Apple Confirms NO G5 PowerBooks anytime soon



  • Reply 121 of 138
    fat freddyfat freddy Posts: 150member

    Originally posted by fresco

    This was just posted at macrumors

    There will be no PowerBook, there will however, be an XBook.

    -15 and 17 only.

    -Aluminum enclosure, all of which resembles the speaker grill on the current PBs.

    -1 and 2 iPod hard drives, totalling 160 GBs, for pro apps where multiple drives come in handy.

    -2.2 and 3.0 GHz G5 processor with 1.2 GHz and 1.8 GHz system bus.

    -2 and 4 GB PC4000 RAM

    -16X AGP Pro GPU with 512 MB VRAM

    -3 USB, 2 FW400, 2 FW800, ADC (XBook must be plugged in) and DVI (full size)

    -Swap Bay- A second optical drive, or a second battery.

    -Built in mini WiFi

    -Longer lived battery, yielding a claimed 8 hrs.

    This will be sold alongside the existing portable options. Prices rumored to start at $3,499 and $4,099

    This is real people!

    2.2 and 3.0 GHz G5 processor with 1.2 GHz and 1.8 GHz system bus

    PC4000 is not JEDEC konformal and will IMO never be (DDR1)
  • Reply 122 of 138
    rhumgodrhumgod Posts: 1,289member

    Originally posted by PB

    Could you post a link? And how is this real and not wild fantasy?

    Come on, dual iPod hard drives for Pro apps. GMAFB!
  • Reply 123 of 138
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by Rhumgod

    Come on, dual iPod hard drives for Pro apps. GMAFB!

    Thanks, it was a bad dream (or a very good one, depends on how you look at it).

    PS: oh, what is GMAFB?
  • Reply 124 of 138
    fat freddyfat freddy Posts: 150member

    Originally posted by PB

    Could you post a link? And how is this real and not wild fantasy?

    Here. The same post...
  • Reply 125 of 138
    markydmarkyd Posts: 15member

    Originally posted by PB

    PS: oh, what is GMAFB? [/B]

    I'm guessing it means "Give me a FU**ING break!"

  • Reply 126 of 138
    whisperwhisper Posts: 735member

    Originally posted by fresco

    This was just posted at macrumors

    There will be no PowerBook, there will however, be an XBook.

    -15 and 17 only.

    -Aluminum enclosure, all of which resembles the speaker grill on the current PBs.

    -1 and 2 iPod hard drives, totalling 160 GBs, for pro apps where multiple drives come in handy.

    -2.2 and 3.0 GHz G5 processor with 1.2 GHz and 1.8 GHz system bus.

    -2 and 4 GB PC4000 RAM

    -16X AGP Pro GPU with 512 MB VRAM

    -3 USB, 2 FW400, 2 FW800, ADC (XBook must be plugged in) and DVI (full size)

    -Swap Bay- A second optical drive, or a second battery.

    -Built in mini WiFi

    -Longer lived battery, yielding a claimed 8 hrs.

    This will be sold alongside the existing portable options. Prices rumored to start at $3,499 and $4,099

    This is real people!

    iPod Hard Drives are completely unsuitable for pro apps, dual drive or otherwise.
  • Reply 127 of 138
    carson o'geniccarson o'genic Posts: 1,279member
    Not to mention that Apple's Cash Cow, the iPod, is having trouble meetiing demand because of the lack of hard drives. Even if they were appropriate for a portable, why would they be looking for a way to constrain supply even more?
  • Reply 128 of 138
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member

    Originally posted by fresco

    [quoting a post on MacRumors:]

    There will be no PowerBook, there will however, be an XBook.

    The world's first rackmounted laptop. Right.

    My congratulations to the MacRumors poster. We haven't had such off-the-deep-end specs posted here in a good long while.

    PC4000 RAM indeed.
  • Reply 129 of 138
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    This is real people!
  • Reply 130 of 138
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    For shits and giggles, I did a search on Google for "PowerBook G5" and came up with this very interesting article:


    Key components ready for PowerBook G5

    February 24, 2004 - 00:53 EST__ By Larry Angell - All of the key components for Apple to produce a PowerBook G5 appear to be ready, and Mac users should expect to see the new laptop no later than this summer, Peter Glaskowsky, analyst with Instat/MDR and editor of the Microprocessor Report, told MacMinute. He noted that the IBM PowerPC 970FX?which is used in the Xserve G5?offers basic power-consumption features needed for a portable machine. Glaskowsky explained that the 970FX also has PowerTune, IBM's version of the voltage and frequency scaling technology used on x86 laptop processors. "With all this new technology, a PowerBook G5 should be much faster and last about as long as a PowerBook G4 in average usage," he said.

