Who's ordered an iMac, and which one?



  • Reply 61 of 130

    Originally posted by dianer

    What a great post, PBG4 Dude !

    Great pics and narrative ! !


    No problemo, dianer! I was surfing for all the unwrapping pages I could find while I was waiting for the call from the Apple store.

    I will say that 256MB RAM isn't cutting it though. I'm having noticeable slowdowns running more than a couple programs at a time. Heck, Final Cut Express won't even start without at least 384MB RAM (just bought it with the iMac too)! Oh well, I ordered 2GB RAM so that should take care of the RAM issue.
  • Reply 62 of 130
    Yay! Mine shipped on Saturday!

    Any idea on how long?

    I got standard shipping and fedex says Oct. 11th!?!?!?!? Thats almost 20 days from now!
  • Reply 63 of 130
    Yes! the deed is done. After (too many) years of PC-dom I have finally taken the plunge and become and apple convert.

    The lovely people at Apple have accepted my credit card and I am now in line for a 20", 1gig with Airport express and BT keyboard and mouse. They are so nice they even threw in a nice HP 5740 printer offer which will cost me 5 pound (after sending back the claim back form that is).

    Just not sure about the excited tingly feeling i have in my stomach right now while waiting for it to come (18/10). Is this also part of the Apple package?
  • Reply 64 of 130
    Finally Finally, just shipped. Now the tracking fun.
  • Reply 65 of 130
    My iMac (17" 1.8 ghz bt) is sitting in the Phillipines right now, with an estimated delivery date of Oct 13. I live on the east coast, is there any chance of it getting here before the 13th?
  • Reply 66 of 130
    My iMac is on the truck for delivery! WAAAAHOOOO!

    That was quick- it shipped on Saturday, but estimated time of delivery was October 13th...so much for that date.

    I'm holding out of my game design assignment to design it on the bigger screen- I went from a 15" PowerBook (sold it on eBay for the iMac) -> a 12" PowerBook (from work) and now to a 17" iMac for design purposes. YES!
  • Reply 67 of 130

    Originally posted by tacojohn

    My iMac is on the truck for delivery! WAAAAHOOOO!

    That was quick- it shipped on Saturday, but estimated time of delivery was October 13th...so much for that date.

    I'm holding out of my game design assignment to design it on the bigger screen- I went from a 15" PowerBook (sold it on eBay for the iMac) -> a 12" PowerBook (from work) and now to a 17" iMac for design purposes. YES!

    That was fast! Its here and I'm transferring my data via firewire now- waaaaaahoooooo!

    The screen looks huge in my dorm room.

    God- the graphics card really sucks- I notice huge frame rate drops when I'm transferring my data. jk.
  • Reply 68 of 130
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member

    Originally posted by tacojohn

    God- the graphics card really sucks- I notice huge frame rate drops when I'm transferring my data. jk.

    Damn, that was quick. I'm still waiting for mine... it's in Calgary though, only a few hours away. Crossing my fingers that it shows up this afternoon.

    Post some pics, man!
  • Reply 69 of 130

    Originally posted by murbot

    Damn, that was quick. I'm still waiting for mine... it's in Calgary though, only a few hours away. Crossing my fingers that it shows up this afternoon.

    Post some pics, man!

    What one did you get? I got the 17" with 512, 160, bluetooth, airport.

    I just transferred all my stuff, but now I'm in class so I can't play until later this afternoon...
  • Reply 70 of 130
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    I got a 20", 512, 250, BT, AE.

    My original ship date was 9/30, so actually having it in my hands a day or two before that is nice.
  • Reply 71 of 130

    Originally posted by tacojohn

    What one did you get? I got the 17" with 512, 160, bluetooth, airport.

    I just transferred all my stuff, but now I'm in class so I can't play until later this afternoon...

    Don't you just hate that?!? I set mine up and transferred all the data from my PBG4, then I had to pack it back up into its box so I could disassemble my old desk and assemble the new one! Gah! Nothing like taking my brand new toy and going "Back in the box with ya!".

    At least now I'm set up again. Now if my 2x1GB RAM sticks would just arrive.
  • Reply 72 of 130

    Originally posted by murbot

    I got a 20", 512, 250, BT, AE.

    My original ship date was 9/30, so actually having it in my hands a day or two before that is nice.

    You are lucky. my original ship date was 9/29 for a 20 inch, 1GB ram (2 Dimm) AE, BT with the wireless keyboard and mouse.

    I just received an email today : shipping date delayed to the 9/30. Yes delayed of one day ? I wonder if Apple is joking : sending me an email for one day delay !

    I hope you are lucky with your last mac
  • Reply 73 of 130
    Beautiful computer in an ugly dorm room...

    Transferring data over from the PowerBook.
  • Reply 74 of 130
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    Here's mine.

    I know, I know... the room needs some serious decorating.
  • Reply 75 of 130
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member
    Hmm : the wireless mouse and the wireless keyboard look nice. I hope that your hulk will not turn crazy and destroy your last baby
  • Reply 76 of 130
    kotatsukotatsu Posts: 1,010member

    Originally posted by murbot

    Here's mine.

    I know, I know... the room needs some serious decorating.

    Spectacularly uncluttered. Very tasty. Wireless networking too?

    How are the iMac speakers by the way? Suitable for music? I use iTunes a lot, but I have some good speakers (Creative iTruige). But the wires, the wires...
  • Reply 77 of 130
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    Actually, I am really impressed with the speakers. I had read a post on another forum where somone said he thought the PowerBook speakers were putting out more sound. The guy is on crack.

    They're not going to power your house party, but I think they're great.
  • Reply 78 of 130
    My iMac is on the delivery truck! Now if only it would get here before I have to leave for class.... I'd consider waiting if I didn't have a test.
  • Reply 79 of 130

    Originally posted by murbot

    Actually, I am really impressed with the speakers. I had read a post on another forum where somone said he thought the PowerBook speakers were putting out more sound. The guy is on crack.

    They're not going to power your house party, but I think they're great.

    That guy is nuts then. The iMac's speakers put out way more sound (and like a thousand times more bass) than the PowerBook. I was surprised at the tonal quality of the built-in speakers after hearing people complain about them. I expected tinny little speakers like in the PowerBook.
  • Reply 80 of 130
    Has anyone looked inside the 20" iMac?

    The case is much bigger than the 17" version which leads me to believe there might be room for another G5 at a later date.

    Would someone who's lucky enough to own one take a picture and post it?

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