G5-2.5 shipping dates.



  • Reply 161 of 335
    FedEx picked up Mine last night in Shenzhen! Can't wait, hope the new 20" arrives in time!
  • Reply 162 of 335
    I received my G5 2.5 on Thursday (8/5/2004). Is it fast? Well...

    We ran a simple race between the G5/2 x 2.5 and a G4/2 x 1GHz to get a basic feel of 'how fast the G5 was'. We were used to the performance of our G4 and this was to be our baseline. We used iDVD for the test - waiting for the imported video file to render completely in the background before burning the DVD. No other apps were running.

    The video was approx. 600 MB in size. The video file was imported and we watched and waited until the background rendering was complete.

    The G5 rendered the material in approx. 3-4 minutes. The G4 finished in just under an hour. (Sorry, we don't have exact times - we weren't performing any 'official' testing). We were very impressed when used Photoshop CS, too. Why anyone would bother to use a G4 any longer is a mystery to us... the frontside bus on the G5's make them MONSTEROUSLY fast.

    So, is the G5 fast? YES, IT IS VERY FAST.

    Specs of the machines used:

    G4/ 2 x 1 GHz

    1.5 GB RAM

    15K RPM Cheetah System drive

    80 GB ATA/100 Data drive

    G5/ 2 x 2.5 GHz

    3 GB RAM

    250 GB SATA System drive

    Needless to say, our G4's will shortly begin appearing on eBay for sale.
  • Reply 163 of 335
    Oh, and concerning the noise of the G5...

    Our G4's sound like airplane engines. (partly due to the 15K Cheetahs we use in them)

    You can hear the hard drives scratching when accessing data on the G5 drives. (there are 2 250 GB SATA drives installed)

    Seeking/accessing a CD or DVD is a little bit loud though.
  • Reply 164 of 335
    So, I'm a little pissed off !!!

    I ordered my 2.5 PowerMac back on July 9th, and I'm hearing all sorts of people received their new G5 that they ordered during the last week of July!

    Has anyone received a G5 with a 6800 in it yet?


    Originally posted by KCOM2006

    Well, I place my ADC order with apple on July 9th at 9:59am and was subsequently given a July 30th estimated ship date along with everyone else.

    The Computer Configuration is as follows:

    2.5DPG5 CTO - Z0AC

    2.5GHz PowerPC G5

    2 GB DDR400 (PC3200)-2X256

    250GB Serial ATA-7200rpm

    8x Super Drive (DVD-R/CD-RW)

    NVIDIA GeForce 6800 Ultra DDL

    Airport Extreme Card

    BT+Apple WrlsKybd & Mouse

    Mac OS X

    Final Cut Express 2

    Granted Apple stated that the 6800 card wouldn't be available until the end of August. I was told by ADC that it shouldn't be a problem and that I should probably still get it on the expected date. There are even reports of 6800 G5's shipping.

    Anyways, this morning I got the infamous change of my estimated ship date until September 13th!!!

    All I know is Apple better hurry up and ship these computers! I'm livid and demand better treatment as an Apple Developer!

    Apple waited an entire year for the announcement of this upgrade... what is two more months and an announcment that states "Ships Immediately!"

  • Reply 165 of 335
    There are indeed reports of folks who ordered their g5 rather late, and got them already, but none, I repeat none, of the nvidia cards have been shipped in a G5, so the delay is very normal as they (apple) have always stated that the nvidia cards will not ship until LATE august, so you don't need to complain just yet. If it's late september, then I should complain
  • Reply 166 of 335
    addisonaddison Posts: 1,185member
    You needn't complain. There are thousands of people in Europe who have ordered bog standard 2.5's and not one has shipped in Europe.
  • Reply 167 of 335
    My two 2.5GHz G5s arrived this morning. I went to the campus computer store myself to see them; I thought maybe the manager was yanking my chain when she told me they were here. They were ordered June 10 and were stock except for 1GB of RAM and Bluetooth.

  • Reply 168 of 335

    Originally posted by Addison

    You needn't complain. There are thousands of people in Europe who have ordered bog standard 2.5's and not one has shipped in Europe.

    G5s have started shipping in Europe. I got my shipping notification this morning, although my tracking site has yet to show any details. It appears to be coming from Ireland.

    I ordered a G5LC with a 250 Gb SATA and BT keyboard and mouse at 145 pm on 09/06/04.
  • Reply 169 of 335
    Just received mine this morning!


    Still waiting for the 20" display to ship & the 10k rpm drive to arrive from NewEgg.
  • Reply 170 of 335
    While the arrival of my G5 is almost a month away, I'm dying to hear some feedback about the ones that HAVE arrived.

