New PowerBooks tomorrow.



  • Reply 781 of 873
    bigcbigc Posts: 1,224member

    Originally posted by pscates


    But what's that part about the "poor nVidia support for Apple"?

    I have a GForceTi and the drivers are from June 2002. That's the best they can do (and it cost $400)?, Nvidiasucks...
  • Reply 782 of 873
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member
    All I want is 15" AlBook with backlit keyboard...anything else is just gravy
  • Reply 783 of 873
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Well, I HAVEN'T noticed, actually. I don't do games or any sort of 3D/animation type of stuff, so maybe I won't?

    Maybe I haven't noticed any nVidia suckitude just because it doesn't affect what I do?

  • Reply 784 of 873
    satchmosatchmo Posts: 2,699member

    Originally posted by ast3r3x

    All I want is 15" AlBook with backlit keyboard...anything else is just gravy

    I think it'll probably have that...I hope.

    There's so much anticipation for this release that I fear many may be let down.

    If it's "merely" a speed bumped 1.25 GHz G4, I wonder how many people will still hold off until PB's are equipped with a G5 chip.
  • Reply 785 of 873

    Originally posted by satchmo

    I think it'll probably have that...I hope.

    There's so much anticipation for this release that I fear many may be let down.

    If it's "merely" a speed bumped 1.25 GHz G4, I wonder how many people will still hold off until PB's are equipped with a G5 chip.

    If it's just a speed bump. I'll hold off until the G5... might anyway.
  • Reply 786 of 873
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member
    I won't hold off. I'll buy now, and then next summer get either a G5 tower or PBook...depends on how I like having a PBook instead of a tower.
  • Reply 787 of 873
    neutrino23neutrino23 Posts: 1,563member

    Originally posted by satchmo ...

    If it's "merely" a speed bumped 1.25 GHz G4, I wonder how many people will still hold off until PB's are equipped with a G5 chip.

    Because it is a PowerBook it can't be "merely" a speed bump. The subsystems in a PB are much more integrated than those of a tower. On a tower you can (for the most part) replace or add to the storage media. You can replace the graphics card. You can add a second graphics card. You can add ethernet and many other items via the PCI slots.

    Laptops are much more limited in this respect so a new design brings us (hopefully) many more items than just a processor speed bump. Support for Airport Extreme, a better WiFi antenna, a better display, backlit keyboard, improved battery, better graphics card, faster optical drive are much of what may come and all are independent of the processor speed.

    I'll appreciate a faster processor but I want all the other items too. If you already have a recent Ti PB then there is little need to upgrade. But if you are coming from a much earlier generation Ti book or Pismo or Wallstreet then this looks to be a very tasty upgrade. I was in an Apple store yesterday exercising a 1GHz Ti PB and it was really nice.

    I suspect that while we all would love a G5 PB few of us really "need" it. It is more emotional attachment to having the "best" thing than actually being hampered by the ability of the current machine.
  • Reply 788 of 873
    Be seated. Raise your eyes to the luminous, multi-coloured fruit of the heavens.And Let the incantation begin...

    Oh mighty Apple. Keeper of our Dreams. Ruler of our hearts-desire for superbly designed and innovative tech-ware. (And masters of no-cost viral marketing)...

    Please give us new powerbooks tomorrow...

    Please give us new powerbooks tomorrow...


    And ppl... Stop leaving out the PB12". If it simply had A (say)13" widescreen, a speed bump, and DVI out (to hook up to my imaginary 20" HD Display) it would be the perfect machine for portable work and play.

    Every1 say the PB 12" will be updated too cos all this talk of his Big Brother(TM) is making him feel left out
  • Reply 789 of 873
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member

    Originally posted by Gabid

    Nothing like fueling the fire. Here's another "confirmation".

    Jason says this:


    Q16 and Q41 will run a Jaguar OS variant code-named Blackrider. Like Smeagol, the build train for the Power Mac G5, Blackrider is a special version of Mac OS X 10.2.7 with hardware support for the new models.

