Apple leaks G5 specs



  • Reply 1001 of 1072
    redericrederic Posts: 124member

    Originally posted by DHagan4755

    Lastly, 1,000th post!

    YOU BITCH...

    I've been waiting an hour then you made me have a modem crash so you could post.

    I spit on you and say you will never have a G5
  • Reply 1002 of 1072
    bigcbigc Posts: 1,224member

    Originally posted by RedEric


    I go away for the W/E and this thread has imploded.

    I should have caught up by next Thursday.

    Anyone want to do a summary for me?

    DP PPC970 in August, SP maybe July, Panther in September, 30" Displays and Web cam tomorrow. SOS, nothing much has changed.
  • Reply 1003 of 1072
    airslufairsluf Posts: 1,861member
  • Reply 1004 of 1072

    Originally posted by AirSluf

    Ye-gads! What has become of the public school systems? I wouldn't even enter the fray but this is overly painful...

    Q: What are the 5 W's of good journalistic writing?

    A: Who, What, Why, Where, When.

    Apply Occams Razor. Now someone please pull a significat portion of the threads collective head out of the 'W' toilet.

    Thank you, I applied Occam's Razor (that's the razor belonging to Occam, see your own public schools quote) and now I'm smooth and buff with a slight minty freshness and the delicate scent of pine needles.

    I don't actually know what the 'W' thing is all about so for all I knew Moki could have said:

    "....the secret of all Apples future products begins with 'W' and rhymes with anchor..."

    In which case I would assume that he was reffering to you.
  • Reply 1005 of 1072
    709709 Posts: 2,016member
  • Reply 1006 of 1072

    Originally posted by 709

    Moki's cryptic 'W' post.

    I see, thanks 709 :o)
  • Reply 1007 of 1072
    airslufairsluf Posts: 1,861member
  • Reply 1008 of 1072
    fishdocfishdoc Posts: 189member
    Carpetfluff....that was hilarious.

    Generally - I am amazed that people find moki's comment "cryptic" - seems pretty straightforward to me, especially in light of his earlier comments in this thread.

  • Reply 1009 of 1072
    redericrederic Posts: 124member

    Originally posted by fishdoc

    Carpetfluff....that was hilarious.

    Generally - I am amazed that people find moki's comment "cryptic" - seems pretty straightforward to me, especially in light of his earlier comments in this thread.


    Ahh yes but that means that you have to have read all of the posts in this thread to know what he said and in what context.

    I doubt there are many here that have followed the thread all the way through. I got to page 15 and went away for 2 nights to find it was up to 25 pages and, Moki had said somehting about somehting that might have something to do with Water

    I guess that with Water, that means were getting a new Aqua interface?
  • Reply 1010 of 1072
    fishdocfishdoc Posts: 189member
    Good point, RedEric....actually, I haven't followed the thread all the way through, but I DO tend to do a "find" for moki's posts periodically, since I enjoy them so much and think he is about the best source of info on this forum, so I have kept up on his view of things.

    OK, let me sum up what I have seen moki post recently about the 970 and fact, I will do a few searches and try to refresh my memory and make things chronological...

    In another thread (about the eweek article on Smeagol), moki referred to that article as being full of "manure". Someone else stated as fact (I think that was the way they put it) that:

    * Power PC 970 introduced at WWDC.

    * Availability? Immediatly or within 2 weeks for Single processor machines. Probably 1.4 and 1.8 ghz.

    * Dual processors to follow within another 2-3 weeks.

    To which moki replied: "You are setting yourself up for a big disappointment". Now, that leaves us wondering - what part of that expectation will be disappointing?

    Well, Moki later pointed out, in response to the cnet article on Apple using hypertransport, that the G4 does not support hypertransport. He made no obvious suggestion that the cnet article was wrong, which argues FOR 970s on the way. Also note that in the more distant past (last winter), moki was suggesting this coming fall as a reasonable time to expect 970s.

    Later in that thread, moki said "There will be some heavy things about at WWDC just don't expect to be able to carry 'em home". Again, this strongly points towards the SHOWING of 970s at WWDC, and AGAINST them being available, in his opinion. This then led to a ton of conjecture about whether moki was referring to physical weight or meant "heavy" in the colloquial sense.

