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in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
With all the talk of the new XServe, and updated powermacs in July ... I think everyone has overlooked the coolest feature of the XServe ... blinking lights showing CPU Activity! You can see a pic here:

<a href="http://www.apple.com/xserve/design.html"; target="_blank">http://www.apple.com/xserve/design.html</a>;

Its #3 in their little schematic. I think this is awfully cool, and I'm hoping it makes its way into the towers ...

Last night I was checking out my cube and my iMac, and I like the simplicity of the designs, even if the geek inside me yearns for more switches and lights ... and I thought "Damn, a real-time, in-hardware*, CPU utilization monitor would just be friggin' awesome! PCs get hard drive lights, but thats so passe, and so 70s. The BeBox had CPU lights on the case too (and they were all dual proc, If My Memory Serves Me Correctly). Sometimes you might want to tell at a glance if your CPU is busy, but you aren't using your mac (Maybe you're waiting for it to render some stuff in FCP or Photoshop or whatever). Ah ... nothing I like better than blinking lights!

* I don't know if you could do it 'in-hardware', so even if it were just a daemon process, it'd still be cool.


  • Reply 1 of 34
    bodhibodhi Posts: 1,424member
    You started a new thread for this why?
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  • Reply 2 of 34
    [quote]Originally posted by Bodhi:

    <strong>You started a new thread for this why?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    It deserves one you bloody bastard. I think the blinking lights are badass.


    [ 05-14-2002: Message edited by: Exercise in Frivolity ]</p>
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  • Reply 3 of 34
    I like this guy.

    Anyway -- judging by recent designs -- I don't expect to see DasBlinkenLights? on the new Power Macs. The trend is towards seamless surfaces. I'd guess the Power Mac will have a smooth, metal appearance broken only by the drive slots.

    Rather like a toaster, then... <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />

    Maybe they could stick something like a <a href="http://www.griffintechnology.com/audio/pwrmate.html"; target="_blank">PowerMate</a>, with the pulsing blue ring, on the front. Imagine it slowly pulsing while the machine was asleep, or growing brighter as you turned up the volume... :cool:
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  • Reply 4 of 34
    nostradamusnostradamus Posts: 397member
    That isn't German and besides, German isn't cool.



    [ 05-14-2002: Message edited by: Nostradamus ]</p>
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  • Reply 5 of 34
    sc_marktsc_markt Posts: 1,402member
    I'm sure the lights could be useful at times.

    If I had a dual G4, I'd like the menubar to have a status display to show CPU usage using a high-res variation of these blinking lights.

    In fact, I wish Apple would put another menubar at the bottom of the screen (in place of the dock) for these types of things and build in some functionality that taskmenubar has so I can easily switch or switch/hide between apps.
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  • Reply 6 of 34
    metacommetacom Posts: 32member
    [quote]Originally posted by Exercise in Frivolity:


    It deserves one you bloody bastard. I think the blinking lights are badass.


    [ 05-14-2002: Message edited by: Exercise in Frivolity ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Way cool. I agree. This was one of the coolest features of the BeBox.
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  • Reply 7 of 34
    ssmurphyssmurphy Posts: 40member
    I have to agree that status lights on the front of the new computer case would ROCK!!

    I use Spy in os X to keep an eye on the CPU. total waste of CPU cycles but I love it.

    It would be cool to see a rack full of Xserve's dooing load share on a web site and watch as the highest of trafic loads are served.

    Later Steve
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  • Reply 8 of 34
    junkyard dawgjunkyard dawg Posts: 2,801member
    Those lights are on the rackmount because they are designed to be run without a display. Powermacs are run with displays, hence the presence of the CPU Monitor application, which communicates far more detailed information about processor activity than a few blinking lights can provide.

    CPU indicator lights on a Powermac would be utterly redundant and a total gimmick, good for impressing fools but seen as cheap and vulgar to anyone who knows how to use a computer.

    Sheeze, sometimes it seems like the only one's interested in Macs are vain fools. If you're interested in processor load, use the CPU monitor, you tool!

    OOOOoooh, but WAIT! I've got an even better idea! A FLASHING LIGHT TO INDICATE THAT THE POWERMAC'S CASE IS OPEN!!! It would be right on the front of the tower, and if the side door was open, then the light would blink! That way you would know if the door was open!
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  • Reply 9 of 34
    nebagakidnebagakid Posts: 2,692member
    Maybe apple could sell blinking light kits that could be added for customization .i agree, blinking lights are cool, and if programed correctly, could be used to make cool patterns.

