Viruses, you got 'em.



  • Reply 81 of 111
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member

    Originally posted by alcimedes

    lol, from the front page of /.

    "FBI security guys are using Macs because, 'those machines can do just about anything: run software for Mac, Unix, or Windows, using either a GUI or the command line. And they're secure out of the box.' Another good quote: 'If you're a bad guy and you want to frustrate law enforcement, use a Mac.'"

    I posted that waaaaaay back in the 10th post in this thread.

    Funny, Clive ignored that.


    Clive, it's simple: put up, or shut up. Write the damned virus you claim is so simple, and sic it on us. Let us play with it. Hell, I've got a LAN here I can take offline and let the little bugger run free, if you'd like. Might be fun to watch, I know I'd rather enjoy seeing the first ever MacOS X virus actually work...

    Until then, you've got all the credibility of those wackos who said "Well, you can't prove that there *aren't* aliens behind that comet ready to take us away, now can you?!" And they offed themselves.

    So please, either write one of your super-simple VIRUSES (which *is* correct, you dinkus), or let this thread die a less ignoble death than it's headed for, m'kay?
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 82 of 111
    are you asking him to be as stubborn as you were with the viruses/virii thing
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  • Reply 83 of 111
    cliveclive Posts: 720member

    Originally posted by Wrong Robot

    are you asking him to be as stubborn as you were with the viruses/virii thing

    I'm saying I've already proven the point. Don't keep asking me to do the card trick again just so you can see up my sleeve.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 84 of 111
    cliveclive Posts: 720member

    Originally posted by Kickaha

    I posted that waaaaaay back in the 10th post in this thread.

    Funny, Clive ignored that.

    Uh, read my comment about "CANADA" above. You might care to ponder what caused *me* to post this thread in the first place, drongo.

    I've got nothing further to prove given that I have already proven that people can take advantage of you machine without your knowledge.

    Really, to keep on arguing that point is quite stupid.

    So, shut up yourself unless you can prove that I am wrong - which you cannot.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 85 of 111
    Just as I *Firmly* proved that viruses is the plural of virii but you wouldn't give up \ but rather than just admitting you were mistaken, you chose to dilute the original argument, accuse me of being calling you a limey, and in the end I'll bet you still think you're right
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 86 of 111
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Sorry... proof?

    You had proof of something?

    Or was this like your googling for 'camra' and finding a bunch for sale on eBay, so of course that must be how it's spelled? <- sarcasm for the humor impaired, meant to be an analogy to 'proving' that virii is the 'proper' plural form of virus because 100,000 idiots on the web *can't* be wrong...
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 87 of 111
    cliveclive Posts: 720member

    Originally posted by Wrong Robot

    Just as I *Firmly* proved that viruses...

    So, what are you saying, JavaScript DOS attack cannot happen?
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 88 of 111

    Originally posted by Clive

    So, what are you saying, JavaScript DOS attack cannot happen?

    No, I'm saying you shouldn't be so surprised that people can be so stubborn.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 89 of 111
    cliveclive Posts: 720member

    Originally posted by Kickaha

    Sorry... proof?

    Do you want to argue about spelling or do you want to argue about security?
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 90 of 111

    Originally posted by Kickaha

    Sorry... proof?

    You had proof of something?

    Or was this like your googling for 'camra' and finding a bunch for sale on eBay, so of course that must be how it's spelled? <- sarcasm for the humor impaired, meant to be an analogy to 'proving' that virii is the 'proper' plural form of virus because 100,000 idiots on the web *can't* be wrong...

    but yet thousands of mac-users can easily be wrong for thinking that their OS is more or less impermeable to serious 'malware'

    edit: in case that wasn't clear, it seems to me the initial post was trying to say "all you people are wrong about mac os x being so safe, and just because all of you think that it is doesn't mean it is"
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 91 of 111
    cliveclive Posts: 720member

    Originally posted by Wrong Robot

    No, I'm saying you shouldn't be so surprised that people can be so stubborn.

    So, we therefore accept that *bad things can happen* that are outside our sphere of knowledge?

    I think that's QED, no?
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 92 of 111
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member

    Originally posted by Clive

    Uh, read my comment about "CANADA" above. You might care to ponder what caused *me* to post this thread in the first place, drongo.

    I've got nothing further to prove given that I have already proven that people can take advantage of you machine without your knowledge.

    Really, to keep on arguing that point is quite stupid.

    So, shut up yourself unless you can prove that I am wrong - which you cannot.

    No, because, you irrational moron, you can't prove a negative. Jeez. First premise of this little thing we like to call LOGIC.


    "No, there doesn't."

    "PROVE IT!"

    Well duh, you frickin' can't.

    It's up to the one stating the existence of such a beast to prove it by offering up one for evidence.

    You've failed to do so.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 93 of 111
    cliveclive Posts: 720member

    Originally posted by Wrong Robot

    but yet thousands of mac-users can easily be wrong for thinking that their OS is more or less impermeable to serious 'malware'

    Millions of people think that petrol is flammable, but in fact it's petrol vapour that burns.

    Users aren't technical, they don't know.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 94 of 111
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    so what's with the FUD title to your thread?
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  • Reply 95 of 111
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member

    Originally posted by Clive

    Do you want to argue about spelling or do you want to argue about security?

    The spelling was your mistake, you've been called on it, you were wrong.

    The security you've failed to prove your assertion that viruses exist for MacOS X. Show us one.

    You claim you can whip one up in no time. Show us one.

    Just provide any evidence for your claims, is all we're asking.

    You're the one making irrational claims, I don't see why it's on our heads to disprove your religious beliefs.

     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 96 of 111
    cliveclive Posts: 720member

    Originally posted by Kickaha

    No, because, you irrational moron, you can't prove a negative. Jeez. First premise of this little thing we like to call LOGIC.

    Well, use it. I already proved that a JavaScript DOS attack is possible, tell me where the logic of that is wrong?

    You say there are no vulnerabilities, I have just shown one.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 97 of 111
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    I NEVER said that.

    YOU said that there are viruses for the Mac, that it is "just as vulnerable" as Windows.

    THAT was YOUR assertion.

    Prove the existence of such viruses, or prove that the Mac is "just as vulnerable" as Windows. Heck, come within a reasonable delta for that last one.

    MacOS X is *more* secure than Windows, in its default installation. Period. That is quite provable within a reasonable doubt.

    You're the one making absolute claims. Prove them.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 98 of 111
    maybe DOS in a web Javascript are a form of vulnerability, but not a virus

    so for the extra security conscious folk who turn javascript off in Safari's Preferences, no risk again.

    where's the virus threat ?

    if you can do it, there's more than 20 bucks at stake,

    you'd probably get job offers from the security establishment to do consulting
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 99 of 111
    cliveclive Posts: 720member

    Originally posted by Kickaha

    You're the one making absolute claims. Prove them.

    No, you are claiming that I am wrong, that's an absolute.

    Someone else claimed I was wrong - I proved otherwise.

    What I wrote was that the risk to X was "lower" than Windows, it's in the thread, read through it.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 100 of 111
    cliveclive Posts: 720member

    Originally posted by curiousuburb

    so for the extra security conscious folk who turn javascript off in Safari's Preferences

    So what have you proven, that you closed one of the vulnerabilities that you said previously did not exist.

    How many more in your mind "do not exist"?

    I've nothing to prove here.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
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