New G5s soon? 7-10 day wait on orders!



  • Reply 21 of 60
    kim kap solkim kap sol Posts: 2,987member

    Originally posted by DHagan4755

    You may think it's pointless speculation. I don't. I believe that if Apple announces Power Macs before WWDC, it means that something else major will be shown at WWDC.

    Good for you. But it's still a speculation...and pointless one if you're not going to plan around it.

    If people knew exactly when Apple would release products, I can bet you most people would hold off buying a new Mac, or sell their current Mac a few days before the release while their computer is still top of the line.

    If you did this right'd be taking a huge risk. Just like anyone who thought a PowerMac update was coming 3 months ago were taking a big risk selling their Mac.
  • Reply 22 of 60
    kcom2006kcom2006 Posts: 69member

    Keep movin'

    This thread will be locked soon.
  • Reply 23 of 60
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member

    Originally posted by KCOM2006


    Keep movin'

    This thread will be locked soon.

    10 days from the time this delay was first noticed would bring us to NEXT Tuesday, not this Tuesday.
  • Reply 24 of 60
    maskermasker Posts: 451member
    The Apple store is a so-so indicator as to current supply of product.

    The best indicators are Apple's product distributors such as Ingram Micro etc...

    7-10 days to me does indeed suggest that Apple has released their inventory out into the channel in preparation for the WWDC release of new product.

    I don't understand why the thread starter is being bashed by some of you.

    This looks like a textbook scenario of the 1-month prior to new product releases based on the past few years.

  • Reply 25 of 60
    pbg4 dudepbg4 dude Posts: 1,611member
    ATI finally announced their long-rumored PCI Express video cards today. Wasn't lack of PCI Express video cards once cited as the reason for G5 2.0 delays?

    Any new hardware will probably be announced at WWDC at this point. Why would Apple waste the PR hoopla by releasing before WWDC?
  • Reply 26 of 60
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member

    Originally posted by kim kap sol

    Good for you. But it's still a speculation...and pointless one if you're not going to plan around it.

    I'm not planning around it. And anyone who is should go into weather forecasting too. I'm just saying that if Power Mac revisions are announced prior to WWDC, people are going to speculate what will be left for WWDC. That's all.
  • Reply 27 of 60
    leonardleonard Posts: 528member

    Originally posted by PBG4 Dude

    ATI finally announced their long-rumored PCI Express video cards today. Wasn't lack of PCI Express video cards once cited as the reason for G5 2.0 delays?

    Any new hardware will probably be announced at WWDC at this point. Why would Apple waste the PR hoopla by releasing before WWDC?

    ATI finally announced their PCI Express mobile Radeon, the mobility Radeon X600, today. They announced their desktop PCI Express, the Radeon X800, last month.
  • Reply 28 of 60
    telomartelomar Posts: 1,804member
    The Radeon X800 is an AGP card. The PCI Express version was only just formally announced, although it was well known it was coming.
  • Reply 29 of 60
    jwdawsojwdawso Posts: 393member
    The Developer store now has the PowerMac 1.6GHz with the same 7-10 days shipping time...

    (When the PowerMac shipping times went to 7-10 days, the Developer Store was still same day for only the 1.6 model. Apple is offering a promotion for developers on the 1.6 model only, which includes a bigger discount than normal plus purchasing one would not require a Hardward Discount asset. Note also that the Xserve G5 is now 4-6 weeks, down from 5-7 weeks.)
  • Reply 30 of 60
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member
    Hardmac has an interesting update on this subject today. On reseller told them that he will have G5s in stock for today. New G5s? Quite improbable. The old ones? I think so. I am not sure if this info could mean anything.
  • Reply 31 of 60
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by PB

    Hardmac has an interesting update on this subject today. On reseller told them that he will have G5s in stock for today. New G5s? Quite improbable. The old ones? I think so. I am not sure if this info could mean anything.

    Now Croquer strike again and pretend the new Power Macs will appear this Monday or Tuesday. They expect 3 models, the high end one being available in this summer. Let's wait and see, Tuesday is too close.
  • Reply 32 of 60
    jwdawsojwdawso Posts: 393member

    Originally posted by PB

    Now Croquer strike again and pretend the new Power Macs will appear this Monday or Tuesday. They expect 3 models, the high end one being available in this summer. Let's wait and see, Tuesday is too close.

