Quality control issues with new PowerBooks...particularly the 15"?



  • Reply 341 of 588
    How long has everyone been waiting for repair? My Powerbook has been gone for 2 weeks and still no sign of a replacement screen. This is so frustrating I'm trying so hard to repress my rage
  • Reply 342 of 588
    spykyspyky Posts: 55member

    Originally posted by gammera3D

    How long has everyone been waiting for repair? My Powerbook has been gone for 2 weeks and still no sign of a replacement screen. This is so frustrating I'm trying so hard to repress my rage

    I sent mine on a Tuesday, and received it back on the next Wednesday. I also called them several times in between to get status, and they told me on the friday after sending that they were updating me to "expedited" status. The also told me that if I didn't have it by thursday a week later they could upgrade me again so that the next LCD available would go directly to my computer.

    Try calling and sounding frustrated. Don't be an ass, because it isn't the fault of the person you are talking too, but they hopefully will try to help you out.

  • Reply 343 of 588

    Originally posted by gammera3D

    How long has everyone been waiting for repair? My Powerbook has been gone for 2 weeks and still no sign of a replacement screen. This is so frustrating I'm trying so hard to repress my rage

    Same here - its been about 10 days since they took my AL away for repair - they told me on the phone that the first screen they tried on it was bad so now they are waiting for a new one to come... no ETA currently (this has been the case for over a week now).

    At least i hope that the delay is due to Apple getting the problem fixed not just some silly supply issues...

    If the machine comes back from Apple in a less then perfect state - I will be VERY PiED OFF!!!
  • Reply 344 of 588
    eds66eds66 Posts: 119member
    Well, ladies and gentlemen,

    I returned my ill-fated 15-inch Power book because of its white-spotitis and got a new 12-inch Powerbook. The 12 incher is great (so far). The screen is nice, and after installing Panther, the left palm rest got mildly hot, nothing like what I had expected. The dealer was nice to me and only charged me 10 percent restocking after one month of use (well, only three weeks of actual use). I will update you on how the 12-incher behaves. The screen on the 12 incher is actually brighter, in my opinion than on the 15-incher, but it is not as sharp. But, hell, who cares, as long as does not have white spots and dead/stuck pixels, none of which are present at this point in time.

    By the way, I really don't think Apple has a fix for the problem, which I think is more perplexing that we all suspect. In my opinion the fundamental cause of the problem are the spacers behind the LCD, which push against the panel and cause the spots. But there might be more to the problem than that. The screens themselves might be more sensitive to physical pressure. This might be something that Apple did not pay sufficient attention during their, I am sure, rigorous testing process.
  • Reply 345 of 588
    I spoke with the head of the department today and apparently there is a policy that states if you don't get your repair back two weeks you get a brand new machine.

    I have one question though, does anyone know if the newer pbooks are having the same display & latch problems? Was it just the first batch?

    If I get my book back and the display craps out again I will be livid.

    If they send me a new one with problems I'll be just as angry.

    Mother (insert your favorite obscenities here) Apple is making me look real bad cause all I do is bad-mouth the 95-percenters and their butt-ugly wintel boxes and look at me now laptopless, naked and alone.
  • Reply 346 of 588
    eds66eds66 Posts: 119member

    Originally posted by gammera3D

    I spoke with the head of the department today and apparently there is a policy that states if you don't get your repair back two weeks you get a brand new machine.

    I have one question though, does anyone know if the newer pbooks are having the same display & latch problems? Was it just the first batch?

    If I get my book back and the display craps out again I will be livid.

    If they send me a new one with problems I'll be just as angry.

    Mother (insert your favorite obscenities here) Apple is making me look real bad cause all I do is bad-mouth the 95-percenters and their butt-ugly wintel boxes and look at me now laptopless, naked and alone.

    I've yet to see one with what I would call a perfect screen. I am sure they are out there though.
  • Reply 347 of 588
    Well, my 15" is still great since I received on 10/6. I do have a dell laptop for work and it has several light spots, marks on the screen, and marks on the plastic around the keyboard...the dell is only about 5 months old...it get's extremely hot (a lot hotter than my 15" Al).

