17" iMacs? 17" iMacs! Speculate away!



  • Reply 81 of 100
    junkyard dawgjunkyard dawg Posts: 2,801member
    [quote]Originally posted by johnsonwax:


    The iMac will get them in the door, but when it comes time to reach for the wallet, it's important to have something reasonable to step down to. The eMac is very important in this light.

    Apple always uses things like Superdrives and LCDs to get people to look at the hardware - it's the hook. People will dial themselves back when it comes to price but Apple is pretty good at making those price points high, but not too high to cut off the "Well, maybe another $200 is worth it..." thoughts.

    When the spectrum of iMacs came out, it was the high end DV models that sold best. People kept justifying their way up the price ladder. You need the right bottom ones for people to say 'Yeah, I can afford to consider these things as they do what I need' and then the baby steps up in features and price.

    The 15" screen keeps some people from considering Macs, and the jump from 17" CRT to 15" LCD screws up the ladder - you don't want a jump from $999 to $1699, because they'll never make it. Start with a 17" CRT and ease them up from $999 to $1799 in no more then $200 or $300 increments. *Never* ask the consumer to pay more and give something up.

    eMac to iMac forces the consumer to give up screen size in a higher priced package. That's very bad. 17" LCD across the board - that's my vote.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    You read my mind. I totally agree.
  • Reply 82 of 100
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    I've now used both the eMac and the iMac, and I've got to say that the eMac's screen is definitely NOT a step up from the iMac's. Put them side by side and the VIS difference is negligible. It's more of a side-step from one to the other. There's no question that the iMac's screen is easier to look at (both at first glance and over extended periods). The eMac's screen (I think others have mentioned this) is not perfectly flat, though it is close, but rather it sits behind a perfectly flat glass screen amking it a touch floaty/remote. In contrast the iMac's screen is eye-poppingly immeadiate (given the better contrast/brightness).

    But, and I was surprised by this, the eMac's higher res modes are not so bad. If I drop the refresh on my NEC FE750 down below 85hz, to 80, I swear I can notice a touch of flicker. Running the eMac's screen at 1152x864@80hz, I really couldn't detect the flicker. It could be the mask in front of the screen, or the lighting in the store and all the other monitors near it; it might even have had something to do with the OSX backgrounds (as opposed to my ugly windows98 backgrounds here at home.) At 72hz, even 1280x960 seemed usable in a pinch, though the real test would be a late night session in my room.

    So, in terms of screen realestate the eMac has some advantage; in terms of VIS, it's a wash; and, in terms of visual quality the iMac is noticeably (quite a bit) better.

    Of course consumers may look at the spec sheet and naively think 17 is better than 15, but they may just as easily look at the technology and think LCD is better than CRT. All depends on what the customer really knows about displays, what they really want, and how much the sales guy thinks he can get away with.
  • Reply 83 of 100
    [quote]Originally posted by The All Knowing 1:


    Anyways....17 inch iMac....yeah I'll jump on the bandwagon...there's too much legit press on board (CNET, MSNBC) to get around it.


    Legitimate press my ass. If you will notice, both cNet and MSNBC printed the exact same story word for word. Not saying a 17" iMac won't happen but really, there has only been once source of this rumor. Its kind of like how ThinkSecret and SpyMac get their rumors from SlapTech and then claim they have inside sources at Apple. Ha!
  • Reply 84 of 100
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    I have no trouble viewing CRTs for extended intervals so I am inclined to prefer the eMac screen over the iMac screen. IMHO, the 15" iMac screen and ASD do not compare to the 17" ASD, which has an LCD that would be way too expensive to put on an iMac.
  • Reply 85 of 100
    max8319max8319 Posts: 347member
    cnet has been correct for 2 (?) years now, if i remember correctly. I remember reading they had predicted the first 667 733 mhz powermacs.

    generally, a week or less before Macworld, they have printed articles in which they predict (almost) the exact specs that will be released

    that's why many people believe them (including me)

    [ 07-15-2002: Message edited by: Max8319 ]</p>
  • Reply 86 of 100
    neumacneumac Posts: 93member
    What still intrigues me is the mention of the 19" iMacs in the Quanta press release. It is probable that this was either flat out wrong or was due to confusion with a new Apple display.

    However, assuming this new display exists, it begs the question, will it be a cinema display to extend that line down or a studio display to extend that line up? My guess, (and that is exactly what this is) is that it would be a 16:10 widescreen display.

