growing up - getting a car



  • Reply 61 of 146
    billybobskybillybobsky Posts: 1,914member
    The cost of a hybrid above the regular car was roughly the equivalent of the amount of gas consumed if you didn't go for the hybrid when gas was 1.50 a gallon. Now you probably would save money if you bought the hybrid. Regardless, the added fuel economy does wonders towards feeling better about commuting...
  • Reply 62 of 146
    existenceexistence Posts: 991member

    Originally posted by Fellowship

    Have to race ya someday


    I should clarify. By no means do I mean that my little Insight can out-do your car on a stretch of highway. What I mean is it can out-accelerate from a rest to about 20-30 mph before the gasoline engine kicks in. Electric motors offer near instantaneous acceleration from a stop.
  • Reply 63 of 146
    progmacprogmac Posts: 1,850member
    if you want fuel economy get a diesel (TDI) bug, jetta, golf, or passat (?? not sure about this one). they get ~ 50mpg and the TDI is not what you think of when you think diesel...they last as long and are just as easy to maintain as gasoline cars now-a-days.

    worth a thought. you'll pay more for the car (they are in high demand) but might be worth it in the end, and you'll appreciate diesel's stable prices
  • Reply 64 of 146
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by Kickaha

    Jeez, trumpt, are you sure we aren't related? I've got the '95 Cherokee Sport, my wife has the '94 Accord. (Still love my '76 Cherokee I had in high school the most though. That thing was a BEAST.)

    My Cherokees are 90 and 94 respectively. In high school I drove a Dodge 1/2 ton pick up, 77.

    How many miles you got on the 95 and how do you like it?

  • Reply 65 of 146
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    My Cherokees are 90 and 94 respectively. In high school I drove a Dodge 1/2 ton pick up, 77.

    How many miles you got on the 95 and how do you like it?

    117k, IIRC. Love it. It's been across the country and back, and we're planning an *around* the country trip this summer. (NC -> Maine -> TransCanada 1 to BC -> Seattle -> LA -> I-40 -> NC, with maybe a side trip to Key West for the hell of it.) After the cross-continental trip it got nicknamed Gwanjeep for its fortitude in the SW deserts.

    See, I ran about 1000 miles through a Canyonlands heat wave (112deg) with a blown seal... no oil. Never overheated.
  • Reply 66 of 146
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    I considered dropping by the Jeep dealership (there is, as in all places, a huge strip of dealerships along the highway) but decided against it. I like the look of the Cherokee but I am not an SUV guy.

    My last class is 11 a.m. today, I will be doing more test driving today most likely.
  • Reply 67 of 146
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    It's funny, I've never considered a Jeep (especially the Cherokee) an SUV.

    1) It's too small.

    2) It's safety features are car-based, not truck-based. (ie, it's not just a truck with side panels and seats slapped on - Jeeps had crossbars in the doors in the 70's, when only cars had to have them.)

    3) It has a *REAL* 4WD system that can actually get you through rough terrain, not some crappy 'well it kinda works most of the time' slap-on. I've yet to find a 4WD system that works as well, or is as reliable.

    4) It's the original. Snobby of me to say so, maybe, but it's roots are of a workhorse, not a soccer mom showpiece.

    It ain't no Johnny come lately cheap-assed 'toss some sheetmetal on a truck and call it a kid-hauler' monstrosity. It has a purpose.

    Well, had. :P
  • Reply 68 of 146
    gongon Posts: 2,437member

    Originally posted by progmac

    The 2000-2002 models were very week. The Mazda6, introduced in 2003, is an awesome car if you are considering a Camry-size sedan...i would HIGHLY recommend test-driving one.

    Mazda6 has been a huge success around here. I test drove one. Looks great (especially stock rear). Personally I felt the engine was somehow too strained and rough for an otherwise refined and comfortable car. (We only get them 6's up to the 2.3l model, no V6 available.) So I think it would be much better either with the V6 or with a "raw" overall design (less comfort features, less weight).
  • Reply 69 of 146
    fred_ljfred_lj Posts: 607member
    Agreed----way too small, like the 4Runner, other SUVs that have such impressive ground clearance but awful head-/legroom. Groverat, just get a Tahoe and be done with it, yeah?
  • Reply 70 of 146
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    A little piece of me is dying with buying a car anyway, I refuse to give up my entire soul and drive a goddam SUV.

