Is the 15inch AlPB really coming soon?



  • Reply 201 of 556
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    I'm going to buy an Etch-A-Sketch, spray paint it silver and stick one of those white Apple logo stickers on it and call it done.

  • Reply 202 of 556
    I'm just going to re-itterate something I've said a few posts ago. I received a brand new G4 15" 1Ghz PB on Thursday. It came from Taiwan. Not a warehouse in CA. This leads me to believe that they are still being run through production. 'Course it could mean that they didn't have any on hand and just decided to make a last batch for those who want the current one's. It's all speculation, but fact is I just got a new G4 15" PB from the Apple store and it got to me less than a week after I ordered it. It was not a 2 week Est ship. Yeah, I won't be happy if something comes out but I didn't have a choice. I needed this laptop to take overseas with me and I leave 2 days into the Paris Expo. ......

    Oh .... my... I just realized that I am flying through Paris. I wonder if I could delay my connecting flight a day. Oh, that would rock. Business before pleasure. I'll just continue to dream that I could do something like that.
  • Reply 203 of 556
    ryaxnbryaxnb Posts: 583member

    Originally posted by pscates

    Would I be completely lame if - in my desire to "go mobile" quickly and inexpensively - simply get a nice 900MHz, combo drive 12" iBook (my friend has the 14" 900MHz iBook and it's really a fine, solid little machine!) and just worry about a PowerBook sometime in mid-2004?

    Maybe I can just skip the whole "G4 PowerBook" thing altogether and go straight from a nice little iBook to a G5 PowerBook in a year?

    I swear, I'm getting completely worn out over all this. Idiot rumors, Tuesdays coming and going, etc.

    I can spend $1299 and be done with it already. It was, after all, my ORIGINAL intention (get an iBook).

    I mean, there's no damn way I'm going to drop $2000-2600 on a 7455 PowerBook (if that most recent French rumor is right). I'd rather get a proven 900MHz G3 that I KNOW performs well (plus the great AirPort performance of the iBook).

    Maybe the G4 PowerBook is a bust.

    I'm not sure about G4 PB being a bust (though the G4 is), but I like my iBook. Getting an nice little iBook would be a good choice, just make sure yo upgrade the RAM ($34 will bring you up to a total of 384MB, see ramseeker).
  • Reply 204 of 556
    ryaxnbryaxnb Posts: 583member

    Originally posted by pscates

    Would I be completely lame if - in my desire to "go mobile" quickly and inexpensively - simply get a nice 900MHz, combo drive 12" iBook (my friend has the 14" 900MHz iBook and it's really a fine, solid little machine!) and just worry about a PowerBook sometime in mid-2004?

    Maybe I can just skip the whole "G4 PowerBook" thing altogether and go straight from a nice little iBook to a G5 PowerBook in a year?

    I swear, I'm getting completely worn out over all this. Idiot rumors, Tuesdays coming and going, etc.

    I can spend $1299 and be done with it already. It was, after all, my ORIGINAL intention (get an iBook).

    I mean, there's no damn way I'm going to drop $2000-2600 on a 7455 PowerBook (if that most recent French rumor is right). I'd rather get a proven 900MHz G3 that I KNOW performs well (plus the great AirPort performance of the iBook).

    Maybe the G4 PowerBook is a bust.

    I'm not sure about G4 PB being a bust (though the G4 is), but I like my iBook. Getting an nice little iBook would be a good choice, just make sure you upgrade the RAM ($34 will bring you up to a total of 384MB, see ramseeker).
  • Reply 205 of 556
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    How about new PowerBooks for Tuesday, Sept. 2nd? I mean it is the weekend, and this follows in the tradition of every weekend hoping, praying, and predicting new PowerBooks for the following Tuesday. I mean Monday is a holiday, Labor Day, and being the Tuesday after a holiday would be just perfect. We know the channel is dry. Think Secret says there was a last minute snag, and makes it sound like it could be any day now. So September 2nd it is. Heaven help me.
  • Reply 206 of 556

    Originally posted by DHagan4755

    How about new PowerBooks for Tuesday, Sept. 2nd? I mean it is the weekend, and this follows in the tradition of every weekend hoping, praying, and predicting new PowerBooks for the following Tuesday. I mean Monday is a holiday, Labor Day, and being the Tuesday after a holiday would be just perfect. We know the channel is dry. Think Secret says there was a last minute snag, and makes it sound like it could be any day now. So September 2nd it is. Heaven help me.