    The question then becomes, why not offer this in the iMac somewhere down the road. . I?m guessing that 19", 16:10 is probably the limit as to what could be added to the iMac technically (19" 4:3 may be possible) and the larger displays (22", 23") are intended (priced) for pro users in any event.

    My somewhat long-winded point/question is: Does it benefit Apple to change the iMac philosophy and sell the iMac with a full line-up of display options: 15", 17" and 19" (be it studio or cinema)? This would allow Apple to start at a (hopefully) reasonable price point and work their way up to the high end in nice little price increments until they hit each prospective buyers financial pain threshold. At the bottom is a true starter consumer machine (15" CD-RW, say $1099) at the top end is a nearly pro-sumer machine (19", 16:10 , superdrive, etc. $2,000+).

    Hey, can?t afford to enter the LCD world just yet, well folks, check out the amazing eMac, just $899. (Yeah I know, but doesn't that machine just seem $200 too much.)
  • Reply 87 of 100
    Looks like the 17" imac is a lock, as are new ibooks (don't know what the difference is...speed bumps probably)

    I work in IT in education, there's an Apple rep here today and he claims these two are in for the expo, I'll see if I can get anything else out of him...

  • Reply 88 of 100
    jet powersjet powers Posts: 288member
    [quote]Originally posted by Colby2000:

    <strong>Looks like the 17" imac is a lock, as are new ibooks (don't know what the difference is...speed bumps probably)

    I work in IT in education, there's an Apple rep here today and he claims these two are in for the expo, I'll see if I can get anything else out of him...


    I hope you are right abot the iBook......A nice 800-1 Ghz Sahara would be nice.

    :cool: <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />

  • Reply 89 of 100
    I didn't really get any more info out of the rep except that even with the 17" imac, they will still keep the 15".

    Nothing exciting.

    [edit: fingers too fat for keys}

    [ 07-15-2002: Message edited by: Colby2000 ]</p>
  • Reply 90 of 100
    kormac77kormac77 Posts: 197member
    I will give you a clue.


    Think HTPC ( Home theater PC )

    For HDTV format

    <a href="http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/showthread.php?s=e45333ba2a16e6fbe762e61e52649da1&; threadid=30817" target="_blank">http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/showthread.php?s=e45333ba2a16e6fbe762e61e52649da1&; threadid=30817</a>


    looking for more news...

    I guess you change direction, missing the point where this thread started!!

    Please, try to put all the info concerning the chance to build a future HT-MAC-osax based system.

    Thanks to everybody...

    Dear Xcel,

    do you really think Steve Jobs has no interests in this market due to low costs PC involved????

    I think that if one day the MAC of the future will be the best in terms of performances, even if its costs 2 times or more than HTPC, people won't think twice to purchase it.

    More over, do we spend a lot of money for Big Projector??...where is the differences???

    Naturally it should blow out all the others HTPC competitors to make it sense...




    His wish might come true in this summer.

    Second for 17 inch for iMac & Monitor

    Check this spec;

    1) 17 Wide XGA LM171W02


    PCTV Use(Monitor/TV) &lt;--- Hmmm....

    -Wide Type

    -HDTV &lt;---- Hmmmm.....

    Model Name : LM171W02

    Active Area[mm] : 367.2 X 229.5

    Outline Dimension[mm] : 395 X 259.2

    Thickness[mm] : 11

    Resolution : 1,440 X RGB X 900

    Aspect Ratio : 16 : 10

    Pixel Pitch[mm] : 0.255(99.6)

    Number of Colors : 16.2M(6 bit+FRC)

    Luminance[cd/㎡] : 200

    Color Saturation : 60

    Weight[g] : 1,250

    Contrast Ratio : 350:1

    Interface TMDS

    Viewing Angel[˚,U/D/L/R] : 50/70/75/75(CE≥5)

    Color Temperature[K]

    Response Time[ms] : 25

    MP Schedule : Q3.'02

    2) 17 Wide XGA LM171W01


    -PCTV Use(Monitor/TV) &lt;--- hmmm

    -Wide Type

    -HDTV &lt;---- Hmmm.....

