New PowerMac pictures leaked



  • Reply 421 of 688
    Where the hell is Dorsal M anyway?
  • Reply 421 of 688
    <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> Now THAT, get's a cool point for style.

    [one point awarded]
  • Reply 423 of 688
    g-newsg-news Posts: 1,107member
    I was under the impression the current ADC displays all already have USB ports...

    Why add more? to give users the port in the front, even if they don't buy an Apple screen? That'd be something new for a change: think of the users.

  • Reply 424 of 688
    o and ao and a Posts: 579member
    [quote]Originally posted by apple.otaku:

    <strong>Where the hell is Dorsal M anyway?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Either laughing his ass of or keeping his mouth closed because this thinkg is real
  • Reply 425 of 688
    blizaineblizaine Posts: 239member
    [quote]Originally posted by Blizaine:

    <strong>Those holes are not vents or ports!

    They are on the back as well, and will be used for the new (TEHP) "Turbine Enforced, Hover-Propulsion" technology that will allow the G4 to hover above your desk.

    It?s very cool!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    pic below:

  • Reply 426 of 688
    o and ao and a Posts: 579member
    The case design is pretty decent but i only care about the inards

    this sucka better have a low end of at least 1ghz cause i'm buying a powermac next month and it better have DDR ram and a friggin screaming FSB
  • Reply 427 of 688
    [quote]Originally posted by O and A:

    <strong>this sucka better have??a friggin screaming FSB</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Actually I hope the Frontside bus is silent.
  • Reply 428 of 688
    addisonaddison Posts: 1,185member
    Let's assume that the case is designed for a very HOT processor and consequently needs lots of cooling. How much does one of those refrigerant cooling devices weigh? I've seen them in PC's and they involve a bit of plumbing, I am not sure that they would weigh 7lbs but they would be heavy.

    Rembering the last few Dorsal posts he has predicted good news in August and much better news early next year. Perhapps we are going to see two new machines, an uprated PowerMac range based on the current enclosure 1.2-1.4 with DDR etc. Then early next year a new G5/Power* machine in the new enclosure which requires industrial strenght cooling and will in all probability be very noisey.

    This would probably fit in with all the moves to establish Apple firmly at the front end for video and 3D. The new January/March 03 UltimateMac would cost a lot more if an IBM Power* processor was used, but that wouldn't matter beacuse it would be aimed at a market that is used to paying thousands more for SGI based machines.
  • Reply 429 of 688
    cindercinder Posts: 381member
    and missile launchers!
  • Reply 430 of 688
    o and ao and a Posts: 579member
    [quote]Originally posted by BobtheTomato:


    Actually I hope the Frontside bus is silent.</strong><hr></blockquote>


    [ 07-23-2002: Message edited by: O and A ]</p>
  • Reply 431 of 688
    Just to speak up as another Photoshop retoucher (not now but for most of the 90s)...

    I think it's real. The jaggies are pretty consistent.. it's just a heavily compressed jpeg.

    But the bottom has most definitely been airbrushed in photoshop. It has a finer pixel pattern than the rest of the image. Would have been very easy to do right... maybe it's a really fantastic hoaxer trying to psych us out (cue Dr. Evil pinky to mouth)? nah. Maybe there was something identifying down there.

    besides, the motherboards are obviously real. Occam's razor would say, take the whole thing. In fact, I'll take two, please.
  • Reply 432 of 688
    o and ao and a Posts: 579member
    Everyone talks about a photoshop hoax...isn't it possible that this could in fact be a hoax but not involving photoshop?

    Think of it some crafty guy decides to build the front of a fake tower and places it on his own tower or something like that.. is that possible? then u wouldn't notice photoshopping

    because he didn't fake it that way. Then again the mobo seems legit.
  • Reply 433 of 688
    Personally, I think the jaggies and inconsistencies, not to mention the distortion, leads to the conclusion that the pics are actually DV captures (done poorly).

    Somewhere out there, is the original video.....when the video goes online, AI'ers will go apeshjt.

    Just my theory.

  • Reply 434 of 688
    Those are NOT ports on the front for three good reasons.

    1. You already have 2 firewire ports (to rear of case and 4 USB ports (2 to rear of case and 2 on keyboard). Why add 2 more of each??

    2. The pictures despite being not great quaility show that the 'holes' are not flush as such but set at an angle up with the aluminium part at the top.

    [off-site image] <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    There is no other Apple port like that and no reason to have downward facing ports.

