Panther 7B** Builds Discussion (images on page 2 & 5)



  • Reply 1001 of 1176

    Originally posted by Proud iBook Owner 2k2

    As you can see above I've applied the Panther theme to my 10.2.8. Does anyone know where I can find the corresponding Safari theme?

    I had to revert back to aqua... I was running too slow and running with Aqua seems to have sped me up again. Oh well.. I guess I'll have to wait for it to release.. and it's soon now soooo......
  • Reply 1002 of 1176
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    Thanks for the tip inkhead. Hopefully this is correct and all that remains is some heavy-duty CD pressing work.

  • Reply 1003 of 1176
    gsxrboygsxrboy Posts: 565member
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by Multimedia


    Originally posted by gsxrboy

    Source please. URL or from what anonomouys source where?

    MacGuardian in Germany says 7B85 is Golden Master at duplicators <>

    It was just something I read a few days ago before all this "new " news came out ... as for it potentially being 7B85, the 7B86 I listed *could* have been a one key off typo... either way hopefully soon !

    Got my cash ready to buy, soooo looking forward to using panther for the first time
  • Reply 1004 of 1176

    Originally posted by andrewm

    ...the window-dragging 'bug' has not been fixed: the title bars of Carbon windows (iTunes, Finder, et cetera) cannot be dragged beneath the dock.

    Nothing is supposed to go beneath the dock.


    As for performance, I am running 7B80 on a fairly maxed-out G5. iPhoto (Carbon, and in my opinion shoddy at present) is a bit slow, although iCal (which is Cocoa) may also a tad substandard.

    Both are Cocoa applications. You can easily tell the difference by pressing the "help" key, in a Cocoa application it turns into a question mark.


    I suspect that, as Apple moves away from resource forks, Carbon, and into more Objective-C/Cocoa goodness, we shall see speed improvements across the board: more focus on a uniform programming language; less need for outdated system components; and various 'new' NeXTStep goodies that had heretofore not seen light in years.

    Yes, this is the party line, but it's obviously wrong or we'd have seen massive improvements in speed in iPhoto and iMovie when they made the changeover and they didn't. The best performing iApp is still iTunes, which is Carbon.

    All things being equal, a Carbon application should be slightly faster due to the inherent overhead present in Cocoa. The advantage to Cocoa is it lets you do some things very easily, which gives you more time to tweak the rest of your code. Some people tune for performance, some don't. You also sometimes get people using the built-in functions to do things they weren't well designed to do because they're easy.
  • Reply 1005 of 1176

    Originally posted by andrewm

    The 'bug' is that, as I alluded, whilst a Cocoa window's title bar can be dragged beneath the Dock, a Carbon window's cannot.

    It will if the cursor avoids the dock itself.
  • Reply 1006 of 1176

    Originally posted by jethro

    Nothing is supposed to go beneath the dock.

    Yes, but a Cocoa title bar (just tested with iPhoto--I stand corrected upon that count) can move partially past the very bottom of the screen; a Carbon one (such as iTunes, still Carbon) cannot.


    Yes, this is the party line, but it's obviously wrong or we'd have seen massive improvements in speed in iPhoto and iMovie when they made the changeover and they didn't. The best performing iApp is still iTunes, which is Carbon.

    You make a good point: iPhoto is still slow, as are iMovie and iDVD; a simple crossover to Cocoa will not in and of itself produce a speed improvement. The boosts would comes from using the object-oriented programming, which saves programmers from much of the repetitive nitty-gritty that the system can handle for itself.


    All things being equal, a Carbon application should be slightly faster due to the inherent overhead present in Cocoa. The advantage to Cocoa is it lets you do some things very easily, which gives you more time to tweak the rest of your code. Some people tune for performance, some don't. You also sometimes get people using the built-in functions to do things they weren't well designed to do because they're easy. [/B]

  • Reply 1007 of 1176
    When's 10.3.1 going to be out?
  • Reply 1008 of 1176
    kraig911kraig911 Posts: 912member
    as in the famous words of Steve Jobs... definately sometime before the end of the year...
  • Reply 1009 of 1176

    Originally posted by kraig911

    as in the famous words of Steve Jobs... definately sometime before the end of the year...

