Apple leaks G5 specs



  • Reply 941 of 1072
    fred_ljfred_lj Posts: 607member
    With a commercial infrastructure the size Apple's, it's possible, and eternally regrettable for the soul who accidentally included it on the upload list.

    I'm guessing Apple, like all other major sites, has a specific coding system for all images, and whomever was working on maintenance that night just got a bit tired before leaving for home. Shit, even miserably bad shit, happens.
  • Reply 942 of 1072
    ensign pulverensign pulver Posts: 1,193member

    Originally posted by pscates

    How, exactly, does someone make THAT big and obvious of a mistake? You can't just accidentally post something, without trying can you?

    If you're smart and talented enough to get that sort of job in the first place, how is it that you can manage to do something this stupid and harmful (well, to Steve's dreams of a eye-popping keynote)?

    If you had that .gif on your computer or whatever, it just doesn't automatically throw itself up on the server by itself does it?

    Were they performing a test? Was it a surly, disgruntled type in a "I'll show them..." mood? Was it on purpose? Was it truly that much of a blunder? Honestly?

    I don't know...I"m asking.

    In any case, I see no dates or any sort of time reference on that job announcement. Are we certain it's new. I mean, no one - until Thursday night - would've gone to Apple specifically looking for it, you know?

    So Apple is looking for a new Apple Store webmaster two days after the biggest leak in company history and you think it's coincidence?

    Yes, I agree with you that the mistake was shocking in its ineptitude and magnitude, but human error is the only explanation. The only other option is intent and no publicly traded, multi-billion dollar company would EVER do that.

    When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains is the truth, no matter how improbable.
  • Reply 943 of 1072
    macsrgood4umacsrgood4u Posts: 3,007member
    bullets and dashes sometimes become question marks when copying and pasting text. this has happened for years.
  • Reply 944 of 1072
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member

    Originally posted by Blueflame


    Looks like this was a real leak and not some PR stunt.

    Sucks to be out of a job in this economy...

    god, can you imagine the blast radius when steve found out about this? also sucks to have on your resume "fired due to unintentional leak to the entire macintosh community about upcoming products, causing massive fluctuations in purchasing and stock prices."

  • Reply 945 of 1072
    mpls244mpls244 Posts: 61member
    I'm in the "low-end now, high end in 2-4 weeks" camp.

    Let's remember one thing in the "will they or won't they be shipping on Monday" debate -- Apple picked the date for this. The lead time needed for moving the WWDC means Apple probably did not know for a certainty they could actually ship something on June 23rd, but the confidence level must have been fairly high.

    The delay in shipping the PB 17" is not a reliable predictor for G5 shipping delays. Two reasons:

    (1) Apple chose to announce the PB 17" a little earlier than it probably should have, in order to fit into a conference schedule it couldn't change;

    (2) IIRC part of the delay in shipping the PB 17" was a case flex issue that showed up in manufacturing post-announcement. The G5 tower enclosure isn't nearly as complicated to manufacture as the 17" PB (at least I hope so) -- and it's far less likely to have problems crop up unexpectedly.

    As an aside, I bought an Airport Base Station yesterday at the Apple Store Southdale (MN), and they told me no "mystery boxes" have been received. OTOH, it was their experience that boxes for special events typically aren't delivered until the day before, or even the day of, the event.
  • Reply 946 of 1072
    keyboardf12keyboardf12 Posts: 1,379member
    I'm not kidding when i say this but if the person that did this really did get fired, he or she almost must be experincing clinical depression.I feel sorry for them. i hope its not the case or if it is they get another job other real soon now.
  • Reply 947 of 1072
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    I think - upon realizing what I'd just done - I would've just grabbed my jacket and keys, scurried out as quickly/quietly as possible, drive home and packed my shit and just moved to Nebraska or something before the next morning.

    And I'd leave a Post-It on Steves's door: "Sorry...good luck Monday!" because that's the type of thoughtful, considerate person I am.

  • Reply 948 of 1072

    Originally posted by rageous

    I;m aware of the retraction that came later, and I never claimed my post to be gospel. I just made a wild guess. And I stated it was so, so the fact I don't have 7 volumes of research to back my statement is sort of redundant.

    Then don't agree to eat crow over a wild guess. Here's an idea: instead of eating crow if the G5 isn't announced at 2.5 GHz, why not go down to your local printer and order a large rubber stamp that says "WARNING: This post not thought through and may have no relation to reality"? Either that, or make your guesses sound a bit more like guesses. It's fun to consider random possibilities, but I wouldn't put my name down on one just because I would want it to be true. Heck, I'm still hoping for an announcement involving MojaveMP / 750VX / whatever. NMR can't be all wrong...

    OK; I think I'm taking this a bit too seriously. I'm gonna go relax and wait until Monday.
  • Reply 949 of 1072
    i dont know if u guys have already said this but call 1800myapple and ask about the G5....keep on asking and telling them it was on theyre own website. It's fun for the whole family!
  • Reply 950 of 1072
    keyboardf12keyboardf12 Posts: 1,379member
    Monday! Monday! Toga! Toga!
  • Reply 951 of 1072
    rageousrageous Posts: 2,170member
    Holy Christ Karma, you do need to relax. I merely took a wild guess, and thought I made it clear a guess was all it was. Why does a wild guess need to be backed up with factual documentation from IBM and Apple?