    I continue to count my blessings with regards to my new Apple laptop...
  • Reply 348 of 588
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Three days so far, no white spots, no dead or stuck pixels, no latch problems... so far so good.

    (And now of course that I've posted this, it'll all go to heck. )
  • Reply 349 of 588
    Even MacWorld noticed the problems

    Apple had better address this publicly.
  • Reply 350 of 588
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Well guys, I'm kinda in a pickle and not sure what to do: as I stated above, I seem to have gotten really lucky on the whole white spots/dead pixels/faulty latch thing.

    In those areas, I have a PERFECT PowerBook (and couldn't be happier).

    However, on the right side of the palmrest, facing the front of the machine (basically the area directly above the slot-loading drive where the side of the PowerBook meets the palmrest/top, there is the tiniest amount of gap or play and it squeaks when you're typing. You can take your finger and press it down and see it move and it makes this slightly obnoxious (but quiet, thankfully) squeaky, "monkey" sound as you're typing. In other words, it's obvious there isn't a connection made.

    I wonder: is this going to come further apart? The left side is perfect: solid and quiet and a strong, sealed joint. It's just the right side, above the SuperDrive slot.

    I'll call AppleCare tonight when I get home. I don't want to screw myself and MISS some sort of arbitrary, lame cut off point where I can have this addressed/repaired/replaced (the guy on the phone from the Atlanta Apple store said "10 days", which sounds like bullshit if this is an obvious flaw/defect on THEIR end.

    The thing has only been on my desk since Saturday morning (bought it Friday night), so it's not like I'm slinging it around and making it do this.

    Honestly, that's the ONLY downside to this otherwise awesome, perfect laptop.

    So my pickle is: wait and miss some sort of cut-off, OR if AppleCare says "bring it back" or whatever and I get THAT problem fixed, but get a machine with 13 dead pixels, 4 white spots, a broken latch, dandruff, PMS, etc.

    What I'd LIKE to do, to be completely honest, is to put some SuperGlue into a tiny, tiny syringe and just run a VERY light, small film or bead of it inside that slight crevice and mash it down to create a seal.

    Think that'll void my warranty?

  • Reply 351 of 588
    cj3209cj3209 Posts: 158member
    If I remember correctly - I've replaced my stock 80 GB HD w/a faster one - that cover actually comes off. So if you 'crazy-glue' it, it'll be a little difficult to take it off. Of course, if you have no intention of ever replacing your HD it's not an issue.


  • Reply 352 of 588
    Presumably you can just ask the people at applecare whether they will be replacing or repairing the machine. I'm guessing that they'll repair it since they can't re-sell used machines and it is therefore not in their interest to replace when they could easily fix instead.

    I also expect that if a machine comes back in worse condition than you sent it, you can ask for a new one (or your old one), even if the dead pixels aren't considered grounds for repair on a new machine.

    I think your biggest worry will be the wait before you get your machine back.

  • Reply 353 of 588

    Originally posted by rashumon

    Same here - its been about 10 days since they took my AL away for repair - they told me on the phone that the first screen they tried on it was bad so now they are waiting for a new one to come... no ETA currently (this has been the case for over a week now).

    At least i hope that the delay is due to Apple getting the problem fixed not just some silly supply issues...

    If the machine comes back from Apple in a less then perfect state - I will be VERY PiED OFF!!!

    I just talked to Apple repair and they said to wait to send back in my PB, since the LCD's are on backorder. I'm supposed to call on Friday or Monday to see if they're back in stock or not. The send-in box arrived yesterday; and I planned on sending the PB in today; sure glad I called first!
  • Reply 354 of 588
    machemmachem Posts: 319member

    Originally posted by pscates

    Well guys, I'm kinda in a pickle and not sure what to do: as I stated above, I seem to have gotten really lucky on the whole white spots/dead pixels/faulty latch thing.

    In those areas, I have a PERFECT PowerBook (and couldn't be happier).

