
in General Discussion edited January 2014
What religious convictions do you hold an why or why not.

Firstly, this is a controversial topic, so please don't post abuse or 'superiorise' what you believe in over others'.

Okay I am basically agnostic and/or atheist. Why you say? Well, there are numerous reasons, but mainly due to the fact that no good reason has been presented to me to believe in God. To me it is easier to believe in science and facts to explain the universe we live in.

I believe something is out there to explain the existence of the universe, but religion will not explain it for me. It seems to raise many more questions, and upholds too many contradictions.

So, your turn. m.


  • Reply 1 of 158
    jwri004jwri004 Posts: 626member
    I am an unbeliever.

    For those who are unsure of the difference between being an atheist or being agnostic:

    Atheist = someone who denies the existence of god

    Agnostic = one who believes that it is impossible to know whether there is a god

    ps hope I'm right when my time comes!!!
  • Reply 2 of 158
    jwri004jwri004 Posts: 626member
    Should also note that I do have some beliefs.

    Treat people how you yourself would like to treated. Got nothing to do with the 'big fella upstairs', but still a belief I suppose.
  • Reply 3 of 158
    giaguaragiaguara Posts: 2,724member
    statistically (in census) .. with the "not necessary, if yoyu answer tick only one" >> catholic, buddhist AND atheist. and no problem with that.

    according to the religions that think like me (in percentages):

    Mahayana Buddhism (100%)

    Neo-Pagan (84%)

    Theravada Buddhism (83%)

    New Age (82%)

    Unitarian Universalism (77%)

    Taoism (76%)

    Hinduism (74%)

    New Thought (71%)

    Liberal Quakers (64%)

    Scientology (62%)

    Jainism (56%)

    Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (55%)

    Sikhism (49%)

    Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (47%)

    Secular Humanism (44%)

    Orthodox Quaker (42%)

    Reform Judaism (37%)

    Bahá'Ã* Faith (24%)

    Non-theist (24%)

    Orthodox Judaism (16%)

    Seventh Day Adventist (14%)_

    Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant (12%)

    Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (10%)

    Jehovah's Witness (10%)

    Islam (6%)

    Eastern Orthodox (1%)

    Roman Catholic (1%)

    ... when answering to the questions as "makes sense" to me.
  • Reply 4 of 158
    jwri004jwri004 Posts: 626member
    On line tests are fun - though interpretation is important. This one was a little muddled with 'importance to me' option as well.

    My results:

    # 1. Secular Humanism (100%)

    # 2. \tUnitarian Universalism (96%)

    # 3. \tTheravada Buddhism (85%)

    # 4. \tLiberal Quakers (78%)

    # 5. \tNon-theist (77%)

    # 6. \tNeo-Pagan (69%)

    # 7. \tLiberal Christian Protestants (62%)

    # 8. \tMahayana Buddhism (57%)

    # 9. \tNew Age (52%)

    # 10. \tTaoism (49%)

    # 11. \tReform Judaism (44%)

    # 12. \tNew Thought (40%)

    # 13. \tJainism (36%)

    # 14. \tOrthodox Quaker (36%)

    # 15. \tSikhism (36%)

    # 16. \tChristian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (33%)

    # 17. \tScientology (33%)

    # 18. \tBahá'Ã* Faith (29%)

    # 19. \tHinduism (29%)

    # 20. \tConservative Christian Protestant (24%)

    # 21. \tChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (22%)

    # 22. \tEastern Orthodox (22%)

    # 23. \tIslam (22%)

    # 24. \tOrthodox Judaism (22%)

    # 25. \tRoman Catholic (22%)

    # 26. \tJehovah's Witness (14%)

    # 27. \tSeventh Day Adventist (11%)
  • Reply 5 of 158
    i am a christian
  • Reply 6 of 158
    i belong to the church of "I Don't Care"

    i don't care if there is a god or wouldn't change a thing for me...i would still treat people the same, would still raise my children the same...would still be exactly the same person and still do everything the same way i do now each and every day...

    not that i judge religious people...if religion makes you stronger, then god bless...i just ask that you not judge me (at least to my face) for feeling just dandy about myself the way i am

    if, when i die, there is a god and he/she/it wants to judge me...hey, i have no probs with that...that would be his/her/its biggie...i've been pretty happy with the hand i've been dealt...i don't expect that mind set to change after i've taken my final breath


    oh, and i punched atheist up top...probably more an agnostic and that fits with the "i don't care" aspect...but agnostic seems so wishy-washy...atheist sounds so much more sure and it pisses more people off when you say you're an atheist

    ps.. i would love if everyone got what they believed in: if you didn't believe in an afterlife, you died and that was it; you believed in reincarnation, you died and were reborn; you believed in heaven and hell, you died and either went to heaven or hell...then everyone would be happy (well, except those people in hell)
  • Reply 7 of 158