    Er... Note KKS' third digit: 10.3.1. (And I don't mean the middle finger).
  • Reply 1010 of 1176
    I am new to macs... and waiting for Panther release, to buy my first mac...

    I am just wondering if I can login to a windows domain using OS X ?? [ethernet :-D] My work has a domain controller on win 2k...
  • Reply 1011 of 1176
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member

    Originally posted by iEatMyHomeWork

    I am new to macs... and waiting for Panther release, to buy my first mac...

    I am just wondering if I can login to a windows domain using OS X ?? [ethernet :-D] My work has a domain controller on win 2k...

    Well technically you CAN but why would you want to log on to the domain? It will pick up on the network (get an IP) and you can get onto windows shared using the smb\\\windows_server_name_or_ip\\share_name command to log in. It also helps to put your domain name in the search domain field in the TCP/IP network system pref. For example it might be something like this:
  • Reply 1012 of 1176
    soosysoosy Posts: 23member

    Originally posted by iEatMyHomeWork

    I am new to macs... and waiting for Panther release, to buy my first mac...

    I am just wondering if I can login to a windows domain using OS X ?? [ethernet :-D] My work has a domain controller on win 2k...

    I just recently discovered this is possible, I think I'm going to wait for Panther to give it a try though. Do a search for "Active Directory and Mac OS X"... plus here are some links:
  • Reply 1013 of 1176
    ti xti x Posts: 32member
    Anyone running 7B80 on either a 15 or 17 Ai PowerBook? The screen resolution is horrible compared to Jag, no matter what the settings, B80 is noticeably worse than Jag.
  • Reply 1014 of 1176
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member

    Originally posted by Ti X

    Anyone running 7B80 on either a 15 or 17 Ai PowerBook? The screen resolution is horrible compared to Jag, no matter what the settings, B80 is noticeably worse than Jag.

    Can you tell us what you mean? Flat panels always have a native what do you mean?

    BRAD : How 'bout some animation pics?
  • Reply 1015 of 1176
    ti xti x Posts: 32member

    Originally posted by Placebo

    [B]Can you tell us what you mean? Flat panels always have a native what do you mean?

    What do you mean...?

    When either machine is set to display at their respective native resolution, they look like crap compared to Jag. I would have believed the problem to be an anomaly on one machine, but two?
  • Reply 1016 of 1176
    lucaluca Posts: 3,833member
    Hmm, my brother used an early Panther build a while ago and it gave him some extra resolution options for his 17" Apple Studio Display (the blue one). Most notably, he got the option of 1344x1008. That's a nice resolution for a 17" monitor - 4:3 aspect ratio unlike 1280x1024, larger than 1280x960, not too big, not too small. That blue monitor of his is really quite good too. 1280x1024 is only 75 Hz but it still looks fantastic. Much better than my mom's 17" ADC CRT.
  • Reply 1017 of 1176
    gsxrboygsxrboy Posts: 565member
    Def looks like 7B85 is it for the client

    my 7B86 was for the server it seems..

    Wow I was like ahead of everyone on this.. :eek: dont expect any flashes of brilliance like this again

    Woohooo Panther b4 then end of the month !!!! (hopefully)
  • Reply 1018 of 1176
    A question for those in the know. I haven't read every single entry in this thread but I'm curious if Panther will be released as one DVD or as 2 CD's like Jaguar. Any guesses, suppositions?
  • Reply 1019 of 1176
    gsxrboygsxrboy Posts: 565member
    I imagine it will be cds as there are Panther compatible machines that are cdrom drived only.. but a dvd option would be a nice thing..
  • Reply 1020 of 1176

    Originally posted by gsxrboy

    I imagine it will be cds as there are Panther compatible machines that are cdrom drived only.. but a dvd option would be a nice thing..

    The main distribution is already three CD's; add to that the developer tools and you have already half a DVD worth of material that might be easier to install in one go. Perhaps Apple will include both.
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