    However, on the right side of the palmrest, facing the front of the machine (basically the area directly above the slot-loading drive where the side of the PowerBook meets the palmrest/top, there is the tiniest amount of gap or play and it squeaks when you're typing. You can take your finger and press it down and see it move and it makes this slightly obnoxious (but quiet, thankfully) squeaky, "monkey" sound as you're typing. In other words, it's obvious there isn't a connection made.

    I just looked at mine, and I noticed the same gap (thanks a lot, by the way! ). I also noticed a bit of flex, but it is due to the CDROM slot, not the gap --- in other words, the gap doesn't go away when I push on that edge.
  • Reply 355 of 588

    Originally posted by Socrates

    I'm guessing that they'll repair it since they can't re-sell used machines

    Surely they can. What about the Apple Refurb Store?


    Originally posted by machem

    I just looked at mine, and I noticed the same gap... I also noticed a bit of flex, but it is due to the CDROM slot, not the gap...

    I have a tiny amount of flex aswell. I assume, too, that its cos of the SD slot.

    pscates , I'd phone up Apple and ask if they could REPAIR it. If they don't want to, kick up a fuss. If they still refuse it's not covered by AppleCare, or whatever, I'd think long and hard about whether the problem was really something that was going to annoy me. If I decided it was, I'd have to go for a replacement...

    I've just been through this process in fact...
  • Reply 356 of 588
    pbg4 dudepbg4 dude Posts: 1,611member
    My 15" PB also has the squeaky spot above the DVD-R. I'm thinking the bottom of the wrist rest is touching the top of the DVD-R frame and pressure causes the two to rub together.

    I had thought about worrying about this, but since I don't have spots or latch problems, I'm not going to worry about it.
  • Reply 357 of 588
    Wow, look at us. What other computer purchaser do we know of that inspects their products so thoroughly. None that I know of. I'm not saying we should be overly picky...but I wouldn't worry about the "sqeaky" casing over the SD. White spots are one thing...but let's not take it to extremes...
  • Reply 358 of 588

    Originally posted by filmmaker2002

    Wow, look at us. What other computer purchaser do we know of that inspects their products so thoroughly. None that I know of. I'm not saying we should be overly picky...but I wouldn't worry about the "sqeaky" casing over the SD. White spots are one thing...but let's not take it to extremes...

    If we had no love for computers, we would buy PC's. Obsession with detail is what separates us from the animals (and by animals I mean those dirty wintel lovers).
  • Reply 359 of 588
    I know. You should have seen me inspect every knick and cranny of my Powerbook at the Apple Store. I got a few weird looks from the geniuses. All I'm saying is let's not make an issue of something that is slightly, almost unnoticeably off.
  • Reply 360 of 588
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    Originally posted by filmmaker2002

    Wow, look at us. What other computer purchaser do we know of that inspects their products so thoroughly. None that I know of. I'm not saying we should be overly picky...but I wouldn't worry about the "sqeaky" casing over the SD. White spots are one thing...but let's not take it to extremes...

    Speak for yourself. For a $2599 computer, you're mother****ing right I'm going to be "inspecting" it closely and, to be completely honest, expecting a bit MORE than your average, piece-of-shit 8lb. PC laptop.

    Believe me...I'd be a little more cavalier if it was a $1099 iBook.

    There is something very wrong at play here in the production of these new 15" (the fact that this thread has so many responses and views and stories shared attests to that.

    Also, I don't think I'm alone hen I say that the long, painful wait for these things to appear (we knew they were coming because the 12" and the 17" pointed the way, right?) only makes all this sting a bit harder to some because you wait and wait and wait and then get a TOTALLY ed up hunk of aluminum for $2599.

    I'm not rich. I saved my head off and so did others, I'm sure. I ate more macaroni and Ramen the past few months than I care to remember so I could purchase one of these awesome machines.

    I'll wait and see what happens. If being a tad deflated that a $2599 purchase pooches in and out and squeaks like a monkey on a treadmill makes me unrealistic or an idiot, then an unrealistic idiot I'll be.

    BUT I am glad to have a - so far - nice screen and latch, so I 'm ahead on that count.

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