Who is buying a new PowerBook?



  • Reply 121 of 336

    Originally posted by C-Bear

    Nobody needs to rationalize their means of acquiring anything to you, and you don't need to stereotype anyone here simply because you're financially frustrated.


    Lighten up, Frances?

    You just made the list, C-Bear.
  • Reply 122 of 336

    Originally posted by filmmaker2002

    Well, I'm a university student, so to buy my new AlBook, I sold my TiBook for $1600 and made about 4 grand this summer working as a production assistant for new Bernie Mac film coming out this April. I just had a great high paying job this summer

    No sh1t? Bernie Mac? He's my hero. That's what my house is like but I'm not as sneaky and scheming as he is.

    Now I gotta go finish putting up the Costco shed.
  • Reply 123 of 336

    Originally posted by C-Bear

    Nobody needs to rationalize their means of acquiring anything to you, and you don't need to stereotype anyone here simply because you're financially frustrated.

    Lighten up, Frances?

    I don't think he was being all that serious, C-Bear.
  • Reply 124 of 336

    Originally posted by 666

    Well, i've come to the conclusion that your all either rich kids at university or with high paying jobs.

    "Ohhh, i'm gonna get me this powerbook to tide me over till the g5 powerbook." You make me sick! I've been saving for nearly 3 years and am about to buy the 1.25 15" and it's so much money, I don't want to have to replace it for years...

    I'm at university and I have a decent job, but definitely not high-paying. I'm basically borrowing from my home down payment fund (not buying a house for some time unfortunately ) + cash from the sale of my PowerBook G4 500 that I bought in 2001, to fund my Aluminium fixation. I basically borrowed from myself so I won't have to pay interest.

    Everyone has priorities. I could easily blow $50 a weekend in a bar, or going out to eat or whatever. Rather than being wasteful (for me, other people may be perfectly happy blowing that kind of cash on booze, food, movies, whatever) I'd rather save up for things of a more permanent nature.
  • Reply 125 of 336
    17" 1GHZ w/ 1 GHZ DDR... I just got it and I love it it is great!!!it runs everything like i thought it would!
  • Reply 126 of 336
    Anybody waiting for the G5 Pbook should bear in mind it IS going to be a year.

    Steve Jobs himself said so in a news story just doing the rounds. He obviously wants you to buy one of the impressive Powerbooks now. And why not? If you're into laptops, they're as good as it gets.

    Check out the interview doing the rounds!

    Lemon Bon Bon
  • Reply 127 of 336

    Originally posted by MacGregor

    I don't think he was being all that serious, C-Bear.

    Well, if it was playful sarcasm I can't find any sign of it. Nonetheless, I was up all night and set to pop this morning, so if I misconstrued things, oops and all apologies to 666.
  • Reply 128 of 336

    Originally posted by machem

    You just made the list, C-Bear.

    You can't leave ? all the plants will die!
  • Reply 129 of 336
    Just for the record, true to my forecast I purchased a 15" Al PB today. I ordered the 1.25GHz SuperDrive model with the options for 5400RPM HD and putting the memory in a single slot leaving one slot empty. I'll get more memory for it after it arrives. I also ordered an iSight camera and a DVI to ADC adapter.

    Shipping in 3-5 business days.

    On a side note, it seems that this time the PBs were launched without any problem. The 15" and 17" were available the day of the announcement. I haven't seen any systematic problems reported anywhere. Kudos to the engineers at Apple.
  • Reply 130 of 336
    666666 Posts: 134member
    the only decision i'm still hung up on is whether to get the superdrive or save $380 australian and option down to the combo drive...

    I guess, really, who's gonna burn dvd's at x2?
  • Reply 131 of 336
    666666 Posts: 134member
    ...oh and i'm about to go to the apple store and check out the new pb's in the flesh for the first time

  • Reply 132 of 336
    escherescher Posts: 1,811member

    Originally posted by neutrino23

    Just for the record, true to my forecast I purchased a 15" Al PB today. I ordered the 1.25GHz SuperDrive model with the options for 5400RPM HD and putting the memory in a single slot leaving one slot empty.

    Nice, neutrino23! I'm so happy for you. Apple made you wait for that PowerBook far too long. It also looks like you optioned your 'Book to maximize its (part-time) function as a desktop with an external display and ensure its longevity. That's the way to go. Congratulations.

    On a side note, I wonder whether you would have opted for the 12-inch if you were still in Japan.

  • Reply 133 of 336
    666666 Posts: 134member
    I have joined ya'll and jizust ordered my p'book...

    1.25 15"

    combo drive - dont need a superdrive, would rather buy a dvd burner when they're faster. Saved $380 australian

    512 ram in one slot

    standard 80gig h/drive

    and a 40 gig ipod!!!

    ahhhh, airport built in, bluetooth, backlit keyboard...

