Panther Requests? (with full details and screenshots from AppleInsider)



  • Reply 41 of 552
    gambitgambit Posts: 475member
    No on the dragging and dropping to a folder within a folder in the Dock.

    Check this out though: if you Command-Tab, it no longer uses the Dock! All the icons for all the open apps pop up in the middle of the screen, can you can choose them by Command-tabbing or with your mouse! That's great!
  • Reply 42 of 552
    Looks like the pinstripes are a lot subtler!
  • Reply 43 of 552
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member

    Originally posted by Gambit

    No on the dragging and dropping to a folder within a folder in the Dock.

    Check this out though: if you Command-Tab, it no longer uses the Dock! All the icons for all the open apps pop up in the middle of the screen, can you can choose them by Command-tabbing or with your mouse! That's great!

    wow I'd like to see this in action... its like peripheral vision or the volume keys no?
  • Reply 44 of 552
    richardbrichardb Posts: 22member
    So, is it a good idea to replace Jaguar with Panther as my full-time OS? Are there lots of application incompabilities? Like Word quitting etc?
  • Reply 45 of 552
    klownklown Posts: 1member
    I second richardb's post... Any noticable problems running common applications? Can you have both jaguar and Panther installed at the same time but on sepeaate disks incase you need to revert to your old OS or Apple makes it impossable to upgrade from the developer preview to the final release?
  • Reply 46 of 552
    othelloothello Posts: 1,054member
    have you tried font book? does it support opentype fonts?? also, does it care where the fonts are???
  • Reply 47 of 552
    gambitgambit Posts: 475member

    Originally posted by Klown

    I second richardb's post... Any noticable problems running common applications? Can you have both jaguar and Panther installed at the same time but on sepeaate disks incase you need to revert to your old OS or Apple makes it impossable to upgrade from the developer preview to the final release?

    Here's what I did:

    I used Carbon Copy Cloner to duplicate my exact setup onto another disk, and then I installed Panther over that (archive and install). So, on my main disk, I have my OS X setup.... on the other, I have what would be an archive and installed version of Panther on my existing set up. My directories in my home are all aliases to my real home, so there's no confusion on which home is up to date.

    One thing: Panther kills iCal. I can't get that app to launch no matter what. There are TONS of cool things, though, and I keep discovering more! Cool app number one: the Activity Monitor. It tells you EVERYTHING, from running processes to network activity. It's the little things in this OS, the spit and polish, that make it a pleasure to use.
  • Reply 48 of 552
    synpsynp Posts: 248member
    How about VPN?

    I saw on macbidouille some screen captures. One includes AirPort and a VPN icon (that wasn't clicked). It could also under networking. There was also a Security panel in Preferences. Could we have screenshots of these panes? Is there some other way to configure IPsec or L2TP in Panther?

  • Reply 49 of 552
    othelloothello Posts: 1,054member
    stupid question alert...

    what is VPN? useful to?
  • Reply 50 of 552
    costiquecostique Posts: 1,084member

    Originally posted by othello

    stupid question alert...

    what is VPN? useful to?

    Virtual Private Network
  • Reply 51 of 552
    foadfoad Posts: 717member
    Well here are about 42 screenshots, showing off a bunch of stuff.

    There are some that I didn't take because they are floating around, and there are some in there that are already floating around. Here ya go though...8.6MB sit file.

    Grab it as soon as you can, because I will be taking in down in a few hours.

    PS...screen shots were not taken by me. I am just hosting them. I do however have access to Panther and can answer questions if you have any.

    [edit]Link removed...send me a private message if you wanna still see them.[/edit]
  • Reply 52 of 552
    costiquecostique Posts: 1,084member

    Originally posted by foad

    I do however have access to Panther and can answer questions if you have any.

    1. Did you try Font Book?

    2. Did you try to switch users with unsaved documents?
  • Reply 53 of 552
    synsyn Posts: 329member
    So, do we have confirmation that mounted Samba shares can no longer fubar the whole OS?

    Another thing i'd like to know, if you do a show info on an item being downloaded or transfered, does the file size update live? Or is it static as in Jaguar?

  • Reply 54 of 552
    foadfoad Posts: 717member

    Originally posted by costique

    1. Did you try Font Book?

    2. Did you try to switch users with unsaved documents?

    1. I messed around with Font Book a little bit, not much. It seems like it shall replace least for me.

    2. I am not sure if I totally understand that one. I mean, you can switch users with anything open, the desktops and programs are unchanged. Whether a file is saved or not makes no difference. Does that answer your question?
  • Reply 55 of 552
    foadfoad Posts: 717member

    Originally posted by SYN

    So, do we have confirmation that mounted Samba shares can no longer fubar the whole OS?

    Another thing i'd like to know, if you do a show info on an item being downloaded or transfered, does the file size update live? Or is it static as in Jaguar?


    I can't check the Samba share until I get into work tomorrow.

    The Get Info window is not dynamic. The file size is static as you are downloading.
  • Reply 56 of 552
    foadfoad Posts: 717member
    Here are a couple things in regards to open/save dialog boxes.

    First off, in List view, when you click on a folder, it doesn't highlight, but if you double click on it, it loads that folder. Also, the NEW FOLDER button isn't implemented yet. It is there but it just doesn't work yet. If this is just me, can someone else using panther, let me know. Thanks!
  • Reply 57 of 552
    costiquecostique Posts: 1,084member

    Originally posted by foad

    I mean, you can switch users with anything open, the desktops and programs are unchanged. Whether a file is saved or not makes no difference. Does that answer your question?

    Yes, thank you. Read your private message, please. It's urgent!
  • Reply 58 of 552
    foadfoad Posts: 717member

    Originally posted by costique

    Yes, thank you. Read your private message, please. It's urgent!


    I am reuploading the "fixed" file in a new sit.
  • Reply 59 of 552
    foadfoad Posts: 717member

    Originally posted by richardb

    So, is it a good idea to replace Jaguar with Panther as my full-time OS? Are there lots of application incompabilities? Like Word quitting etc?

    Not really. Panther is a totally rough thing. There a lot of things that work and lots that don't. Nothing is guaranteed to work. I mean, some applications freak out when you do a 10.2.x update.

    So be very careful if you are going to make that jump. Panther is really only meant for developers learning about the new OS and so that they can start developing software for it. It is by no means a consumer ready product...yet.
  • Reply 60 of 552
    costiquecostique Posts: 1,084member
    foad, if you have access to Panther, can you navigate to and look inside (/System/Library/CoreServices/ Is there a subfolder called 'Plugins'? Also, if you could execute this command: nm /System/Library/CoreServices/ | grep NSApp and tell if there is any output at all, we could say if Finder is Cocoa or not.
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