Another reason Why Dull is crap



  • Reply 21 of 42
    ionyzionyz Posts: 491member
    Why is everyone ganging up on applenut. Lots of his problems (didn't read them all) are official. No amount of babying your gear is going to prevent a problem designed into the machine.

    /me awaits the call from his local Apple store on his logic board replaced iBook, as well as low-charge battery.
  • Reply 22 of 42
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member

    Originally posted by IonYz

    /me awaits the call from his local Apple store on his logic board replaced iBook, as well as low-charge battery.

    and lets not forget the bad battery in ipod and the spotty PB display thing...
  • Reply 23 of 42

    Originally posted by applenut

    we'd all like to think Apple is some perfect company that makes products with no problems, but the fact is, their quality control over the last few years has SUCKED. it has sucked in hardware and it has sucked in software.

    How has the software quality control sucked? Are you going to stop buying Apple's products in the future? What computer company has better quality software and hardware that you could use?
  • Reply 24 of 42
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member

    Originally posted by NittanyLionTosh

    How has the software quality control sucked? Are you going to stop buying Apple's products in the future? What computer company has better quality software and hardware that you could use?

    there have been tons of buggy updattes to OS X, pulled updates, updates to iTunes that erased hard drives, etc. the quality control has sucked. for what reason i dont know for sure, but i do know they scaled back their software QA program a couple years ago to reduce leaks.

    ive been an apple user my whole life, so I honestly cant rate other companies. I have noticed that i have no problems whatsoever with my oldest apple hardware and never have and there were fewer widespread issues than what i have seen from more recent products that i have bought as well as others.
  • Reply 25 of 42
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member

    Originally posted by RolandG

    What is the iBook harddrive problem, what is the cause and how can it be fixed?

    My stock harddrive died in December, it started making clicking sound and was terribly slow. I was out of the one year Apple-granted warrenty and I got tossed from AppleCare to the AppleStore (where I bought it) and viceversa because in Europe the dealer must provide a two year warrenty and noone felt responsible.

    Since there store is located outside of Germany and I did not want to through all the hassle of going to court, I decided to change the harddrive myself - very painful prodecure which leaves some marks on the case and requires perfectly fitting tools.

    Essence: I will never ever shop at the Apple Online Store again.

    it was the clicking problem, slowed to a crawl and then died. apple replaced it under AppleCare.
  • Reply 26 of 42
    stjobsstjobs Posts: 45member
    Anyone with as many problems as Applenut is extremely unlucky, or does not take care of their equipment. I've used my 15" PowerBook every day for the past 2+ years, and the paint is perfect. I've never had any hardware problem, and the battery still holds a good charge. My brother's 15" aluminum PowerBook has never had a problem either. Of course, everyone has a different idea of what constitutes taking care of a computer.
  • Reply 27 of 42
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member

    Originally posted by stjobs

    Anyone with as many problems as Applenut is extremely unlucky, or does not take care of their equipment. I've used my 15" PowerBook every day for the past 2+ years, and the paint is perfect. I've never had any hardware problem, and the battery still holds a good charge. My brother's 15" aluminum PowerBook has never had a problem either. Of course, everyone has a different idea of what constitutes taking care of a computer.

    please read above. the same applies to you dumbass
  • Reply 28 of 42
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member

    Originally posted by stjobs

    Anyone with as many problems as Applenut is extremely unlucky, or does not take care of their equipment. I've used my 15" PowerBook every day for the past 2+ years, and the paint is perfect. I've never had any hardware problem, and the battery still holds a good charge. My brother's 15" aluminum PowerBook has never had a problem either. Of course, everyone has a different idea of what constitutes taking care of a computer.


    yeah! my TiBook 667/DVD has developed a similar problem. Some of the paint got chipped off a week or 2 ago, and the damage has been spreading... I think Apple should do a total recall. This kind of thing is unacceptable on a $2400 computer. I called Apple tech support about this and the guy said that I have the full 12 month warranty period to make a claim, and that Apple uses refurb parts to make repairs, so I should wait until the end of the warranty period in case the problem gets worse, then make a claim. He said that there may be minor cosmetic damage on the repair parts as well.

    i guess you do not take care of your equipment.
  • Reply 29 of 42
    stjobsstjobs Posts: 45member
    "please read above. the same applies to you dumbass"

    Dumbass- my post never mentioned WHY the paint was chipped. It didn't chip off by itself, and I do take excellent care of anything I own.

