New PowerMac pictures leaked



  • Reply 381 of 688
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member
    Just for all who care and can read, the pdf has already been well known to not be from Apple. It was just put together by a guy using Coreldraw. This point has not been hidden at all.

    As for the copyright issue, copyright does not indicate a date of production, but rather a date that you wanted to register it. Whatever related to the motherboard that Apple wanted to use, it could have copyrighted it in 2001.

    I think this case is god-ugly. I pray it is not released. The heatsinks on some of the more recent Mac's have been huge, I don't know if they were heavy but they were huge in size.

  • Reply 382 of 688
    drewpropsdrewprops Posts: 2,321member
    I should point out that I didn't believe that the Cube or the QuickSilver were legit, even after they were introduced. But still, I'd like for everyone to pull their heads out of their's just not nice.

    BUT, I'm sticking to my belief that this thing won't have a 7lb heatsink or look exactly like this.....and I'm not alone in this.

    Still, with my track record at making predictions......get ready to see these things on the shelf in the next two months.
  • Reply 383 of 688
    [Making stuff up.]

    The large heatsink is actually for noise reduction. By introducing a larger heatsink, you can prevent the fan by going on as often. Note that the fan is variable. This is similar in concept to the multi-stage TiBook, where they can turn on 1 or 2 fans.

    With a variable fan + larger heat sink, I think Apple is just trying to minimize the friggin' loud fans in the unit.

    What was one comment from the XServe? I know it's a different application/design, but it's apparently loud.

    [/Always Making Stuff UP]

    edit: had to finish thought...

    [Still Making up Stuff]

    So... this may not have anything to do with a new microprocessor, or the fact that they're cranking up the mega-hurtz on new G4s. Remember, by shrinking the G4, you can get higher frequencies partly because it won't be as hot.

    [ 07-23-2002: Message edited by: GardenOfEarthlyDelights ]</p>
  • Reply 384 of 688
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Three quick points:

    1. Unless every burger joint in Cupertino is serving meat infested with Mad Cow Disease, there's no way Apple's releasing anything that ugly.

    2. I have a 400mhz PM G4, and while it breaks my heart to do it, I'm serious considering putting it under the desk because of the noise. If Apple decides to use a 15lb heat sink in the next tower, they'd still get my money.

    3. Double drive bays are very good, as is a front mounted Firewire port. Those who think "those cables clutter up their desk" must not own an iBook or iPod that needs to be synced often. "Pin the cable into the Firewire port" is a game I can do without.
  • Reply 385 of 688
    umm the pictures have disappeared. Can someone link them...
  • Reply 386 of 688
    bradbowerbradbower Posts: 1,068member
    Fact: The photo is of a real piece of Apple property, or else SO CLOSE that it warrants Apple Legal threatening lawsuits right and left just to take it down.

    Fact: The PDF is a total fake and for all we know is just some crazy facts some guy pulled out of his rear end.

    Fact: No one knows whether or not this will be the shipping model, or if it is just a candidate, or a prototype, or an ugly mutt, or a Steve Jobs reject, or from 2001, or what. Even if it is the shipping model that Apple had planned on, don't put it past Steve/Jon for a second to change it because of this leak fiasco.

    Fact: I like it and I think that it looks very Apple-esque. Just as strange of a modification as the QuickSilver update seemed to be, at FIRST. If Apple actually came out with this and it didn't have a 7lb heatsink and those were front ports and you saw it professionally-photographed without all of the cellophane wrapping, you Maclots damn well know you'd be drooling over it!
  • Reply 387 of 688
    The ugliest? Have you seen <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>; or <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    I like the Quicksilver a lot but the old network server <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>; comes close!

    OK, maybe Apple has figured out that UGLY computers sell better! Just look at that red Compaq Presario! It looks like a pimp in a box.

    [quote]Originally posted by Telomar:

    <strong>Not that it matters too much but that is about the ugliest mac I have ever seen :eek: It also looks taller.

    Meanwhile why can't they take a good overhead shot of the top of the board. What's with the oblique angles <img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[No]" />

    [ 07-21-2002: Message edited by: Telomar ]</strong><hr></blockquote>
  • Reply 388 of 688
    junkyard dawgjunkyard dawg Posts: 2,801member
    This thread is cracking me up!

    1. The 7 lb heatsink. I doubt the guy took out the heatsink and weighed it....he probably handled it, was totally floored by how enormous it is, and just pulled a big number out of his ass for the weight. We can conclude that the heatsink is NOT 7 lbs, but IS one huge mutha.