    Originally posted by thegelding

    i belong to the church of "I Don't Care"

    i don't care if there is a god or not...if religion makes you stronger, then god bless

  • Reply 8 of 158
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    I took that test trying to match my answers at 15 years old:

    # 1. \tChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (100%)

    # 2. \tBahá'Ã* Faith (98%)

    # 3. \tJehovah's Witness (96%)

    # 4. \tOrthodox Judaism (89%)

    # 5. \tSikhism (78%)

    # 6. \tIslam (75%)

    # 7. \tHinduism (75%)

    # 8. \tMainline - Conservative Christian Protestant (74%)

    # 9. \tJainism (73%)

    # 10. \tMainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (72%)

    # 11. \tSeventh Day Adventist (62%)

    # 12. \tEastern Orthodox (61%)

    # 13. \tRoman Catholic (61%)

    # 14. \tLiberal Quakers (59%)

    # 15. \tTheravada Buddhism (59%)

    # 16. \tMahayana Buddhism (58%)

    # 17. \tReform Judaism (56%)

    # 18. \tOrthodox Quaker (55%)

    # 19. \tChristian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (51%)

    # 20. \tUnitarian Universalism (51%)

    # 21. \tNew Thought (33%)

    # 22. \tNeo-Pagan (29%)

    # 23. \tScientology (28%)

    # 24. \tNew Age (27%)

    # 25. \tTaoism (27%)

    # 26. \tNon-theist (14%)

    # 27. \tSecular Humanism (13%)

    I think that is perfect for myself at 15, at the peak of my being a good LDS boy.

    Now, for myself in the present (22).

    # 1. \tUnitarian Universalism (100%)

    # 2. \tLiberal Quakers (92%)

    # 3. \tMainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (82%)

    # 4. \tMahayana Buddhism (82%)

    # 5. \tNew Age (80%)

    # 6. \tHinduism (80%)

    # 7. \tNeo-Pagan (80%)

    # 8. \tTheravada Buddhism (80%)

    # 9. \tNew Thought (78%)

    # 10. \tTaoism (74%)

    # 11. \tJainism (72%)

    # 12. \tScientology (72%)

    # 13. \tChristian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (71%)

    # 14. \tSecular Humanism (71%)

    # 15. \tBahá'Ã* Faith (69%)

    # 16. \tReform Judaism (67%)

    # 17. \tOrthodox Quaker (65%)

    # 18. \tSikhism (55%)

    # 19. \tNon-theist (50%)

    # 20. \tOrthodox Judaism (47%)

    # 21. \tSeventh Day Adventist (42%)

    # 22. \tIslam (41%)

    # 23. \tMainline - Conservative Christian Protestant (32%)

    # 24. \tChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (30%)

    # 25. \tEastern Orthodox (26%)

    # 26. \tRoman Catholic (26%)

    # 27. \tJehovah's Witness (20%)

    I'm surprised LDS is that low, but it's just an Internet poll.
  • Reply 9 of 158
    brbr Posts: 8,395member
    I embrace uncertainty. I don't know all the answers and I'm not afraid to accept that some questions will never be answered in my lifetime. I will, however, do my best to try to find the answers to these questions. That is why I am going back to school after I complete my MBA and MHRM to study astrophysics.
  • Reply 10 of 158
    brbr Posts: 8,395member
    Here are the results from that silly test:

    Your Results:


    Secular Humanism (100%)

    Browse Secular Humanism related books.__Click here for info


    Unitarian Universalism (91%)

    Browse Unitarian Universalism related books.__Click here for info


    Non-theist (87%)

    Browse Non-theist related books.__Click here for info


    Theravada Buddhism (73%)

    Browse Theravada Buddhism related books.__Click here for info


    Liberal Quakers (66%)

    Browse Liberal Quakers related books.__Click here for info


    Neo-Pagan (53%)

    Browse Neo-Pagan related books.__Click here for info


    Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (51%)

    Browse Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants related books.__Click here for info


    New Age (36%)

    Browse New Age related books.__Click here for info


    Taoism (36%)

    Browse Taoism related books.__Click here for info


    Reform Judaism (34%)

    Browse Reform Judaism related books.__Click here for info


    Mahayana Buddhism (30%)

