Apple ships first batch of liquid-cooled 2.5 GHz Power Mac G5s

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
Less than 24 hours after Apple Computer began informing customers that it would miss the July ship date for its 2.5 GHz liquid-cooled Power Mac G5s, the company did an about-face on its statement and is actively shipping the new computers.

In an email to Power Mac G5 purchasers this morning Apple said: "Recently, we notified you of a delay with your order. We are very pleased to report that we have revised the shipping estimate for your order. We now anticipate shipping your G5 by Monday, August 2. This shipping estimate is based on our very latest information and supersedes all previous communications regarding the status of your order." Several hours later, the company began shipping customers the Power Mac systems, as predicted by AppleInsider earlier in the week.

Yesterday afternoon, the very same group of customers were saddened when they received an email from the Apple Store, updating their July 30th Power Mac G5 ship estimates to August 20th. "The demand for this item has been incredible," Apple told customers. "We are shipping them as quickly as possible, but cannot meet the ship date we previously estimated for you."

It's unclear what exactly caused yesterday's false alarm, but several customers were told that the Apple Store accidently fired off "delay messages" to more customers than it originally intended. Apple Store reps also suggested that customers who received e-mails this morning ignore any conflicting delivery status messages currently reflected on the Apple Store web site.

Earlier this afternoon several AppleInsider Forums members began receiving confirmation from Apple that their 2.5 GHz Power Macs had shipped on July 30th, as originaly promised.

"I wonder why the fire-drill yesterday," asked one reader. Apple Store representatives, admittedly, "didn't have all the answers."

Apple first introduced the dual processor 2.5 GHz liquid-cooled Power Mac G5 on June 9th, promising availability in July.


  • Reply 1 of 31
    auroraaurora Posts: 1,142member
    That petition must have worked! this is cool news but it seems Apple doesnt know what one hand is doing, first its coming then its not then a new date then that now this. anyways good news but its very clear they need to get their act together and stop playing so many games. Good news. now where is that Doom3
  • Reply 2 of 31
    cooopcooop Posts: 390member

    Originally posted by Aurora

    That petition must have worked!

    Doubtful. It is probably just what the article states: a glitch in the online Apple Store sent more delay emails than intended. As it is, the Apple Store still does not reflect proper ship times for most people, including those whose machines shipped today.
  • Reply 3 of 31
    auroraaurora Posts: 1,142member
    I was being sarcastic but we should let apple know how we feel. Customer is king economics 101 not Apple. i find it interesting this story says they are shipping but at Apples home page not a word. usually they brag about this stuff.
  • Reply 4 of 31
    I'm guessing programming glitch. They are required by law to send notices if something is delayed greater than 30 days. The new month probably screwed up the program and generated a new batch of emails with incorrect dates.
  • Reply 5 of 31
    leonproleonpro Posts: 10member
    Also received the same email stating the delay date. However, today I received another email stating a revised shipping estimate to be on or before August 9. Although I did not order on the first day it was announced, I ordered within the week and hopefully will receive it a week later than those who ordered on the first day. Sounds good to me. Well, I'll believe it until they send me a shipment notification.
  • Reply 6 of 31
    macsrgood4umacsrgood4u Posts: 3,007member

    Originally posted by CodeWarrior

    I'm guessing programming glitch. They are required by law to send notices if something is delayed greater than 30 days. The new month probably screwed up the program and generated a new batch of emails with incorrect dates.

  • Reply 7 of 31
    dfryerdfryer Posts: 140member
    I think that everyone is so used to shipping delays that they announce them in their sleep
  • Reply 8 of 31
    yevgenyyevgeny Posts: 1,148member

    Originally posted by CodeWarrior

    I'm guessing programming glitch. They are required by law to send notices if something is delayed greater than 30 days. The new month probably screwed up the program and generated a new batch of emails with incorrect dates.

    That's why I don't deposit checks in the ATM. I take them to the teller. Who can trust computers???
  • Reply 9 of 31
    Mine was changed from July 30 to August 20 and remains changed. I ordered before 8 a.m. on June 9 . . .
  • Reply 10 of 31

    Originally posted by johnnybibo

    Mine was changed from July 30 to August 20 and remains changed. I ordered before 8 a.m. on June 9 . . .

    Me too. i'm so disgusted. I called and bitched several times. I'll be lucky to see it by November after those calls.

    Though I did get a $50 credit...not much good, but its something
  • Reply 11 of 31
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member

    Originally posted by Yevgeny

    That's why I don't deposit checks in the ATM. I take them to the teller. Who can trust computers???

    your bank still has...tellers...lucky dog...
  • Reply 12 of 31
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member

    Originally posted by fishtank22

    Me too. i'm so disgusted. I called and bitched several times. I'll be lucky to see it by November after those calls.

    Though I did get a $50 credit...not much good, but its something

    woohoo you got 1.25% off!!!
  • Reply 13 of 31
    leonproleonpro Posts: 10member
    So I receive a second email last night:


    Dear Valued Apple Customer,

    We appreciate your recent Apple Store Order XXXXXXXX.

    Due to an unexpected supply delay, we are unable to ship the following

    item(s) by the date that you were originally quoted:

    Z0ACQLL/A, 2.5DPG5/1GB/250/SD/R9600XT/56K/BT-USA

    will now ship on or before 08/09/2004

    Please note that product availability can change rapidly, and it is

    possible that your order may ship much sooner than we anticipate. You

    may even receive a shipment confirmation between the time we send this

    email and the time that you read it.