    -High Luminance(400cd/&#13217

    Model Name LM171W01

    Active Area[mm] : 372.5×223.5

    Outline Dimension[mm] : 400×258

    Thickness[mm] : 16.8

    Resolution : 1,280 x RGB x 768

    Aspect Ratio : 16:9.6

    Pixel Pitch[mm] : 0.291(87)

    Number of Colors : 16.2M(6bit+FRC)

    Luminance[cd/㎡] : 450

    Color Saturation : 65

    Weight[g] : 1,900

    Contrast Ratio : 500:1

    Interface : LVDS 2Port

    Viewing Angel[˚,U/D/L/R] : 50/70/75/75

    Color Temperature[K] : 6,500

    Response Time[ms] : 22

    MP Schedule : Q2, '02

    17 Wide XGA LM171W01

    [ 07-16-2002: Message edited by: kormac77 ]</p>
  • Reply 91 of 100
    jrcjrc Posts: 817member

    Good to see you.
  • Reply 92 of 100
    jasonppjasonpp Posts: 308member
    A 17" wide screen iMac could replace the TV my wife and I have in our bedroom. It's just a 27" Vega now, and all we do is watch DVD's and the news..


    Where's that penny jar..
  • Reply 93 of 100
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    You let a couple of posts go and before you know it...

    [ 07-16-2002: Message edited by: Matsu ]</p>
  • Reply 94 of 100
    tacojohntacojohn Posts: 980member
    7 days shipping time on the 800 iMac.....
  • Reply 95 of 100
    Surprising that Jamie hasn't closed this thread yet.
  • Reply 96 of 100
    blackcatblackcat Posts: 697member
    [quote]Originally posted by tacojohn:

    <strong>7 days shipping time on the 800 iMac.....</strong><hr></blockquote>

    They now have 1-2 days in red on the "Choose your iMac" page.

    An update on the 800 is a no brainer now...
  • Reply 97 of 100
    [quote]Originally posted by Addison:

    <strong>If the vertical height of a 17" 16x9 screen is less than the current 15" 4x3 then I don't think it will happen. But if the virtical height is the same or larger I would rate is a possibility.

    I Think that one of the most important iApp upadtes is 16x9 support in iDvd & iMovie and a wide screen would just do the trick.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    widescreen iMac = drooooool. Stretch out the 15" a few inches wider and there you have it. 1280x720 or Ti resolution in a bigger screen area.

    does applecare cover drool damage?

    me want. I would sell my iBook, dvd player, tv, vcr and PM7500 for a true widescreen iMac

    [ 07-16-2002: Message edited by: I-bent-my-wookie ]</p>
  • Reply 98 of 100
    pbg4 dudepbg4 dude Posts: 1,611member
    [quote]Originally posted by Anders:


    Okay then. Time for a bet: If Jobs introduce a 17" iMac you win. If not I win. And since unautorisedgabling probably is illegal lets make the price a postcard. I send you one from sunny Copenhagen if I loose. If you loose you send me one from whereever you live.


    Guess you owe me a postcard dude (dudette?)

    I've never been to Copenhagen so I wouldn't mind one the show the ambience of Copenhagen / Denmark.
  • Reply 99 of 100
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    [quote]Originally posted by Eugene:

    <strong>Well, the only way Apple can add a '17 inch' LCD to the iMac and keep costs down is with a widescreen. with a 3:2 17" widescreen, if that exists, you get about 25 square inches more physical real estate and about a half inch taller screen. But the only monitors I could find were 16:10, or what the 22 inch ACD's aspect ratio is. The first one looks like a likely choice, maybe, but that's a lot of pixels...almost the same number of pixels as the 17" ASD's

    <a href="http://www.lgphilips-lcd.com:8888/English/view/monitordetail.php3?idx=126&offset=0&pkinds=monitor &pname=products" target="_blank">http://www.lgphilips-lcd.com:8888/English/view/monitordetail.php3?idx=126&offset=0&pkinds=monitor &pname=products</a>


    <a href="http://www.lgphilips-lcd.com:8888/English/view/monitordetail.php3?idx=123&offset=0&pkinds=monitor &pname=products" target="_blank">http://www.lgphilips-lcd.com:8888/English/view/monitordetail.php3?idx=123&offset=0&pkinds=monitor &pname=products</a></strong><hr></blockquote>

  • Reply 100 of 100
    tabootaboo Posts: 128member
    [quote]Originally posted by I-bent-my-wookie:


    widescreen iMac = drooooool. Stretch out the 15" a few inches wider and there you have it. 1280x720 or Ti resolution in a bigger screen area.

    does applecare cover drool damage?

    me want. I would sell my iBook, dvd player, tv, vcr and PM7500 for a true widescreen iMac

    [ 07-16-2002: Message edited by: I-bent-my-wookie ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Time to get busy on eBay.
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