exciting potential built upon industry standards, open source code, and perhaps most importantly, a cohesive strategy for delivering constant refinements that delighted the Mac faithful and enticed away Windows users tired of viruses, spyware, incessant adware, and the other perils of PCs.

As a young tech professional in the 2000s, I grew enamored with Apple's efforts to deliver products that jettisoned legacy and boldly shifted towards a clean and fresh future where things "just worked" and where new tech products like 2001's iPod and the 2006 Intel-based MacBook felt stylish, solid, fast, and functional in a world dominated by techy complexity often delivered in cheap flimsy packages intended to make their profits from accessory sales and software.


The new Apple was not only cranking out distinctive hardware, but was also delivering fresh annual upgrades to its revamped Mac OS X operating system. I had started writing about Apple and the changes occurring within the company and the overall industry as the 2000s started, with particular attention devoted to the vast disconnect between what Apple was actually building and the narrative of naysayers who frequently assumed that Apple's trajectory would necessarily be undercut and disrupted by others.

Mac life begins at 20

Apple's iPod rapidly grew into a huge business, thanks in large part to the company's new retail stores that aptly demonstrated how much better technology could be if it were delivered as a solution that served customers' needs rather than as a way to benefit media companies. It was this backdrop that enabled Apple to launch iPhone in 2007 as a handheld computing device that could also serve as a cellular phone and work as a familiar iPod.

What was less obvious to many in the tech industry was that iPhone was effectively a scaled down Mac, leveraging its familiar development tools but packaged as a much simpler to use device that didn't need a system administrator to manage. It didn't even need an instruction manual.

It was also less apparent to many tech observers that Apple was devoting monumental efforts to make this possible. In the same way that the company had spent significant efforts to reinvent personal computing with the Mac in the early 80s, iPhone in the early 2000s invested extraordinary work to deliver a complete solution that targeted the pain points of existing mobile devices.

Competing phones, music players, and other gadgets didn't do this, expecting instead to best Apple primarily in pricing with devices that were either much simper phones or more complex and technically encumbered PCs in a smaller package. But thanks to the work Apple had already done to build a mass market consumer electronics business with iPod and a retail powerhouse across hundreds of retail stores that provided support and assistance, iPhone was able to fend off rivals. By 2010, effectively all of Apple's 2006-era competitors in smartphones were suffering an existential crisis.

iPhone destroyed the extant smartphone industry

Apple had turned the tables in the technology world, with the ability to leverage vast economies of scale that enabled it to build faster, more functional and easier to use mobile devices. This also allowed the company to introduce iPad as an alternative way to approach computing in a way that brought the power of desktop computing to a massive new audience.

Alive and adapting

Five years later, it wasn't exactly shocking that the narrative-driven Wall Street Journal was opining that Apple should ditch its venerable Macintosh to focus on the "modern future" represented by its mobile iOS devices. Of course, this idea was absurd because while iPad appealed to new kinds of users with simplified needs, the Mac was still demanded by a growing base of users who required a more powerful desktop.

While Apple was demonstrating a new willingness to allow its product introductions to cannibalize existing markets the way iPod sales were effectively upgraded into iPhones, the company also made strategic efforts to sell its streamlined new tablet alongside conventional Macs as complementary tools. Other companies failed to do this. Android tablets, Google Chromebooks, Linux devices, and Microsoft's various attempts to spawn Windows-based attempts to make "no compromises" by selling one Jack-of-all-trades PC with a stylus or a tablet-like touch screen all failed spectacularly.

Apple entered the 2010s selling not just more individual devices, but essentially different classes of Macs each targeting very clear use cases. Across the last decade, Apple also branched out in selling Apple TV as an even more simplified iOS product that only did a few things, but did those few things really well with effortless simplicity. It also launched Apple Watch as a similarly tiny computer you could wear.

These devices are all specialized branches of the old Macintosh, each paired with a custom interface targeting a unique use case. At every new introduction, Apple's critics boldly claimed that the rest of the world could outpace its development by delivering their own take on tablets, wearables, and various other product categories. They were suckered by pitches that claimed that consumers really wanted something that wasn't a Mac.

Certainly, Apple's expanding array of iOS devices are not sold as "Macs" but they carry forward the same kind of bit mapped display with a powerful platform of software apps, built on the same evolving core. Microsoft once tried to launch its own smartphone without a focus on apps, largely because it couldn't get its developers to make enough.

Amazon tried to promote its concept of "Voice First" Alexa smart speakers because that's what it had spent so much on developing in an attempt to beat Apple and own the future of computing. Google tried to launch Chrome OS and various forms of Android devices that could rival the app platforms of the Mac and iOS App Stores. I no longer have to argue that these efforts aren't good enough.