    [quote] The newest Intel/AMD chips don't have boat anchors for heatsinks. Putting such a huge chunk of metal inside the box will pin Apple to the wall as the laughingstock of the computer industry unless they're bringing a 50Ghz chip to the market.


    LOL, give me a break. Nobody give's a rat's ass about the heatsink, as long as it works. I'll tell you this: Because of the current Powermacs, Apple is the laughingstock of the computer industry, and it's got nothing to do with the heatsinks. I'll let you figure out the rest.

    2. This case is not ugly. I can't believe how many of you are all bitching about how this case is totally fugly and you wouldn't buy such a case, blah blah blah.. If Apple introduced a Powermac lineup using this case, and the models were something like:

    1.2, 1.4, 1.6 GHz, 333 MHz frontside bus, 333 MHz ddr RAM.

    Then all of you would be creaming your pants over these towers and you wouldn't give a damn about the styling.

    Anyways that front silvery part is just a patch, on the final you can be sure it would match the case. This tower looks identical to the quicksilver case except for the front facade, which is only a bit different. If it really has TWO optical drive bays, then that will totally ROCK!! I'd practically buy the damn thing just for that extra drive bay.

    IMO the ONLY thing wrong with the current tower cases is the lack of a second expandable drive bay. If Apple fixes this shortcoming, then they will have the best tower cases in the industry....only problem is what's inside them.

    Doesn't anyone find it odd that this guy posted all this information about the tower, took it apart and even removed the CPU daughter card, yet he doesn't give us any info at all on the CPU? Why no description of the CPU??

    My guess is that he's afraid if he gives a detailed description of the CPU, then Apple could trace him. But that's sort of a cop-out guess, I admit.
  • Reply 389 of 688
    bradbowerbradbower Posts: 1,068member
    I'm going on record as saying that the front metal panel which is WELL-STYLED glossy metal and an Xserve-like power button is NOT "just a patch" as you people keep saying. It is a remix, a mix of the old and the new. Or else a prototype gone wrong, or a disguised prototype which looks like the glossy metal in entirety. It looks TOO NICE just to be a cover up or a "missing faceplate." That IS the faceplate. It's Apple's latest take on the front of the PowerMac. This is the newest look, possibly the last permutation of the El Capitan enclosure. It's really not bad at all, you big whiners.
  • Reply 390 of 688
    xypexype Posts: 672member
    [quote]Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg:

    <strong>This thread is cracking me up!

    1. The 7 lb heatsink. I doubt the guy took out the heatsink and weighed it....he probably handled it, was totally floored by how enormous it is, and just pulled a big number out of his ass for the weight. We can conclude that the heatsink is NOT 7 lbs, but IS one huge mutha. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    You can't conclude anything since you were not the one pulling that case out of the box and lifting it onto the desk. As it's likely that the guys pulled the 7 lbs out his is it's likely that it may have around 7 lbs and you are pulling conclusions about it's weight out of your ass without knowing it for real. Chances are, however, that the guy who did the photo knows a bit better about the weight than any of us.

    As for the CPU - right, going into too much details can cost a job or two. Or maybe the guy didn't want any messup like a "It runs at 1.6 ghz" and then Apple ships 1.2 and 1.4 only..
  • Reply 391 of 688
    cipher13cipher13 Posts: 30member
    [quote]Originally posted by Eugene:

    <strong>Ah, more reasons to dislike Cipher13. Nobody can tell if the photos are fake. I'm pretty much 100% sure there's been no intentional photoshopping. The only thing obvious is the horizontal squeeze, which seems unintentional.

    Three 5.25" drive bays? Most OEM PCs don't even have that. PCI slots are more important than drive bays since external drives are much more popular these days...thank the hot pluggability of FireWire and USB 2. With 4 64-bit PCI slots, that's basically plenty for the average pro.

    besides, my Power Mac G4 came in a plastic/foam shroud that covered it up. Have you ever seen fresh bare cases shipped to the Apple plant in Sacramento? They come caked in layers of plastic sheets.

    These may not be the final case, but it's not "Photochopped." besides, these people had access to photos of a motherboard that looks just like the infamous eBay "red board," and a close-up shot of a G4 CPU on a riser that doesn't match anything we've seen before.

    [ 07-22-2002: Message edited by: Eugene ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Ah, more reasons Eugene can blow himself...

    Most OEM PC's are crap... and have 2. Many have 3. Equality isn't something I'm after... these machines should really be *better*, don't you think?

    I'd have my DVD drive in one bay, my CDRW in another, and likely another CDROM drive in the third. Combo drives are terrible.

    The plastic wrapping, IMO, is more support for covering up for Photoshop inadequacies than as legitimate packaging... it just looks wrong, and incredibly messy. But either way.