    3. No Macs have front mounted ports because it ruins the clean lines of the design ( important to Apple and explained in the design of the LCD iMac). 'Most' people will have a Powermac under the desk and leads out of the front would just get in the way with leads running out of the rear up the back of the desk neater. Sure it would be useful for some people but they can always add external hub. This is Apple.

    The gloss aluminium finish of the vents would marry well the front panel and apple logo on sides.

    It seems that as has been said, air cirulation and effecient cooling are main features on the new G4 photos and details. I would not be at all surpirsed for Apple to be shooting for much quieter machines especially after the noise issues on the QS.


    It is pretty obvious where the speakers will be coming from too:

    Look no further than the eMac. Improved output with 16 watts and the protection of the speaker grills provided with them if needed.

    [ 07-24-2002: Message edited by: sysadmin ]</p>
  • Reply 435 of 688
    zazzaz Posts: 177member
    [quote]Originally posted by Blizaine:


    The hovering pic,...<hr></blockquote>

    That was worth the price of admission!
  • Reply 436 of 688
    My votes:

    1) pic is real

    2) holes = ports

    After seeing that great mock up I think this is definately an Apple design. And why not have four Firewire ports on the front? Apple is pushing digital video and digital audio so hard now. And may still come out with another digital device before the year is out. Besides, it's literally an 'in your face' to USB2.

    Besides there are already four USB ports up front (Jobs' Math...two on keyboard + two on ASD).

    Of course, my opinion + $13.75 will buy you a cup of coffee at Starbucks.

    [ 07-23-2002: Message edited by: Michael Grey ]</p>
  • Reply 437 of 688
    cubitcubit Posts: 846member
    [quote]Originally posted by Gregory Paul:

    <strong>Gah. For all you people questioning the heat sink, can you all say with me "Apple had a computer called the Cube."?

    Come on people. Don't tell people to tell each other to pull their heads out of your asses...sit down, have a nice cup of java and THINK. Jeez. I know you are all excited considering the state of rumors the past couple of months....

    OK, back to the heat sink. The cube was a beast---much heavier than you'd expect for it's size. AND the power supply was separate. What do you think made that thing like 20 lbs? THE HEAT SINK. (It was a at least a quarter of the volume too.) And this new powermac has a variable speed fan. EXCELLENT I say. Now most of the time this thing will be really quiet...who gives a crap if it weighs 5 pounds more than normal?

    ciao-- GP</strong><hr></blockquote>

    <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" /> Hate to admit that, but you are right. Of course, I personally just pretend the power supply doesn't exist and hide it deep under the desk where it fries the mice. I always thought the Cube was heavy so that the desktop wouldn't blow away when I fired up my Cinema Display. <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />
  • Reply 438 of 688
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Actually, the holes for ventilation make sense, given the layout of the internal drives and fans.

    The fan on the bottom behind the front drives has to pull air from *somewhere*, and the ports make it a straight shot over the drives for maximum cooling, then over the heatsink, and out the back.

    If, in fact, this thing is designed for the next generation of CPU, and if, in fact, Apple is really considering the POWER line from IBM, they're going to need all the ventilation they can get - those suckers run much hotter than the G4. Think about the possible future requirements of much hotter chips.
  • Reply 439 of 688
    ibrowseibrowse Posts: 1,749member
    [quote]Originally posted by Moonraker:

    <strong>1. You already have 2 firewire ports (to rear of case and 4 USB ports (2 to rear of case and 2 on keyboard). Why add 2 more of each??</strong><hr></blockquote>

    How do you know that there are two firewire at the rear of the case? I wouldn't trust the PDF if that's what you're going by.
  • Reply 440 of 688
    cubitcubit Posts: 846member
    [quote]Originally posted by macaddled:

    <strong>Just to speak up as another Photoshop retoucher (not now but for most of the 90s)...

    I think it's real. The jaggies are pretty consistent.. it's just a heavily compressed jpeg.

    But the bottom has most definitely been airbrushed in photoshop. It has a finer pixel pattern than the rest of the image. Would have been very easy to do right... maybe it's a really fantastic hoaxer trying to psych us out (cue Dr. Evil pinky to mouth)? nah. Maybe there was something identifying down there.

    besides, the motherboards are obviously real. Occam's razor would say, take the whole thing. In fact, I'll take two, please.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    <img src="graemlins/surprised.gif" border="0" alt="[Surprised]" /> <img src="graemlins/surprised.gif" border="0" alt="[Surprised]" /> SAY THE MAGIC WORD AND WIN A PRIZE! Haven't seen Occam's razor invoked for many moons. This Board is getting WAY Too Intelligent.
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