    I need to get my post-graduation job lined up before I make this decision. The work field is tough here in Austin right now, unfortunately.
  • Reply 71 of 146
    midwintermidwinter Posts: 10,060member

    My wife and I are in the same situation, although I'm going to be buying my first *real* car (I own a '92 Toyota Corolla, 106K, but it was bought for $4K from a relative). My current car simply doesn't cut the mustard in the wintertime around here, and my wife's '91 4-Runner is too underpowered to make it around the mountains without having to pull over to let people pass us.

    I'm going to be looking at a Subaru Forrester, a Honda CR-V, a Toyota Rav-4, and a Toyota Tacoma (4WD). I may look at a Cherokee, as well, since the last one I drove was really nice. I *have* to have 4WD.

    I'm interested in hearing more about this process--especially taking the loan through the bank rather than the dealership.


  • Reply 72 of 146
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    Stay away from Nissan. They used to make a killing selling their cheap cars under the name of 'Datsun' and were a major reason lemon laws were written.

    In fact, that's why they rebranded as 'Nissan', and most people seem to have forgotten their past history. I would avoid Nissans at all costs.
  • Reply 73 of 146
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by Kickaha

    117k, IIRC. Love it. It's been across the country and back, and we're planning an *around* the country trip this summer. (NC -> Maine -> TransCanada 1 to BC -> Seattle -> LA -> I-40 -> NC, with maybe a side trip to Key West for the hell of it.) After the cross-continental trip it got nicknamed Gwanjeep for its fortitude in the SW deserts.

    See, I ran about 1000 miles through a Canyonlands heat wave (112deg) with a blown seal... no oil. Never overheated.

    Well be sure to PM me when you are coming to Cali. We have annual passes to Disneyland and the San Diego Wild Animal Park/Zoo. (There are two of them, they are seperate) We love company and could show you around. Hell if you schedule it in August we may even have to follow ya.

    We did an around the country type trip in my Cherokee about4 years ago. I was actually worried about it since we started the trip with it having 168k miles on it. We went to New York, Pennsylvania (this was before I knew Shawn was there ) Washington D.C, etc. It was an incredible trip.


    Originally posted by Kickaha

    It's funny, I've never considered a Jeep (especially the Cherokee) an SUV.

    1) It's too small.

    2) It's safety features are car-based, not truck-based. (ie, it's not just a truck with side panels and seats slapped on - Jeeps had crossbars in the doors in the 70's, when only cars had to have them.)

    3) It has a *REAL* 4WD system that can actually get you through rough terrain, not some crappy 'well it kinda works most of the time' slap-on. I've yet to find a 4WD system that works as well, or is as reliable.

    4) It's the original. Snobby of me to say so, maybe, but it's roots are of a workhorse, not a soccer mom showpiece.

    It ain't no Johnny come lately cheap-assed 'toss some sheetmetal on a truck and call it a kid-hauler' monstrosity. It has a purpose.

    Well, had. :P

    I fully agree with you Kick. The Cherokee feels tiny compared to the monstrosities I see tooling down the road. Mine gets 15/18 mpg which is better than most trucks/suv's. The other thing about the 4wd is true as well. I wandered down the Baja peninsula with mine. (This was when it only had 186k? miles on it (memory is getting bad with all these miles)) Well between San Felipe and Bajia De Los Angeles, there was, what appeared to be roads drawn on the map. First Baja lesson, freeways in Baja are what would be a city streets in the U.S. only everyone is doing 65 mph. Most of the non-freeway/non-city areas are dirt.

    So we spent about 8 hour completely off-road. It was still tons of fun.


    Originally posted by groverat

    A little piece of me is dying with buying a car anyway, I refuse to give up my entire soul and drive a goddam SUV.

    I need to get my post-graduation job lined up before I make this decision. The work field is tough here in Austin right now, unfortunately.

