Quality control issues with new PowerBooks...particularly the 15"?



  • Reply 261 of 588
    I took my 15" powerbook to the Apple store to replace my white spot ridden screen on the 13th, exactly one week ago. Just got off the phone with Apple and the sceen is still on backorder from samsung WTF!!!!. Trying hard to ignore the fact that I dont have my book but my g4 iMac is too sluggish to forget.
  • Reply 262 of 588
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    there are white spots on my dad's powerbook, just found out today.

    thinking of waiting a bit before sending it in though. best to make sure they have whatever the problem is fully solved.
  • Reply 263 of 588
    machemmachem Posts: 319member
    Many sites (industry and Apple-related) are reporting constrained supplies of LCD screens from all manufacturers. Sucks that Apple didn't have this right from the get-go, because now the repairs are waiting on supply of the LCDs. I only had to wait two extra days, doing it through Apple.
  • Reply 264 of 588
    eds66eds66 Posts: 119member

    Originally posted by machem

    Many sites (industry and Apple-related) are reporting constrained supplies of LCD screens from all manufacturers. Sucks that Apple didn't have this right from the get-go, because now the repairs are waiting on supply of the LCDs. I only had to wait two extra days, doing it through Apple.

    I've decided I am happy with the replaced screen. It has been a few days, and the display has remained the same. Maybe Apple has fixed the problem. One thing I do not like about these new displays is that the backlight seems to be located on the right rather than on the bottom, which, I believe, was the case with the Titaniums. The result is that the screen is less evenly lit. This is my opinion, of course.
  • Reply 265 of 588
    spykyspyky Posts: 55member
    Seems the wait is more than 2 days now to get the LCD in. I just called them, it has been waiting on the part since Wednesday, and it is not there yet. They gave me expedited status now, hopefully that will speed it up. I wonder if this is why Apple is still mum on a possible recall, insufficient LCD supplies?

    I really hope it is back soon. I just realized I left a bit of code on the machine that I need, and my only backup is on my trial .mac account, which I can't access without my Mac. Doh!

  • Reply 266 of 588

    Originally posted by EDS66

    How many do you have and where are they located?

    i have 2 of them and they are forming in the classic baseball diamond shape that everyone seems to get them in. my brightest one is at 2nd base and the other one is at 1st.
  • Reply 267 of 588
    Well, interesting news here, just spoke to apple and they said that the repair people have replaced the Screen and the USB Logic board on my 15" 1.25 ALBook - I asked the guy on the phone why did they change the logic board and he said that this IS the reason for the white spots on my screen

    Sounds funny to me but he reckoned that apple believe that a combination of faulty screens and faulty USB logic boards is what's causing this worryingly common issue with these lappies...

    Makes you wonder... oh well he could have been a fool misrepresenting what the techies told him to say to me...

    For the record my machine went in for repair for Battery Power drain and charge issues and multiple white spots on the LCD.

    At least they have replaced the LCD - i hope the new one is good... ill update here as soon as I get it back.
  • Reply 268 of 588
    Bummer! just got of the phone with apple - the new screen they have fitted was a Lemon! - this apparently came up in the overnight testing they they are doing for the machine before shipping it back to me (lucky they didnt send it with a bad screen - i'd be seriously pissed if they would!!!)... So its back to square one now waiting for a new screen... a day or two they say....

    Lucky i got my GhzTi with me - being macless for more then a day is guarantied to cause irreparable damage to my brain
  • Reply 269 of 588
    My PB came back from Apple repair last Friday. The LCD and logic board were replaced. There's 1 stuck pixel (lower center), but the real kicker is that a white spot (upper center of screen) has appeared and is getting more and more distinct. I'm going to wait awhile until (hopefully) Apple gets this one figured out. They obviously hadn't as of last week. Of course the other reason why I'll wait is that this machine rocks!

    I really don't want to go back to my Pismo while waiting for another repair.
  • Reply 270 of 588

    Originally posted by Neandertal

    My PB came back from Apple repair last Friday. The LCD and logic board were replaced. There's 1 stuck pixel (lower center), but the real kicker is that a white spot (upper center of screen) has appeared and is getting more and more distinct. I'm going to wait awhile until (hopefully) Apple gets this one figured out. They obviously hadn't as of last week. Of course the other reason why I'll wait is that this machine rocks!

    I really don't want to go back to my Pismo while waiting for another repair.

    This is really stressful - all these reports about replaced screens with yet more white spots... I'm based in the UK and I guess you're in the US (right??)looks like some apple repair centers are not properly testing these babies before returning them to customers - what gives?

    I really hope that the THIRD screen they put on my machine is good - at least it appears as though the UK repair center are testing the machines properly before sending them back to people... fingers crossed...
  • Reply 271 of 588
    eds66eds66 Posts: 119member
    Well guys, three days after I got the new screen, the spots are back. Started forming today. Same pattern. Not as pronounced this time, but I am sure they will continue to become more intense. To be perfectly honest, I am not even mad.

    I just can't believe this. What a debacle! And from a company that prides itself on quality. Just unbelievable.

    I think I am going to return it to the dealer and eat the restocking cost. I have absolutely no confidence in this product. To think that I was so excited about something that has caused me nothing but grief and stress for the past three weeks (of which I only used the machine for two, spending one week waiting for it to get repaired.)
  • Reply 272 of 588
    machemmachem Posts: 319member

    Originally posted by EDS66

    Well guys, three days after I got the new screen, the spots are back. Started forming today. Same pattern. Not as pronounced this time, but I am sure they will continue to become more intense. To be perfectly honest, I am not even mad.