    Imagine an 8 x 8 array of lights, they could make some pretty cool patterns. OR signifiy something for the system. Like, if there were an "X" at start-up, it would tell you that you were in Mac OS X. Applications and possibilites are endles. And when you are sleeping, ahhhh, there has to be something cool for that....

    Also, just watch how people are now going to be on which Xserve gets the highest load first.

    "Go! Go! Forget about the high powered bus! Max yourself out!" they would say <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" /> <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />

    I need to get some sleep :cool: <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" /> <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" />
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  • Reply 10 of 34
    [quote]Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg:

    <strong>Those lights are on the rackmount because they are designed to be run without a display. Powermacs are run with displays, hence the presence of the CPU Monitor application, which communicates far more detailed information about processor activity than a few blinking lights can provide.

    CPU indicator lights on a Powermac would be utterly redundant and a total gimmick, good for impressing fools but seen as cheap and vulgar to anyone who knows how to use a computer.

    Sheeze, sometimes it seems like the only one's interested in Macs are vain fools. If you're interested in processor load, use the CPU monitor, you tool!

    OOOOoooh, but WAIT! I've got an even better idea! A FLASHING LIGHT TO INDICATE THAT THE POWERMAC'S CASE IS OPEN!!! It would be right on the front of the tower, and if the side door was open, then the light would blink! That way you would know if the door was open!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I wonder what sort of functions a light array could have on the AI boards......I can think of one or two, such as warning you before you waste time reading a post.....
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  • Reply 11 of 34
    nitridenitride Posts: 100member
    Who needs blinken lights when you got one of these:

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  • Reply 12 of 34
    [quote]Originally posted by Nostradamus:

    That isn't German and besides, German isn't cool.




    Well, some guy once said:

    [quote]Ich bin ein Berliner.<hr></blockquote>

    which translates to:

    [quote]I'm a big, jelly donut.<hr></blockquote>

    ...and every still loved it.

    Then this German dude even gave us a quote for a Gonad the Barbarian movie:

    [quote]That which does not kill us, makes us stronger.<hr></blockquote>

    That was from Fred (Nietzsche), right before God killed him.

    So, in my opinion, in the language that uses "updaten" as a seperable verb, and Das PeekinTuben (periscope), DasBlinkenLights? rock. Remember, this was the High Fidelity project, you know-- like graphic equalizers?

    I would pay to see this feature in the towers, because I like pretty, blinking lights.
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  • Reply 13 of 34
    [quote]Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg:

    <strong>Those lights are on the rackmount because they are designed to be run without a display. Powermacs are run with displays, hence the presence of the CPU Monitor application, which communicates far more detailed information about processor activity than a few blinking lights can provide.

    CPU indicator lights on a Powermac would be utterly redundant and a total gimmick, good for impressing fools but seen as cheap and vulgar to anyone who knows how to use a computer.

    Sheeze, sometimes it seems like the only one's interested in Macs are vain fools. If you're interested in processor load, use the CPU monitor, you tool!

    OOOOoooh, but WAIT! I've got an even better idea! A FLASHING LIGHT TO INDICATE THAT THE POWERMAC'S CASE IS OPEN!!! It would be right on the front of the tower, and if the side door was open, then the light would blink! That way you would know if the door was open!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Hey, seriously man, why are you such an ass? You are so incredibly vain. The only people interested in Macs are vain fools because they think blinking lights are cool? Shit, man, do you use your Mac to do anything but read AI and post acrimonious, hateful messages to people you don't know?

    People like you are the bane of the internet, and a dime a fücking dozen.

    Cheers, cockmonger.
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  • Reply 14 of 34
    serranoserrano Posts: 1,806member
    [quote]Originally posted by KeilwerthReborn:


    Hey, seriously man, why are you such an ass? You are so incredibly vain. The only people interested in Macs are vain fools because they think blinking lights are cool? Shit, man, do you use your Mac to do anything but read AI and post acrimonious, hateful messages to people you don't know?

    People like you are the bane of the internet, and a dime a fücking dozen.

    Cheers, cockmonger.</strong><hr></blockquote>

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  • Reply 15 of 34
    junkyard dawgjunkyard dawg Posts: 2,801member
    [quote]Originally posted by KeilwerthReborn:


    Hey, seriously man, why are you such an ass? You are so incredibly vain. The only people interested in Macs are vain fools because they think blinking lights are cool? Shit, man, do you use your Mac to do anything but read AI and post acrimonious, hateful messages to people you don't know?

    People like you are the bane of the internet, and a dime a fücking dozen.

