New PowerMac pictures leaked



  • Reply 401 of 688
    mokimoki Posts: 551member
    [quote]Originally posted by apple.otaku:

    <strong>Paging Dorsal Moki... Get your butt in here and tell us what you think of these developments!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Sorry, I've no idea. I haven't seen any of the new machines -- if I had, I'd be under NDA. I just know people who are using prototypes of machines in various stages of development.
  • Reply 402 of 688
    [quote]Originally posted by Mindtrics:

    <strong>umm the pictures have disappeared. Can someone link them...</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Here it is agian for those who missed it, your very own REBEL who STILL has not got a peep from "Apple Legal"

    <a href=""; target="_blank">Click to see photos</a>

    [ 07-23-2002: Message edited by: Jonathan Brisby ]</p>
  • Reply 403 of 688
    [quote]Originally posted by Moonraker:

    <strong>I was surprised that despite updating the Think Secret web site this morning ( 23/07) Nick de Plume makes NO mention whatsoever about this :confused: . The latest article simply discusses some detail of Office X. Not even a comment in their forum.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    They want to keep their passes for MWSF <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
  • Reply 404 of 688
    Re: multiple processors and big heat sink.

    As much as the notion of a quadG4 sounds like the DB, the current Kernel of Darwin only supports 2 processors.

    On the other hand, the new PowerMacs are rumored to be released with 10.2 which maybe has a revised kernel. Hmmm. I think we would have heard about that by now. Enough people have played with Jaguar preview to have noticed and it is unlikely to be the kind of revision that is added at the last second before the product is shipped.

    (Er, off the top of my head, I think hostinfo at command line will give you information like Kernel version (current release is 5.5) and number of processors supported.)

  • Reply 405 of 688
    cipher13cipher13 Posts: 30member
    [quote]Originally posted by Smircle:

    <strong>Originally posted by Cipher13:

    Maybe you could do us a favor and just shut the f u c k up or else give us reasons to believe its a photoshopped img. Is 13 your age or why are you constantly claiming "fake fake" without giving us telltale traces of image manipulation (misalignments, wrong shadows...)?

    BTW I am quite sure the faceplate points to a new case design other than el Capitan. Looks like we'll see a more square design with a curvature similar to the TiBooks/iBooks.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Tell me, smircle, are you really as stupid as you appear?

    I hope for your sake it's an act... but I have little hope of that. It seems that the most likely scenario is that you're either eleven years old, or your mind is equivalent regardless.

    Whoa, that was a big word... three syllables... you okay with that one, or do you want me to tone it down a little?

    I mean, I don't wanna throw the heavy insults at you... it's evident you're just a beginner... "is that your shoe size, or your IQ? HAHAHAHAHA". Yeah, funny.

    If you were capable of reading and comprehending, you'd see that my first post in this thread were the exact reasons which you asked for. See?

    Oh, what, you missed that post? You joined the thread late? Well, could somebody call a doctor to help Smircle remove his foot from his mouth? And maybe the pole from his ass, at the same time...

    Eugene - I refer you to the same post of mine, more respectfully. I believe there is evidence that it's photoshopped... outweighing any reasonable doubt. If I'm wrong, I'll happily admit it... I just don't believe I am in this instance. Quite strongly.
  • Reply 406 of 688
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    I strongly urge both of you to stop this flame war immediately.

    Please keep the discussion on the topic at hand. Thanks.
  • Reply 407 of 688
    olliolli Posts: 39member
    [quote]Originally posted by Cipher13:

    Eugene - I refer you to the same post of mine, more respectfully. I believe there is evidence that it's photoshopped... outweighing any reasonable doubt. If I'm wrong, I'll happily admit it... I just don't believe I am in this instance. Quite strongly.[/QB]<hr></blockquote>

    Yes we know that already , as stated earlier in this thread. The photo IS photoshopped, but probably only so to delete the background around the machine.

    (and people , do your flame wars with private mail please , this forum supports it)
  • Reply 408 of 688
    The photos are not photoshopped.

    The pdf seems dodgy. If it was produced by apple, it would feel like apple. Apple font, logo, graphics.

    The pdf seem to have been drawn from the photos - and a little off at that. The speaker in the pdf is higher than that in the photo. The vents/ports at the bottom are lower on the pdf than the pic. For something having very little tech detail - to have the weight of the fan is not consistent with the vague nature of the page.

    I say disregard the pdf and the 7lb heatsink, etc.

    I read the number on the board as: 820-1309-02 if that helps anyone.

    The photographed machine is apple - but a prototype of the latest g4, or a revision we are yet to see? Who knows...
  • Reply 409 of 688
    olliolli Posts: 39member
    Someone at MacNN made an Apple pic of it with photoshop , look s good.

    <a href=";f=12;t=005790;p=2"; target="_blank">;f=12;t=005790;p=2</a>;

    [off site image]

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    [ 07-24-2002: Message edited by: sysadmin ]</p>
  • Reply 410 of 688
    maskermasker Posts: 451member
    If the specs are good, then I'm buying that.

