Is the 15inch AlPB really coming soon?



  • Reply 541 of 556

    Originally posted by popmetal

    that's true, but at the same time, they did change the keyboard on the 12 inch to match the aluminum color. wouldn't it have been easier to design one new keyboard and use it on the 17 and on the 12? Apple instead went out of it's way to make a grey keyboard without the ambient light sensors for the 12 inch.

    I don't know. That stinks. Not that I want one (I'm happy with the iBook), but it's bad anyway.
  • Reply 542 of 556
    Mac Rumors Page 2 lists tentative specs for tomorrow's PowerBooks:

    "Based on the available information as well as some new unconfirmed information, it seems the following releases seem probable, based on the current pieces of the rumor puzzle:

    $1999 - 15" PowerBook, 1GHz G4, up to 2GB RAM, 64MB Video RAM

    $2?99 - 15" PowerBook, 1.25GHz G4, up to 2GB RAM, 64MB Video RAM

    $2999 - 17" PowerBook, 1.25GHz G4

    Disclaimer: This is based on both rumors and speculation."

    The 2 GB RAM max is very nice, but where's my dual G4 17"?
  • Reply 543 of 556
    this would be a total letdown for me.

    I'm not asking for a 10GHz G5 laptop, or anything, but a 1.25GHz G4 and no 12 inch PB would be just pathetic after all this waiting.

    Apple doesn't update its desktop machines separately, so why would it do that to laptops?
  • Reply 544 of 556
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member
    Who gives a rats ass about a new Powerbook G4?

    Why in the hell would precious keynote time be given to something like this.

    So what if its the vaunted 15" model. Whoopee. It will look just like the other two but have a 15" screen.

    I'm stunned. I have to lie down.

    And a dual G4 PB is way more unlikely than a G5 PB IMO.

    Think the G4 PB's are hot now?

    What about the battery life?

    Not that these things are important.
  • Reply 545 of 556

    Originally posted by msantti

    Who gives a rats ass about a new Powerbook G4?

    Apparently, lots of us.

    Why in the hell would precious keynote time be given to something like this.

    Updated G4 PowerBooks wouldn't be as major as the G5 intro, no, but in case you haven't seen any other Stevenotes before, it's hardly like every single thing is earth-shattering. Key lime iBooks ring a bell?

    So what if its the vaunted 15" model. Whoopee. It will look just like the other two but have a 15" screen.

    And Airport Extreme. And USB 2.0. And FireWire 800. Very likely the lighted keyboard. Very likely more speed, but less power consumption due to the expected 7457. Besides, the Aluminum enclosure is about more than looks -- the AlBooks are sturdier, more scratch-resistant, and better at dissipating heat than the old Titanium.

    I'm stunned. I have to lie down.

    The great anticipation has nothing to do with a 15" AlBook being such a stunning surprise. In fact, the anticipation is because we have a good idea of what to expect. A lot of people who want to buy a 15" PB have been holding out for this expected update, and want the wait to be over.

    And a dual G4 PB is way more unlikely than a G5 PB IMO.

    That much is true.

    Think the G4 PB's are hot now?

    What about the battery life?

    Theoretically, the battery life could be dealt with simply by switching to single-processor mode while on battery -- save dual processing for AC-powered desktop replacement use. As for the heat: think of one of those AlienWare gaming laptops. You wouldn't want to hold the thing in your lap, but again, if you're saving dual processing for desktop use, just put the thing on a cooling stand on your desk and you'd be good to go.

    But why bother with creating one generation of dual G4 laptops before the likely next generation of G5 laptops. And once we have G5s, I don't see the hunger for portable power pushing a need for dual G5s any time soon.
  • Reply 546 of 556 has retracted that rumored. even they realize the absurdity of a 1 Ghz G4 powerbook for $1999.

    That crap wouldn't even be worth $1500!

    If it was actually true, I hope Steve gets booed and egged (it is in France after all). But that would be ridiculous.
  • Reply 547 of 556
    A theory about only the 15" and 17" being updated:

    The 7457 isn't ready yet, and they can't speed-bump the 12" without it. They'll simply put a faster 7455 in the 15" and 17" and leave them hotter than hades, and they'll make the 15" aluminum.