    YES! It's about time!!!! I can't wait... Next Tuesday, Sept 2nd! It's going to be it! I have this feeling we're right this time...

    Nice try buddy, but sarcasim is always good humor and a way to get all the newbie's to realize they are caught up in the hype!

    Besides, my Magic Eight Ball says that All signs point to an Apple Expo release of the new G5 Powerbook.
  • Reply 207 of 556
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member

    Originally posted by Dr_Holistic

    YES! It's about time!!!! I can't wait... Next Tuesday, Sept 2nd! It's going to be it! I have this feeling we're right this time...

    Nice try buddy, but sarcasim is always good humor and a way to get all the newbie's to realize they are caught up in the hype!

    Besides, my Magic Eight Ball says that All signs point to an Apple Expo release of the new G5 Powerbook.

    Okay...first of all, the most likely date is the Paris expo, and that begins on the 16th.

    Second of are nothing more than a newbie yourself, and if you continue to start pointless threads, you will stay a newbie even when your postcount tops 2000.

    And lastly, it won't be a G5 Powerbook. Obviously you haven't seen the G5's heatsink in real life. The think probably weighs more than a powerbook.

    Let's be logical, kids.
  • Reply 208 of 556
    maskermasker Posts: 451member

    Originally posted by G5Church

    . I received a brand new G4 15" 1Ghz PB on Thursday. It came from Taiwan. Not a warehouse in CA. This leads me to believe that they are still being run through production..

    Changes your last line to this... "This leads me to believe that they are being run through production for a second time after the production line was closed down."

    Car manufacturers sometimes create mid year cars. Many times this is because the demand is high and the truly new cars have an unexpected snag in development. The PowerBook you received is one of the last that will be made. (A last batch of 5000 or so -

    However many fit in a standard Tawainese shipping container.)

  • Reply 209 of 556
    taliesintaliesin Posts: 117member
    Hey where has soulcrusher been? I bet he is in the witness protection program somewhere. Afraid we will hunt him down and give him a wedgie he would never forget.

    BTW since the rumour mill has been soooooo successful of late Any truth to the rumour about the new PB be fabricated entirely out of marzipan? With of course a resolution independent os, and a 600 dpi screen
  • Reply 210 of 556
    c-bearc-bear Posts: 111member

    Originally posted by ryaxnb

    I'm not sure about G4 PB being a bust (though the G4 is)

    Hijacking things briefly, I've encountered this sentiment before and I'm in the dark about it -- could you explain why he G4 is a bust?
  • Reply 211 of 556
    Please hear these small thoughts:


    And lastly, it won't be a G5 Powerbook. Obviously you haven't seen the G5's heatsink in real life. The think probably weighs more than a powerbook.


    Dr., you are going to be SO let down and disappointed. I'd suggest you rein in those "G5 PowerBook in Paris" thoughts just a tad...

    \ I've been reading this forum for a while now and we all seem to dream a lot. Nothing wrong with that, and most of the time we can even silently share these unearthly thoughts with fellow Marsians. But when senior members start trying too hard to convince me that there is no GOD, I can't but come to one conclusion . . . portable G5's will land On D-day, because they exist!
  • Reply 212 of 556
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member

    Originally posted by taliesin

    With of course a resolution independent os, and a 600 dpi screen

    I get a migraine even thinking of that. Sorry, but my vision would drop five diopters in a week.
  • Reply 213 of 556
    ryaxnbryaxnb Posts: 583member

    Originally posted by C-Bear

    Hijacking things briefly, I've encountered this sentiment before and I'm in the dark about it -- could you explain why he G4 is a bust?

    Because of CPU speed and AltiVec problems.

    AltiVec can make things signifacantly faster when it's supported. But even 8 months after the G4 came out, many-most apps didn't support it, and every now and then the G4 was even slower! Still OS 9.2 (plenty of people still use it), Office & AppleWorks, and many other apps don't really support it. Also it was mostly meant for graphics, which means Office & AppleWorks + Servers + Quicken + Such&Such don't go much faster. Also, Apple went up to 500Mhz at the start. But Moto didn't ship and Apple substituted slower processors at the same price! Moto continued (and still continues) to have delays.
  • Reply 214 of 556
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    Originally posted by C-Bear

    Hijacking things briefly, I've encountered this sentiment before and I'm in the dark about it -- could you explain why he G4 is a bust?

    ryaxnb pretty much explains it above. It just seems like it's been one thing after another with the G4 since its introduction: long stalls in MHz increase, supply issues, that whole downgrade debacle at its initial intro, the apparent inability to get to anything much over the lower 1GHz mark (shouldn't we, on the whole, be knocking on the 2-2.5GHz door by now?).