    If the specs are okay I'm buying that.

    Can't wait to see pricing.

    $1499 for the 1 Ghz??

  • Reply 411 of 688
    thatguythatguy Posts: 18member
    Anyone see anything that could resemble a mini-dsp on the mobo?

    BTW, I'm beginning to think that this was a sanctioned Apple leak, intentionally made to look as if its not one. Comes right after a weak MWNY, everyone is pissy, etc. The guy had his hands on this machine obviously, yet all we get are tantalizing generic and only semi-useful info from him. It seems too coincidental. Oooh, look, there's a big heatsink! Whatever could it be? The only thing it shows is DDR, which is a given since its on the Xserve. Of course, it doesnt tell us if its faux DDR (bandwidth to the CPU remains the same) or not.
  • Reply 412 of 688


    ...Wow! so it's not butt-ugly after all.



    We still don't really know how fast the bugger's gonna be yet do we?


    [ 07-24-2002: Message edited by: sysadmin ]</p>
  • Reply 413 of 688
    thatguythatguy Posts: 18member
    That speaker is annoying me. It's like a 3rd eye or something. Maybe its not a speaker at all. Maybe thats where the RDF emanates from. Never thought of that, did you?
  • Reply 414 of 688
    jaddiejaddie Posts: 110member
    Dear Friends

    Do you really think Apple will release a pro box that&rsquo;s as inelegant as what&rsquo;s depicted above?

    The last Power Mac that Apple released that looked so unfinished was the original Power Macintosh G3.

    Depicted above is another rehashed version of El Capitan, which, though long in the tooth, is still the best pro desktop case ever designed. (I&rsquo;m saying &ldquo;best&rdquo; to mean the best combination of functionality and aesthetics.)


  • Reply 415 of 688
    Let me say a few words about the holes in the front.

    I think they are USB/firewire ports. It's already been mentioned that to plug a digital camera or something like that into the back of a computer is a pain, and it's not 'user friendly'. I think apple will be putting at least one of each in the near future. It would make sense.

    Now it's not in the apple style to put a little plastic hatch like i've seen in pc's. Nor would it be apple's style to have ugly bare plugs at the front. The sockets are hidden by the tilt of the hole.

    I don't really like the way it's done on these photos, but i couldn't think of a way to do it any better and prettier...

    And can someone ring the number on the cease and desist and check if it's genuine for this case?

    [ 07-23-2002: Message edited by: lucid_one ]</p>
  • Reply 416 of 688
    cobracobra Posts: 253member
    Well, the new iMac has the ports on the back and its a machine that is suppose to be "user friendly".

    Form over function I guess.
  • Reply 417 of 688
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by Jaddie:

    <strong>Dear Friends

    Do you really think Apple will release a pro box that&rsquo;s as inelegant as what&rsquo;s depicted above?

    The last Power Mac that Apple released that looked so unfinished was the original Power Macintosh G3.

    Depicted above is another rehashed version of El Capitan, which, though long in the tooth, is still the best pro desktop case ever designed. (I&rsquo;m saying &ldquo;best&rdquo; to mean the best combination of functionality and aesthetics.)



    We all said the same thing when the QS's were leaked. They looked aweful then too.

    [quote] Let me say a few words about the holes in the front.

    I think they are USB/firewire ports. It's already been mentioned that to plug a digital camera or something like that into the back of a computer is a pain, and it's not 'user friendly'. I think apple will be putting at least one of each in the near future. It would make sense.

    Now it's not in the apple style to put a little plastic hatch like i've seen in pc's. Nor would it be apple's style to have ugly bare plugs at the front. The sockets are hidden by the tilt of the hole.

    I don't really like the way it's done on these photos, but i couldn't think of a way to do it any better and prettier...

    And can someone ring the number on the cease and desist and check if it's genuine for this case? <hr></blockquote>

    The french site that broke the stories with the pics has since rmoved the pics and in place is the cease and desist letter from Apple legal.

    Also, 4 ports on the front, assuming 2 USB and 2 FW would not look clean in the ducts as the plugs are different sizes. Not sure why they'd be just air vents but someone has said because possibly the processor is huge.
  • Reply 418 of 688
    It's a lot harder with a tower. you have to to crawl under your desk, walk around to the other side, or pull it closer and turn it. Pain in the arse.

    The imac is always going to be within reach. i do see your point though, and think they should have one of each port on the front of the imac. But this bring us back to the problem that no other computer maker seems to have worked out - how to make it look good.

    This is better than anything i've seen before.
  • Reply 419 of 688
    blizaineblizaine Posts: 239member
    Those holes are not vents or ports!

    They are on the back as well, and will be used for the new (TEHP) "Turbine Enforced, Hover-Propulsion" technology that will allow the G4 to hover above your desk.

    It?s very cool!
  • Reply 420 of 688
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member
    Apple should just release a keyboard with USB & Firewire. Plug it into two ports in back and have one cable coming out to the front. The ports could be positioned below the USB ports and since the FW electronics wouldn't actually be integrated with the USB Keyboard, they could even draw power.
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