Drudge Report claiming new Kerry scandal



  • Reply 41 of 109
    Sh`t, you really have to hand it to Karl Rove.
  • Reply 42 of 109
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    I guess the story was too good to be true
  • Reply 43 of 109
    shawnjshawnj Posts: 6,656member

    This is how LOW things get when Bush is down.

    I KNEW something like this would happen, but I didn't realize they'd go after his personal life like this.
  • Reply 44 of 109
    screedscreed Posts: 1,077member
    I also agree with BRussell. Planted by Team Kerry for Team Kerry. He's the candidate that has everything except an observalble pulse.

    Screed ...still hoping for some Dean inspired anarchy... Yeargh!!!
  • Reply 45 of 109
    rageousrageous Posts: 2,170member

    Originally posted by ShawnJ

    This is how LOW things get when Bush is down.

    I KNEW something like this would happen, but I didn't realize they'd go after his personal life like this.

    Oh for Christ's sake... the shit happens in every election. This false outrage is so transparent it's almost stomach turning.

    Does anyone expect Bush & Co. to sit idle while the get hammered? Sure, personal attacks suck and have no place in politics, but you can blame the politicians themselves for the fact that this happens.
  • Reply 46 of 109
    chu_bakkachu_bakka Posts: 1,793member
    Are you kidding Shawn? Did you forget how during Clinton they were claiming that they had Vince Foster killed? There's in NOWHERE they won't go in order to smear someone.

    If they can't find anything... they make it up... then deny they said it... and it just leaves the opponent with the job of defending themselves against a false claim.. The key is to get them on the defensive...

    then people forget that unemployment is still very high... that you're full release of your military records is really just going to be a dental record and a pay record...

    it's a distraction... it gets reporters to chase this story (Kerry's sex life) and leave the story they're working on (where the hell was bush from 72-73 when he should have been reporting duty)... right now there's a pack of reporters trying to figure drudge's story out... to find any facts.... even if there was no story to begin with.
  • Reply 47 of 109
    rageousrageous Posts: 2,170member
    Because Democrats would never seize on anything involving the personal life of Republicans. Just ask Newt.

    Not that that hypocrite didn't deserve a little medicine, but this type of behavior transcends party lines.
  • Reply 48 of 109
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member

    Originally posted by chu_bakka

    Are you kidding Shawn? Did you forget how during Clinton they were claiming that they had Vince Foster killed? There's in NOWHERE they won't go in order to smear someone.

    If they can't find anything... they make it up... then deny they said it... and it just leaves the opponent with the job of defending themselves against a false claim.. The key is to get them on the defensive...

    then people forget that unemployment is still very high... that you're full release of your military records is really just going to be a dental record and a pay record...

    it's a distraction... it gets reporters to chase this story (Kerry's sex life) and leave the story they're working on (where the hell was bush from 72-73 when he should have been reporting duty)... right now there's a pack of reporters trying to figure drudge's story out... to find any facts.... even if there was no story to begin with.

    Right Wing Conspiracy. That must be it.

    Or, maybe Kerry is flip-flopping New England Liberal with a past history of radical views and...wait for it....infidelity? Hmmmm....
  • Reply 49 of 109
    Well now there are reports that Clark will endorse Kerry. It's proof that Clark was a DLC/DNC whipping boy all along. He's probably looking to score a VP nomination.

    {Edit: nevermind...we'll see tomorrow}
  • Reply 50 of 109
    northgatenorthgate Posts: 4,461member

    Originally posted by SDW2001

    Right Wing Conspiracy. That must be it.

    Or, maybe Kerry is flip-flopping New England Liberal with a past history of radical views and...wait for it....infidelity? Hmmmm....

    Wow, SDW. It didn't take you very long to insert those GOP talking points into a sentance, did it? "New England Liberal". Now THAT'S original.
  • Reply 51 of 109
    i hope the right go hard at this...bush has his skeletons...i was surprised they didn't come out 4 years ago...i am sure they will surface this time...

    and the mud will be nasty this year...AWOL is a primer, the other stuff is nasty

  • Reply 52 of 109
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member

    Originally posted by Northgate

    Wow, SDW. It didn't take you very long to insert those GOP talking points into a sentance, did it? "New England Liberal". Now THAT'S original.