    So by "bust", I'm referring to all the above.

    I think, in many ways, the G3 has been a nicer chip and seemingly lacking the headaches, delays and frustrations surrounding any and all G4-based Macs (LCD iMacs went an entire year with no increase, the G4s routinely seemed to peter out and get measley 1-2 ho-hum bumps a year...and do I even have to bring up the whole PowerBook thing?
  • Reply 215 of 556
    neutrino23neutrino23 Posts: 1,563member
    The biggest complaint about the G4 is that the clock speed was not increased rapidly. Worse, it stalled out at 500MHz for some 18 months. Also, there is a bottleneck at the memory interface. Other than that the G4 is a very good CPU.

    The power consumption is much less than that of any competing chip.

    Altivec is wonderful. It clears a bottleneck when performing arithmetic on arrays of data. True, it wasn't used when first introduced, how could it? Altivec has been adopted by more and more applications. Certainly most Apple apps use it that could benefit from it - iTunes, iMovie, FCP. OS X itself uses it a lot.

    I think the G3 is also a good CPU. I am not aware that the G3 ever had more than a slightly faster clock compared to the G4.

    If Motorola had maintained steady progress on the G4 it might be up to about 2.5GHz by now and most of the people on these forums would think it was great. Instead the G4 is an also-ran.
  • Reply 216 of 556
    airslufairsluf Posts: 1,861member
    Kickaha and Amorph couldn't moderate themselves out of a paper bag. Abdicate responsibility and succumb to idiocy. Two years of letting a member make personal attacks against others, then stepping aside when someone won't put up with it. Not only that but go ahead and shut down my posting priviledges but not the one making the attacks. Not even the common decency to abide by their warning (afer three days of absorbing personal attacks with no mods in sight), just shut my posting down and then say it might happen later if a certian line is crossed. Bullshit flag is flying, I won't abide by lying and coddling of liars who go off-site, create accounts differing in a single letter from my handle with the express purpose to decieve and then claim here that I did it. Everyone be warned, kim kap sol is a lying, deceitful poster.

    Now I guess they should have banned me rather than just shut off posting priviledges, because kickaha and Amorph definitely aren't going to like being called to task when they thought they had it all ignored *cough* *cough* I mean under control. Just a couple o' tools.

    Don't worry, as soon as my work resetting my posts is done I'll disappear forever.
  • Reply 217 of 556
    jwri004jwri004 Posts: 626member

    Originally posted by pscates

    I'm going to buy an Etch-A-Sketch, spray paint it silver and stick one of those white Apple logo stickers on it and call it done.

    How much are you charging? Do I get a discount if I provide my own stickers?

    I think your post is the most informative so far, and probably closer to the truth.

    Why do I read PB threads? Must be self loathing.

    For those who are new to the thread I will summarise:

    15" PB may or may not be released at Paris

    15" PB may or may not have a G5 processor

    H4wk hates the French

    _alliance_ thinks H4wk is an idiot

    Did I miss anything?
  • Reply 218 of 556
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Probably Paris. Get a life till then.
  • Reply 219 of 556

    Originally posted by neutrino23

    I think the G3 is also a good CPU. I am not aware that the G3 ever had more than a slightly faster clock compared to the G4.

    IBM actually had the ability to do 1+ Ghz G3 processors for quite a bit longer than the G4 was able to do 1 Ghz. But Apple never bought those because a 1.5Ghz iBook would really make a 800Mhz PowerBook look bad.
  • Reply 220 of 556

    Originally posted by alex_kac

    IBM actually had the ability to do 1+ Ghz G3 processors for quite a bit longer than the G4 was able to do 1 Ghz. But Apple never bought those because a 1.5Ghz iBook would really make a 800Mhz PowerBook look bad.

    I'm hardly an expert on this. I have heard stories about the fast G3s from IBM. Certainly Apple didn't use them, but as far as I know neither did anyone else. If they were available on the open market from IBM it seems they would have been used in various other products that use G3s. I'm happy to be proven wrong on this topic.
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