    I'm not doubting that there are new machines coming... I know there are. Very soon.

    I'm not doubting the motherboard.

    However, the motherboard and the case aren't from the same source; and if they are, then the case was 'made up' to fit in with it. It's SO bad, the only explanation I can believe is that it's a photoshop job... all the evidence points to it, and that's what matters until we know.
  • Reply 392 of 688
    bartobarto Posts: 2,246member
    Ah, more reasons Eugene can blow himself...

    They have a moderation for those like you on slashdot. It's -1 Troll.

    Most OEM PC's are crap... and have 2. Many have 3. Equality isn't something I'm after... these machines should really be *better*, don't you think?

    Would you rather a small case (el capi size) with 2 drive bays, or a large case with 3? Also, why do you need 3 optical drives?

    I have transferred my G4 400 to an Lian-Li case with 4 optical drive bays. I DON'T NEED THEM. I only use two. I only got the 4 optical drive bay model because it was the smallest that would fit the G4.

    The plastic wrapping, IMO, is more support for covering up for Photoshop inadequacies than as legitimate packaging... it just looks wrong, and incredibly messy. But either way.

    And the Quicksilvers were fakes too. Oh wait, <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>. Have you bought a power mac lately? They do ship with plastic wrap all over them. Need to being transparent, plastic scratchables.


    [ 07-23-2002: Message edited by: Barto ]

    [ 07-23-2002: Message edited by: Barto ]</p>
  • Reply 393 of 688
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    [quote]Originally posted by Cipher13:

    Most OEM PC's are crap... and have 2. Many have 3. Equality isn't something I'm after... these machines should really be *better*, don't you think?<hr></blockquote>

    I can see why having two drives would be nice, so you could copy stuff from CD to CD-RW. Three 5.25"drive bays is entirely unecessary for probably 90% of us. Why should Apple eat the costs for a feature nobody uses? FireWire exists for a reason.

    [quote]I'd have my DVD drive in one bay, my CDRW in another, and likely another CDROM drive in the third. Combo drives are terrible.<hr></blockquote>

    Almost entirely unecessary again since the DVD-ROM drive can do anything a CD-ROM drive can do. The most I would need is a DVD-ROM drive plus a DVD-RW/CD-RW drive.

    If a pro needs another one he can get an external drive...There will be no performance hit and he gets portability in exchange. All he has to do is pay $60 or so for an enclosure.

    [quote]The plastic wrapping, IMO, is more support for covering up for Photoshop inadequacies than as legitimate packaging... it just looks wrong, and incredibly messy. But either way.<hr></blockquote>

    Why, because it covers up a logo? Explain to me what we are missing.

    [quote]I'm not doubting that there are new machines coming... I know there are. Very soon.<hr></blockquote>

    And this is a legitimate prototype, most likely. it may not be the final design, it may not have been intended as a final design in any case, but it is legitimate. I would bet the farm on it.

    [quote]I'm not doubting the motherboard.<hr></blockquote>

    The motherboard is designed for an El Capitan shaped case with the diagonal cuts at one end of the motherboard.

    [quote]However, the motherboard and the case aren't from the same source; and if they are, then the case was 'made up' to fit in with it. It's SO bad, the only explanation I can believe is that it's a photoshop job... all the evidence points to it, and that's what matters until we know.<hr></blockquote>

    They come from the same source. It doesn't even matter. Whoever leaked these photos had access to the component shots anyway. The case may not be pretty, but neither is the QuickSilver case at my feet. The QuickSilver prototype shots are especially ugly.

    The photo shows no concrete evidence of photoshopping.
  • Reply 394 of 688
    telomartelomar Posts: 1,804member
    Re: The Heatsink

    I can't believe nobody else has done this. I had an old heatsink box downstairs. It's a copper heatsink (more dense than Aluminium) and is just damn huge. This is the warning attached on the box:

    ** Quite heavy - do not ship with cooler attached to motherboards!

    It also only weighs 1.5 lbs. 7lbs seems infinitely less likely all of a sudden.
  • Reply 395 of 688
    [quote] I wanna see what THINK SECRET thinks<hr></blockquote>

    Me too. Which is why I was surprised that despite updating the Think Secret web site this morning ( 23/07) Nick de Plume makes NO mention whatsoever about this :confused: . The latest article simply discusses some detail of Office X. Not even a comment in their forum.

    I find this really surprising that they have no mention at all of the new G4 piccies and .pdf.

    I also wonder why sources that in the past picked up these sorts of rumours fast like <a href=""; target="_blank">MacUser UK</a> remain silent on all this. Especially as they name and quote the MacRumour story regarding top end model of 1.4GHz etc.

