Features for iTunes 5.0?



  • Reply 41 of 64

    Originally posted by ThunderPoit

    unless of course, its there and i missed it....

    I'm fairly certain control/right-click on the iPod icon does this (and on the Mac that usually means there's a menu item somewhere too).
  • Reply 42 of 64
    arnelarnel Posts: 103member

    Originally posted by ThunderPoit

    how about a little button that updates the ipod? right now, if i plug my ipod in, and then later add or change any tracks in itunes, i need to unmount the ipod, pick it out of the dock, and then put it back in the dock and wiat for itunes to update it.

    unless of course, its there and i missed it....

    It's there - in iTunes just select File > Update Songs on iPod from the menu :-)
  • Reply 43 of 64

    Originally posted by ThunderPoit

    how about a little button that updates the ipod? right now, if i plug my ipod in, and then later add or change any tracks in itunes, i need to unmount the ipod, pick it out of the dock, and then put it back in the dock and wiat for itunes to update it.

    unless of course, its there and i missed it....

    File:Update songs on"iPod name"
  • Reply 44 of 64
    ok, ok, i get it, i get it
  • Reply 45 of 64

    Originally posted by Anders

    It can´t really be done this way. I would love it to but...

    but what??? yes it can be done that way. do you want me to video tape it?
  • Reply 46 of 64
    I would love integration with iChat. There's been many more than one occasion where I wanted to asking someone something about a song they're sharing. Unless they put their email address or screen name in their sharing name, I've got no way to know who they are.
  • Reply 47 of 64

    Originally posted by Whisper

    I would love integration with iChat. There's been many more than one occasion where I wanted to asking someone something about a song they're sharing. Unless they put their email address or screen name in their sharing name, I've got no way to know who they are.

    well, technically the sharing is only supposed to be used for personal stuff. i'm pretty sure the whole "college dorm" sharing phenomenon isnt what apple intended, so i doubt they'll add features to support it.
  • Reply 48 of 64

    Originally posted by ipodandimac

    well, technically the sharing is only supposed to be used for personal stuff. i'm pretty sure the whole "college dorm" sharing phenomenon isnt what apple intended, so i doubt they'll add features to support it.

    Good point. In fact, there's a bit of a security hole in iTunes. If you try to play a song purchased from the ITMS, it will bring up a dialog box asking for authentication. No big deal except it shows the owner's email address. At home it wouldn't matter, at college it might.
  • Reply 49 of 64
    baumanbauman Posts: 1,248member

    Originally posted by Whisper

    I would love integration with iChat. There's been many more than one occasion where I wanted to asking someone something about a song they're sharing. Unless they put their email address or screen name in their sharing name, I've got no way to know who they are.

    Go into terminal, and type "netstat | grep daap"

    This shows all the open iTunes connections. If an IP is listed twice, they are listening to one of your songs. If the .daap is by your IP, then the other IP is connected to you. If it's by a foriegn IP, then you're connected to them

    Of course, this is only helpful when your school names IP addresses according to the student. For example, at my school, it's your email address... so I can really easily tell who everyone is, especially after a reverse email lookup.

    Of course, this isn't very elegant, but it works
  • Reply 50 of 64
    shetlineshetline Posts: 4,695member

    Originally posted by ipodandimac

    i'm so tired of people saying they want this!!!!!!!!! in prefs, just adjust the crossfade so that it doesnt really fade the tracks, but takes out the gap. PEOPLE, JUST EXPERIMENT WITH iTUNES!!!!!

    And I'm so tired of hearing the 0-crossfade suggestion from people who just don't get it.

    For the 17th time...

    Take an album like "Dark Side of the Moon" where, track after track, one song flows into the next without a break in the sound.

    Rip it from your own CD, or buy it from iTMS. Play it. Do anything you like with the crossfade settings. Set the burning prefs for Gap Between Songs to "none".

    You'll still get a glitch between tracks that 0-crossfade doesn't fix. 0-crossfade may sometimes hide the flaw, but not reliably so.