    Look for the L2 cache on the new PowerBooks tomorrow - I bet it'll still be at 256 rather than 512.
  • Reply 548 of 556

    Originally posted by BRussell

    A theory about only the 15" and 17" being updated:

    The 7457 isn't ready yet, and they can't speed-bump the 12" without it. They'll simply put a faster 7455 in the 15" and 17" and leave them hotter than hades, and they'll make the 15" aluminum.

    Look for the L2 cache on the new PowerBooks tomorrow - I bet it'll still be at 256 rather than 512.

    yeah, but such an update would be even more lackluster than last week's iMac update. why save such a disappointment for the keynote. Even the lime iBook was a more significant update than a 7455 /PB, because the only reason for it would be the fact that Moto can't deliver 7457.
  • Reply 549 of 556
    Well, those MOSR rumors are absolute tripe. Not only is the pricing out of whack, but the 7457 operates with a 200MHz FSB. That eliminates the possibility of a 1.25GHz machine right off the bat.

    Also, I'm not sure I buy the AI line that Moto is eating $125 per chip. I'd be surprised if the 7457 costs $125 to make. I'm confident that Moto has had difficulty with their 130nm process, and with getting the 7457 out the door, but there's no way they're eating that much per chip.

    That said, I would be surprised not to see the Powerbooks get updated tomorrow, but I can't say I'm expecting to be overwhelmed by the offerings. In terms of CPU performance there's no way a G4 is going to top the Banias processor in Wintel offerings, and battery life is no longer a distinguishing factor. The form factor, weight, and quality of everything else is great, but Apple better have something in the pipeline for laptops that will get them more performance competitive.
  • Reply 550 of 556
    Those specs and prices are from, not Big difference.

    They've been retracted now anyway, so who cares?

    As for MOSR, four hours before a Stevenote and they haven't updated in a week? Sad.
  • Reply 551 of 556
    Sometimes Apple sends out an email regarding product launches to VAR's and retailers one day in advance of their announcement.

    This would have happened a few hours ago.

    no leaks....

    I'm going to check MacBidet and see what they got...

  • Reply 552 of 556

    Originally posted by UWSalt

    Well, those MOSR rumors are absolute tripe. Not only is the pricing out of whack, but the 7457 operates with a 200MHz FSB. That eliminates the possibility of a 1.25GHz machine right off the bat.

    um, where do you find this info? all the documentation i can find says the 60x bus runs at 167MHz tops...
  • Reply 553 of 556

    Originally posted by popmetal

    yeah, but such an update would be even more lackluster than last week's iMac update. why save such a disappointment for the keynote. Even the lime iBook was a more significant update than a 7455 /PB, because the only reason for it would be the fact that Moto can't deliver 7457.

    I don't think it would be more lackluster with a 7455 vs. a 7457. Jobs would never talk about something like that anyway. I am kinda surprised he's doing PowerBook speed bumps at a keynote at all, but I suppose it is kind of a new machine, assuming the 15" goes aluminum.

    And I can't think of any other explanation for the apparent lack of 12" upgrades.
  • Reply 554 of 556

    Originally posted by BRussell

    I don't think it would be more lackluster with a 7455 vs. a 7457. Jobs would never talk about something like that anyway. I am kinda surprised he's doing PowerBook speed bumps at a keynote at all, but I suppose it is kind of a new machine, assuming the 15" goes aluminum.

    And I can't think of any other explanation for the apparent lack of 12" upgrades.

    Well, good for you, but I don't know how many people will be happy with a 7455. I for one, would keep my money. I dont' care how Jobs talks about it.

    And the fact that the 15" is going aluminum isn't a big deal either - especially 9 months after the rest of the PB line went aluminum.

    At least 1.25GHz iMac update was respectable, because that's good for a consumer level product. At this point, an overheating , short battery lifed 1.25 GHz PowerBook would be an embarrassment with or without a keynote.

    If it's mentioned at the keynote, it would have to be 7457 or some sort of a G5.
  • Reply 555 of 556
    now is saying that ALL PowerBooks will be update.

    go figure
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