    Now, moving to this thread - moki noted the specs at Apple's store, but seemed to accept it as a real slipup. He also firmly stated that the macwhispers tale of 970 powerbooks at WWDC was nonsense.

    on page 20 of this thread, he again states that G5 PBs are nonexistent, and that rumors of 970 produciton beginning last May are not true.

    Then (finally!) we get to the main pojnt of this post - the "W" comment. Someone (I think the person in the eweek thread who listed those expectations) said to moki:

    "I am still curious as to what it is you think I will be disappointed about. Is it that I expected too much? Or perhaps I expected too little?"

    To which he replied:

    ""What" is the wrong "W" word".

    Given that moki said there will be "heavy" things at WWDC (and the ancillary evidence), I think we can accept that at least ONE of the "what"s to appear at WWDC will be the 970 PM. But given his statement that you won't be able to take anything home, I think the proper "W" is clearly "when". Where is a given, who is nonsensical (unless you think it may not be IBMs 970), why is silly, so ....."when".

    OK - sorry for the lengthy recap - I think I am avoiding work!

  • Reply 1011 of 1072
    deestardeestar Posts: 105member
    Here's another interesting post by moki in another thread.

    "No cryptic messages. No veiled statements. No name, no slogan. I'm happy to say regarding the prices on the new G5 PowerMacs pre-announced tourettes syndrome-style on Apple's web store: I haven't a clue in the world what they'll sell for.

    Hopefully they will be reasonably priced, as I'd like to pick one up"

    Yeah, but what about PRICES! (new dance pending)
  • Reply 1012 of 1072
    709709 Posts: 2,016member

    Originally posted by fishdoc

    Given that moki said there will be "heavy" things at WWDC (and the ancillary evidence), I think we can accept that at least ONE of the "what"s to appear at WWDC will be the 970 PM. But given his statement that you won't be able to take anything home, I think the proper "W" is clearly "when". Where is a given, who is nonsensical (unless you think it may not be IBMs 970), why is silly, so ....."when".

    Or maybe...."Who".

    I wonder how heavy Itanium is?

    *zips up flame suit*
  • Reply 1013 of 1072
    sc_marktsc_markt Posts: 1,402member

    Originally posted by 709

    Or maybe...."Who".

    Maybe Steve Jobs is going to step down. (Hope not...)
  • Reply 1014 of 1072
    akumulatorakumulator Posts: 1,111member
    So I was smokin' some crack last night and it got me thinking. Could the W stand for WHICH? If there are reports from German of two different towers- one that's white (ala imac/ibook) and the other (grey/metal? I forget what it was).... could one be a consumer tower and the other be a pro workstation? And then I was thinking........ would Apple still use the Motorola G5? They could use it in the consumer tower. And use the IBM 970 in the pro workstation tower. So possibly the leaked specs are only for the consumer G5 tower. And Smeagal could be the code name hinting that it works on the both towers.. the two towers (LOTR). \
  • Reply 1015 of 1072
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member

    Originally posted by fishdoc

    OK - sorry for the lengthy recap - I think I am avoiding work!


    Thanks, Fish, you have it exactly.

    And again about the two tower products theory: Where would you fit those different products in terms of the price structure? Baby towers at current high prices and big "full" towers at completely insane prices? Nope. Nix that.
  • Reply 1016 of 1072
    Thanks for the summing up fishdoc.

    I did do a search for Moki's posts but wasn't really able to understand them out of context. I too started following this thread from page 1 but it has expanded in a crazy fashion and is now mostly full of crap.

    I site everything I have contributed as a prime example of this.

    Still, tomorrow we will finally know whether or not we will finally know anything or not.
  • Reply 1017 of 1072
    kinglkingl Posts: 2member
    The "W" is "Who", the answer is Larry Ellison and Scott McNeely. Oracle Buys Sun and Apple (along with PeopleSoft) and make a combined run at M$ with Panther as the platform and

    OpenOffice part of the bundle.
  • Reply 1018 of 1072
    flippyflippy Posts: 8member

    Originally posted by kingl

    The "W" is "Who", the answer is Larry Ellison and Scott McNeely. Oracle Buys Sun and Apple (along with PeopleSoft) and make a combined run at M$ with Panther as the platform and

    OpenOffice part of the bundle.

    Can I have some of whatever you're on?
  • Reply 1019 of 1072
    redericrederic Posts: 124member

    Originally posted by Flippy

    Can I have some of whatever you're on?

    Shouldn't that read Whatever?
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