Who has faith in Apple's Design Team?
With all the posts about the iMac being dead, and a lot of posts pushing for a headless iMac, I wonder who has any faith left in Apple's Design Team - enough faith to believe that the next generation iMacs are going to be as big a leap as the current one? Enough faith to believe that the next iMac will be a stunner of a design and perfectly targeted for its market? Enough faith that you would really like to have one?
Actually, I do. That's why I holding off buying an iMac until I see what is released.
So the question is: Do you have faith in the Design Team? Yes or No. We're not talking headless iMacs, $599 cheapo boxes, or anything else that we believe should be done. Just a question of faith.
Actually, I do. That's why I holding off buying an iMac until I see what is released.
So the question is: Do you have faith in the Design Team? Yes or No. We're not talking headless iMacs, $599 cheapo boxes, or anything else that we believe should be done. Just a question of faith.
It's natural, they are the number one in computer and others related hardware related designers. And this certainly apply also to software design.
they should get back to smoking dope cos this tight axx white sjit just ain't funny anymore, frankly it never was!
Get back into the hemisphere and design some sweet puters again and I'm happy. The curent iMac and iPod design remind me of those nasty 80s yuppie design companies like alessi and stuff.
It just has no life to it and thus no breath either...
just my two ? cents
The white enclosures of the eMac/iMac/iBook looks like something out of an early 80s SciFi flick. I really don't like the color white at all, and the foolish shape of the iMac is one of the things that is keeping the price so high.
I think that the handles and feet of the Powermac are a bad design -- if they would get rid of them and make the actual case part an inch taler giving the user an other 2 more internal drives I would be a lot happier with the design.
The iPod's silver back and sides with a white colored face is just ugly. The mini iPod is better, but it is still stuck with the white control wheel that clashes with the rest of the case.
The powerbooks are kind of bland, they should take advantage of the anodizing process and add in some color to their aluminum skin. It would also really be nice if they would add a thicker more powerful version to their lineup.
I've thought for a while now that the Apple design team lost it years ago, and they have done nothing recently to change my mind.
Edit - Note: the 2nd paragraph was supposed to say that "The white enclosures of the eMac/iMac/iBook looks like something out of an 1960s SciFi flick" -- not the 80s (think 2001).
Trust them? For the most part, the current designs suck, so I really don't have any faith in the Apple design team.
That's a pretty bold statement considering Apple is considered the design leader in their field since, well, since they started.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Res
The white enclosures of the eMac/iMac/iBook looks like something out of an early 80s SciFi flick. I really don't like the color white at all, and the foolish shape of the iMac is one of the things that is keeping the price so high.
I think Apple decided to get away from the tuity-fruity look of the original iMac due to people expressing disinterest in flower-power, dalmation, etc. They went with a cleaner look. Maybe it is time to go back? I don't have a problem with my alum PowerBook though.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Res
I think that the handles and feet of the Powermac are a bad design -- if they would get rid of them and make the actual case part an inch taler giving the user an other 2 more internal drives I would be a lot happier with the design.
I totally disagree. Handles built-in was a great idea back in the B&W G3 days, and I think it still is. They won't be going anywhere anytime soon. Besides, if you want to add a drive, hook up a firewire. That is what it is for.
So mainly you want a little splash of color in the lineup. I think they have gone full circle on the design. First, it was beige, then black (PowerBooks), then things got colorful, then they got removed (translucents) and then they went silver and white. I think the silver reflects more of a professional, industrial look.
My .02 is that they have the best design team around hands down. Faith? Hell yes!
The current crop of Apple designs are going to be revered for centuries.
The design work of just about every other computer company will not be noted in the product design history books.
Why don't you guys just super glue some rhinestones to your ipod and be happy?
Originally posted by Masker
The current crop of Apple designs are going to be revered for centuries.
Why don't you guys just super glue some rhinestones to your ipod and be happy?
I don't know about being revered for centuries, but Apple has always been awarded for it's designs.
I don't know how someone could "hate" the color (value, whatever) white either. Very strange thing to say. It's even more suprious than the claim people make that blue and green can never go together.
I find a lot of people who don't like Apple's designs are caught up in the iconography of what a powerful computer is "supposed" to look like. It's like the difference between a hot rod and a Maserati. (Sorry for the car analogy). I love how Apple's design team eshews those arbitrary assumptions when they do these things. They're very faithful to an idea and not an image.
The white enclosures of the eMac/iMac/iBook looks like something out of an early 80s SciFi flick.
I totally agree. But I'd have to say that that was the highest compliment you can pay. Clockwork Orange? Tron? Manhunter (not sci-fi, but absolutely gorgeous to look at)? Blade Runner? Brazil? Yeah, baby. That's my fav. era/genre combo.
People, it's called minimalism.
The current crop of Apple designs are going to be revered for centuries.
The design work of just about every other computer company will not be noted in the product design history books.
Why don't you guys just super glue some rhinestones to your ipod and be happy?
Well put, and ROTFL about the rhinestones.