    Browse Mahayana Buddhism related books.__Click here for info


    New Thought (21%)

    Browse New Thought related books.__Click here for info


    Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (17%)

    Browse Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) related books.__Click here for info


    Orthodox Quaker (17%)

    Browse Orthodox Quaker related books.__Click here for info


    Sikhism (17%)

    Browse Sikhism related books.__Click here for info


    Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant (13%)

    Browse Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant related books.__Click here for info


    Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (12%)

    Browse Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) related books.__Click here for info


    Scientology (12%)

    Browse Scientology related books.__Click here for info


    Bahá'Ã* Faith (8%)

    Browse Bahá'Ã* Faith related books.__Click here for info


    Eastern Orthodox (8%)

    Browse Eastern Orthodox related books.__Click here for info


    Hinduism (8%)

    Browse Hinduism related books.__Click here for info


    Islam (8%)

    Browse Islam related books.__Click here for info


    Jainism (8%)

    Browse Jainism related books.__Click here for info


    Orthodox Judaism (8%)

    Browse Orthodox Judaism related books.__Click here for info


    Roman Catholic (8%)

    Browse Roman Catholic related books.__Click here for info


    Seventh Day Adventist (8%)

    Browse Seventh Day Adventist related books.__Click here for info


    Jehovah's Witness (0%)

    Browse Jehovah's Witness related books.__Click here for info
  • Reply 11 of 158
    shawnjshawnj Posts: 6,656member
    Your Results:


    Secular Humanism (100%)

    Browse Secular Humanism related books.__Click here for info


    Unitarian Universalism (90%)

    Browse Unitarian Universalism related books.__Click here for info


    Liberal Quakers (79%)

    Browse Liberal Quakers related books.__Click here for info


    Neo-Pagan (69%)

    Browse Neo-Pagan related books.__Click here for info


    Non-theist (68%)

    Browse Non-theist related books.__Click here for info


    Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (65%)

    Browse Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants related books.__Click here for info


    Theravada Buddhism (65%)

    Browse Theravada Buddhism related books.__Click here for info


    New Age (58%)

    Browse New Age related books.__Click here for info


    Taoism (49%)

    Browse Taoism related books.__Click here for info


    Orthodox Quaker (46%)

    Browse Orthodox Quaker related books.__Click here for info


    Reform Judaism (46%)

    Browse Reform Judaism related books.__Click here for info


    Mahayana Buddhism (45%)

    Browse Mahayana Buddhism related books.__Click here for info


    Bahá'Ã* Faith (32%)

    Browse Bahá'Ã* Faith related books.__Click here for info


    Sikhism (32%)

    Browse Sikhism related books.__Click here for info


    New Thought (31%)

    Browse New Thought related books.__Click here for info


    Jainism (30%)

    Browse Jainism related books.__Click here for info


    Scientology (27%)

    Browse Scientology related books.__Click here for info


    Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (25%)

    Browse Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) related books.__Click here for info


    Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (24%)

    Browse Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) related books.__Click here for info


    Seventh Day Adventist (20%)

    Browse Seventh Day Adventist related books.__Click here for info


    Hinduism (18%)

    Browse Hinduism related books.__Click here for info


    Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant (18%)

    Browse Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant related books.__Click here for info


    Eastern Orthodox (16%)

    Browse Eastern Orthodox related books.__Click here for info


    Islam (16%)

    Browse Islam related books.__Click here for info


    Orthodox Judaism (16%)

    Browse Orthodox Judaism related books.__Click here for info


    Roman Catholic (16%)

    Browse Roman Catholic related books.__Click here for info


    Jehovah's Witness (13%)

    Browse Jehovah's Witness related books.__Click here for info
  • Reply 12 of 158

    Originally posted by mattjohndrow

    sorry if that was confusing...if religion makes "you" stronger ("you" would be mattjohndrow in this case), then god bless (as in, i am happy for you and support your chose of being religious)...

    religion wouldn't make me any stronger, as i feel mighty strong right now as i am

    i even support any religion you chose, though i am slightly unsure of any religion that says, "think like i do or burn in hell"...i don't think any god would be overly petty...much too human of an emotion...god would be better, stronger, kinder, smarter than that

  • Reply 13 of 158
    aslan^aslan^ Posts: 599member
  • Reply 14 of 158
    daverdaver Posts: 496member
    My results, as a raised-Catholic 22 year-old who thinks that most people take religion far too seriously:

    1._Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (100%)

    2._Orthodox Quaker (98%)

    3._Liberal Quakers (85%)

    4._Eastern Orthodox (82%)

    5._Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant (82%)

