escalation of violence in the middle east



  • Reply 141 of 178
    demanondemanon Posts: 54member

    Originally posted by New

    Right, BBC is an arab propaganda tool.

    It's not only the bbc.

  • Reply 142 of 178
    newnew Posts: 3,244member
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by DeManON

    [B]It's not only the bbc.

    hm, let's see, a young arab working for Reuters is arrested by the IDF for trying to smuggle a handgranate into EGYPT!?!

    And this proves what?
  • Reply 143 of 178
    demanondemanon Posts: 54member

    Originally posted by New

    And this proves what?

    It's not only the bbc.
  • Reply 144 of 178
    newnew Posts: 3,244member

    Originally posted by DeManON

    It's not only the bbc.

    that does what? Does the BBC smuggle handgranates into Egypt?
  • Reply 145 of 178
    demanondemanon Posts: 54member

    Originally posted by New

    that does what? Does the BBC smuggle handgranates into Egypt?

    See above.

    I've already quoted you with the answer.
  • Reply 146 of 178
    craiger77craiger77 Posts: 133member
    In regards to the Japanese hostages my wife, who is Japanese, has been reading on forums in Japan that there is a lot of suspicion that the whole thing has been staged by the 3 involved. Supposedly one had bragged on his website that the 3 would make big news in the future. They all have a history of protesting the war and specifically the posting of the Japanese troops to Iraq. The details of the whole situation seems very strange. It is very un-islamic to burn someone alive and there is no evidence of the existence of the group who claims to have taken them hostage. Seems it my be just a stunt to try to force the Japanese government to remove their troops from Iraq.

    While in the press everyone in Japan seems very worried about them, my wife says on the message boards they are being pretty much characterized as fools and people are making a lot of jokes about their situation.

    Of course this is all rumor so if they turn up dead in a couple of days we will know if it was BS or not.
  • Reply 147 of 178
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member

    Originally posted by craiger77

    In regards to the Japanese hostages my wife, who is Japanese, has been reading on forums in Japan that there is a lot of suspicion that the whole thing has been staged by the 3 involved. Supposedly one had bragged on his website that the 3 would make big news in the future. They all have a history of protesting the war and specifically the posting of the Japanese troops to Iraq. The details of the whole situation seems very strange. It is very un-islamic to burn someone alive and there is no evidence of the existence of the group who claims to have taken them hostage. Seems it my be just a stunt to try to force the Japanese government to remove their troops from Iraq.

    While in the press everyone in Japan seems very worried about them, my wife says on the message boards they are being pretty much characterized as fools and people are making a lot of jokes about their situation.

    Of course this is all rumor so if they turn up dead in a couple of days we will know if it was BS or not.

    While I am, sadly, ready to accept that is one possibility (that it is merely a staged kidnapping) I have to ask how does that mesh with the reports of others being kidnapped at nearly the same time?

    It would be very sad if the Japanese "stunt" (if it is one!) actually spurs on actual kidnappings. I hope it isn't a stunt and I hope all involved are released safely.

    Don't be surprised however if the 3 Japanese are burned alive even if it is a faked kidnapping. Immolation is certainly a form of protest. In fact that is what does make it seem suspicious, not so much it being so-called "unIslamic" but that immolation is (sadly) fairly common as a form of protest.

    So if they die it doesn't mean it was Islamic terrorists. Ironically, if it does in fact turn out to be a hoax, (and if they are burned to death), it will only further hurt the already damaged image of Iraqis/Islamic people.

    So complex...
  • Reply 148 of 178
    newnew Posts: 3,244member
    So maybe they gave themselves up as hostages? Who cares? There will be more hostages in the days to come. it's a good old guerilla tactic.

    And Mika, ok, BBC and Reuters are arab propaganda tools, how about haaretz? Any dirty arab money end up there? NY Times? le Monde? El Pais? You sound just as crazy as the people who believe in ZORG...
  • Reply 149 of 178
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member
    Well the BBC did conspire in that whole "Massacre" in Jenine. I don't remember them printing a retraction.

    A lot of the predictions here sound more like what people hope will happen.
  • Reply 150 of 178
    newnew Posts: 3,244member

    Originally posted by Scott

    Well the BBC did conspire in that whole "Massacre" in Jenine. I don't remember them printing a retraction.

    A lot of the predictions here sound more like what people hope will happen.

    Conspire? link? ... logic?

    Do a "jenin" search on and read what they actually reported, at the time of the closure and since.
  • Reply 151 of 178
    The JuanCole website ( is very nice. It has links to a ton of blogs out there and some of them seem to provide valid information.

    It is easy to be defensive about the situation without hearing reality from the ground. Spend time reading some of the logs for more insight.

    Here is something you will stumble upon when you go through the blogs...

    I am sure this dumb soldier will regret his stunt.
  • Reply 152 of 178
    - This 'war' is lost since day 1.

    - Iraq will become an Islamic 'republic'.

    - They will eventually join forces with Iran,

    becoming a major player in the Arab world.

    - Eventually they will produce or get their hands on some real WOD.

    - Eventually they will become a very real threat to India, Europe, and

    the US if they have the vectors (the rockets).

    - This day we will have a thought for Junior,

    and his father in their Texas ranch.
  • Reply 153 of 178

    Anyone got a can of Raid??
  • Reply 154 of 178
    celcocelco Posts: 211member
    "All battle are won before they are fought" Sun Tzu

    "To win without fighting is best. " Sun Tzu.

    "Sorrow can revert to joy... anger can revert to happiness but a nation destroyed can not be rebuilt and the dead can not be brought back to life"


    Forget who's right or wrong. People die in wars.Check the other posts on this board to realise that ALL LIFE IS PRECIOUS. KIDS DIE IN WARS. Like some stupid kid who gets in the way of sniper fire be it an american solider or a iraqi youth. Stupid kids are the ones who die not old men who control the money. Why is it that the generation of established power players ie 50 year old plus f**ck the world up so much? The ONLY way to defeat an idea is with a better idea. No kid wants to go watch is friends die overseas. Where does madness stop?

    There are no answers to this post and i guess all im a trying to do tonight is to send out the message that WAR = DEATH = wrong.
  • Reply 155 of 178

    Hmm,.. yeah. I want to live in the 7th century.
  • Reply 156 of 178
    Why won't you stay banned?
  • Reply 157 of 178
    demanondemanon Posts: 54member

    Originally posted by Hassan i Sabbah

    Why won't you stay banned?

    Thank you Hassan for that characteristic post.
  • Reply 158 of 178
    demanondemanon Posts: 54member
    It's good that we remain aware that Nazism is alive and well. BTW, not all life is precious. Hitler and the Islamofascists come immediately to mind. And you can trust their brothers - even those who pose as Westerns - as far as you can spit against a hurricane.
  • Reply 159 of 178
    newnew Posts: 3,244member

    Originally posted by DeManON

    BTW, not all life is precious.

    who's a facist?
  • Reply 160 of 178
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by DeManON

    And you can trust their brothers - even those who pose as Westerns - as far as you can spit against a hurricane.

    Why is racism like this allowed on the boards?
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