A future at 40

As the Mac as a platform prepares to blow out the candles of 40 years of birthdays, it has not failed to grow as so many had predicted. It has not merely been eclipsed by modern iOS devices; it has spawned them.

Because they use the same development tools, the dramatically larger base of iOS apps has breathed new life into the Mac. Apple's big investment in developing its own processors not only kept its mobile devices ahead of rivals in past years, but also resulted in the recent convergence of custom Apple Silicon across Macs and iOS, iPad OS, and watchOS devices.

All these years later, Apple continues to market and report device sales separately for its Mac desktops, mobile, tablet, wearable and other new categories. This year, Apple will introduce Vision Pro as another new app platform, custom designed to serve a new solution for immersive computing. It remains to be seen how many units Apple will ship, but in useful terms, the legacy of this new iOS-related device is quite literally another new form factor and implementation of the soul of the Mac.

Vision Pro

It's tempting to contrast Apple's developments with Microsoft's one-time goal to bring "Windows everywhere." In reality, that strategy only meant stretching the one computing model it had appropriated in the early 90s from Apple and copy-pasting this windowing desktop model across everything from office copy machines to personal media players and the smartphone. This didn't work out successfully anywhere.

Apple did the work to determine how to bring the utility of the Mac everywhere in a form appropriate to the solution it was creating. Apple Watch, Apple TV, iPhone, iPad, and the upcoming Vision Pro don't share the Mac's look and feel. They share its core functionality, paired with a custom human interface appropriate to their use. In hindsight, that's clearly the right approach.

Apple's prowess in birthing new children to the Mac that don't just lazily replicate and spread its original 1980s interface, but instead develop and adapt to fit new environments and uses demonstrate how important it was for the company to spend exhaustive efforts to study how to create and build new solutions that will appeal to customers. This is a model Apple can keep pursing into the future.

At the same time, the company is also fleshing out new peripheral devices ranging from AirPods to AirTags and HomePods that can provide accessory functions. CarPlay isn't a device but rather another use-appropriate interface driven by your iPhone. Further advances are coming thanks to the shared technology of silicon and software platforms that will continue to add value to the Mac and its progeny.

It's an exciting time to be alive as Apple takes raw technologies and crafts functional solutions from it. So don't sweat the Mac getting middle aged. It looks like it will outlive us all.

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  • Reply 1 of 29
    p-dogp-dog Posts: 136member
    Excellent perspective. I'm glad to see your articles again!
  • Reply 2 of 29
    blastdoorblastdoor Posts: 3,526member
    I’m the same age as the author. It constantly amazes me to think of where Apple is today compared to the 70s-90s. The Apple of our youth was truly an underdog that almost didn’t make it. I bet there are a lot of parallel universes in which they didn’t make it. 
  • Reply 3 of 29
    I'm about 18 years older than the author.  If there are alternative universes, there are likely a few where Xerox went after the mass market, rather than allowing Apple and Microsoft to capitalize on the Xerox Alto graphical user interface.  There could be one or two alternative universes where H. P. did not rebuff Job's request to have H. P. build microcomputers for Apple.  There could even be an alternative universe where Intel manufactured chips for the iPhone.  
  • Reply 4 of 29
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,898moderator
    If Apple Mac were a person I’d recommend he (she?) move to The Philippines, where age is respected and the weather is warm.  Lol
  • Reply 5 of 29
    My first Apple product was an Apple ][ with 4K of RAM and basically nothing else which I purchased in 1977. Today I am walking around with an iPhone 15 Pro Max with 8GB of RAM and 512GB of storage. My laptop is a MacBook Pro 16” with 32GB of RAM and 2TB of storage. My phone has 2,000,000 times the RAM of my Apple ][ and my laptop has 8,000,000 times the RAM. 

  • Reply 6 of 29
    entropysentropys Posts: 4,263member
    A larger display than currently available would be what I need to pull the trigger.
  • Reply 7 of 29
    mattinozmattinoz Posts: 2,446member
    I'm about 18 years older than the author.  If there are alternative universes, there are likely a few where Xerox went after the mass market, rather than allowing Apple and Microsoft to capitalize on the Xerox Alto graphical user interface.  There could be one or two alternative universes where H. P. did not rebuff Job's request to have H. P. build microcomputers for Apple.  There could even be an alternative universe where Intel manufactured chips for the iPhone.  
    Anyone who has spent more then 5 minutes with even the current xerox machines would understand the tech was never going to shine at that company. Still if there is an alt-universe where that is not the case i'd like to go there. 