Originally posted by 1337_5L4Xx0R
I totally agree. But I'd have to say that that was the highest compliment you can pay. Clockwork Orange? Tron? Manhunter (not sci-fi, but absolutely gorgeous to look at)? Blade Runner? Brazil? Yeah, baby. That's my fav. era/genre combo.
my thoughts exactly, even going back to 2001, which made white rooms and red space suits cool, I'd like a lipstick red glossy powerbook actually.
The powerbooks are kind of bland, they should take advantage of the anodizing process and add in some color to their aluminum skin.
While an anodized PowerBook would look great out of the box, when the anodized layer wore off (eg palmrests) it would look terrible.
Originally posted by Masker
People, it's called minimalism.
The current crop of Apple designs are going to be revered for centuries.
The design work of just about every other computer company will not be noted in the product design history books.
Why don't you guys just super glue some rhinestones to your ipod and be happy?
(LOL -- I like the rhinestone quip).
The designs don't really have much to do with minimalism. The towers are more Art Deco, and the color white, which Apple has grown so fond of, is no more minimalist then beige, black, red, or any other color.
The current crop of Apple designs are going to be revered for centuries? I don't think so.
The arm of the iMac was a first and it is very ergonomic, so it will be remembered for a while (even if the color of the rest of it leaves something to be desired).
The Tower case with its feet and handles which makes it take up an extra 4" in hight, while the insides are so cramped that it doesn't have room for extra drives, will be remembered by some as a visually striking design, and by others for its frivolous feet and handles and lack of space.
There is nothing memorable about the design of the iBooks (except for there poor choice of color).
The all silver design of the powerbooks is less appealing than the duo-tones of their titanium predecessor, but the lighted keyboard will be remembered as a marvelous innovation.
The eMac is just the old iMac design on steroids, once again in boring white (admittedly better then Blue Dalmatian and Flower Power -- but that's not saying much).
As you can tell I find white as unappealing as I did beige. I do hope that the Apple design team has gotten over its fixation with white and they add some color back into the line up (even just switching things to black would be a nice change).
Originally posted by Res
Trust them? For the most part, the current designs suck, so I really don't have any faith in the Apple design team.
The white enclosures of the eMac/iMac/iBook looks like something out of an early 80s SciFi flick. I really don't like the color white at all, and the foolish shape of the iMac is one of the things that is keeping the price so high.
I think that the handles and feet of the Powermac are a bad design -- if they would get rid of them and make the actual case part an inch taler giving the user an other 2 more internal drives I would be a lot happier with the design.
The iPod's silver back and sides with a white colored face is just ugly. The mini iPod is better, but it is still stuck with the white control wheel that clashes with the rest of the case.
The powerbooks are kind of bland, they should take advantage of the anodizing process and add in some color to their aluminum skin. It would also really be nice if they would add a thicker more powerful version to their lineup.
I've thought for a while now that the Apple design team lost it years ago, and they have done nothing recently to change my mind.
I think the all white color isn't too bad. The fact that they don't look like every other computer is pretty awesome. YOu can definitely tell a mac from something else.
While the towers can have extra internal drive space, I think it was a good choice to keep the towers quiet for now. External drive enclosures aren't really that expensive right now for the time being.
The metal idea for the pro line is a GREAT idea. You could say that the eMac/iBook/iMac would fit in great with 2001 a space Oydyssey, was that made in the 60's? Kubrick?
don't tell me you could do better, if so...DO IT ON PAPER, PHOTOSHOP. I always like seeing new ideas !! I was think'n about putting some new ones together.
Originally posted by willywalloo
I think the all white color isn't too bad. The fact that they don't look like every other computer is pretty awesome. YOu can definitely tell a mac from something else.
While the towers can have extra internal drive space, I think it was a good choice to keep the towers quiet for now. External drive enclosures aren't really that expensive right now for the time being.
The metal idea for the pro line is a GREAT idea. You could say that the eMac/iBook/iMac would fit in great with 2001 a space Oydyssey, was that made in the 60's? Kubrick?
don't tell me you could do better, if so...DO IT ON PAPER, PHOTOSHOP. I always like seeing new ideas !! I was think'n about putting some new ones together.
I really just don't like the color white. It doesn't go with any of the spaces that I have decorated.
To do it better just change the color to black, or dark gray, or red, or blue or purple...
BTW: I had meant to type that they looked like something from a 1960s scifi movie, thinking of 2001 A Space Odyssey, but I typoed it to a couple of decades later.
The color may not be your favorite, but the actual machines are always a first class job.
The border on the Garage Band interface is a wood grain, a departure from the brushed aluminum. Is this a hint of things to come, or just a nod to high end audio console hardware?
I remember reading that Jobs originally wanted to put the Apple ][ (correct me if wrong here) in a hardwood case, but it ended up not happening.
So I'm thinking, if the aluminum G5 tower case costs $500+ to make, what other materials might be in the running? ; .)
Originally posted by Res
BTW: I had meant to type that they looked like something from a 1960s scifi movie, thinking of 2001 A Space Odyssey, but I typoed it to a couple of decades later.
Most likely not a coincidence.