New PowerMac pictures leaked



  • Reply 581 of 688
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member

  • Reply 582 of 688
    animaniacanimaniac Posts: 122member
    Thank you.
  • Reply 583 of 688
    penheadpenhead Posts: 45member
    Gosh .. What ... happened ...?
  • Reply 584 of 688
    animaniacanimaniac Posts: 122member
    [quote]Originally posted by groverat:

    <strong>This thread was gone for what? 20 minutes? And you freaks act like 5-year-old ninnies.


    That's the only reason it IS back in 20 minutes as far as I am concerned. The only way to get service, as I am sure many have learned in what is known as the real world, is to yell and bitch until your point is heard. So now, back on topic.

    Macbidouille says new powermac by the 5th and DDR333. Truth or fiction?
  • Reply 584 of 688
    The thread is back! Hoo-ray!

    Hey Mods and Admins? Just curious about why it was removed in the first place. Did apple ask(via lawyers) you to remove any pics and links to pics? Would this kind of maintenance require taking the thread down while you removed them?

    Thats My guess. But I'm kind of slow.

    Anyway, I wanted to point out, that despite the fact that the pictures apparently don't exist anymore, that there are some suspect dark patches on the side panel of the case.

    I showed the pictures to my brother yesterday and he pointed to the side panel, the folding door, and asked "Does that say G5?"

    It took me a little while to see it, but on the side panel there are hints of something dark on the door. I personally think they are just shadows, but they are in the places where a G and a 5 would be, if apple were to copy its design scheme of the old B&W G3s. Anyone else see this?

    For the record, i think its a CO-INCIDENCE, but I am interested in what you all think.
  • Reply 586 of 688
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    hey, I just wrote a seriously long ass reply to the question of whether or not the pics in question were real and when I went to post the whole F-ING thread was gone.

    In my opinion they are real and the letter, the pics and other net sources prove it (to my mind) conclusively.

    Furthermore, I believe that the units in question are already being mass produced and that the pictures had to come from someone working on the assembly or on final quality control/packaging (due to the poor/hasty quality) It follows reasonably that enough people are now daily seeing these macs that it is impossible to pinpoint the source from the picture, many would have had similar opportunity to leak this photo by now, which is why someone did.


    Further evidence the cease and dissist as it appears on <a href=""; target="_blank">this Macbidouille page</a>:

    This letter is on behalf of our client, Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple"), and relates to the public postings and display of photos and files purporting to be depictions of future Apple products ("Material") on your web site at .

    Pursuant to Apple internal policies, this type of Material is not permitted to be disclosed or published to any unauthorized persons. By continuing to publish, display, or link to the Material, you and your company may be disclosing Apple confidential business information and/or Apple trade secrets and also may be held liable for infringing Apple's rights under various federal and state laws.

    Therefore, we request that you cease and desist from displaying the Material on all web sites and servers under your control, including any hyperlinks to other locations where the Material may be available.

    Because this is a matter we take very seriously, we ask that you immediately confirm in writing that you have removed the Material from your web site.



    Arent Fox Kintner Plotkin & Kahn, PLLC

    1050 Connecticut Avenue, NW

    Washington, DC 20036-5339

    Phone 202/857-6000

    Fax 202/857-6395

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>

    Notice the passive voice? This is legal speak for we haven't any actual power but we'll try our best to sound authoritative. " not permitted?" Really? Not permitted by whom? What law? Which state? Where the law and remedy are clear, the cease and desist is also equally clear. In this case it's just carefully worded to sound that way.

    You mean not permitted by Apple? Well yes. You have the right to your secrets. But look also to the state and federal laws alluded to in the letter. More legal gobbledygook. Yes, apple has remedy against those that 'disclose' private information in violation of contracts (not I, you, AI, or Macbidouille have any such contract). Furthermore, the publisher of the information is not disclosing a trade secret, which has by the very admission implicit in this letter already been disclosed. It is now a news item that Apple has no ability to control outside of legal intimidation. Any recourse Apple has is against the individual who made the disclosure in violation of some contract or agreement. I had cited examples as diverse as Ford Motor Company and the Pam and Tommy Lee sex tape, but I'm too lazy to type it again.