    Hmm... Blackrider...Could this indicate the new PowerBooks are anodized black aluminum?
  • Reply 790 of 873
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member

    Originally posted by DHagan4755

    Jason says this:

    Hmm... Blackrider...Could this indicate the new PowerBooks are anodized black aluminum?

    Done right that would look so slick! StealthBook

    I'm happy with regular Al though...just backlit and Al
  • Reply 791 of 873
    commoduscommodus Posts: 270member

    Originally posted by DHagan4755

    Jason says this:

    Hmm... Blackrider...Could this indicate the new PowerBooks are anodized black aluminum?

    I think that it's another Lord of the Rings reference, such as to the ringwraiths.
  • Reply 792 of 873
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    At this point, it could look like a can of dog food, I just want it soooo bad! Hurry...please...
  • Reply 793 of 873
    tvc15tvc15 Posts: 24member
    Here's yet another prediction for this week...

    "A reliable PowerPage source who has seen the new PB15" and its box describes it as looking just like a 17-inch except smaller. Some notes:

    Ports on right side

    1.25GHz G4 processor

    Firewire 800 on board

    nVIDIA video cards across the 12, 15 and 17"
  • Reply 794 of 873
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Much like you, the only reason to wait for the new powerbooks is the hope that new USB and firewire standards are supportted. That and the hope that Apple will clean up its act relative to base RAM.

    I do have to disagree somewhat with your logic though, Apple could very well just stick in an uprated processor. The only possible change I could see would be possibly to voltage regulation. Now they would be incredibly stupid to do that, considering how long in the tooth the PB are.




    Originally posted by neutrino23

    Because it is a PowerBook it can't be "merely" a speed bump. The subsystems in a PB are much more integrated than those of a tower. On a tower you can (for the most part) replace or add to the storage media. You can replace the graphics card. You can add a second graphics card. You can add ethernet and many other items via the PCI slots.

    Laptops are much more limited in this respect so a new design brings us (hopefully) many more items than just a processor speed bump. Support for Airport Extreme, a better WiFi antenna, a better display, backlit keyboard, improved battery, better graphics card, faster optical drive are much of what may come and all are independent of the processor speed.

    I'll appreciate a faster processor but I want all the other items too. If you already have a recent Ti PB then there is little need to upgrade. But if you are coming from a much earlier generation Ti book or Pismo or Wallstreet then this looks to be a very tasty upgrade. I was in an Apple store yesterday exercising a 1GHz Ti PB and it was really nice.

    I suspect that while we all would love a G5 PB few of us really "need" it. It is more emotional attachment to having the "best" thing than actually being hampered by the ability of the current machine.

  • Reply 795 of 873
    neutrino23neutrino23 Posts: 1,563member

    Originally posted by wizard69

    Much like you, the only reason to wait for the new powerbooks is the hope that new USB and firewire standards are supportted. That and the hope that Apple will clean up its act relative to base RAM.

    I do have to disagree somewhat with your logic though, Apple could very well just stick in an uprated processor. The only possible change I could see would be possibly to voltage regulation. Now they would be incredibly stupid to do that, considering how long in the tooth the PB are.



    I agree, Apple could come out with a very minimal update. However, all the indications are that much of the technology in the 15" PB will be updated. We'll find out this week (I hope).

    This is actually my main complaint with Apple, the lack of a road map. I agree that Apple should keep some things secret, especially anything related to style. And I understand that some things may not be put on a road map simply because there is internal disagreement about which way to proceed.

    However, I would like Apple to setup a schedule for upgrading. For example, Apple could say the PowerBooks will be upgraded January, May and September. They might even say that major changes will come in January with speed bumps in May and September. Optionally, they could announce in advance when certain new technologies would be incorporated (bluetooth, FW800). This still lets Apple keep their secrets but lets the customers plan ahead.
  • Reply 796 of 873
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member

    Originally posted by neutrino23

    my main complaint with Apple, the lack of a road map.

