Apple leaks G5 specs



  • Reply 761 of 1072
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member

    Originally posted by fugimax

    The only thing I am sad about at this point is not finding out about the G5 while inside the RDF. I'm, of course, VERY happy...but just imagine what this would have felt like in the RDF. People would have *died*


    Keep in mind, once in the RDF, it has been said that you lose all sense of prior knowledge and memories. That explains how every 6 months riots from the 'where's our G5" clan have not successfully revolted. You have this knowledge now, however, you are missing the prices, the case design, supposed monitors, Panther, and even better if some whispers saying that the specs are low are to be believed!

    Never underestimate the power of the RDF.
  • Reply 762 of 1072

    Originally posted by Akumulator

    Hey man, if you're right on Monday, I'll buy you a............. taco?


    Don't be ignorant. I'm far from Mexican, we don't eat tacos. I guess if I had a Jewish name you'd offer to buy me a knish?

    Please keep your racial stereotypes to yourself.

  • Reply 763 of 1072
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member

    Originally posted by Addison

    I think you are right, because speed hasn't really been an issue with corporates for some time. Current machines provide all the performance one need to do Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. However, it is a jolly good start, Rome wasn't built in a day. I think the main thing going for Apple is the operating system, sell the fact that they are easy to manage, easy to lock down so that staff can't B****er them up, and are resiliant to viruses and the corporates will start to listen.

    Having said this level of performance is going to attract a lot of specialists from gamers to video editing etc.

    THe 970 gets us gamers, or at least some, and more pros. Panther will get us the corporates with the help of keynote, iDocuments or Appleworks on steriods or something. Also, new pricing (which is a trend lately) should also make Apple look more attractive. Unix will help mac get a nice share of the market. Windows is the anti-christ now.
  • Reply 764 of 1072
    anandanand Posts: 285member
    Hey, does this imply that the MacBidouille benchmark results are accurate? That would mean that a 1.6 is slightly better than a P4 3.06 at some tasks and a dual 2.0 is 2-3 fold better at those same tasks. That would be amazing.
  • Reply 765 of 1072
    keyboardf12keyboardf12 Posts: 1,379member
    Play the Quake 3 frame rate guessing game!

    how fast is it now on a mac?

    how fast on a souped up PC?

    wonder how fast it will be on monday.

    not that i care. don't have time for games but anything to peev a PC friend about is a good thing...
  • Reply 766 of 1072
    zazzaz Posts: 177member

    Originally posted by keyboardf12

    Play the Quake 3 frame rate guessing game!

    how fast is it now on a mac?

    how fast on a souped up PC?

    wonder how fast it will be on monday.

    not that i care. don't have time for games but anything to peev a PC friend about is a good thing...

    I can just say this is one *bench I could not care less about.

    But any pro app.. well... that is a different gig. Make that 2 gigs.
  • Reply 767 of 1072
    fugimaxfugimax Posts: 31member

    stop it, you're scaring me.
  • Reply 768 of 1072
    keyboardf12keyboardf12 Posts: 1,379member
    then you are like me.

    but i'd love for the gamer-boppers in pc world to choke on 2nd place.
  • Reply 769 of 1072
    ti fighterti fighter Posts: 863member
    It will be intresting to see what cards from ati and nvidia we will get with these machenes. If apple says on top of them to alwase have the bleeding edge cards avalible for mac, that will bring more game developers to the mac. Cuz guys, gamers are not gonna come over if there are no games.

    Half life 2 and doom 3 available for mac same time as pc, then were in business.

    FYI: super OT but MS went with ATI for xbox 2, nvidia said they didnt want to deal with MS's demands...
  • Reply 770 of 1072
    keyboardf12keyboardf12 Posts: 1,379member
    i'd bet its some nvidia variant that apple will have an exclusive on for 3 months.
  • Reply 771 of 1072
    As someone previously said (before we found out the specs), G5 is "ONE NASTY, FIRE BREATHING, M0THER FI_ICKER"!!!

    I`m thinking about how hard would be to tame that beast!

    *reality`s starting to dissapear*

    must sell familly to buy new PM,must sell familly to buy new PM,must sell familly to buy new PM,....
  • Reply 772 of 1072
    so after the adrenalin rush subsides, how many of you are out there feeling like a broke idiot...? i've lurked in FH for years, waited, expectated, read everything about the 970 I could get my greedy eyes on and STILL managed to be broke when the day finally arrives. Monday I can order nothing cuz I'm a dumb poor whack job no money saving fiznit.

    oh yeah, and wooooohoooooooo!
  • Reply 773 of 1072
    keyboardf12keyboardf12 Posts: 1,379member

    FYI: super OT but MS went with ATI for xbox 2, nvidia said they didnt want to deal with MS's demands...



    this should make apple and nvidia a _little_ more buddy buddy...

    Is microsoft still "going to create their own CPU" or was that just a ploy to get a better chip price from intel?
  • Reply 774 of 1072
    mokimoki Posts: 551member

    Originally posted by anand

    Hey, does this imply that the MacBidouille benchmark results are accurate?

    No. Any accuracy in the MacBidouille benchmarks is merely coincidence/luck. They were fabricated. As are the stories about G5 PowerBooks. As are the stories about G5 towers being in production in May.
  • Reply 775 of 1072
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member

    Originally posted by DeafeningSilence

    so after the adrenalin rush subsides, how many of you are out there feeling like a broke idiot...? i've lurked in FH for years, waited, expectated, read everything about the 970 I could get my greedy eyes on and STILL managed to be broke when the day finally arrives. Monday I can order nothing cuz I'm a dumb poor whack job no money saving fiznit.

    oh yeah, and wooooohoooooooo!

    I was waiting for 2 years for the G5 and I finally broke down and got the first dual gig. I've been waiting 1 1/2 years since. My machine goes on ebay as soon as the top honcho is shipping.
  • Reply 776 of 1072
    ti fighterti fighter Posts: 863member

    Originally posted by keyboardf12


    I forget where i orginally saw it with the statement from nvidia, but i just found this

    edit: here it is
  • Reply 777 of 1072
    fugimaxfugimax Posts: 31member can't talk about nvidia/ati/xbox here...

    i know it was relevant like 10 posts ago...but this is THE G5 post. the post we have all waited to see for years! don't you dare OT here!

  • Reply 778 of 1072
    zazzaz Posts: 177member

    Originally posted by moki

    No. Any accuracy in the MacBidouille benchmarks is merely coincidence/luck. They were fabricated. As are the stories about G5 PowerBooks. As are the stories about G5 towers being in production in May.

    So we only have 20days of stock building in June, eh?
  • Reply 779 of 1072
    keyboardf12keyboardf12 Posts: 1,379member
    thanks Ti

    on topic:

    Those new G5's Fan's had _better_ be quiet!

  • Reply 780 of 1072
    fugimaxfugimax Posts: 31member
    Fans? mean no 40lb. heatsink? hehe
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