    My first computa!!! So damn xcited!!!

    It'll take a few weeks as it's a bit customised, but whateva!!!

    $4900 in total (Australian) with edu discount. Have you ever paid $5000 in $50 notes? Shit... It's like an inch thick... I feel sick and excited all at once!!!!!!!!!
  • Reply 134 of 336
    mcqmcq Posts: 1,543member
    Add me to the list

    12" PB Combo model w/60GB HD and Airport Extreme... along with a 40 GB iPod from the Apple Edu store.

    The iPod is shipped, just gotta wait for them to make the 12" PB (est ship date is the 30th).

    So, how many purchases have AI members made so far (too lazy to go back and count)?
  • Reply 135 of 336

    Originally posted by Escher


    On a side note, I wonder whether you would have opted for the 12-inch if you were still in Japan.


    Thanks. It has been a long wait.

    Life is quite different in Japan. In that case I might have gone for a G5 tower and a 12" PB. Actually, for Japan I would be hoping for a 999 gram PB. It will be a while till one of those shows up. Now that I'm back in the US I don't travel nearly as much and most of that is driving or flying. In Japan you tend to walk a couple hours every day. That is good for your health but bad for your back if you carry a heavy laptop.

    Previously I thought about cutting the weight on an iBook. I wonder what you could do with a 12" PB? Could you put in a 1.8" HD to replace the 2.5"HD? You could also remove the CD drive and use an external drive. That might cut enough to get it into the sub four pound category. Everything else seems fairly unmodifiable. You'd almost have to design a whole new case and drop in a motherboard and such from a PB. That is way more effort than I'm willing to make.

    On thing though is that most of the very light subnotes I've seen in Japan have terrible battery life. It defeats the whole purpose if you also have to carry a power supply. Granted, the new PB supplies are much smaller now.

    My impression is that in Japan you'd be expected to give a simple slide show presentation whereas here there is more room for flexibility in how you present things to people (though ppt is certainly popular here as well). This makes it more worth your while to carry a more capable machine in the US. Anyway, I'll put this idea to the test.
  • Reply 136 of 336

    Originally posted by 666

    I have joined ya'll and jizust ordered my p'book...

    1.25 15"

    <snip> ......

    My first computa!!! So damn xcited!!!

    Congrats man !!! have lotsa fun !! I am hoping to check out a new ally as soon as they get to Perth.. and then do the do if I dont talk myself out of it
  • Reply 137 of 336
    There is no way we will get a PB update at MWSF, since we just got a speed bump now. I like the new PB's just the CPU is a bit shitty IMO (should have 1.33 in the both the 15" models).

    Anyway, Im getting a 1G 15" for now, not expecting a G5 PB till this time next year, and I cannot hang on to this Ti400 for another year.

    Also, now that Moto has finally started to ship 7457's in quanity, Im expecting the next speed bump within 6 months.
  • Reply 138 of 336
    666666 Posts: 134member

    Originally posted by gsxrboy

    Congrats man !!! have lotsa fun !! I am hoping to check out a new ally as soon as they get to Perth.. and then do the do if I dont talk myself out of it

    Yeah, i will! thanx!! I've been thinking about it for years, and can't wait anymore! Everything gets outdated, so I just bit the bullet. It'll do the deedz I needz for a long time coming, im sure!
  • Reply 139 of 336
    Ordered mine online today...1.25Ghz, 5400 rpm 80GB, 1-512MB stick...

    I went to the Apple Store in Boca Raton, FL, the guys were somewhat knowledgeable, but I actually helped to make a sale... ...the temp on the 15" they had on display was warm, but useable...

    Anyway, I wanted to buy Apple Care, but they (and they say all other computer manufactures) are not supposed to sell iit in the state of Florida...that's it's against the law...what's up with that

    Oh well, I'm anxiously looking forward to my new pb...and my wife is looking forward to my modified WS II... ...(500MHz G4, 40 GB Travelstar, DVD, Airport, perfect screen, plus a ton of odds and ends (pc cards, etc.)...she can't wait...
  • Reply 140 of 336
    mcqmcq Posts: 1,543member

    Originally posted by Infoseeker

    Anyway, I wanted to buy Apple Care, but they (and they say all other computer manufactures) are not supposed to sell iit in the state of Florida...that's it's against the law...what's up with that

    Hehe, yeah there's some sort of law here that prevents this, no clue why. You're not supposed to be able to purchase it in Florida if you're a consumer (businesses using Macs for profit in FL can buy Applecare though). I think if you buy the Applecare box from an online merchant you can still register for Applecare without problems.
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