    I just can't believe this. What a debacle! And from a company that prides itself on quality. Just unbelievable.

    I think I am going to return it to the dealer and eat the restocking cost. I have absolutely no confidence in this product. To think that I was so excited about something that has caused me nothing but grief and stress for the past three weeks (of which I only used the machine for two, spending one week waiting for it to get repaired.)

    Hmmmm.... Now I'm thinking "tick... tick... tick...."

  • Reply 273 of 588
    rickagrickag Posts: 1,626member
    On 10/16 I ordered a Powerbook 15"

    My laptop would come w/ 10.2 & 10.3 would cost $20

    On 10/18 The rest of my order shipped

    On 10/19 The ship date was changed from 7-10 days to 10/30

    On 10/20 My computer will probably ship w/ 10.3 now

    On 10/20 I started see the white spot reports.

    On 10/21 I realized the delay may be to correct the problem.

    I do believe this definitely has ying and yang implications.
  • Reply 274 of 588
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member

    I just can't believe this. What a debacle! And from a company that prides itself on quality. Just unbelievable.

    I think I am going to return it to the dealer and eat the restocking cost. I have absolutely no confidence in this product.

    keep two things in mind. first, your problem is cosmetic. it has no effect on the ability of your computer to do its work. you can function w/o hinderence with white spots.

    second, unless you want to be a guinea pig, don't send it in to get fixed immediately. it's worth waiting a few weeks, or a month or two until they get the problem figured out before sending it in. if they're doing something wrong and you send it back immediately, there's a good chance it will go wrong again.

    unless it hinders your ability to use your laptop in a production setting, i'd sit on it a while before fixing it.
  • Reply 275 of 588
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member

    Originally posted by rickag

    On 10/16 I ordered a Powerbook 15"

    My laptop would come w/ 10.2 & 10.3 would cost $20

    On 10/18 The rest of my order shipped

    On 10/19 The ship date was changed from 7-10 days to 10/30

    On 10/20 My computer will probably ship w/ 10.3 now

    On 10/20 I started see the white spot reports.

    On 10/21 I realized the delay may be to correct the problem.

    I do believe this definitely has ying and yang implications.

    I am in *exactly* the same boat.

    Whether it comes with 10.3, or fixed spots, either way... I'll wait a bit happily.

    Now watch, it'll come with 10.2.2, and have 17 dead pixels... :P
  • Reply 276 of 588
    Okay everyone, here's one I haven't heard yet. I have a new 15" PB and I've noticed something I'd classify as "odd". When I power up my Power Book there is a portion of the screen in the bottom righthand corner that's wedge shaped that is darker than the rest of the screen. Then after a few minutes it comes up to normal. Would that be considered a backlight quirk? I've never seen another screen do that and it only does it for the first few minutes after startup or after sleep. Seen anything like that before? It works fine, but is something I thought I'd mention.
  • Reply 277 of 588
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    I've seen that before... on my Pismo.

    It seems like one of the backlight units takes a bit to 'warm up' from time to time. At first I thought it was going bad, but that was over 3 years ago, and it's still kickin'. Every so often I notice it (particularly at low brightness settings), but it's a non-issue anymore.
  • Reply 278 of 588
    My PB screen had the dimmer right bottom corner problem, Showed to my service man who agreed and said I can get a new screen if it persisted. Got home and ran Onyx to execute all the cron scripts (my PB is usually off at night, so the weekly and monthly scripts have not run), and lo and behold, the dim screen corner disappeared !!

    Figure that one out !
  • Reply 279 of 588
    rickagrickag Posts: 1,626member
    The saga continues;

    On 10/16 I ordered a Powerbook 15"

    My laptop would come w/ 10.2 & 10.3 would cost $20

    On 10/18 The rest of my order shipped

    On 10/19 The ship date was changed from 7-10 days to 10/30

    On 10/20 My computer will probably ship w/ 10.3 now

    On 10/20 I started see the white spot reports.

    On 10/21 I realized the delay may be to correct the problem.

    On 10/21 My daughter's volleyball team loses.

    On 10/22 Apple announces new G4 iBooks!!!!

    On 10/22 I could have saved $1101 by ordering an iBook

    On 10/22 My Powerbook has shipped!!!

    On 10/22 Now I can not change my order to an iBook

    What a rollercoaster ride. The iBook would much more suit my needs and finances. The $1101 savings over the Powerbook would have been put directly to the purchase of G5 tower in the next 6 months. Don't get me wrong, I happy, but, well, then again.

    I decided on the Powerbook because I needed a laptop for doing work(Office, Filemaker, Excel) when not tethered to a power cord. I didn't really need the G4, superdrive, etc. but decided I could extend the usefullness of the laptop to do basic home video editing and burn a few DVD's, until I could afford a G5 sometime late next year. Not the best solution but, well, then again.

    PLEASE, don't misunderstand, I'm not complaining. Just reviewing a little history of the emotional ups and downs of purchasing a very very expensive tool.
  • Reply 280 of 588
    spykyspyky Posts: 55member
    I received my repaired 15" today from Apple. It was rather unexpected, as I had called yesterday to get status, and it was still holding for the LCD.

    Here is my status. The screen is perfect, no whitespots, no dark corners, no bad pixels. The only thing I'm worried about is the whitespots possibly reappearing.

    I'll be sure to post here again after a week or so to let everyone know the status.

    I'm very happy to have my mac back :-)

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