    If you prefer, you may change or cancel your order anytime before it


    shipped, and receive a prompt refund, by calling us at 800-676-2775

    ext-56500 Mon-Fri 8am-9pm, Sat-Sun 9am-6pm (Central).

    If we do not hear from you, we will continue processing your order.


    u will receive an email notification once your order has been shipped.

    We encourage you to visit or and click the "Your Account" button to view


    status of your order.

    We appreciate your business and apologize for any inconvenience this

    delay may have caused you. Thank you for shopping at the Apple Store!


    I think there is a lot of confusion in Apple's inventory and their product management. I receive an email for the delay pushing back to Aug 20. Then I receive a revise shipping note to Aug 9. Then my order changes to Aug 13 in the web site. Finally last night a third email as indicated above pushing it back to Aug 9.

    Something really messed up within Apple.
  • Reply 14 of 31

    Originally posted by leonpro

    I think there is a lot of confusing within Apple inventory and their product management. I receive an email for the delay pushing back to Aug 20. Then I receive a revise shipping note to Aug 9. Then my order changes to Aug 13 in the web site. Finally last night the above email back to Aug 9.

    Something really messed up within Apple.

    I think you're absolutely correct ... and it's not just with the G5s. I ordered a "custom configured" 15" PowerBook (1.5 / 128 / 512 / 80 @ 5400) on July 22nd. The store originally stated that it would ship "on or before July 28th". On July 28th, that changed to August 9th. After a few (somewhat irate) calls to Apple, it changed to August 3rd. Then the 9th again. And so on, and so on.

    I figure I'll receive the PowerBook sometime before September, but I wouldn't lay any money on that!

  • Reply 15 of 31
    leonproleonpro Posts: 10member
    And to continue with the confusion...I finally receive a shipment notification for the order. My G5 has finally shipped today (Saturday) via FedEx. So I'm hoping it would arrive sometime next week.

    I will post further review on the quality of the unit. I wonder how much control was put into the manufacturing and if there is any liquid spewing in the machine. Ha ha. Okay, not funny.
  • Reply 16 of 31
    hahjrhahjr Posts: 5member
    Unfortunately I am from the UK and ordered mine the day they came out about 12 noonish GMT, and my date has changed from early July to mid July to late July and now to 20th August. When Monday comes around I'm going to be doing some serious ass kicking over the phone, as I am a student, and in buying this computer have put myself into 100% of my student overdraft and turned down numerous freelance graphics offers over the past two months.

    The only reason I bought this computer (might I add) is because when my PowerBooks broke, they 'fixed' it (charging me £1000 for the pleasure) without actually fixing it: leaving the HDD with S.M.A.R.T. status failing and speakers that crackle, not all that fixed! It now barely works at all and I have to run OSX off my firewire HDD. When I informed them of this they ensured me that they ?had fixed it? and that ?I had damaged the computer again? and that they would not 'fix it? again.

    So when are the consumers going to get their say and stop this one sided monopoly? They know we designers and video editors have to have macs (cause PCs are just so inadequate) and they just treat us like chumps ? Sickening! At the tender age of 20 I have already spent in the region of 6grand (money which I earned from working my ass off in scrotty bars and clubs etc.) on Apple products, when are they going to learn some manners!?!
  • Reply 17 of 31
    I also ordered the 2.5 G5 @about 930am ET on June 9th and so far have received only the initial email stating the delay till August 20th.

    I have called the Apple Store at least 4 times since then asking for clarification regarding my order, and I have received conflicting information every time. The last time I called on 7/31 I was told that Apple was sending out new emails telling customers that they would actually be shipping out the 2.5G5 on August 2nd and I should just sit tight and be patient. I called today and now the latest information is that if you haven't received one of the new emails advising a sooner release date, then your date on shipping will indeed be August 20th.

    What amazes has been the lack of any clear understanding any of the customer service representatives seem to have about this issue at the Apple Store. Every time I have called them, I receive conflicting information regarding my order. Although I've decided to hold onto my order, if I hadn't already ordered the new 23" display which right now is sitting on my desk collecting dust because it can't be used with my b&w G3, I would have cancelled my order and gone ahead and purchased a PC system.

    As far as I'm concerned, any company that gives a customer a shipping date for items totalling over $5,000, and then ONE day before that date moves it back by almost one month clearly cares very little for their customers. Apple has lost a customer who has bought products from them dating back to the mid eighties, and I will make sure everyone at work hears how poorly I have been treated.
  • Reply 18 of 31
    One has to wonder if Apple's product fulfillment systems are horked with new iMac G5 stuff.

    Only Uncle Steve knows for sure when *that's* going to be introduced. This mucking around with the iMac line has got to have some Apple IT people sweating bullets about now. Remember what happened to the web guy who accidently posted the G5 specs prematurely on the Apple website?
  • Reply 19 of 31
    pbg4 dudepbg4 dude Posts: 1,611member
    Apple has just implemented PeopleSoft's CRM product. Something must've gotten borked with the upgrade.
  • Reply 20 of 31
    macsrgood4umacsrgood4u Posts: 3,007member
    Pre-production runs of the iMac G5's are reportedly being assembled by Quanta in Taiwan so they can be checked by Apple personnel on scene. No ramp up is expected until later in the month, just before Paris Expo. Chiat-Day has probably already finished the "movie" that Apple historically shows at MacWorlds when introducing new product as well as a tv spot or two. Print ads are also probably finalized.... weekly magazines require about 10 day lead times while monthlies required 4 to 5 week lead times. If Apple is producing an insert for Time and/or Newsweek, those go to press in about a week. Anybody work for the printer?
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