    Now wait....isn't that what he is? Do you know his record? The man was Micheal Dukakis' Lt. Gov. for pete's sake.

    And as for flipping, his statements on the death penalty, gay marriage, Iraq and Saddam, etc are all TOTAL reversals of previous positions. He's a pancake.

    Edit: Oh, and explain to me: Why is that when Bush is called a unilteralist, bumbling cowboy-hitler, it's considered original and clever, and yet when I call Kerry what he CLEARLY IS, it's nothing but a talking point? Hmmmm.
  • Reply 53 of 109
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member

    Originally posted by SDW2001

    Now wait....isn't that what he is? Do you know his record? The man was Micheal Dukakis' Lt. Gov. for pete's sake.

    And as for flipping, his statements on the death penalty, gay marriage, Iraq and Saddam, etc are all TOTAL reversals of previous positions. He's a pancake.

    Edit: Oh, and explain to me: Why is that when Bush is called a unilteralist, bumbling cowboy-hitler, it's considered original and clever, and yet when I call Kerry what he CLEARLY IS, it's nothing but a talking point? Hmmmm.

    Yeah, but you miss teh point of how silly it sounds to use such pat pablum in a supposedly very earnest post . . . its as if all I could come up with is Texas Oil Belt Conservative . . . or etc
  • Reply 54 of 109
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    Existence: Go Dean, go!

    Everybody else: Bitch, please.
  • Reply 55 of 109
    aries 1baries 1b Posts: 1,009member
    If a Republican put this story out, then you can bet that the media will let us know. This is obviously a low blow, smacking of the 'politics of personal destruction' (consider one of the sources). If it's from Team Bush, then it will backfire on them.

    I don't think that this story comes from Team Bush.

    This relevation profoundly damages the 'electability' quality that Kerry had enjoyed. The American People will not tolerate another President with an 'Intern Problem'. This of course turns the Democratic Nomination Process on its ear.

    So assume that Kerry is finished. That leaves Sharpton, Dean and Edwards. Call me biased, but I think that President Bush will kick any and all of their butts.

    Whom, oh whom will save the Democatic Party? Who will ride her broom triumphantly into the convention, enthralling the deleriously cheering multitude; a convention desperate for a savior?

    The Savior Scenario by HRC.


    I'm not gloating and I'm not trying to make any of you any (understandably) angrier than you already must be, but, Mac User to Mac Users, I honestly believe that the rank and file Democrats have been had.

    Aries 1B
  • Reply 56 of 109
    dang that rove is good

    "dean is unelectable" is the quote and down he goes

    kerry has a "moral" problem and already you have the repubs saying he is finished

    this is one "un-named" bush source (for history see CIA outing) saying this...

    it shall either come to nothing or a full out war of searching each others past...

    as i said before, AWOL is minor to some of the things hanging in bushies closet...fun times ahead for those that enjoy this kinda thing...sad time ahead for anyone that would like issues discussed

  • Reply 57 of 109
    I heard Kerry is banging Tiger Woods' girlfriend too. What a playa. Hail to the Chief!
  • Reply 58 of 109
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by SDW2001

    Edit: Oh, and explain to me: Why is that when Bush is called a unilteralist, bumbling cowboy-hitler, it's considered original and clever, and yet when I call Kerry what he CLEARLY IS, it's nothing but a talking point? Hmmmm.

    But no one has ever called Bush a unilteralist, bumbling cowboy-hitler.

    And your statement is a 'talking point' because you're attacking a region of the country with your statement. No one claims Bush is a bad president because he's from Texas.
  • Reply 59 of 109
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    Kerry was just on "Imus in the Morning" and denied that anything happened. So he's on the record as denying it and now we'll see if the story continues.
  • Reply 60 of 109
    yeah, poor kerry doesn't have a chance against bushey

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