    6._Roman Catholic (82%)

    7._Seventh Day Adventist (78%)

    8._Unitarian Universalism (73%)

    9. Hinduism (68%)

    10._Bahá'Ã* Faith (58%)

    11._Sikhism (58%)

    12._Orthodox Judaism (55%)

    13._Theravada Buddhism (53%)

    14._Mahayana Buddhism (53%)

    15._Reform Judaism (53%)

    16._Jainism (52%)

    17._Islam (51%)

    18. Neo-Pagan (44%)

    19._Secular Humanism (42%)

    20._Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (38%)

    21._New Thought (38%)

    22._New Age (37%)

    23._Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (36%)

    24._Scientology (32%)

    25._Non-theist (31%)

    26._Taoism (31%)

    27._Jehovah's Witness (31%)
  • Reply 15 of 158
    Your Results:


    Secular Humanism (100%)


    Unitarian Universalism (99%)


    Theravada Buddhism (82%)


    Liberal Quakers (81%)


    Neo-Pagan (73%)


    Non-theist (68%)


    Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (61%)


    Taoism (57%)


    New Age (56%)


    Mahayana Buddhism (53%)


    Reform Judaism (46%)


    Sikhism (42%)


    Jainism (41%)


    Orthodox Quaker (39%)


    Bahá'Ã* Faith (34%)


    Hinduism (31%)


    New Thought (31%)


    Scientology (27%)


    Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (25%)


    Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (22%)


    Seventh Day Adventist (18%)


    Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant (17%)


    Orthodox Judaism (15%)


    Eastern Orthodox (14%)


    Islam (14%)


    Roman Catholic (14%)


    Jehovah's Witness (11%)

    yea ha....i am 73% pagen

  • Reply 16 of 158
    I don't have my exact results from that online test, but it did peg my religion exactly. I'm Neo-Pagan - Wiccan to be exact. My parents are Buddhist and Aethiest, and when I was growing up they basically told me to "do whatever you want" with regards to religion. Yay for that choice! They were very brave to be able to say that to their child, and I think it was the best spiritual choice they ever made for me.

    In my opinion, there is no one "right" religion, and no hell. Supreme evil beings are just a bit too nasty for me, so I don't believe in them either. I don't believe that anyone needs to be "saved" because we all end up exactly where we want after death regardless of your beliefs (unless you were really, REALLY bad in life). In short, I think you can find your own interpretation of divinity no matter what religion you follow, from Roman Catholic to Aethiest to Pagan.
  • Reply 17 of 158
    1. Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (100%)

    2. Orthodox Quaker (84%)

    3. Liberal Quakers (80%)

    4. Seventh Day Adventist (72%)

    5. Unitarian Universalism (71%)

    6. Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant (69%)

    7. Reform Judaism (63%)

    8. Eastern Orthodox (59%)

    9. Roman Catholic (59%)

    10. Bahá'Ã* Faith (54%)

    11. New Age (46%)

    12. Neo-Pagan (44%)

    13. Orthodox Judaism (41%)

    14. Theravada Buddhism (41%)

    15. Sikhism (40%)

    16. Mahayana Buddhism (40%)

    17. Secular Humanism (39%)

    18. Hinduism (38%)

    19. Taoism (37%)

    20. Islam (36%)

    21. New Thought (36%)

    22. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (35%)

    23. Jainism (33%)

    24. Non-theist (28%)

    25. Scientology (28%)

    26. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (21%)

    27. Jehovah's Witness (17%)

    Personally, I believe in God but I don't think that it's right to force your views on others. It's one thing to share them, but you have to be able to accept that the other person simply may not believe them or want to convert on the spot. For me, Christianity is a personal relationship and you best share that message through your actions and life.
  • Reply 18 of 158
    dmband0026dmband0026 Posts: 2,345member
    I'm a Christian, of the hardcore variety. God is awesome, I would die before I renounced my belief in my Savior, Jesus Christ.


    For what it's worth my test showed that I matched best with "Conservative Christian Protestant". The test was right on. Although I don't really like the test, but thats another story for another thread.
  • Reply 19 of 158

    Originally posted by DMBand0026

    For what it's worth my test showed that I matched best with "Conservative Christian Protestant". The test was right on. Although I don't really like the test, but thats another story for another thread.

    Yes. Anything to do with that test does not belong here. It ruins the discussion as it has done already. Let's talk about it here instead. m.
  • Reply 20 of 158

    Originally posted by Merovingian

    Yes. Anything to do with that test doesn't really belong here. It ruins the discussion as it has done already. Let's talk about it here instead. m.

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