    Anyone mind posting a quick "Wow this is amazing" or " Hmm, this isn't what I'd hoped for" etc... ??

    In the meantime, I'll just lurk
  • Reply 171 of 335

    Originally posted by auslander

    Anyone mind posting a quick "Wow this is amazing" or " Hmm, this isn't what I'd hoped for" etc... ??

    Wow, this is amazing!

    Seriously, I am very happy with my 2.5s. (Well, apart from the almost comical SIZE of the damn things. This is from the same company that brought us the Cube and the iPod mini?!) They are dead quiet. We set up the second machine yesterday, replacing a dual-867, and the noise difference is almost unbelievable. I can now go into that office and carry on a conversation at normal levels. The fans spin up periodically and then go quiet again, sort of like the machine is sighing. But I sit right next to mine, my head is about two feet from the box, so the quiet operation is most welcome.

    I posted elsewhere that the biggest speed difference I've noticed so far is in Photoshop. When I open up a folder of 200+ high-res images, I used to have to wait for the preview for each image to fully draw, and you could watch each one resolve. You couldn't scroll until the previews were complete. Now it's instantaneous, the previews are complete as soon as you open the window and you can start scrolling through immediately. My old machine was a dual-1.25.

    And I LOVE the new setup assistant. The whole process, from opening the box, putting in an AirPort card, adding a second drive and a gig of RAM, then transferring my files and settings, took about two hours, and all my files were exactly where they should be, my apps worked (except the Macromedia apps with activation; I should have deactivated them on my old Mac first), and I was ready to work. Brilliant. The only things I had to set up again were my printers.
  • Reply 172 of 335
    My Dual 2.5 PowerMac G5 w/ Nvidia 6800 and many other bonuses has been bumped from a September 13th ship date to this Friday, August 20th !!!!

    How many people bet I'll get it this time? And not have a huge delay like I did on July 30th.
  • Reply 173 of 335
    Personally, I'd think you are VERY lucky if you would get your g5 before september, because they (apple) always stated the 6800 cards would not be shipping until the end of august, and ordering separate 6800 now shows a september date. So, your machine hasn't got ANY delay at all, according to the introduction info Apple has given..

    no reason for complaining, only cheering when it does come the 20th
  • Reply 174 of 335

    Originally posted by KCOM2006

    My Dual 2.5 PowerMac G5 w/ Nvidia 6800 and many other bonuses has been bumped from a September 13th ship date to this Friday, August 20th !!!!

    How many people bet I'll get it this time? And not have a huge delay like I did on July 30th.

    Nice. Shame mine's still slated for Sept 9th...also with 6800.

  • Reply 175 of 335
    Will the G5's be updated at the Apple Expo in Paris? If so i'll wait, I hate to buy a G5 now if they're just going to update em soon.

  • Reply 176 of 335
    auroraaurora Posts: 1,142member
    Congrats to all those lucky son of guns with the new G5s. im still waiting\ dont it suck. its a stock machine im getting through a reseller with a few add ons. anyways enjoys those monsters
  • Reply 177 of 335
    ipodandimacipodandimac Posts: 3,273member

    Originally posted by jaegermann

    Will the G5's be updated at the Apple Expo in Paris? If so i'll wait, I hate to buy a G5 now if they're just going to update em soon.

    are you really that naive??? wow.
  • Reply 178 of 335
    auroraaurora Posts: 1,142member

    Originally posted by jaegermann

    Will the G5's be updated at the Apple Expo in Paris? If so i'll wait, I hate to buy a G5 now if they're just going to update em soon.

    the answer is no,maybe a faster one early next year. go get your G5 Powermac now. This expo will be about imac and something else as a side note i cant imagine where Apple would be right now if it had decided to keep on sticking with more G4. IBM is having problems but at least they are at 2.5 now. G4 is at 1.5- ouch!
  • Reply 179 of 335

    Originally posted by ipodandimac

    are you really that naive??? wow.

    Thanks for the useful reply, just shows idiots are everywhere and on every message board.

    Ask a simple question, and look what happens, much appreciated Aurora
  • Reply 180 of 335

    Originally posted by Aurora

    Congrats to all those lucky son of guns with the new G5s. im still waiting\ dont it suck. its a stock machine im getting through a reseller with a few add ons. anyways enjoys those monsters

    Thought I'd get it faster with no additions so I ordered stock as well with no add ons as of yet.

    Maybe someone can clarify but I'm lead to believe orders from Canada are even slower to fill. No definate date from my reseller at all other than "the last day of August or early September"
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