    Top that off with MOSR stating that they had similar details but held had as requested by source ( BS perhaps but all the same) and no mention also from ZDNet, MacCentral, Macnn, cNet I get the feeling that people have something they are not telling us.

    Just a point of the .pdf validity. MacRumours state that they received it last Friday and were checking it when the French site Bidouille posted the pictures on the Saturday. Therefore he could not have taken the details from the pictures unless he had seen them before which is very unlikely. As it is a French web site the source is likely to be in France if not Europe. And the way applep58 worded things, i.e. reffering to 7 'lbs' he sounds more American than European.

    It seems to me that he has had access to the new G4 and states himself that the pictures on Bidouille in fact show an older motherboard etc which backs up the likelyhood that it is not the final version but a test model.

    Personally i think the case is pretty much that which will be used. That the insides shown may well have been updated from those pictures but all based on the eBay prototype with the spec similar.

    Graphics Card ?

    One thing that still puzzles me is the graphics card in the close up. It is not a new ATI ( these are red) and it does not seem to match the current Nvidia Geforce 3 or 4 that Apple supply. Anyone got any idea of what it is? It looks potentially a 128MB card to me.
  • Reply 396 of 688
    look closely young ones, is that logo the logo of the evil empire, the master of cruelness, the devil of devilish devils. NO NO IT CANT I CANT SEE AAAAAAARRGH MY EYES IT JUST CANT BE

    m i c r o s o f t


  • Reply 397 of 688
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    [quote]One thing that still puzzles me is the graphics card in the close up. It is not a new ATI ( these are red) and it does not seem to match the current Nvidia Geforce 3 or 4 that Apple supply. Anyone got any idea of what it is? It looks potentially a 128MB card to me.<hr></blockquote>

    The two serial numbers / bar code strips mean it's an nVidia card. It looks pretty much like the GeForce4 MX I swapped out of my tower.
  • Reply 398 of 688
    smirclesmircle Posts: 1,035member
    Originally posted by Cipher13:


    However, the motherboard and the case aren't from the same source; and if they are, then the case was 'made up' to fit in with it. It's SO bad, the only explanation I can believe is that it's a photoshop job... all the evidence points to it, and that's what matters until we know.<hr></blockquote>

    Maybe you could do us a favor and just shut the f u c k up or else give us reasons to believe its a photoshopped img. Is 13 your age or why are you constantly claiming "fake fake" without giving us telltale traces of image manipulation (misalignments, wrong shadows...)?

    BTW I am quite sure the faceplate points to a new case design other than el Capitan. Looks like we'll see a more square design with a curvature similar to the TiBooks/iBooks.
  • Reply 399 of 688
    [quote]Originally posted by Moonraker:


    I also wonder why sources that in the past picked up these sorts of rumours fast like <a href=""; target="_blank">MacUser UK</a> remain silent on all this. Especially as they name and quote the MacRumour story regarding top end model of 1.4GHz etc.

    .... and no mention also from ZDNet, MacCentral, Macnn, cNet I get the feeling that people have something they are not telling us.


    What happened to sites "that spread rumors" at MWNY? I'm sure achieving this effect was what Apple had in mind. Plus there's not really that much here to work with as far as specifications and numbers. It's probably not worth it to them to tangle with the Cupertino.

    [ 07-23-2002: Message edited by: BobtheTomato ]</p>
  • Reply 400 of 688
    Looks like you are spot on Eugene. Checking out the current AGP Mac cards the Nvidia Geforce 4MX fits the bill ( not conclusive without a view of the back of one of these).

    But from the way Nvidia Geforce 4MX fits to metal bracket ( i.e. card over top of bracket) and side screw) and other component layout it looks pretty certain. I did a quick comparison of the similar details here:

    [off site image] <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    Shame. I was looking forward to spying the new 9700 in there . Guess it points to it as the stock OEM card for the new G4 along with the recent iMac and current Powermac.

    Bob TT:

    I don't think Apple's posturing on the 'no press pass' would stop the bigger boys from posting such a strong a rumour'. It has not in the past. And Think Secret would have nothing to lose since they blew open the correct contents of the SJ presentation well before MWNY for instance.

    I just have a feeling that they are aware of details of the new model and are quiet because of NDA etc or other similar reason. Not sure how this relates to Think Secret however. Perhaps MOSR will put it's money where it's mouth is and post further specs this week.

    [ 07-23-2002: Message edited by: Moonraker ]

    [ 07-24-2002: Message edited by: sysadmin ]</p>
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