    Furthermore, I never denied that TiBooks have a paint issue. What I do find suspicious is that you have had so many equipment failures. Even your iPod must hate you
  • Reply 30 of 42
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member

    Originally posted by stjobs

    "please read above. the same applies to you dumbass"

    Dumbass- my post never mentioned WHY the paint was chipped. It didn't chip off by itself, and I do take excellent care of anything I own.

    Furthermore, I never denied that TiBooks have a paint issue. What I do find suspicious is that you have had so many equipment failures. Even your iPod must hate you

    you attribute the pain chipping to apple's engineering in your post. and demand a recall. you also imply that it chipped due to something you did. therefore you don't treat your equipment well.

    suspicious? if you own the products that I own it is highly probable to experience these issues. perhaps you might think its unlucky that I bought 2 products that had major widespread problems but what would you have liked me to buy instead? desktops? if you needed an apple portable during the past 3 years, you'd have a high chance of having these problems.
  • Reply 31 of 42
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Fellas. I don't think we can makes excuses for Apple on this one. Apple's quality control has been pretty poor. Yes they are still better than PCs but then again aren't we paying for the superior experience that Apple brings us? When your users have to create websites(ipodsdirtylittlesecret) and users have to initiate class action lawsuits(ibook mobo) or Apple has to replace crappy Power Supplies it makes you wonder why the hell you're paying extra money. It damn sure ain't to pay for Steve Job's plane.

    I'm uneasy about Apple. They are too secretive and prone to making outlandish statements "We'll be at 3Ghz a year from now" " We're going to gain marketshare" and probably others. The thing is can you trust Apple to at the very least attempt to back up their statements? This is a company that is prone to "raising" the price of their computers if their component costs rise.

    I want Apple to thrive. I want them to do wonderful things but they gotta stop the screwups. They have to get QA back under control. They gotta get more focus beyond making things look pretty. OSX is exactly what Apple is right now...indecisive. They can't figure out if they are "Aqua" or "Metal" what they hell they are both. Pick a course of direction and follow it Apple. Please for God's sake focus on the bottomline more.
  • Reply 32 of 42
    stjobsstjobs Posts: 45member
    "suspicious? if you own the products that I own it is highly probable to experience these issues."

    It depends. The PowerBook paint issue is one thing, but you've had a load of problems with every current Apple product you own, from the sound of it. Going through 2 iPod headphones and then having the audio jack fail is not normal.

    Hmurchison - FWIW, that "iPod's dirty secret" thing was blown way out of proportion. Any douche can tell you that lithium batteries have a certain number of charge/discharge cycles before their usable life drastically decreases. Buying a new battery after extended use (1+ years) is to be expected.

    I agree that Apple's quality control could be stepped up (the same can be said of almost any electronics manufacturer), but it still seems odd that Applenut has had such a plethora of problems. I doubt his case represents the norm.
  • Reply 33 of 42
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member

    t depends. The PowerBook paint issue is one thing, but you've had a load of problems with every current Apple product you own, from the sound of it. Going through 2 iPod headphones and then having the audio jack fail is not norm

    would you like to poll the people here and see how many have required ipod headphone replacement? this is a very very common issue.

    the audio jack problem also seems far from a rare problem. the apple genius at SOHO knew exactly what the problem was when I described it and said Apple had a repair program, but for 249 dollars. There is also a place online that does this EXACT repair for 76 dollars. Obviously I am not the only one.

    iPod is one thing, you completely ignore the other problems with products that cost over 1400 dollars. Why? because you know those are widespread problems?

    Powerboom paint issue is one thing? You flat out lied in your first post and said you never have had an issue with the paint of your Powerbook. You're the saddest excuse of an apple apologist yet. What, in order to save face for Apple you blatantly lie about the quality of products you own yourself? What do you get out of this?