  • Reply 8 of 29
    I’m close to the author’s age. My first Apple computer at home was a IIGS, a vast improvement over the Commodore Vic-20 we had before that.  I had also used an original Mac at a friend’s house (playing Taipan mostly), and various Apple II series models.

    Later stepped up to a Centris for college and then an iMac. Now I own a 14” MacBook Pro M3.
  • Reply 9 of 29
    Thanks Dan for a very interesting article! I enjoyed reading your retrospective so much I actually, even in 2023, registered so I could comment. I haven’t registered for a website in quite a number of years. 

    You eloquently described the massive amount of work Apple have executed to create an ecosystem of products based on specific UI per use case, shared software tools & core software, hardware integrations.

    I think we all with the benefit of hindsight can appreciate what Apple have done much more so now than at any previous point in the Apple ecosystem evolution.

    I hope Apple continue to demonstrate to others in the market that if they want to succeed or even beat Apple they have to put the same amount of work in.

    Meanwhile born in 1960 as I was I will continue to enjoy Apple products until such a competitor surfaces! It might not occur in my lifetime but it might occur in other readers lifetimes.

    Thanks again Dan for such a clear piece of writing!
  • Reply 10 of 29
    hydrogenhydrogen Posts: 314member
    Sometimes I have nightmares about a parallel universe where Apple does not exist, and Microsoft dominates the smartphones market (with physical keyboards, of course !)
  • Reply 11 of 29
    mattinozmattinoz Posts: 2,446member
    hydrogen said:
    Sometimes I have nightmares about a parallel universe where Apple does not exist, and Microsoft dominates the smartphones market (with physical keyboards, of course !)
    We all have sidewinders and NGages.
  • Reply 12 of 29
    vtvitavtvita Posts: 27member
    Immensely enjoyable to read Daniel Eran Dilger on the Mac's 40th year. 
  • Reply 13 of 29
    Great article. Apple played it well reinventing in the late ‘90’s. Mac’s were seen as pricey and niche clunkers until PowerBooks, OS’s 8 & 9 started getting a cultlike following. I went thru the early 80’s (green screens, cassettes, floppy discs, etc), onto PC’s running early Windows and then a 95 bloatware piece of junk. Bought an OS8 PowerPC Mac in ‘99 and haven’t looked back with Macs and Apple products since then. Only wish they could get over being stingy with RAM and graphics cards…
  • Reply 14 of 29
    bluefire1bluefire1 Posts: 1,309member
    “The original Mac was powered by the 68000,”
    And cost $2495. I loved it!
  • Reply 15 of 29
    entropysentropys Posts: 4,263member
    hydrogen said:
    Sometimes I have nightmares about a parallel universe where Apple does not exist, and Microsoft dominates the smartphones market (with physical keyboards, of course !)
    Well, tbh I didn’t mind the tile interface of a windows Nokia phone I bought my MiL. Easy to set up with a separate tile (with photo) to press to contact each of us. Software sucked otherwise though but not an issue for the MiL.  

    I agree though that a windows (or android) phone would have looked more like a blackberry if the iPhone never existed.
    edited January 2 Alex_VAllM
  • Reply 16 of 29
    jasenj1jasenj1 Posts: 923member
    I have an original Mac sitting on my shelf, and it still starts up. And I have a Mac SE that I used in college that also still runs. And an aqua G3, but I haven't started that in ages. I remember paying over $3000 for the SE, a huge investment for a college kid (well, my parents). I bought Apple stock in the `90s at my first job. My broker at the time questioned the wisdom of my choice. Since then the stock has split multiple times, I've sold some for my first house downpayment, and it makes a chunk of my retirement. When I bought in, I never dreamed Apple would grow as huge as it is.

    And it's amazing the OS is still based on UNIX. I'm eagerly awaiting the creative destruction that will replace the current OS foundations.
    edited January 2 Apple-a-dayAlex_VAllMStrangeDaysjony0
  • Reply 17 of 29

    In 1984, I waited for the 512k Mac in the fall and dove in after owning an Apple II and Apple III. Been a Mac user ever since and have had a lot of them. I have no desire to change.  It Just Works!

    Because of the Mac I was able to build a 9500 into a video editing machine in 1995 way ahead of the competition. I made a good amount of money with that machine as I did not have to leave home and pay $100 per hour at a studio to edit standard definition video. The system had only 8Gigs of storage in an external disk array (a lot at that time). It cost $4700 and was about 40 minutes of SD video. For longer shows, I would build it in sections and lay them off to DV tape.