    And the reason i said I'd eat crow is because I knew it was an ultra-longshot and was probably dumb enough to warrant eating crow when it proves not to be so.

    Please point me to the AI guidelines for posting guesses and speculation so I may assimilate myself to these forums.
  • Reply 952 of 1072
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    Originally posted by jessefoxperry

    i dont know if u guys have already said this but call 1800myapple and ask about the G5....keep on asking and telling them it was on theyre own website. It's fun for the whole family!

    Leave those poor people alone! Jeez. It was probably cute to them the first 40 or so callers. Now it's probably just annoying.

    Say you owned a lawn and garden shop and you slipped and put a spec or feature or ad for a lawnmower that doesn't exist in your weekly newspaper ad,...would YOU want smarmy, baiting, snickering smart-asses calling you 9,000 times over the next 3 days trying to buy said lawnmower, KNOWING damn well they can't?

    Have a heart.

    Besides, if you prankster pinheads are clogging up the phones with your nonsense when I'm trying to place a LEGITIMATE order to Apple, I'm gonna be really mad.

  • Reply 953 of 1072
    im sorry, i dont know what got into me
  • Reply 954 of 1072
    The accidental (or not) leak of the G5 is a great talking point, but who the hell is sitting in front of their screens 24/7 refrsheshing their brower every 5 seconds to catch this sort of thing? Or was it a tip off?

    I jumped the last 20 billion replies on this thread so ignore me if this has already been said.
  • Reply 955 of 1072
    one two words no life

    not say'n that wouldn't been cool to be the one to show everyone....but still
  • Reply 956 of 1072
    gusmangusman Posts: 17member
    Just a couple of points, to Anonymous specifically, and every one in general.

    First, lighten up on the guy, Rageous labeled his post as a guess and you've been bad-mouthing him since. Not every thing here needs to be original research.

    Second, I've been reading everything I can on this board and others since I first heard of the 970 last year. The 'facts' we know about it are very limited. IBM is making it. It would work fine (IBM's opinion) for Apple if they wanted to use it. Thats about all thats been confirmed. Assuming Apple has been working with IBM, and given Apple's desire for secrecy, is it really so far fetched that IBM's clarification about the 2.5 GHz could have been only smoke at Apple's request? It was about the time they would have just been moving into production, maybe getting the first chips done.

    You may know alot more about chip fabrication than I do (2 classes of Computer Architecture getting my BA in CSci) - I hope you do, but is it theoretically possible to get the 970 to 2.5 GHz while at this technology (.13) level? I don't know?

    I do believe if the specs posted 'accidentally' by Apple were high they would have had to retract them publically, and not let SJ walk out Monday and disappoint all of the Mac world. So I believe that they are real and were accidentally posted, but, but I think there is a very small chance that SJ did this on purpose for the early publicity, and if he did he will have something special above and beyond that posted, powerbooks, workstations or a higher top end -- something. So I think the question is worth asking about something above 2.0 GHz.

    Opinions appreciated!
  • Reply 957 of 1072
    shaktaishaktai Posts: 157member

    Originally posted by cybermonkey

    The accidental (or not) leak of the G5 is a great talking point, but who the hell is sitting in front of their screens 24/7 refrsheshing their brower every 5 seconds to catch this sort of thing? Or was it a tip off?

    I jumped the last 20 billion replies on this thread so ignore me if this has already been said.

    It was probably caught by random chance. Someone browsing the store for whatever reason, (may not have been in the continental U.S after all). They saw that, e-mailed their buddies, or posted it to a forum. The forums are active all time of the day and night (remember we are international and active in all time zones). Within minutes, the word is out in several forums and people have e-mailed their buddies who e-mailed their buddies and so on. The U.S store suddently sees a massive jump in traffic greatly beyond normal, which is probably what first alerted the folks at Apple that they have a problem. It may have looked like a denial of service attack at first. The traffic level was so high (yep I was one of them) it practically shut down the store. As soon as they identified what page was being hit with such fury, and realized what graphic in particular was being download, they knew what the problem was and shut the store down until it could be fixed.

    Remember while it was late night Pacific time in Cupertino it was early morning in Europe with folks arriving at work, and in Honolulu (part of the US) it was still prime time and mid day in Asia.

    We live in a fully international world, and on the internet news that would have taken days or weeks 50 years ago to spread, is now all over the world in seconds.
  • Reply 958 of 1072
    spcmsspcms Posts: 407member
    According to the other thread on the job announcement, it was published less than two hours after the 'screw-up'. Must be Apple has one damn fine HR departement, or it's a coincidence (like it was a coincidence that of the hunderds of .gifs that get loaded onto the one with the G5 specifications was included), or someone is seriously pulling our leggs. I for one am slowly becoming a complot theory believer.
  • Reply 959 of 1072
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member
    Has anyone taken credit for the "discovery" of the G5 specs on Apple's site? Would be fun to know who it was. That and what their initial reaction was.

    "WTF???!!!! Naaah, can't be....."

    *hits refresh*

    "Holly Freaking Sh*t!!!!"

    *hits refresh again*

    "Wow wow wow....!!!!!!"

    "Can't believe I actually got something on my 5,351st refresh!!!!"

  • Reply 960 of 1072
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    Better yet... why was anyone shopping for a powermac right about now anyway?

    Heheh, I wonder what the apple phone reps think when taking orders for G4s monday morning before the keynote?
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