G5-2.5 shipping dates.
I ordered mine on the morning following the announcement and my confirmation says on or before 2nd August. What is the earliest shipping date for the G5?
On a rather disappointing note it says here that we should expect delays owing to problems in supply of the cooling units.
On a rather disappointing note it says here that we should expect delays owing to problems in supply of the cooling units.
Shipping date: on or before 7/30
Dual 2.5ghz
250 GB hard drive
256 MB video card
Airport extreme....
If it's delayed, I'm going to have to switch my order :-(
Originally posted by BrunoBruin
Pardon me, but wasn't croquer the site that, just a month ago, was predicting 2.2, 2.4 and 3.0GHz Power Macs (975, no less) at WWDC?
Yes that RUMOUR was wrong.
What is the earliest shipment date from Apple for the 2.5ghz machines?
1.5GB DDR400 (PC3200)
250GB Serial ATA-7200rpm
8x Super Drive (DVD-R/CD-RW)
NVIDIA GeForce 6800 Ultra DDL
Airport Extreme Card
BlueTooth + Apple WWireless Keyboard & Mouse
Final Cut Express 2
Ordered July 9th
Ships on or before July 30th!!!
Oh yeah I also got a 23" monitor on the way!
Argh! I finally get off my wallet, and ...
Oh well. Life is good.
160 GB HD
9600XT vid card
And this way, I have someone to complain to in person!
Forgive my ignorance - you can customize a purchase at the AppleStore (beyond RAM)? Cool!
Originally posted by KCOM2006
Hey just place my order for a PowerMac G5 2.5!!!
1.5GB DDR400 (PC3200)
250GB Serial ATA-7200rpm
8x Super Drive (DVD-R/CD-RW)
NVIDIA GeForce 6800 Ultra DDL
Airport Extreme Card
BlueTooth + Apple WWireless Keyboard & Mouse
Final Cut Express 2
Ordered July 9th
Ships on or before July 30th!!!
Oh yeah I also got a 23" monitor on the way!
you spent all that money on the display, graphics card, hard drive, and ram, but you didnt get final cut pro??
anyways--its impossible for it to ship so soon b/c the graphics card wont be ready until august. well, july 30 is almost aug, but still, i would expect delays
Originally posted by ipodandimac
you spent all that money on the display, graphics card, hard drive, and ram, but you didnt get final cut pro??
anyways--its impossible for it to ship so soon b/c the graphics card wont be ready until august. well, july 30 is almost aug, but still, i would expect delays
Actually had to change my order from nvidia 6800 to ati 9800xt because it was going to be august 30th for shipping... even though the email said july 30th... I called them and they confirmed august 30th.
Dual 2.5gHz
9800 XT
Ships "On or before 7/30/2004"
The difference was slight ($15 more than newegg or owc). A premium I'll pay to have guaranteed working RAM. Why the chances are minimal of anything going wrong if I put my own RAM in, I'd rather not mess with it...especially over $15.
I still only got 512mb of ram... main reason is because I don't have any clue what kind of ram apple uses... I didn't want to pay that much money for ram with a CAS of 3-3-3 or something that I could do better with Crucial ram. Crucial and Viking is cheap enough that I'll take the 512 and pay the same for another 1 gig to get 1.5gigs; same price as 1 gig I get 1.5gigs.... and ram I know is top of the line.
I've been building systems for a few years and haven't ever had a problem with Crucial memory. I have also always added my own ram to my mac and never once had a problem. I did have a friend who put a pc133 in a pc66 slot and fried the slot. But thats his fault
Plus side to you is you'll have 6 slots and I'll have 4 left.
But when I'm ready to throw out the 'free' 2x512 apple gave me... i'll just throw it in a PC.
One thing you and I have over others is the fact that we're devs. So hopefully that gives us priority over others... Also we'll be treated better if anything goes wrong.
As for Apple delaying...ya, I have a feeling that will happen. I hope not, of course, but ordering a new G5 this late in the game...and getting a ship date just like everyone else's..
I have a feeling their waiting on the manufacturing of some component. It's probably supposed to be there the 28th or 29th or something. If that component gets delayed....eek.
If people don't start receiving their g5's by next week... then its going to be delayed... why next week?
They aren't going to ship them all at once I wouldn't think. If they have 500 in stock... why not ship them. These are one of the few that are manufactured in the US. Perhaps the water cooling system isn't? doubt it isn't.