    I had Photoshop 1.0 and Premiere 1.0 in 1990 and have been using them ever since. I started using Final Cut Pro since version 3 and I am stilling using it with the current version.

    The price has not changed a lot for my Macs over the years. In 1984 my 512 with printer was about $3000. My MacBook Pro M1 was bought when it was introduced and was about $3000.

  • Reply 18 of 29
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    I still have my 1984 Mac, a few years ago it still booted up. 
  • Reply 19 of 29
    chadbagchadbag Posts: 2,023member
    I was a freshman at college in 1984 and my university was one of the Apple Education partners that sold the Mac to students “inexpensively”.   But I couldn’t afford one but did use one in our student center and also one owned by a guy in our dorms.  He had the programming manuals eventually as well soon looked into those.  

    I, however, had learned programming on Apple ][+ that the grade school had and gave me access to since I was helping their tented and gifted teacher teach the kids programming, and we had an Atari 400 and later Atari 800 at home along with a DEC PDT 11/150 single chip LSI-11 based computer my dad bought through a DEC employee purchase program.  We had that computer for several years until my dad realized there was no employee purchase field service (repair and maintenance) program and any repairs would be more than we paid for the computer.  I learned a ton about programming on the Atari 800 and the PDT 11/150 running RT-11.  

    But when the Lisa came out I wanted one but didn’t have $10k to spare as a high school student.  When the Mac was released I wanted one badly but it was not in my student budget.  

    Later I bought an Atari ST for midi and general use and lusted after a Mac.  I went to work for DEC and attended night school (paid by DEC) to try and finish my degree.  Since I had two classes part time I qualified to buy a student discounted Mac and bought a Mac Plus for around $900 student price in Fall 1989.  Been a max use since.  I eventually went back to full time school to try and graduate and bought a Mac LC.  I still have it and it booted last time I tried.  Eventually bought a Mac LC 475 with PPC upgrade added and then a 7200, and later a 9500 and a Umax clone.  I have none of those.  I bought a Bondi Blue iMac on the first day and used that for years.  I still have it and it boots (tried a year ago) though the power supply is flaky.  Probably failing capacitors.  Had an iBook G3 for many years and then inherited a 2014 MBP from a job when the company failed.  They let me keep my machine as payment for helping wind things up.  Still have that though my daughter uses it most of the time.  It had an issue in 2017 and I had a paid side gig so bought an iMac to finish that gig and the iMac has been my main personal machine since.   I did get the MBP repaired and as I mentioned, my daughter uses it regularly as do I when we travel.   Family also has a 2015 iMac and my son has an M1 MacBook Air. 

    I’ve worked in Mac development since 1993 when I started at WordPerfect and while I’ve mail my been doing iOS since 2012, as DED mentioned, it’s basically the same as Mac with a different UI layer.  Same with iPad.  (And watch and TV etc).  

    It’s been refreshing to work with the modern tech that Jobs developed at NeXT and brought to Apple.  One of my Mac jobs wanted to put their stuff on the web and we started using WebObjects (right before Apple bought them) and that was my entry into the dynamic OO of OpenStep (macOS iOS etc) and Objective-C (then and some now though Swift has replaced a good percentage).  Been a great ride and may but last another 13 years.  

    Though the computing world and future in the early 1980s was exciting, it’s just as much or more so now in the matured world of computing we live in. 

    My Atari 400 had 16k bytes of RAM upgraded to 48k.  And used 88k floppies.   My phone, on which I’m typing, has gigabytes of RAM and 256gb of storage.   Amazing.  Will be amazing to see where we are at when I retire in the mid to late 2030s.  

  • Reply 20 of 29
    Great article!

    I turned 50 last September and remember the Mac hitting the scene in 1984.  There was a local Dillard's department store that had an area where they sold computers and I think some higher end AV equipment.  I used to go there and marvel at the new computer.

    During the 80s my dad worked for a printing company in their art department and I remember they used to have these huge Compugraphic type setting machines, but when they got a Mac SE they were able to do so much of that on a much less expensive device.

    My family had a IIsi, then Quadra 840av.  I had a few Powerbooks (140 and 160)  in the early-90s.  I even had a Newton which was a bit clumsy (handwriting recognition), but a great vision for the future at the time.

    From 1997 to 2006 I was on a Wintel machine, but thereafter have been back on the Mac.  Just got an M3 iMac and it's been a great machine.  I'm glad Apple continues to see the Mac as a pillar of the ecosystem, despite not being the biggest part of the business.
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