    Rest assured, it is the opinion of this poster, that those pics are both real and in production, and that the models they depict are due soon, probably being stock-piled for immeadiate availability of at least some models once they are announced. Furthermore, the Aug 5 date mentioned in the old thread makes sense in that it gives enough time for Apple to invite people to a special event and debut the new machines.


    [ 07-24-2002: Message edited by: Matsu ]</p>
  • Reply 587 of 688
    bodhibodhi Posts: 1,424member
    Matsu - You have made your point.
  • Reply 588 of 688
    This thread has been edited to comply with the requests of Apple's attorneys at Arent Fox.

    Please refrain from posting images in this thread, or it will be deleted.

    "Matsu", I would suggest calming down a bit.
  • Reply 589 of 688
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Well, I was perfectly content to post it here (the kinder original) but after a much more lucid account of the information and the letter got lost in the 'wait it's here, no it's gone, wait, it's back again' thread flux I typed up that thing above your post, Bohdi, and I started a new thread. Then that dissapeared so I started another one, then that got moved, so I started redirecting, then that dissapeared too, but this finally reappeared so I'm happy to post this back here.

    Steve, you really are an a$$, I think I'm going to have to change my sig again.
  • Reply 589 of 688
    animaniacanimaniac Posts: 122member
    [quote]Originally posted by sysadmin:

    <strong>This thread has been edited to comply with the requests of Apple's attorneys at Arent Fox.

    Please refrain from posting images in this thread, or it will be deleted.


    Easy enough We're an easy bunch to please you know...
  • Reply 591 of 688
    [quote]Originally posted by Matsu:

    <strong>PS, F-you Steve, we'll teach you to fvck with our press passes.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Matsu, get your head out of your ass. AI doesn't have anything to do with press passes.

    We're a messageboard, we have no reporters or anything.

    Consider this a warning. We don't suffer fools.
  • Reply 592 of 688
    animaniacanimaniac Posts: 122member
    Can we get this thread back on course, I need my fill of rampant and baseless speculation.
  • Reply 593 of 688
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member


    ...We don't suffer fools.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />

    [ 07-24-2002: Message edited by: Matsu ]</p>
  • Reply 593 of 688
    Personally, i'm Glad the pics have been removed.

    Not only does Apple's reaction confirm our suspicions that the pics are real, but it makes those of us who saw them and downloaded copies of them as soon as they appeared feel justified.

    As for those of you who DIDN'T see them, too bad! Thats what you get for having a life, and not cruising the web for mac-rumors constantly!
  • Reply 593 of 688
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    [quote]That's the only reason it IS back in 20 minutes as far as I am concerned.<hr></blockquote>

    All the weeping and wailing from the morons did was make the process more tense and slow, actually.

    Have you ever had to deal with a young child who wanted a bottle but kept screaming and breaking things to show his displeasure all the while you're trying to get the bottle ready so you have to neglect fixing the bottle to tend to the child?

    It's like that.
  • Reply 596 of 688
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    Apple Fools! Now we know the pics are REAL! Hahahhah in the end we get what we want.


    Now I expect G4 procs at 1.6Ghz with DDR 400.

    Thank you Arent Fox!
  • Reply 596 of 688
    animaniacanimaniac Posts: 122member
    [quote]Originally posted by groverat:


    All the weeping and wailing from the morons did was make the process more tense and slow, actually.

    Have you ever had to deal with a young child who wanted a bottle but kept screaming and breaking things to show his displeasure all the while you're trying to get the bottle ready so you have to neglect fixing the bottle to tend to the child?

    It's like that. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    But in this case the "child" didn't know you were preparing the "bottle." Maybe if that were known, things would have been much different. And only children on the internet like to make insults purporting someone's juvenile nature. I have yet to see my fellow adults call someone childish when they know not the person's age.

    [ 07-24-2002: Message edited by: Animaniac ]</p>
  • Reply 596 of 688
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member

    is that expressed breast milk or formula?
  • Reply 599 of 688
    Enough Flames!

    I for one am glad the thread is back. I say we return to our rampant and baseless speculation.
  • Reply 600 of 688
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member
    Rampant and baseless speculation?

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