    Glaskowsky said his PowerBook G4 (800MHz DVI) runs continuously from about 2 to 3.5 hours depending on settings and usage. "PowerTune should increase that ratio to more than 2:1, possibly enabling an honest five-hour battery life with very light use." However, he noted that the numbers depend heavily on Apple's choice of LCD in the new PowerBooks.

    Glaskowsky said that since Apple's Xserve G5 uses the PowerPC 970FX, the chip is obviously ready for production. He said the core logic could be the "key remaining component." And unless Apple decides to add radical new features to the PowerBook G5, all other hardware pieces are readily available.

    He speculates that the new laptops could be introduced basically at any time. "I would not have been surprised to see the new PowerBook announced last month, and I won't be surprised if it doesn't come out until summer," Glaskowasky concluded.

  • Reply 131 of 138
    fat freddyfat freddy Posts: 150member
    Old news better than no news

    Peter Glaskowsky
  • Reply 132 of 138
    spytapspytap Posts: 50member
    From the same thread and the same poster who posted about the Xbooks: "I can't believe you thought I was at all serious. I was merely making a specultion that is just as believeable, and just as reliable as the one that started all this madness."

    Anyways, the only thing I really want is either SerialATA hard drives or 7200ROM HDs, preferably both. Hard drive speed is the easiest way to make a computer feel faster, and at the speeds that the G5s are pushing, it's really the major bottleneck...
  • Reply 133 of 138
    nebagakidnebagakid Posts: 2,692member
    I , and I think most people, would be happy if they kept everything , even the same Ghz speeds, but just make then G5s. I yearn.

    You know, for this being the 20th Anniversary year, it all has been just some tame ass bullshit.
  • Reply 134 of 138

    Originally posted by Nebagakid

    I , and I think most people, would be happy if they kept everything , even the same Ghz speeds, but just make then G5s.

    Kind of like with the transition from G3 to G4, when we lost some Mhz?

    Seriously, I couldn't agree more with Nebagakid. I would love to buy a 1.33Ghz 12-inch PowerBook G5 instead of the 12-inch PowerBook G4 that's on my shopping list.

  • Reply 135 of 138
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Ok make me understand why any rational person would want such a machine.

    The demands of software mean that processor performance has to increase with every new release of the hardware to keep it mainstream. Granted there are secondary markets that palce value on things beised performance, for those markets Apple has the ibook. The whole point of the PowerBook though is to have POWER in your hands, stepping backwards is not acceptable.




    Originally posted by Cold Turkey

    Kind of like with the transition from G3 to G4, when we lost some Mhz?

    Seriously, I couldn't agree more with Nebagakid. I would love to buy a 1.33Ghz 12-inch PowerBook G5 instead of the 12-inch PowerBook G4 that's on my shopping list.


  • Reply 136 of 138
    whisperwhisper Posts: 735member

    Originally posted by wizard69

    Ok make me understand why any rational person would want such a machine.

    The demands of software mean that processor performance has to increase with every new release of the hardware to keep it mainstream. Granted there are secondary markets that palce value on things beised performance, for those markets Apple has the ibook. The whole point of the PowerBook though is to have POWER in your hands, stepping backwards is not acceptable.



    How is a 1.33GHz G5 a step back from a 1.33GHz G4?
  • Reply 137 of 138
    kenaustuskenaustus Posts: 924member
    G5 PB?

    Build it and people will buy it - because it's there.

    If we get a speed bump on PMs this week and the G5 iMac is released next then it may be the "one more thing" for WWDC, with delivery in the fall.

    It has been a rather dry spell for Mac lovers since the iPod mini was announced, but things started getting exciting yesterday with the Airport Express and I now think this 3 week period could bring anything.
  • Reply 138 of 138
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member

    Originally posted by kenaustus

    If we get a speed bump on PMs this week and the G5 iMac is released next then it may be the "one more thing" for WWDC, with delivery in the fall.

    I agree. Pretty much the scenario falls that if the PowerMac gets speed bumped and the new iMac (speed bump, G5) gets intro'd before WWDC, the only logical conclusion to draw from that series of events is that the PowerBook G5 is ready for debut at the WWDC. I know, the liklihood of this is probably low, but you have to consider the possibilities. Steve isn't going to talk about the new version of Tiger and related software for 90+ minutes.
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