    So, why don't you EXPERIMENT WITH iTUNES a little yourself!!!!!?
  • Reply 51 of 64
    I'd like it if there were a column that held a band's or record label's website URL. This would be really great to have for the iTunes Music store. You could download a song from the music store and then while listening to your newly downloaded track you could click on a URL in iTunes which would open Safari taking you to that band's website. It would also be advantagious to have instead of keeping every band's web address in your bookmarks in Safari. If you didn't download the track from the music store you could input the information in the "Get Info" window. This information could even be added to the CDDB (if Gracenote allowed) to be downloaded after inserting a cd.

    Another feature I would like would be to browse the music store by record label. This would help the indy bands as most people that find new indy music find it by a record label that is associated with an indy band that they already know.
  • Reply 52 of 64

    Originally posted by DefJef

    I'd like it if there were a column that held a band's or record label's website URL. This would be really great to have for the iTunes Music store. You could download a song from the music store and then while listening to your newly downloaded track you could click on a URL in iTunes which would open Safari taking you to that band's website. It would also be advantagious to have instead of keeping every band's web address in your bookmarks in Safari.

    for some of the artist bio pages in iTMS they do have links to artist websites.
  • Reply 53 of 64

    Originally posted by ipodandimac

    for some of the artist bio pages in iTMS they do have links to artist websites.

    yeah. I know, but that doesn't quite resolve my request. I would like it if it were another column (the same way that "artist," "album," "BPM," "etc.." are) in itunes, both on the music store and in personal libraries of music.
  • Reply 54 of 64

    Originally posted by bauman

    Go into terminal, and type "netstat | grep daap"

    This shows all the open iTunes connections. If an IP is listed twice, they are listening to one of your songs. If the .daap is by your IP, then the other IP is connected to you. If it's by a foriegn IP, then you're connected to them

    Of course, this is only helpful when your school names IP addresses according to the student. For example, at my school, it's your email address... so I can really easily tell who everyone is, especially after a reverse email lookup.

    Of course, this isn't very elegant, but it works

    I have been wondering how to see if people are actually listening to my music. It would be cool to have a statistics page that would tell you what songs are listened to the most and what people are currently listening to.
  • Reply 55 of 64

    Originally posted by jante99

    I have been wondering how to see if people are actually listening to my music. It would be cool to have a statistics page that would tell you what songs are listened to the most and what people are currently listening to.

    Ooooohhh, that would be interesting. For those of us who don't who's listening to our music anyway.
  • Reply 56 of 64
    Wasn't there a Konfabulator widget that did that? I had it at one point, but trashed it when I updated to 10.3, I think.
  • Reply 57 of 64
    baumanbauman Posts: 1,248member
    Here's an applescript that shows what people are listening to:


    It uses the command line program lsof to look through a cache to try and find open files. It often fails, though, but it sometimes works.
  • Reply 58 of 64
    okay here is a way in terminal:

    Lsof +D path to your music library

    in my case it is Lsof +D /Users/Shared/Music

    So I get:


    iTunes 526 [myusername] 21r VREG 14,5 7289762 1358023 /Users/Shared/Music/Beulah/Yoko/Hovering.m4a

    I couldn't get any of the Applescripts or Konfabulator programs to work.
  • Reply 59 of 64
    Couple of new features I just thought of after doing som more intense "work" with iTunes this week...

    1. Playlist specific cross-fade setting

    2. Search notes

    3. "Song Links"...I want Song X to always play after Song Y.
  • Reply 60 of 64

    Originally posted by Chris Cuilla

    1. Playlist specific cross-fade setting

    3. "Song Links"...I want Song X to always play after Song Y.

    #1 excellent idea.

    #3 just customize the order of your songs within a playlist. surely you dont ALWAYS want to listen to the same song after another specified one. that would get old. the other way to do this is just combine the two tracks in iMovie and convert back to .aac or .mp3
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