    And June 8th will be 10 days since the shipping changed from "same day" to "7-10 days"...
  • Reply 33 of 60
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    So MacRumors is now saying that PowerMacs will come tomorrow, Tuesday, June 8. If true, that's bad news for those hoping for a big update.
  • Reply 34 of 60
    commoduscommodus Posts: 270member
    I'm not so sure that Apple will be doing the PowerMac updates tomorrow. It's a possibility, but it would seem odd to me that they'd go to the trouble of a big front-page graphic for the Airport Express announcement but yet use that graphic for only one day.

    Also: the June 8th rumour is a Page 2 item, not Page 1.
  • Reply 35 of 60
    3.14163.1416 Posts: 120member

    Originally posted by BRussell

    So MacRumors is now saying that PowerMacs will come tomorrow, Tuesday, June 8. If true, that's bad news for those hoping for a big update.

    If true, it sounds like a bump to 2.5 or 2.6 at the top end, and better (but still AGP) graphics. Fine with me, since that's all I was expecting at WWDC anyway. And it would make sense that Apple would do this now, since it's not a big enough deal for Steve to announce and remind everyone of his 3GHz promise last year. I'm sure he'd much rather focus on the G5 iMacs.
  • Reply 36 of 60
    brunobruinbrunobruin Posts: 552member
    I'd love to be proven wrong, as my finger is hovering over the "Buy Now" button, but I can't believe Apple would introduce any new CPUs this close to WWDC. Even if it's just a speed bump, wouldn't Steve want to take five minutes to shroud them in the RDF so we believe they're better than they are?

    I can recall several instances of new products coming quietly right AFTER shows, but never in the three weeks prior.

    That being said, AirPort Express is exactly the kind of thing I would have expected him to talk up at WWDC, and it isn't even shipping until July, so...

    And I hate to even put it into writing, but I'm also in the camp that expects G5 iMacs at WWDC. If we were just getting G4 speed bumps, we would have had them in April alongside the portables. Something's up. I think.
  • Reply 37 of 60
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member

    Originally posted by BrunoBruin

    I'd love to be proven wrong, as my finger is hovering over the "Buy Now" button, but I can't believe Apple would introduce any new CPUs this close to WWDC. Even if it's just a speed bump, wouldn't Steve want to take five minutes to shroud them in the RDF so we believe they're better than they are?

    Jobs doesn't seem to introduce simple speed bumps any more. They're beneath him. He'll do new machines, like the flat panel iMac, or the G5 PowerMac. And assuming they don't meet their 3 Ghz prediction, they probably don't want to draw attention to the speed bump anyway.

    I agree with you that we may see a G5 iMac at WWDC. That's something they'll want to draw attention to with media coverage.
  • Reply 38 of 60
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by BRussell

    And assuming they don't meet their 3 Ghz prediction, they probably don't want to draw attention to the speed bump anyway.

    Exactly my thoughts. If new Power Macs are to be shown tomorrow, they won't hit the 3 GHz barrier. I don't know if this rumor has any truth, but it is in agreement with the perception that Apple wouldn't keep the 3 GHz promise. I am afraid it is more than just a perception.
  • Reply 39 of 60
    codewarriorcodewarrior Posts: 196member
    At one point Apple seemed to be trying to not have product introductions at MacWorld (and WWDC). This was to get the buyers out of the habit of waiting until these events to buy gear. I'd love to see Apple start doing more frequent bumps in speed and major changes as needed and not wait until MacWorld (or WWDC). With these announcements, it will be 2 years in a row that Apple has had major hardware announcements arount WWDC. I guess WWDC is the new summer MacWorld (not Boston).
  • Reply 40 of 60
    markydmarkyd Posts: 15member

    Powermac speed bumps. All dual. 2.2, 2.4 and 2.6ghz. Mark my words. Laugh now, then when tomorrow comes, hail the almighty MarkyD, king of predictions!
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