    Hmurchison - FWIW, that "iPod's dirty secret" thing was blown way out of proportion. Any douche can tell you that lithium batteries have a certain number of charge/discharge cycles before their usable life drastically decreases. Buying a new battery after extended use (1+ years) is to be expected

    after one year of use, no. but yes, batteries have lives. but up until that smear campaign was launched apple did not have a battery replacement program and wanted nothing to do with people who complained. it took a public smear campaign for them to implement a battery replacement program, that, surprise surprise, requires you to pay apple care.


    I agree that Apple's quality control could be stepped up (the same can be said of almost any electronics manufacturer), but it still seems odd that Applenut has had such a plethora of problems. I doubt his case represents the norm.

    you'd be surprised. iBooks have been a pain in the ass for many people. the iMac CRTs were never too reliable. NYC Dept of Ed didnt switch to Dell for no reason.
  • Reply 34 of 42

    Originally posted by stjobs

    I agree that Apple's quality control could be stepped up (the same can be said of almost any electronics manufacturer), but it still seems odd that Applenut has had such a plethora of problems. I doubt his case represents the norm.

    Apologies to the apologist, but here's my list of problems with the portable Apple gear I've owned.

    Pismo - Backlight failed.

    Pismo - Battery melted.

    12" PB 867 - Power connector *very* loose from new.

    12" PB 867 - Combo drive failure.

    15" PB 1.25 - 4 dead pixels when new.

    15" PB 1.25 - Left handrest creaked from new.

    15" PB 1.25 - HD Failure.

    15" PB 1.25 - Ridiculously bad lid alignment.

    12" PB 1.33 - Shipped with broken left-arrow key.

    5 Gig iPod (1st Gen) - Headphone jack failure.

    5 Gig iPod (1st Gen) - Battery replacement after 2 months.

    20 Gig iPod - Battery replacement (twice).

    40 Gig iPod - Screen replacement.
  • Reply 35 of 42
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member

    Originally posted by audiopollution

    Apologies to the apologist, but here's my list of problems with the portable Apple gear I've owned.

    Pismo - Backlight failed.

    Pismo - Battery melted.

    12" PB 867 - Power connector *very* loose from new.

    12" PB 867 - Combo drive failure.

    15" PB 1.25 - 4 dead pixels when new.

    15" PB 1.25 - Left handrest creaked from new.

    15" PB 1.25 - HD Failure.

    15" PB 1.25 - Ridiculously bad lid alignment.

    12" PB 1.33 - Shipped with broken left-arrow key.

    5 Gig iPod (1st Gen) - Headphone jack failure.

    5 Gig iPod (1st Gen) - Battery replacement after 2 months.

    20 Gig iPod - Battery replacement (twice).

    40 Gig iPod - Screen replacement.

    you clearly mistreat your equipment and make crap up.
  • Reply 36 of 42
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    Performa 6360 - no problem

    15 inch Multiscan Display - burned out, replaced by apple

    PowerMac G4/400 AGP - audio hiss (motherboard replaced by incompentant worker who broke AGP slot. replaced once again

    PowerMac G4/400 AGP - audio output jack blew out

    PowerMac G4/400 AGP - Hinge door doesn't fully close

    PowerMac 9500/180 MP - no problem

    Powerbook G4/667 VGA - screen marks, paint problem, power adapter problem, optical drive issue and now an apparent HD or power supply problem

    iBook G3 - clicking HD of death problem and motherboard replacement.

    iPod 20GB - 2 headphones died, now audio jack has died

    iPod 5GB - 3 headphones died
  • Reply 37 of 42
    stjobsstjobs Posts: 45member
    " would you like to poll the people here and see how many have required ipod headphone replacement? this is a very very common issue."

    Start the poll if you feel like it. I own 2 iPods, my brother owns 1, and I have several friends who own them. One is first generation, and the rest are 3G. I've never encountered a problem with the headphone, nor has anyone else with an iPod that I know.

    Here's a partial list of the Macs I have owned:

    Several Performas - no problems, have been sold

    PowerMac 7200 - no problems, still running

    Yosemite G3 tower - Ethernet blown out during lightning strike, PCI ethernet added, still running

    17" LCD iMac - no problems

    15.2" 667 mHz PowerBook - no problems. Paint was damaged through no fault of Apple's and was repaired.