    Don't call it an SUV. Call it a station wagon with big tires if that makes you feel better.

    Keep looking at those Honda's Grove. I personally would stay under $7000 if I were you. My last Jeep cost me $3300. All these vehicles have plenty of miles left in them. Everyone thinks used cars are terrible because all the used econoboxes are terrible(Ford Escorts, GeoMetro's, most mini-pickups) However a good running car could likely be found for under $5000. My advice would be to avoid financing if possible or finance as little as possible. I don't know if you have student loans, but the rat race often starts right after school with regard to taking on debt. Everyone always has a justification on it. But the more you can avoid it, the sooner you will be able to invest in yourself instead of paying someone else.

  • Reply 74 of 146
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    i bought a 2000 protege and have been very happy with it. they have a 1.6 and 1.8 liter version, but i'm not sure it really makes much of a difference.

    i feel that mine has plenty of pickup for its size, but i also bought a manual.

    no problems with it yet, it just plugs along. gets over 30mpg with a combo of city and highway driving.
  • Reply 75 of 146
    _ alliance __ alliance _ Posts: 2,070member

    Originally posted by groverat


    Oh I loves me the Acura line, but the Acura line flexes too much wallet for me.

    i just got an RSX-S (solely responsible for Fellows new obsession) for 21 in Austin fully loaded. Go to McDavid and they will give you below invoice. you can probably get a base RSX for very cheap there. awesome awesome car. best performance for the money that you are going to find.
  • Reply 76 of 146
    _ alliance __ alliance _ Posts: 2,070member

    Originally posted by Gon

    Mazda6 has been a huge success around here. I test drove one. Looks great (especially stock rear). Personally I felt the engine was somehow too strained and rough for an otherwise refined and comfortable car. (We only get them 6's up to the 2.3l model, no V6 available.) So I think it would be much better either with the V6 or with a "raw" overall design (less comfort features, less weight).

    the 6 is way overpriced. you get good performance, but for every little thing they charge you. hondas dont do that to you. you get pretty much everything for the price they quote--they dont nitpick you the way other cars do. oh, and the interior is quite cheap. might as well be in a civic. so to sum up, the 6 aint worth the pricetag. it would be a good car if it was perhaps $5k less...
  • Reply 77 of 146
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    Well be sure to PM me when you are coming to Cali. We have annual passes to Disneyland and the San Diego Wild Animal Park/Zoo. (There are two of them, they are seperate) We love company and could show you around. Hell if you schedule it in August we may even have to follow ya.

    Will do.


    I fully agree with you Kick. The Cherokee feels tiny compared to the monstrosities I see tooling down the road.

    You ever park in Compact spaces because it *fits*? Drives other people nuts, until you point it out to them "It's smaller than that Accord, isn't it?"


    Mine gets 15/18 mpg which is better than most trucks/suv's.

    I luck out at 18-21, depending on conditions.
  • Reply 78 of 146
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member
    Groverat : life is too short. Buy the car you want. The only real issue with cars are money.
  • Reply 79 of 146
    thttht Posts: 5,606member

    Originally posted by Existence

    Doing one's part for a freaking clean environment. Not everything is about money you know.

    I don't have any problems with political statements.

    I plan on trading in my gas guzzling 17 mpg, 4L V6 Explorer Sport Trac for a Mazda 3 hatchback in a few weeks. I really really miss driving a manual, and I'm contributing to a "clean" environment to boot.

    But the cost equation for a hybrid isn't worth it right now. If there are specific features in a hybrid that is attractive, then sure, but if it's mainly because of the better fuel efficiency, it isn't really worth it because the savings in gas doesn't equal the increased cost of hybrid until several years. If the price of gas doubles, then yeah, hybrids would be more popular.
  • Reply 80 of 146
    fellowshipfellowship Posts: 5,038member

    Originally posted by _ alliance _

    i just got an RSX-S (solely responsible for Fellows new obsession) for 21 in Austin fully loaded. Go to McDavid and they will give you below invoice. you can probably get a base RSX for very cheap there. awesome awesome car. best performance for the money that you are going to find.

    Not sure everyone can handle the fun factor of this car

    Video clip

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