    Cheers, cockmonger.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Yeah, well vain bimbos are the bane of the Mac user community! I can't stand wading through threads here at AI posted by superficial, vain airheads who get woodies over flashing lights and spend their days fantasizing about their next Sharper Image purchase to impress their yuppie scum brethren. Oooh, Oooohh, dude I got a Bimmer! I'm soooo cool, look, I have such fine taste, I'm the sorta guy who appreciates quality! PLEASE! This sort of upper class trash is the bane of human society.

    I see you hurled the name "vain" right back at me, but you don't understand, see, II had a REASON to dis this thread....but with you, I apparently touched a nerve. As is often the case, I'm dead on, because I have to deal with vain, materialistic muthas on a daily basis and they painfully bore me, it's agonizing, really. People who's ideas and thought patterns are conditioned by corporate marketing are defeated humans, bastardized souls who've given themselves to the herd and submitted to the shepherds. And of course the shepherds are today's deity, the corporate bosses who rule our planet as unelected officials. The power of television and materialism...who is really owned by those bright, flashing gadgets that commonly adorn yuppie filth?


    PS: Don't make me taunt you a second time, or I'll be forced to make you my bitch!

    [ 05-15-2002: Message edited by: Junkyard Dawg ]</p>
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  • Reply 16 of 34
    bradbowerbradbower Posts: 1,068member
    Ye gods, I'm with JYD on this one.


    For the sarcasmically challenged, the preceding was not to be taken in any serious vein.

    You want them because they look cool, but sysadmins use/need them to view activity, loads, communication, operation. You don't need them. For pete's sake, they're some little blinking lights.
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  • Reply 17 of 34
    resres Posts: 711member
    Actually, putting the blinking lights on the multiprocessor towers might not be such a bad idea. It would probably cost next to nothing, and they are cool.

    On the PC side there are lots of after-market lights, meters, and displays for that show everything from fan speeds to processor loads -- so there is obviously a market for such things.

    Why not put processor load lights on the Mac towers? Do you really think having them would hurt sales?
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  • Reply 18 of 34
    percolatepercolate Posts: 14member
    I'm on the side of the blinkenlight kids in this case. It would be helpful to me to know CPU usage so I don't overload the processors while doing real time DSP because I can't afford dropouts. Watching hardware limits is critical for real time audio - ccertainly if people cared enough to put a memory monitor in Digital Performer, they'd want to view CPU usage if they could. I don't use software based CPU meters because they're inconvenient, whereas I find the LEDs on my various audio/MIDI interfaces to be extremely helpful. It is in many respects a matter of simplicity - there's no screen clutter with blinkenlights, just isolated markers that efficiently tell me the status of the associated hardware. You can make a dockling or something else but either it will be too small for me to easily see or it will occupy too much valuable visual real estate.

    Not every one needs a CPU meter, however it is something that isn't easily replaced. Considering that professional video and audio is done using PowerMac equipment and both are having more and more real-time manipulation abilities, it seems like blinkenlights would be a useful option for a number of people to whom Apple cater. The Xserve would be an option except that despite its definite usefulness Apple needs to clarify their position with creative professionals and the 28" deep form factor doesn't fit most audio hardware racks. And yes, I think blinkenlights are kind of cool. Just because I like watching VU meters while recording doesn't mean they aren't useful and the same thought goes for blinkenlights.

    [ 05-15-2002: Message edited by: percolate ]</p>
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  • Reply 19 of 34
    powerbookpowerbook Posts: 22member
    [quote]Originally posted by Nostradamus:

    <strong>That isn't German and besides, German isn't cool.




    No, "Blinklichter"! :-) It is a word on its own, not a combined one. By the way, about a year ago, to use randomly german words in the newspapers seemed to be cool, i remember stuff like "Weltpolitik", "Finanzpolitik", etc.


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  • Reply 20 of 34
    stepsonstepson Posts: 95member
    [quote] CPU indicator lights on a Powermac would be utterly redundant and a total gimmick, good for impressing fools but seen as cheap and vulgar to anyone who knows how to use a computer <hr></blockquote>

    Kind of like the touch sensitive switch on top of the Cubes? That was a total gimmick, but it was a cool total gimmick.

    Also, I know how to use a computer, and I don't see it as cheap and vulgar. Ha ha! I have found a flaw in your logic!

    Just be glad we don't want one of these:

    <a href="http://www.xoxide.com/pctachometer1.html"; target="_blank">http://www.xoxide.com/pctachometer1.html</a>;

    I'll bet G4s rev higher than P4s!
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