    Snow iBook 500 mHz - no problems except for occasionally loose latch. Repaired under warranty.

    15.2" 1.25 GHz PowerBook - no problems. Screen was pre-emptively replaced under warranty to avoid the "white spots" issue.

    Like I said, the amount of problems you've encountered seems on the high side.

    I'm far from an Apple apologist - you don't even know me. There's many things Apple could do better (pricing, OEM graphics cards, etc.), but your complaints about their QC are exaggerated and anecdotal. Overall, your experience is not representative of most users. I can't say for certain whether this is because you are just unlucky or whether you expose your computers and accessories to conditions that predispose them to failure - either way, sounds like you've bought a couple of lemons.
  • Reply 38 of 42
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member

    Originally posted by stjobs

    " would you like to poll the people here and see how many have required ipod headphone replacement? this is a very very common issue."

    Start the poll if you feel like it. I own 2 iPods, my brother owns 1, and I have several friends who own them. One is first generation, and the rest are 3G. I've never encountered a problem with the headphone, nor has anyone else with an iPod that I know.

    Here's a partial list of the Macs I have owned:

    Several Performas - no problems, have been sold

    PowerMac 7200 - no problems, still running

    Yosemite G3 tower - Ethernet blown out during lightning strike, PCI ethernet added, still running

    17" LCD iMac - no problems

    15.2" 667 mHz PowerBook - no problems. Paint was damaged through no fault of Apple's and was repaired.

    Snow iBook 500 mHz - no problems except for occasionally loose latch. Repaired under warranty.

    15.2" 1.25 GHz PowerBook - no problems. Screen was pre-emptively replaced under warranty to avoid the "white spots" issue.

    Like I said, the amount of problems you've encountered seems on the high side.

    I'm far from an Apple apologist - you don't even know me. There's many things Apple could do better (pricing, OEM graphics cards, etc.), but your complaints about their QC are exaggerated and anecdotal. Overall, your experience is not representative of most users. I can't say for certain whether this is because you are just unlucky or whether you expose your computers and accessories to conditions that predispose them to failure - either way, sounds like you've bought a couple of lemons.

    you are simply repeating yourself. your logic is seriously flawed, you have been proven wrong countless times. you have been proven to lie. you have proven to be a serious apologist.

    please, save yourself some time and find something better to do because you're not proving anything here.

    complaints about Apple's quality are valid and abundant. How many people have to agree and show that to you? Thank god my experience is not representative of "most users". that would mean more people had apples with problems than not. if your idea of quality products is that a mear majority dont have problems then no wonder you see no problem here.

    and yet you continue to ignore the fact, yes fact, that none of these problems are due to unluckiness or poor treatment. these are all common problems with these products that babying would have no prevention of.
  • Reply 39 of 42
    I have had several Apple products.

    867 12PB No problems (traveled all over the world with me)

    900 G3 iBook Logic Board(shipped on Mon at my door Friday!)

    1.25 15PB White Spots (shipped out on Wed. on my door Friday!)

    1.6 G5 No problems

    20Gig iPod No Problems

    iPod Mini No Problems

    1.5 15PB No Problems

    Dell D400 bad motherboard, system connector, network card! Shipped Mon and got it back 1 1/2 weeks later!

    Dell D600 test machine that we discovered was missing it's Bluetooth module. We called Dell and were told that since we did not report it with in 21 Days we were out of luck. (We order spare laptops for deployment and some sit unopened for a month before we deploy them!) Not a good policy for Dell when dealing with a company that has over 50,000 employees!
  • Reply 40 of 42
    stjobsstjobs Posts: 45member
    "you are simply repeating yourself. your logic is seriously flawed, you have been proven wrong countless times. you have been proven to lie. you have proven to be a serious apologist.

    please, save yourself some time and find something better to do because you're not proving anything here."

    I don't know what you expect me to say. Nothing I've said is a lie - you just don't want to believe that in general, Apple products are not as problem-prone as you indicate from your personal experience. Like it or not, you've encountered far more problems with your equipment than 95% of users.

    If my logic is so flawed, please point out the problem. If I have been "proven" wrong, show me some proof. Otherwise, shut up.
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