    I think they are starting to do this. Think back to the WWDC in June when Steve Jobs said the G5 would be at 3 GHz in a year's time.
  • Reply 797 of 873
    keyboardf12keyboardf12 Posts: 1,379member

    However, I would like Apple to setup a schedule for upgrading. For example, Apple could say the PowerBooks will be upgraded January, May and September.

    And when moto screws them over (yet again) on a deadline causing apple to miss a schedule month?!

    a) apple will be vilfied from many. "apple sucks" "apple can't make deadlines"

    b) apple will be sued by a bunch of class action weenies that will say they "lost money" when the 15" g4 1.6 did not ship when apple said it would.

    i think apple should not change a thing...

    we will get the machines when they are ready. the 3gig next year is about as proactive as they should get.. as they probably have more than that planned...

    i can't wait for the tell all book on the apple moto realtionship in the future...
  • Reply 798 of 873
    gabidgabid Posts: 477member

    Originally posted by neutrino23

    However, I would like Apple to setup a schedule for upgrading. For example, Apple could say the PowerBooks will be upgraded January, May and September. They might even say that major changes will come in January with speed bumps in May and September. Optionally, they could announce in advance when certain new technologies would be incorporated (bluetooth, FW800). This still lets Apple keep their secrets but lets the customers plan ahead.

    Of course, the big and obvious problem with this is that if a deadline is missed, all hell will break loose. Plus, what then would happen to the rumor sites ?
  • Reply 799 of 873
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member

    Originally posted by neutrino23

    Because it is a PowerBook it can't be "merely" a speed bump. The subsystems in a PB are much more integrated than those of a tower. On a tower you can (for the most part) replace or add to the storage media. You can replace the graphics card. You can add a second graphics card. You can add ethernet and many other items via the PCI slots.

    Actually, Apple can (and has) merely upgraded the drives, or the CPU. All chips in the 745x G4 family are pin-compatible. In fact, with the last revision, the bigger PowerBooks now have their GPU on a daughtercard, so that they can switch chips or even suppliers easily (ATi has always been good about making their GPUs pin-compatible with prior models, but obviously ATi and nVIDIA don't try to be pin-compatible with each other!).

    As for the drives, an ATA interface is an ATA interface. The drive itself certainly isn't soldered to the board. There are size and heat constraints, obviously, but they can source any drive that meets those constraints.

    Upgrading the 'Books only becomes hard when you have to switch something that affects the board, like G3 -> 7400 G4, or 7400 G4 -> 7450 G4, or ATi -> nVIDIA -> daughtercard, or the cooling system, like shrinking the whole thing to less than an inch thick, etc.
  • Reply 800 of 873

    Originally posted by neutrino23

    I agree, Apple could come out with a very minimal update. However, all the indications are that much of the technology in the 15" PB will be updated. We'll find out this week (I hope).

    This is actually my main complaint with Apple, the lack of a road map. I agree that Apple should keep some things secret, especially anything related to style. And I understand that some things may not be put on a road map simply because there is internal disagreement about which way to proceed.

    However, I would like Apple to setup a schedule for upgrading. For example, Apple could say the PowerBooks will be upgraded January, May and September. They might even say that major changes will come in January with speed bumps in May and September. Optionally, they could announce in advance when certain new technologies would be incorporated (bluetooth, FW800). This still lets Apple keep their secrets but lets the customers plan ahead.

    If Apple told everyone when their new models were coming (say they said that the G5 Powerbook will be in January), no one will buy that product for several months leading up to the update. Apple would have to seriously discount the models to get them out the door before their "scheduled" release, therefore not making as much money, not being able to put as much cash into the back or into R&D... then we wouldn't have Apple around much longer.

    I don't think Apple will ever tell you when their updates will be for the next six months or year... it would be suicide. They would have inventory problems. Remember most people who have Macs aren't constantly checking rumors sites... there are consumers and there are fanatics.
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